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Dirty Mechanic

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  The bed hit the wall, and sweat covered their bodies, but it didn’t stop them.

  His cock got harder, and suddenly he groaned, slamming inside her a final time, finding his own release.

  She watched him, awestruck by the pleasure that crossed his face as her own release still filled her.

  When it was over, he collapsed against her and she wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to let him go.

  They were both panting, and she hoped they’d do it again.

  He kissed her neck, her shoulders, and cupped her face, smiling at her.

  “That was perfect.”

  She nodded. Words failed her.

  “You can’t go silent on me right now, Eliza. I can’t handle it.”

  “I … I don’t know what to say.” She bit her lip.

  Had she been screaming in pleasure? Her throat felt kind of raw.

  “What you’ve given me, it’s the greatest gift.”

  “I don’t think many people think virginity is all that much of a gift. It’s kind of outdated, medieval.”

  He shook his head. “I wasn’t talking about that.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “For trusting me. You wouldn’t have waited so long if you didn’t have to trust the guy first.”

  “It’s not like I had a whole list of admirers banging on the door,” she said.

  He frowned. “You’ve got me, and I hate to say this to you, Eliza, I’m not going anywhere. I know how good it feels to be inside you, to have you talking to me. You’re going to belong to me.”

  “What about your harem of women?” She didn’t know if he was with anyone else. There was rarely any gossip about him around town. Whenever there was, it was usually focused on this house.

  “I hate to break it to you, but you’re the only woman, Eliza. I’ve got no harem of women waiting for me. Only you, and I have a very high sex drive, so I expect you to take care of each of those needs.”

  She chuckled.

  In the back of her mind, part of her didn’t believe him.

  Tyler could have any woman he wanted. Why would he want her?

  Chapter Six

  What’s wrong with wanting some romance? From my place in the diner, behind my book, I’ve watched as couples come and go. They don’t know they are being watched. I guess it’s kind of creepy watching other couples, trying to see if something magical could happen, but it doesn’t. The men look bored, and I watch some of them eye up either the waitresses or other women.

  They’re always looking for something better.

  I’d hate to have that. To be sitting with the man I wanted, only for him to be looking for a better, younger, more improved model. We’re all going to be old one day. Why can’t they see that?

  Tyler watched as Eliza slept. It had taken a great deal of convincing last night that not only could he feed her, which he had, but that he’d take her home the next day. She had some serious trust issues, and he figured that came from her mother just taking off without a backward glance.

  She looked so peaceful. The blanket he’d thrown over them the night before only covered her waist, leaving her tits and stomach exposed, and his cock hardened at the sight. He wanted to press those breasts together and push his cock between the valley.

  So many dirty, sexy things he wanted to do to her. When she began to stir, he pretended to be asleep, curious about what she’d do.

  He was sure she stared at him for a few seconds before the bed began to move. When she made to climb out, and he knew she’d try to escape, he caught her wrist before she left the bed, tugging her back inside.

  Pressing her beneath him, he smiled. “Going somewhere?”

  “You were awake?”

  He glanced over at the clock. “For over an hour at least.”

  “What are you still doing in bed?”

  “Watching you sleep.”

  There went her cheeks again, going a nice shade of red. “You shouldn’t be doing that.”

  “Why not?”

  She opened her mouth to say something before closing it again.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

  “What if I was snoring or something?” she asked.

  “You weren’t snoring. You looked very peaceful, and cute.” He stroked a finger down her cheek, across her lips, and smiled. “No need to frown. Don’t forget, I had my cock balls deep inside you less than…” He glanced over at the clock again. “Four hours ago.” He’d not been able to resist her, so he’d woken her in the night for another taste.

  She sighed. “I’m not used to this.”

  “The morning after? I know. Don’t worry, I think I can rustle you up some breakfast, and we can talk.”

  “What is this, Tyler?” she asked. “The other day in your office, and now this. I didn’t think you knew my name.”

  “I surprised you then, didn’t I? Not only did I see you, Eliza, I wanted you, and this is nothing more than finally acting on it.” With the help of her diary, which let him know she wasn’t completely oblivious to everything. “This is no joke. I want to get to know you, Eliza. You’re mine. Simple as that.”

  She took a deep breath, and he heard her stomach growl.

  “I’m starving. It’s time I showed you my skills.” He pressed a kiss to her lips and climbed out of bed.

  He threw a pair of sweatpants on and grabbed a shirt from out of his closet. “Here you go, wear this. I’ll see you downstairs in five.” He pointed to the bathroom, stepped up close, took a kiss, and left her to it.

  Tyler didn’t want to overwhelm her, so he began to prepare them both breakfast, which always started with a great cup of coffee.

  His fridge was always loaded with bacon and some leftover potatoes, and he began to make a leftover potato hash. He liked to cook. His mother was a good cook, and she’d taught him everything he knew.

  It was a skill he prided himself on.

  Five minutes later, Eliza appeared. Her ebony hair had been brushed but still had the “just fucked” look that he’d always yearned to see.

