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Something Wicked

Page 15

by Sterling, Jillian

  "This is from your mom, Izzy," Finn said once Danny got into his car and started the engine. "She wants you to be free and clear of this debt, especially since she caused it."

  I nodded. "I appreciate that she stepped up, but it doesn't change anything. I don't want her, or her coven, in my life."

  "Fair enough," Finn said.

  "So where does that leave us?" I asked.

  "I don't know," he said, getting into his Jeep.

  At least he was honest.


  All I wanted to do was sleep. It was barely Noon, but I felt like I'd been up for 24 hours straight.

  Finn took me to Mr. Stevenson to pay off the ridiculous loan. I still felt funny about taking the money, but on the way there, Finn convinced me that it was rightfully mine, since my mother never paid a dime of child support to Grams. So with the paperwork in hand that said the property was paid for in full, I was free of one debilitating financial problem.

  There was even some money left over. While it wasn't much, I could pay for a few fixes around the house, like a new water heater.

  So now it was time to check on another problem. I had to check and see if the spell worked on Tara.

  Finn's Jeep sped along the winding back roads of rural Connecticut, heading to the sorority house. With the music cranked up and the wind whipping my hair around, I felt almost carefree. Almost. The weight of the loan was off, but there were plenty of outstanding bills to pay, and if Tara still had the hots for Finn, I was screwed.

  "How will we know if the spell worked?" I yelled over the music.

  Finn shrugged. "Guess I'll kiss you in front of her and see what happens?"

  "Not funny," I said. "If the spell failed, that will definitely keep me off the sorority payroll."

  I needed the sorority business more than ever. No way was I stepping foot in Danny's frat house ever again. There was a chance that I could find a new cleaning position on campus, but with the semester about to begin, it wasn't a sound bet. It was very likely that I was taking an early retirement. So, The Witchery needed business to boom not bust, now more than ever.

  If Finn worked with me on the witchcraft, there was a good chance that The Witchery could really take off. But the best way to prove this, was for the spells to work for the sorority sisters, and Tara was the key. I inwardly seethed that she could make or break me.

  Of course, it also meant that Finn had to be willing to stick around.

  Finn reached over and gave my knee a squeeze, as if he knew what I was thinking. "I'm betting it worked. And if not, we'll just try it again." He gave me a sly smile, and his hand creeped up my thigh. "Although I almost hope it didn't."

  I grabbed his hand before it went any further, pressing it into my leg. "Let's not hope for that."

  "How about celebratory sex when we find out the spell worked?" he asked, winking at me.

  I smiled. Maybe he was willing to give it a try. "Keep your eyes on the road, Romeo."

  "It would be easier if you didn't look so damn hot in that t-shirt," he moved his hand from my leg to where my cleavage just peaked out of the V-neck of my t-shirt.

  "How can you even find this sloppy t-shirt attractive?" I asked. How was a plain old white Haines men's V-neck t-shirt sexy? With my second hand denim mini skirt and flip-flops, I wasn't exactly a fashion plate.

  "I think you look hot in my t-shirt," Finn said.

  "This is not yours," I said.

  "Remember when the laundry got screwed up a few weeks ago?"

  Crap. It probably was his.

  "Maybe you should take it off then," he teased when he caught a glimpse of my expression.

  "Let's just check on this spell and then we'll deal with our laundry issues."

  As we got closer to the sorority house, the knots in my stomach wound tighter. By the time we pulled into the parking lot, I was pretty sure I was going to throw up.

  Finn killed the engine and looked at me. "You ready?"

  "Not really," I mumbled.

  "How about this? You do this, and then we'll go home and I'll give you the best orgasm you've ever had?"

  "You're a hell of a negotiator." I tumbled out of his Jeep and smoothed my hair, which was sticking out all over the place after the windy ride.

  "You look stunning." Finn sidled up beside me, sneaking his arm around my waist, and pulling me closer to him. "Stop freaking out."

  We walked to the front door of the sorority house and I rang the doorbell. Then I shrugged him off me, just in case. Tara swung open the door.

