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Page 27

by Atlas, Lilly

  “Hey, hey…shh.” Gumby guided her to her office, calling out to Lindsey to cover her tables as they walked. He shut the door behind him before drawing her into his arms. “I had no idea you were this worried.”

  Neither did she, to be honest. Not until she opened her mouth and her fears tumbled out in a nervous bout of verbal diarrhea. Christ, they were supposed to be fucking around and now she sounded like an anxious girlfriend.

  With two boyfriends.


  Bottom line, as much as it would freak out both men, she cared about them. Cared about these two men who not only gave her more physical pleasure than she’d ever experienced, but who showed her such compassion and tenderness she’d been able to divulge her deepest darkest secret.

  Yeah, she cared about them and liked them. A lot. Too much. If something were to happen to either one of them…well, she’d be destroyed.

  “Sorry,” she said against Gumby’s firm chest. “It’s just…after the close call the other night, I know something’s coming. Something big that will put Screw in danger. And now you might be in danger too…”

  She focused on the large hand stroking up and down her back in a pattern meant to be soothing. And it was, but it also reminded her of how his hands felt on her skin under her clothes, making her grow damp between her thighs.

  “I don’t know what Copper wants from me. Yeah, I’m guessing it has something to do with whatever the Handlers have planned for the Disciples, but I’m as clueless as you are right now. That’s why I’m going to meet with him.”

  “Hmm.” She inhaled the fresh scent of whatever shower soap he’d used. The one her guest bathroom always seemed to smell like now. “Will you help them?”

  His hand trekked lower, cupping her ass before journeying up her spine again. “Of course.”

  “No matter what he asks of you?”

  “Yes, Jazzy, I’ll do whatever is needed of me.”

  “Why? They aren’t your club. You barely know them.” She tipped her head back, gazing into his dark eyes framed by those sexy glasses.

  “Pretty sure you know why,” he said, both hands now holding her bottom.

  “Because of me?” She held her breath, afraid to hope he might feel a fraction of what she was coming to feel for him.

  “Yeah, baby, because of you. You’re attached to them. You mean something to that club, and they mean something to you. I’d do anything to make sure you were safe and happy.”

  “And Screw?” she whispered as she stared at his face, trying to decipher any reaction he might have. She shouldn’t push. It didn’t even matter. Gumby’s life was in Arizona no matter what answer he gave in that moment.

  His lips pressed together before he nodded. “Sure, he’s becoming a good friend. If I can help make his job easier, I will. I’d do it for any friend.”

  What a pat, PC answer. “He’s more than a regular friend, Gumby. It’s okay to admit that. No one outside the three of us knows what’s going on and no one has to. Screw and I understand you aren’t comfortable being out yet. We’d never betray your trust.”

  He stiffened before reaching back and pulling her hands apart. With a gentle push, he stepped away from her. A mask of indifference had fallen over his face, but the rigidity in his shoulders and the cold look in his eyes let her know how her words affected him. Whatever his reasons for denying who he truly was, they ran deep.

  Was it his club? She’d known the No Prisoners for years and couldn’t imagine them shunning him for being bisexual. Something or someone in his life had made him afraid to show the world who he truly was. Come to think of it, she knew little to nothing about Gumby’s background and childhood. Maybe his reluctance to come out stemmed from his upbringing. Had his parents been rigid? Overly religious? Unaccepting?

  “I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, Gumby, but I think it’s something we need to talk about. It’s okay to want Screw. It’s okay to want him to want you. And it’s okay for the three of us to fuck like we’ve been doing. And anyone who says differently doesn’t matt—oof.”

  Her back met the door as Gumby descended on her. His mouth took hers, cutting off any additional words and scrambling her brain until she couldn’t even remember what they’d been talking about.

  The lingering flavor of coffee tickled her senses and had an odd sense of pride surging alongside the lust. Something about being the one to feed him, take care of him got her going even more.