  “Take a seat, baby.” He poured them both a cup of coffee, and placed one in front of her. She didn’t like cream or sweetener, just a splash of milk.

  He knew how she took her coffee.

  Maybe he’d become a little obsessed with her, while also focusing on his future, wanting to find out the finer things she enjoyed. Every now and again, he looked back to find her watching him.

  He liked her gaze on him.

  “So, you’re not at work today?” he asked.

  “No, not today. Next weekend I am. At least on Saturday. We always rotate it. I have one weekend off a month.”

  “You’re spending the day with me,” he said.

  “I am?”

  “Yes. I need to go and get a new couch. The one I’ve got is threadbare, and I got it at a trash heap years ago. I fixed it up, but I’ve been meaning to go and get a new one. You interested in coming?”

  He wasn’t lying about the trash heap bargain. A lot of people threw stuff away that still had a lot of life in it. His father never liked to let anything to go to waste, and always made sure he’d gotten his money’s worth.

  Tyler was the same, saving money, building a future for his kids. He wanted a family, a big one.

  “I’d love to go with you.”

  “No funny business either. I’ll fuck you when I’m ready,” he said, with a wink.

  Red looked really good on her, and he loved making her blush. Finishing their breakfast, he piled it on a plate, and took a seat beside her at the kitchen counter.

  This was one of his fantasies, and it was now a dream come true.


  “Come on, have a feel of this one,” Tyler said, patting the open seat beside them.

  Eliza sighed, and sat down next to him. He placed his arm across her shoulders, and she sank against him.

  It felt nice, comfortable, not too firm.
br />   They’d been looking at furniture for nearly three hours, and she had forgotten how hard it was to pick out the right couch. She hated something that was too hard, or too soft. There had to be some middle ground between feeling like you were sinking, and then sitting on a brick.

  “I don’t know,” Tyler said, putting her head on his shoulder.

  “Why do you have to keep doing that?”

  “We’re going to be spending a lot of time on the couch, babe. I want to make sure it feels right. It’s a shame they don’t have a private room so I can see how good it feels to fuck on.”

  She jerked up.

  He kept saying things that made her hot and horny all over again.

  She wasn’t used to it.

  Tyler chuckled, standing up. “You’re right. We’ll more than likely fall asleep on that one.”

  “I don’t think you need me to pick out a couch.”

  “Wrong, I do. I told you, Eliza, it’s got to feel right.” He took hold of her hand, which he’d been doing since they left the car.

  No one was in any doubt that she belonged to him.

  Yes, she was nervous.

  Yes, she loved it.

  Damn it. She didn’t want him to stop, and that in itself scared her.

  They both sat down on the third seat, and immediately sat up.

  “I think I broke my back. That one was way too hard.”

  She chuckled.

  They moved around the store, and every time someone came to talk to them, Tyler would grab her, pull her into his arms, and kiss her until they left.

  The staff kept a safe distance away from them. At least they had that in common. She hated when she was looking at furniture or anything, when people would just step up and begin asking questions, trying to help.

  They passed a yellow sofa that looked like it had a smoking habit, and they both turned their noses up at it.

  “That is just nasty,” Tyler said, to which she agreed. “You know, I think it’s easier going to a dump to pick out a sofa.”

  “I’m not going to a dump, and if you’re wanting to make out with me, it’s going to be on something new,” she said, brow raised.

  “It’s about time you realized I’m going to be making out with you.”

  She rolled her eyes, releasing his hand and taking a seat.

  Tyler followed her, pulling her against him, and they both settled in. To her, this couch was perfect. It had the right softness without it being too much, and she rested against Tyler with ease. Not only that, as she closed her eyes, she could also see him making love or fucking her.

  “This is perfect,” he said.

  “You think so?”

  “Yep.” He gave a little wriggle. The tips of his fingers stroked her arm. “This is the one.”

  She was shocked that he agreed, and then she realized she didn’t actually say anything.

  Tyler called over one of the salespeople and began the process of buying. While he dealt with all of the payment business, she moved around the store going toward the beds and mattresses.

  Had he been with a lot of women in his bed?

  She sat on the edge of one, pouting her lips as she hated the jealousy that rushed through her at the thought of another woman knowing him so intimately.

  That’s what you get when you spend all of your free time in a damn book.

  “You like that?” Tyler asked.

  “It’s comfortable.”

  He took her hand, and she sighed. “Have you been with a lot of people?” she asked.

  “Nope. If you’re wondering if I’ve fucked women on my bed at home, the answer is no. That home is my own, and I didn’t take any women back there. I’ve not been with anyone else in a few years, Eliza.”

  She looked at him, doubting that. “You’re a hot guy.”

  He chuckled. “I’m pleased that you really think so.” He lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to it.

  “Come on, Tyler, be serious for, like, a second.”