  "Izzy!" Tara's voice was actually friendly. "Come on in!"

  I crossed the threshold of the sorority house uneasily, Finn followed just behind, pressing his hand gently against my back for support. I followed Tara into the living room, where she plopped herself on the couch and draped her body over Johnny. They both had Xbox controllers in their hand.

  "Hey, Iz," Johnny said with a small wave and a huge smile. The black eye did nothing to make him look tougher. His face clouded over when he saw Finn. "What are you doing here?"

  "Making peace, Johnny," Finn said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "I'm sorry about what happened..."

  "What happened?" Tara asked absently, her focus on the video game.

  "She doesn't remember?" I mouthed to Johnny. He shook his head, looking just as confused.

  "Do you?" Finn asked.

  "I remember you..." Johnny shrugged.

  "I didn't mean it, and I'm sorry."

  "Can I punch you and call it even?"

  Finn scowled.

  "Kidding!" Johnny said quickly as Tara leaned into him.

  "Johnny," she purred. "I can't seem to kill this one."

  "I got you, Babe," he said, taking the controller from her hand to kill whatever mutant monster her character was battling. He had one eye open while she distracted him with kisses.

  "You guys want to play?" he asked once the carnage, and the kissing, was over. He handed the controller back to Tara.

  I pried my jaw off the floor in time to decline. "Maybe some other time."

  "Watch out for that one, gorgeous! It's a baddy!" He and Tara both laughed as the sounds of her character dying blared over the surround sound. "That's cool, we don't have enough controllers anyway."

  "Um, Johnny, can we talk to you in the kitchen?" I asked. "We'll just be a sec."

  "When your done with him, we should work out the details on the Halloween party," Tara called out as Finn and I followed Johnny to the kitchen. "All the other sorority houses want you too, and I want first dibs."

  "Of course," I called over my shoulder. I was officially in the Twilight Zone.

  Johnny sat at the kitchen table, and I dropped into the chair across from him. Finn leaned easily against the kitchen counter. Johnny eyed him cautiously.

  "Look, Johnny, about last night..." I started.

  "Yeah I think I got it," he said slowly. "Finn likes you and not Tara, right?" I nodded. "So him punching me was about me telling you that they had a thing going." I nodded again.

  "I'm really sorry," Finn interrupted. "It was a really big misunderstanding."

  A smile spread cross Johnny's face. "It's cool, she thinks I got it defending her honor. She digs that."

  "Really?" I asked.

  Johnny could barely contain his excitement. "Izzy, I don't know what happened, but she called me at like two in the morning, asking—no, not asking, begging—me to come over. Said she was sorry about blowing me off. Said she wanted to make it up to me!"

  "And did she? Make it up to you?" Finn asked. I shot him a dirty look. "What? We need to know."

  He was right. "Sorry, I know we're prying, Johnny, but we do need to know. Did you guys, you know?" I felt my face flame in embarrassment for asking the question.

  Johnny's grin told us everything we needed to know. But he pulled at the collar of his t-shirt and showed us a good-sized, brand new hickey. Yup, Johnny got lucky.

  "It was amazing," he started, hi
s eyes opening really wide.

  "That's great. We don't need a blow-by-blow!" I jumped in before he could expand on their hook up.

  "And you've been hanging out ever since?" Finn asked.

  "She wanted me to show her some video games! Weird, right?" he added in a low voice.

  "Kind of," I admitted.

  He smiled shyly. "Can you handle the frat house on your own today? I don't think I'm getting out of here any time soon."

  "Sorry, I can't," I said. "Danny and I had some issues last night, so I quit."

  "Seriously? Did Mr. Masters flip out?"

  "Well, I haven't officially quit yet. That's the next stop."

  "Oh damn. Can you quit tomorrow?"

  "No way," Finn jumped in. "I don't want Izzy anywhere near that punk Stevenson."

  "Wow, what'd I miss last night? He seemed so nice, bailing me out and all."

  "Sheep in wolf's clothing, my friend," I said. "Our first impression was the right impression."

  "The guy's a dick." Finn clarified, in case any question remained of our opinion of Danny.

