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Something Wicked

Page 12

by Sterling, Jillian

  He leaned in to kiss me. My hand was still on the door handle and as I leaned away from his incoming mouth, I gave it a good yank. The door flew open and I tumbled backwards out of the car, landing hard on the pavement.

  "Well, thanks again," I said from my position on the ground. While I tried to right myself, he got out of the car.

  "No, I got it, I'm fine," I insisted but he ignored me. His arms wrapped around me as he helped me up. Except, once I was back on two feet, he didn't let go.

  He pressed himself against me, pinning me against the car. "I am happy to talk to my father if we can come up with an amicable arrangement," he panted in my ear, his breath hot and stale.

  "Let me go, Danny," I said, trying to remain calm while my mind raced through ways to diffuse the situation.

  "Come on, Izzy, I know you feel it, too," he said, his arms squeezing tighter around me.

  "I promise you I do not feel that way," I squirmed around, trying to break his grip.

  "I can help you, Izzy," he said, running his nose against my neck and up my hair, scenting me. "I can get you out of this. We just have to be friends."

  "We are friends, Danny," I said pointedly. "Remember. And friends don't do this sort of thing to each other."

  "More than friends, Izzy," he whined slightly. "I will make it worth your while, as long as you make it worth mine."

  I gritted my teeth and pushed hard against his chest. But when his upper body gave in to my force, his lower body took over. He tilted his pelvis into mine and I felt his erection.

  Damn, this was snowballing fast. I took a deep breath, ready to scream "fire." I hoped my neighbors gave a shit.

  A pair of headlights, high beams blazing, pulled into the driveway, blinding me. The car barely stopped when I heard its door open. Within seconds, Danny was wrestled off me and my hero came into view. It was Finn. In one move, he turned Danny around to face him and then leveled him with a punch. Blood spurt from Danny's nose.

  "You okay, Izzy?" Finn asked. He pulled off his white tank top and tossed it at Danny, who was writhing on the ground.

  "Yeah, I am okay," I sighed, falling into him partly in relief and partly because shirtless Finn took my breath away. I gave in to his strong arms as they wrapped around me. "How did you know?" I asked.

  "I didn't," he said. "Or else I would have been here sooner."

  "You were just in time," I murmured.

  Danny, still crumpled at my feet, grabbed Finn's tank top and wiped at his bloody nose. He glared at Finn. "This was none of your business."

  Finn returned the dirty look. "You were groping my girlfriend in front of my house. I'd say that's my business."

  My heart raced. His girlfriend. Did he just call me his girlfriend? Suddenly lightheaded, I swooned a bit. Finn's strong arm gripped me tighter to steady me.

  "Girlfriend?" Danny puzzled. "What about Tara?"

  My back stiffened. Danny had a point. What about Tara?

  "That's between her and me," Finn said, the gruffness to his voice told me this wasn't simple.

  Danny dragged himself to his feet, aided by the bumper of the Land Rover. Pure hatred was written all over his face. He spit blood into my flowerbed. "Don't be a fool, Izzy. You need me. You know you do."

  "Are you threatening her?" Finn growled. His nostrils flared a bit and I felt his body tense beside me.

  "It's not a threat," Danny's voice was low. "It's just business."

  With Finn's strong arm around me for support, I found my voice. "I don't do business with thugs," I said. "You and your dad will get your money. Don't worry."

  "Three days, Izzy," Danny barked. "You have three days before we start the eviction process."

  He chucked Finn's bloody shirt at me. Staggering to the driver's side of the Land Rover, he got in and threw it into reverse, nearly slamming into Finn's Jeep. Wheels spun on the pavement as he screeched out onto Main Street.

  My knees went weak, and I stumbled to the porch. Lightheaded, I dropped down to the steps, put my head between my legs and took deep breaths. My bravado disappeared. How the hell was I going to get 25 grand, plus interest, in three days?

  "Iz, you okay?" Finn kneeled next to me, rubbing my back.

  "No," I said, choking down a sob.

  "Did he hurt you?" he asked. "Because if he hurt you..."