  “Gumby,” she said on a gasp as his sinful mouth began a trail of hot kisses down her neck. “I’m at work.”

  “Don’t give a fuck.” His mouth latched on to her collar bone sending a shiver down her spine. “Just don’t scream when you come.”

  Oh, shit. “That’s gonna be hard.”

  “I’m fucking hard.”

  The growled response had her giggling.

  As his mouth returned to hers, his hands hiked the short denim skirt up and over her ass. The cold wood of the door met her skin at the same time he slid a long finger into her and she couldn’t stem the sharp cry from flying out here mouth.

  “Shh,” he crooned as his other hand covered her mouth. “Wouldn’t want me to have to stop because someone knocked on that door, would we?”

  She shook her head behind his hand. Another finger joined the first, stroking her inner walls and weakening her knees. In the back of her mind, she knew this might all be a ploy to stop talking about his sexual orientation, but it felt so goddammed good she’d die if she didn’t get the chance to come soon.

  She rocked her hips, riding his hand as he fingered her closer and closer to an explosive climax.

  “That’s it, baby. Take what you want.”

  Her eyes fell closed, head hitting the door with a loud clunk.

  Gumby chuckled. “If no one comes to check after hearing that, we might need to worry about what your coworkers think of you.”

  She could barely process his words, just moaned in response because though he spoke with a calm, almost unaffected tone, his fingers were working fucking magic inside her.

  He hit a particularly sensitive spot, making her eyes fly open and her hands reach for his. As she held him in place, he cocked his head. “Feel good?”


  God, how she wanted to scream out her pleasure, but his palm prevented it. As he watched her climb higher, his grin grew predatory. There was something so erotic and slightly forbidden about him holding her captive against the door with his hand covering her mouth.

  Just as she was reaching the pinnacle, as her pussy began to pulse around his skillful fingers, he pulled them from her sex.

  Her muffled, “Nooo,” was met with a dark, almost desperate chuckle.

  “Need to fucking taste you,” he said seconds before he dropped to his knees and buried his face against her pussy.

  Thank God that he was tall enough to keep muzzling her, because the second his tongue hit her clit, she screamed into his palm. God, the man was a fucking pussy maestro, licking and sucking until her legs trembled with astonishing force.

  She gripped his hair, unsure if she wanted to hold him close or shove him away as the sensations grew almost too intense. He took the decision away from her when he gripped her ass with both hands, holding her firmly against his hungry mouth as his tongue lashed her clit.

  Jazz bit her lower lip, needing something to smother her cries now that her mouth was free.

  The moment he glided those fingers back inside her, she knew it was only a matter of seconds. Then when his lips wrapped around her clit, giving a hard suck, Jazz erupted. She brought her hand up to her mouth, biting the fleshy pad of her thumb as a powerful climax stole through her. Her pussy clamped on his fingers, holding him right where she wanted him. She gripped his hair so hard, she’d owe him an apology later, but all her muscles had locked up in the throes of orgasm and she couldn’t have controlled them if she tried.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered as the mighty contractions slowed to trem
bling ripples.

  “Fuck, you taste good.” Gumby said. He stood, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth as she righted her skirt.

  “I need to sit.” She stumbled her way to her desk chair as he chuckled behind her.

  When she flopped onto the soft leather, he gave her a smirk. “Gotta go, beautiful. Copper’s waiting.”

  Guess she wouldn’t be returning that particular favor right now. With a wink, he left her sprawled in her chair feeling like a pile of goo.

  Well, today’s shift hadn’t exactly gone as expected.

  After a few moments of staring into space, Jazz’s head began to get back in the program. It was then she realized how effectively Gumby had avoided talking about his sexual orientation. Not that she was complaining about his methods, but…sneaky man.

  At some point, they’d have to discuss it. Screw didn’t live his life that way. Hell, he’d probably never spent a day in the closet. How was he going to handle a relationship with a man who couldn’t admit his own sexuality out loud?

  A relationship?