  "Who's a dick?" Tara slipped into the kitchen and dropped herself in Johnny's lap. Then she took at better look at Finn. "Do I know you?"

  Finn tread cautiously. "Huskies maybe. I bounce there sometimes."

  "Maybe," she said, tilting her head to look at him from a different angle. "Yeah. I think you tossed out one of my girls for a fake ID. Confiscated it."

  "All part of the job," Finn said.

  "Hmm, we'd like it back."

  "I have to turn those in at the end of the my shift, can't help you."

  Tara turned to me. "Is he with you?"

  I recognized her expression. It was the one she wore when she threatened to ruin my business if I didn't give her a love potion. She also wore it when she threatened my business while she tried to steal my man. My blood started to boil. Now she was going to threaten my business because Finn confiscated a fake ID? When he was doing his job?

  "Yes, and is that a problem?" I challenged her.

  "No, no problem," she said quickly. "I just thought I'd check. For the sisters."

  Finn winked at me. I pulled myself up a bit straighter. Being more assertive felt great. It also made me kind of horny. I felt a slight wetness along my upper thighs, something I was acutely aware of since I wasn't wearing any underwear. With everything happening, I missed laundry day.

  I took a deep breath, and refocused on Tara, pulling the contract for the party out of my bag. "You'll see the terms are exactly the same as my grandmother's. I just need to fill in the date of the party."

  She glanced at it quickly. "Alright," she said. "Halloween night?"

  Finn shook his head. "The veil is too thin to work the cards. It's too dangerous."

  Tara pouted. "I don't like you very much."

  Finn and I both smiled. That's a relief!

  "He's right, Tara. You don't want to invite spirits in here that you can't get rid of. Pick another day."

  "How about the 30th then?"

  "As long as we're done before midnight," I told her.

  "Fine," she said. "We'll all be too drunk my midnight anyway."

  She signed the contract with a flourish. More importantly, she handed me a check for 50% of my payment as a deposit. Finn and I walked out of the sorority house triumphant.

  "Celebratory dinner?" Finn asked as we climbed into the Jeep.

  I shook my head no. "How about celebratory sex?"


  "You were amazing," Finn grabbed me, taking me into his arms once we got into the house. I relaxed into him, his firm body holding up my exhausted one.

  "I am so ready for bed," I said, stifling a yawn.

  "I was hoping you would say that." Finn shot me a Cheshire Cat smile.

  "When was the last time I slept?" I asked, slightly sorry that I didn't opt for dinner. The exhaustion hit me hard on the drive home.

  "Doesn't matter. I'll do all the work," he promised.

  "Finn," I squealed as he swept me up into his arms. I struggled weakly against him. Getting off my feet actually felt kind of good. I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes, ready for a good sleep. But instead of carrying me upstairs, he brought me into the living room. He kicked the magazines off the coffee table and then deposited me on top of it. He came down on top of me, peppering my face with kisses.

  "Finn, what are you doing?" I twisted under his weight.

  "Remember that day we met?" he asked, running his hand down the side of my body.

  "The day you came to inquire about renting the room?"

  He nodded, pressing his pelvis into me. I hoped the old table held up. "You forgot about the appointment. Came to the door in a towel."

  "I got dressed," I argued.

  "I know, I remember watching you walk up those stairs."

  I gasped. "Wait, what did you see?"

  "Enough that when you came back down I hoped you didn't see my raging boner."

  "Like the one you have now?" I teased, pressing my hips up to meet his. His breath caught.

  "I wanted to throw the tea and cookies across the room and take you on this table."

  "Like right now?"

  "Like exactly right now."

  His hand inched up along the inside of my thigh. I smiled to myself, waiting for his reaction to the surprise underneath. His expression changed as his hand moved higher, going from normal horny Finn, to slightly confused, to kid-in-a-candy-store. His eyes were as wide as saucers.

  "You mean to tell me you've been commando in a miniskirt all day and you didn't tell me?"

  I nodded, a sly smile spreading across my face.

  "Damn," he said, brushing his fingers lightly along my slit. "We may have to do this day all over again, so I can take full advantage."