  "Finn, I don't have 25 grand!" I cried, my voice rising as hysteria creeped in. "That's 25. Thousand. Dollars. Plus interest! Who the hell has 25 grand sitting around to pay off a loan shark? I am going to lose my house. That's what's going to happen! I am going to lose my house! And what the hell is going on with you and Tara!"

  Finn burst out laughing. "One thing at a time, Iz."

  "I don't find this funny," I snarled. "At all!"

  Finn tried to wipe the smile off his face. "You're right. It's not funny."

  It wasn't working. "Then why are you still smirking?"

  "Because you are adorable when you are mad."

  "Screw you, Finn," I barked. "You owe me an explanation."

  "You're right, I do," he said quietly, sitting beside me on the step.

  "So what happened?" I asked, blinking back tears. "I mean, I thought we had something...I guess I was just being stupid. It was just for the spell."

  "No, no way, Iz, no. Don't think that," he pleaded. "It was something, we had something. It's just, when I went to work, I thought it would be Mike, I really did. I mean, she hung around us a bit, so it had to be him. I had no idea..."

  "But the spell?" I asked.

  "Free will, darlin'," he said, putting a tentative hand on my thigh. "But I didn't want you to lose the business. So, yes, I hung out with her, but it's not why you think."

  I stared at his hand, partly wishing it would creep higher up my leg. I shook away those thoughts, reminding myself that I was still pissed "So then tell me why."

  He leaned over and reached into his back pocket, and took out a Ziploc bag.

  "What's that?" I asked.

  "Her hair," he said. "We're going to do a spell, and she's going to fall in love with someone else."

  "Who?" I asked.

  He wiggled his fingers a bit, sending chills up my spine as they gently brushed against my thigh. "There's a reason why I punched Johnny in the face."

  "What reason could it possibly be? The poor guy's going to have a black eye for weeks."

  Finn got up and stalked to his Jeep. He pulled out a mound of bloody toilet paper from his glove box.

  "Johnny's?" I asked. A small smile spread across my face when he nodded.

  "And I've got some of Tara's hair," he said, holding up the Ziploc bag.

  "What about their free will?" I asked, guilt overpowering my excitement.

  "Don't give a shit," Finn said. "Tara tried to force you into doing a spell that would take away mine. And this is exactly what Johnny wants. I think we are justified."

  "But the Craft doesn't care about justifications," I insisted.

  "Doesn't it?" he countered. "It's about balance, right, Iz. And if there are any magical repercussions, I will take them. For both of us."

  "Finn, you don't have to," I started, but he cut me off.

  "I won't argue this, Iz," he said. "We need to get this spell started. And I hope you are in because I need you for this."


  "Because this is pure sex magic, from start to finish, and I can't do it alone."

  Although Finn looked solemn, there was a spark in his eye that told me that this magic was like nothing we had practiced before.


  Finn closed and locked the door to his room. He motioned for me to sit on the bed while he rushed around, pulling vials of potions out of closets and candles out of dressers.

  "Finn," I gasped, my eyes wide at the black candle he just unearthed from the back of his sock drawer. "We can't use that!"

  "Of course we can," he said, placing the candle on the bed with the other accouterments.

  "Black candle, black
magic," I said, folding my arms around my middle.

  He stopped gathering spell materials and looked at me. "Iz, what did you think we were going to do? We have to take Tara's free will, before she takes mine."

  "She can't take yours if you don't let her," I said quietly.

  "And let her financially ruin you?" he scoffed. "No, I won't stand by and watch that."

  "There has to be another way," I insisted stubbornly, even though I knew he was right. It was her free will, or his.

  I stood, stepping in front of him as he continued to gather materials. "Finn, please, you don't have to do this for me."

  He placed his strong hands on either side of my shoulders and squeezed gently. "There is no way, I am not doing it for you," he said before laying a soft kiss on my lips. "So, do you think you can do this?"

  "I can try," I said, melting into him.

  His body stiffened. "There is no try, Izzy. It's black magic, powerful magic, and you need to commit to it."