  “I can be serious for a whole minute. There’s no one else. You don’t have to worry about another woman, or thinking that someone else has your place or been there. Trust me, Eliza. I won’t ever lie to you, and I don’t want you to lie to me either.”

  She didn’t know what this was.

  She stared down at their hands, his much larger one surrounding hers. They were so different, and yet, they were sitting on the edge of a bed inside a furniture store. Just the other day, she was reading a book, wanting something like this.

  “Talk to me,” he said.

  “It’s nothing. I’m just surprised about, you know, how we are right now.” She shrugged.

  “Do you want me to put a label on it?” he asked.

  “Yes. I do.”

  “I’m your boyfriend, Eliza.”

  She’d never had a boyfriend.

  Looking into his eyes, she saw that he was indeed serious.

  “This isn’t a joke?”

  “No joke. You’re my girlfriend, and I’m your boyfriend. Are you ready to go and get some dinner? I’m starving, and this has taken a lot longer than I thought it would.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m ready to eat.”

  For once, she was going to take a chance. She didn’t know exactly what this was, but she was going to let whatever this was, ride out. Her father was always telling her to take risks, to take a chance.

  This was going to be the chance she took.

  She only hoped at the end of it, it wasn’t too much of a risk.

  Chapter Seven

  Is it weird that I want a guy to eat lunch with me? To want to spend time with me every single moment of every single day? Would it really be that difficult to find a love that shines above all others, so they pale in comparison?

  Am I asking too much?

  Tyler had noticed the tones within her book went from deeply erotic to lonely, and it was those times he felt closest to her. All this time, he thought she’d been oblivious to her surroundings, and yet, she hadn’t. In fact, she was just as attuned to everything as he was.

  He whistled while he carried their lunch, smiling as he passed people on the street, heading toward the library.

  It had been over a week and a half since he took her home, and each day, he’d made an appearance into her life. He hoped that his constant presence was getting her used to him, and not annoying her.

  Walking up to the counter, he spotted Jackie, one of the women she worked with, and a huge supporter of him. She’d pulled him aside, and asked his intentions. He’d been completely clear with her.

  He wanted to make Eliza his wife and for them to have lots of sex and loads of babies. His parents wanted to be grandparents one day, and with them already being much older, he had a great deal of wooing to do before he could give them and himself what he most wanted. Well, he wanted Eliza more.

  “Hello, Jackie, you’re looking dazzling today. How did your husband let you out of the house?”

  “Quite easily, and he’s always here to keep my admirers out of the way. Be careful, Tyler.” She winked at him and chuckled.

  “Where’s my girl? She hiding from me again?”

  “Nope, she’s just putting some books back in the history section. We rarely get anyone taking books out there. I have to go and give it a dust every once in a while.”

  “I’m going to go and say hi.” He gave her a smile, but Jackie was already dealing with another customer.

  This was the most he’d ever visited the library before. Eliza was here most days of the week until late, and he knew this was her dream job with her love of books.

  Tyler found her reaching up to move something on a shelf, only to cough as some dust blew into the air.

  “Be careful there,” he said, moving up behind her.

  He grabbed the book and placed it on her little carrier, or whatever it was called.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, kissing her neck.

  “Tyler, what are you doing here
?” she asked.

  “It’s lunchtime, and rather than eat by myself, I thought it would be nice for us to share a bite to eat together. You do eat, don’t you?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course I do.” She pointed at her stomach, stepping away from him.

  “Don’t start talking about your weight. It’s boring. You’re perfect the way you are, and I don’t see what your problem is.”

  “Men often don’t.”

  He saw the smile in her eyes though, and knew he’d gotten through to her.

  They were alone, in the section of the library that was rarely visited. Taking hold of her hands, he pinned them above her head, tilting her head back and slamming his lips down on hers as he had her trapped against the wall and his body.

  As he licked a path across her lips, she gasped, opening up to him. He was starting to learn what made her more open to him, and he loved it.

  Her responses drove him wild, and it made him want her even more. Deepening the kiss, he held both of her hands in one of his, as the other hand began to slide down her body, touching her tits, and moving southward to cup her pussy. She whimpered, and he swallowed down the sound.

  “I want to fuck you,” he said, trailing kisses down to her ear. “Are you wet for me, Eliza?”


  “Good, I want you to stay that way because tonight, I’m going to take you, and take you hard. There will be no hiding from me. I want to see every single inch of you.”

  “Excuse me, where’s the religious section?”

  Eliza jerked out of his arms, and it took every single ounce of control for Tyler not to burst out laughing at how mortified she looked.

  It wasn’t funny, he knew it wasn’t funny, but that didn’t stop him coughing as he hid his laughter. She pointed out the section to the customer, and Tyler followed her back to the main desk.

  “I’m going to go and eat my lunch,” she said, talking to Jackie.

  Jackie gave him a wink and thumbs-up.

  Leaving the library, Eliza and Tyler found a quiet bench away from the building.

  “You can’t keep doing that,” she said, rounding on him.

  He held her food out. “Doing what?”


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