  He covered my laugh by bringing his mouth to mine, kissing me hard. "You think I'm kidding?" he asked when he pulled away. "At the very least we are going out to dinner at a place with tablecloths and you are absolutely spreading those sexy legs while we eat."

  His voice was husky, his breath teasing my neck with gentle warmth. His hand once again just brushed against my wetness but this time he paused, the tips of his fingers dancing along my labia, carrying my juices up to my clit. I shook in anticipation as his thumb circled my nub. I felt his erection press against me, and I reached for his jeans, fumbling with the buttons.

  "Why do you buy button flies?" I whispered in frustration.

  He laughed and pulled his hand out from under my skirt. It was his turn to fumble with the buttons. In frustration, he yanked so hard that two popped off and flew to the other side of the room. I wasn't the only one who needed to do laundry. His hard cock peeked over the waste band of his jeans, and I eased my hand in and massaged his balls.

  "Fuck it, Iz, I can't wait," he said, pushing his pants down his hips. Free from the confining jeans, his cock stretched out across bare thigh. Finn pushed my skirt up and plunged his cock into me. My body absorbed the force of his thrust, leaving me groaning in pleasure. He pushed my t-shirt up and scooped my left breast out of its bra cup. He dropped his mouth down to it, running his tongue along my nipple.

  "Oh, Finn," I whispered. I reached my arms around and sunk my nails into his back, lifting my hips to meet his. My exhaustion faded with each stroke of his cock.

  He pushed my legs up further, my knees now near my ears, as he re-angled himself. I bared down hard just as he dropped straight down and filled me completely. My body exploded with so much pleasure I thought I was going mad.

  The sound of a key sliding into the lock of the front door caught us both by surprise. I dropped my legs, wrapping them around his waist. We stilled for a moment, and while we waited he gave a slow, teasing grind of his hips. My breath caught as his penis slowly rocked against the walls of my sex. I was so close to orgasm, and I squeezed my Kegels. Finn's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

  A second squeeze and I was definitely coming. I pressed my hip
s into him, contracting my muscles faster and faster, my breath following the same rhythm. Finn closed his eyes, his intense expression told me he was desperate to hold back.

  "Jesus, you two! You couldn't wait to get upstairs?" Amanda yelled, shielding her eyes as she walked in.

  "Amanda," I started, but my voice was breathy with the orgasm that was building.

  "No, really, don't say a word, I don't want to hear any of this. Or see it!' She ran up to her room, taking the stairs two at a time to get up there faster.

  With the sound of her door slamming upstairs as my cue, and one more well-timed squeeze of my Kegels, I let loose the orgasm that was building inside of me. Finn, his hand roughly squeezing my still exposed breast, plunged his cock into me faster and faster. "Fuck, Iz," he roared as he came, pulling his cock out of me quickly. It throbbed against my stomach and his semen squirted out onto my skin. I pressed his throbbing member against my stomach as it finished expelling the warm, milky fluid.

  "Wow," he said, raining gentle kisses down onto my face and neck and along my exposed breast.

  I giggled, feeling the spent sperm slide down the side of my stomach. "I think I need a tissue or something."

  Finn looked at my face and laughed, reaching to the floor to grab some tissues out of the box that went flying when he cleared off the table. He stole glances at me while he wiped off my skin.

  "What?" I asked, covering my face with my hands. It was kind of weird how he was looking at me.

  He dropped the tissue and pulled my hands away, "Stop! I want to look at you."


  "Because," he took a breath before continuing. "Do you realize this is the first time we've had sex and it had nothing to do with magic?"

  "Oh wow, yeah, I guess it was," I said. Of course, the other times we had sex were more than about the magic for me, but I didn't want to push it.

  "Did it feel different?"

  I shrugged. "Maybe. At least I didn't have to think about anything but, you know." I smiled, feeling almost shy, which was weird since we just had mind-blowing sex on the coffee table.

  He chuckled at that, running his hands along the curve of my stomach. He dropped his head to kiss me gentle on the lips. He pulled away, and whispered. "I love you."


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