  The tone of his voice scared me a little. My magic, and Grams' magic, always walked in the light. I was about to take a massive step into a world I knew nothing about. Grams didn't tell me much about black magic except to say not to do it. "What will happen to me?" I asked.

  "Nothing, I promise," Finn said. "I'll take whatever consequences there may be."

  "What type of repercussions are there?" I asked.

  "I don't know yet," he admitted. "And there may not be any."

  "How can that be possible?" I may not know a hell of a lot about black magic, but I did know that if you practiced, there were consequences.

  "She tried to take my free will, Iz. If anyone deserves a free pass for this, it's me."

  And with that, he whipped the throw rug in front of his bed off the floor, revealing an exquisitely etched pentagram in the wood. I was so captivated by the intricate scroll carvings that I forgot to be angry that he ruined a perfectly good wood floor.

  He set the candles out in the middle of the pentagram, the black one flanked by the two reds.

  "Let me talk you through this," he said, taking my hand and pulling me towards him. "First we need to release her spell on me, and that's simple enough. We do that first with sage. It's the same idea as cleansing a room, except you are cleansing the spell from my body. But once that spell is undone, we need to bind her to Johnny."

  I nodded my head. "But will this hurt him in any way?"

  Finn shook his head. " No, he won't be hurt. Hell, he'll be thrilled."

  "OK, so what do we do?" I asked.

  He handed me a bundle of sage. "You need to trail the smoke from the burning sage around my body, then you need to run the tip of the bundle along my back, drawing a pentagram with the fire."

  I gasped. "That will burn you! I can't do that!"

  "It's okay," he said, removing his shirt. "It kind of feels good."

  "Don't lie, Finn," I scolded.

  He grabbed my hands, and gave me a devilish grin. "Trust me, Izzy. It feels good."

  My breath caught as he said that. Where was this night going to lead? Butterflies danced in my stomach while Finn lit the sage stick with a Zippo. With a nod, he handed it to me, and I started smudging his body. I could barely hear his low chant, a cleansing spell. Beads of sweat began to sprout on his skin. I followed a drop down his chest and abs, watching it disappear down the waistband of his jeans. I swallowed and licked my lips as I knelt down, dragging the smoke up and down his legs before landing at his groin. He unzipped his jeans, and I gently blew the smoke into them, hungrily watching it swirl down past his hard cock, which was pressed against his stomach.

  "Not yet, Izzy" he said, his voice tight with desire.

  I took a breath and then nodded. He turned and I focused on drawing a line of smoke back up his legs. Using the edge of the bed to steady myself, I got back on my feet to reach his back and shoulders. He stopped chanting just as I circled the smoke around his head.

  "Izzy," his voice was rough. "Burn the pentagram."

  I looked at the hot embers and hesitated.

  "Now," he repeated. "It's okay. Just run the tip gently along my skin. It feels good."

  Cringing, I placed the hot tip of the sage bundle at the top of his spine, moving it quickly along his skin in the start of a pentagram.

  "You can touch my skin, Iz, don't be nervous."

  He shuddered a little as I pressed the sage bundle against him a bit harder. Thinking I hurt him, I pulled it off quickly. "No, Izzy, keep going."

  I pressed again, this time crisscrossing his back, leaving a trail of slightly red skin as I worked. He moaned in pleasure, placing his hands on the wall for support. The scent of the sage mixed with his skin, and along with the clear pleasure he took in the ritual, my own passion began to rise. I pressed my legs together, clenching my pussy tight, and focused on finishing the pentagram.

  When I was done, Finn turned and took the sage bundle out of my hand and placed it in an ashtray on his dresser. He leaned in and kissed me, his mouth working over my own. I slipped my hand into his unbuttoned jeans, grasping his hard cock in my hand. The tip was wet with pre-come, and I rubbed it up and down his shaft. I reached around with my other arm to steady myself, touching his back. His skin was still warm.

  "Did it hurt?" I asked, stilling my hand for moment. "From burning sage, I mean?"

  He opened his eyes and laughed. "Are we really going to talk about this now?"

  "Yes," I said, pinching the tip of his penis gently with my thumb and forefinger.