  “Jesus,” she whispered. “Do you hear yourself? Get that nonsense out of your head before you end up with an annihilated heart.”

  But even as she said the words, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was too late. If she’d already fallen in too deep with these men to walk away unscathed.

  With a sigh, Jazz forced her wobbly limbs to carry her back out into the dining area. She finished her shift with a smile. Thankfully, the rest of the employees seemed oblivious to the fact she’d had a major orgasm in her office. After she closed down the diner, Monty followed her home where she spent an hour stewing in her own frustration.

  She wanted to see her men. Wanted to talk to them, touch them. Hell, she just wanted to be in their presence.

  “Screw it,” she said, rolling her eyes at the unintended pun.

  After bundling back up in her winter gear, she strode outside to where Monty sat in his idling truck. He rolled down the passenger window after she tapped against it. “I’m heading to Screw’s house. He needed me to help him with something.”

  “You got it, Jazzy. I’ll follow you there. If you’re gonna be there a while I might take off.”

  With a nod she said, “Yeah it’ll be a bit. I’m sure he’ll be fine with you taking a break.”

  Monty’s jaw hardened and he reached for the handle of his truck with a muttered, “Fuck.”

  “What?” She glanced over her shoulder to find Jeremy emerging from his house. She turned back to Monty who no longer sat in the truck. “Wait, wait, wait,” she said as she ran around the front of his truck. “Hold up.” She placed her hands on Monty’s chest, holding him back from charging.

  “That’s the fucker who nearly got Screw killed.”

  “Yes. He is. And I want to speak to him. Alone.”

  Monty scoffed and looked at her like she’d been speaking in some alien tongue.

  “I’m serious. I want two minutes. Just give me that.” The MC world may be filled with alpha boys, but two of those boys were hers—if only for a hot minute—and Jeremy had nearly gotten them killed. Fuck standing on the sidelines.

  “I don’t know, Jazz. Screw will have my nuts if he touches you. Tex is already on thin ice because of you fuckin’ ol’ ladies. I don’t need to be there too.”

  “Okay, first off, I’m not anyone’s ol’ lady. And second, if he so much as lays a finger on me, you can have at him, okay?” She held her hands up as she took a few steps backward.

  Monty rolled his eyes as he folded his thick arms across his chest affecting a decidedly aggressive posture. “Fine but I’m not sitting in the fucking truck.”

  “Thank you.” With a nod of appreciation, Jazz strode toward Jeremy, shoulders back, head high. They met on the narrow strip of grass separating their house.

  He wore a leather jacket, much as he always did, but this time, a very obvious CDMC prospect patch seemed to stare right at her.


  “What the fuck, Jeremy?” Not the most diplomatic way to begin the conversation, but she wasn’t feeling too friendly at the moment. In fact, she was edging toward downright murderous.

  Apparently, Jeremy wanted to engage as much as she did. He walked straight up to her, invading her personal space with his bigger body until she had to tip her head back to see his face.

  “Hey, fucker,” Monty called. “Back the fuck up.” The sound of his boots drawing closer had Jazz extending a hand. “Jazmine,” he growled.

  “Why?” she asked. “What the fuck did you have to gain by ratting my friends out?”

  “Shit’s changing, babe,” he said with a newfound arrogance. Little boy thinking he could roll with the big boys now that he had a few new friends. “Ain’t gonna be good for your guys. Might wanna switch your allegiance.”

  Switch her allegiance? Was he out of his mind? “Jeremy, the Handlers are good guys. I know things didn’t work out with them for you, but—”

  “They’re fucking assholes, Jazz, and they’re gonna be driven out of town. Now’s your chance. I can protect you when it all goes down, but you gotta get on board now.” He could protect her? How, by knocking people out with that onion breath?

  “For fuck’s sake,” Monty said with a booming laugh. “We’re not going any-fucking-where. Stop trying to play in the big kid’s league.”