  "Yes, it hurts a bit, but once you move past the pain, it feels good," he said, his breath slightly labored. "Kind of like what you're doing now."

  "Really?" I asked, my curiosity peeked. "Can you do it to me?"

  Finn shook his head. "Maybe one day, but that's not for tonight. If you really want to try fire play, we have to work our way up to it. But it's fun getting there."

  With Finn guiding me, I knew getting there would be ecstasy. As if to prove that point, he reached down and took my hand in his, changing the rhythm as I rubbed along his shaft faster.

  "Will this help the spell?" I whispered, feeling my own panties getting wetter by the second.

  Finn moaned. "Not quite."

  He slipped his free hand under my scratchy shirt. His fingers brushed gently along the curve of my waist and up my ribs. He pushed the underwire of my bra up, freeing my left breast. It filled his hand, and he roughly massaged it, running rough fingers over my erect nipple. I gasped my arousal and squeezed his cock harder, both of us clearly walking a razor's edge of need.

  In a split second, Finn released me and stepped away. Cold air replace the heat from his body. Panting, I leaned back frustrated, the dresser propping me up.

  "We can't," Finn's voice was rough. "We have to wait. Save it for the spell work."

  "So what are we waiting for? Let's get to it." I was out of patience.

  Finn eyed me like a caged tiger that hadn't had a meal in weeks. "I have to prepare the spell. And you."

  "Trust me," I said. "I'm ready."

  "I know. But that's not exactly what I meant."

  He reached just to my right, his arm brushing dangerously close to my left nipple, still liberated from my bra cup. He opened the top drawer, reached in and withdrew something wrapped in black tissue paper.

  "Jump in the shower to bathe and purify, then put this on," he said, handing it to me. "I need to go to the kitchen to make the potion, and then I'll take a quick shower too. Meet back here in about 20 minutes?"

  Nodding, I took the package, squeezing it to try to guess what was under the tissue paper. It was small and strappy. It felt like a belt.

  "Do I put this on over my jeans, or something else?" I asked. Finn laughed heartily, the sexual tension melting away slightly. "What's so funny?"

  "You'll see when you open it," he said, dropping a kiss on my head. "And, Iz, can you do me a favor?"

  I nodded.

  "While I'm in the shower, don't flush."
/>   Before I could even respond, the door clicked shut behind him.

  I dropped the package on the bed and fumbled with the tissue paper, squinting at the contents in the dimly lit room. It appeared to be a really long, oddly shaped belt like thing. Or several belts fastened together maybe? I held it at one angle, then another, then...oh my goddess.

  My blood ran cold. I was supposed to wear this thing?


  I stood at the end of Finn's bed, clad only in a towel. The shower gave me time to consider that thing in the package. Now I puzzled at how I was even supposed to get into it.

  To call it lingerie was generous. Instead of fabric, it was leather bits and straps. The straps created a pentagram harness over each breast, before snaking around the back, forming another pentagram in the middle of the lower back. The point at the bottom point of the pentagram turned into a thong. It was a mirror image on the front as well, save for two straps that ran on either side of my pussy, making it effectively crotchless.

  "Oh boy," I whispered to myself, tentatively fingering the stiff leather. What kind of a spell were we talking about here?

  A sex magic spell, I reminded myself. And a dark one at that. And one that I desperately needed to work.

  A nip from the bottle of rum sitting on Finn's side table gave me the courage to strip off the towel and into the black witch bondage attire. The leather straps were stiff, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as it looked. Goosebumps sprouted along my arms from the air-conditioned climate mixed with my nerves. I dug a flannel out of Finn's closet and slipped it on, wrapping it around my body, feeling only slightly less self-conscious. I sat on the edge of Finn's bed, leaning to the side to pick at the strap creeping up my bum. I waited.

  Instead of time dragging, however, it went at warp speed. Finn was back in the room in no time. Clad in a towel and nothing else—his curls damp from his shower—he carried a potion bottle.

  "Are you okay, Iz?" he asked, looking me up and down in the flannel.

  "Sure," I lied.

  "It's the outfit, isn't it?"

  "Well," I hesitated. "It's not exactly me."


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