  “Jeremy, I’m not going to walk away from people I care about.” She kept her tone level and unaggressive. Last thing she wanted was a fight between Jeremy and Monty on her front lawn.

  He leaned in, whispering in her ear. “People like that fag Screw and the tall guy. What’s his name? Gumby? He a fag too? You watch while they fuck each other?”

  I wish.

  “Be careful, Jazz. I gave you a chance. If you turn it down, I won’t be able to protect you. They may end up watching you get fucked at some point.”

  A shiver ran down her spine as his tone grew as ugly as his words. That’s it, Monty could have him. She stepped back, yelping as she collided with Monty.

  “Get in my fucking truck,” he said.

  As though on auto pilot, she did as he asked, watching out the window as Monty slammed Jeremy’s back against the hood of the truck. Monty leaned in, face contorted with rage as he barked a warning to her neighbor.

  She didn’t recognize the man Jeremy had become. This cold, threatening biker who was clearly more dangerous than she ever gave him credit for. She placed her hand over her left shoulder where the scar from Paul’s very first cut tingled. Not realizing the depths of what a man was capable of could be one of the most dangerous mistakes in life.

  She knew that from first-hand experience. So much had been taken from her due to her inability to see the truth about a person until it was too late. And it was happening again. How had she ever thought Jeremy harmless?

  The encounter only served to rachet up her worry for Screw and Gumby. Unease had her stomach churning.

  A storm was brewing. A cyclone she hoped wouldn’t scar her insides to match her outside.


  SCREW CLICKED THE television off, tossed the remote on the couch, and drained the last of his beer. Waste of his fucking time. Why the hell did the ol’ ladies watch this Housewives shit? Catty Barbie dolls who caused more drama in one episode than he’d be willing to put up with in a fucking lifetime. Yeah, that’s right, he’d been watching reality television. Only because he wanted to see what Jazz did with her girls.

  Relationships. Who fucking needed them? Certainly not him. People just used each other until they got what they wanted and left or until they’d torn each other to bits. How many times had he seen it with his mother?


  And if he’d ever needed the swift kick-to-the-nuts reminder of that, he’d gotten it today. What the fuck kinda man couldn’t even admit who he wanted to bone?

  Fucking was fucking. If it felt good, do it. Who gave a fuck if you wanted your mouth on pussy, dick or a little
of both? And if someone wanted to take it up the ass? More power to ’em. That shit felt amazing.

  A heavy knock on the door had him peeling himself off the couch. Better not be any kids selling shit he didn’t want. “Ain’t interested,” Screw called as he yanked the door open. “Huh,” he said, grabbing the top of the door frame.

  He didn’t miss the way Gumby’s gaze fell to the strip of stomach now on display from his shirt riding up. Guy was the king of mixed signals. Turning his back on Screw one minute then staring at him with starving eyes the next. And did he have to look so fucking sexy with those glasses and his solemn expression?

  Despite his anger, he wanted Gumby. Wanted him with an explosive force.

  “Turns out I am interested.” Screw said, his gaze perusing the other man in a way that would leave no doubt to erotic intention. “Too bad you can’t say the same. Guess it’s a good thing I’ve got a phone full of men ready to fall on my dick at any time. Or who’d like me to fall on theirs.” He winked. “I’m easy.”

  Gumby didn’t react in the least. He just stood on the stoop, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, charcoal beanie keeping his head warm. Those goddamned glasses made him look like blonde fucking Superman in disguise and made Screw’s dick hard every time he saw them.

  Now being no exception.

  “You just here to decorate my doorstep?”

  “When I was fifteen years old,” Gumby began, “my old man caught me with my neighbor’s dick in my hand. He was a year older, openly gay, and more than willing to teach me my way around an ass. We had fun for a few weeks, sneaking off whenever my old man was at work. He blew me a few times. I didn’t do much beyond jerk him off or finger fuck him. I was too nervous. It was all too new. Since I was attracted to girls too, I was…confused.”


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