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The Great Empire--Bilingual Edition

Page 31

by Joaquim Augusto Ferreira Barbosa De Melo

  - Didn’t I see you around yesterday. Service reasons?!

  - I had a long meeting. When I went to lunch it was late!

  - Problems with the bank?!

  - In a way! - William replied, dryly.

  For Snu the answer accompanied by a frown, allowed her to read between the lines that he preferred not to talk about the matter, so she did not find it strange his rapid change in the direction of the conversation.

  - Is it confirmed that you’ll be going to Congress next month?!

  - Yes! I’ve been invited to talk about the real estate crisis we’re going through.

  - I never visited your country! I’d like to someday!

  - You can go anytime! You want to come with me? You take a few days off on vacation, how does that sound?!

  - At this point it is unlikely that I will be allowed such “vacation days”. In the office things are a bit complicated!

  - If you can make it, I promise I’ll be your guide for any visits you want to make!

  From then on, the conversation was much more enthusiastic, until the end of the lunch hour. William’s thought started to germinate the idea of the trip proposed by his friend, so when he arrived at the office, he put the question to his boss, who promised to analyze the matter with the management team. From on his boss face he thought it was an idea that would not be easy to achieve. However, he was roundly mistaken. Days later the decision arrived and to his surprise the arguments used by the management surprised him even more. The company considered that the time was not right for absences of staff; however, given the excellent performance of the employee, the request was decided favorably. William was thrilled! That same day, at lunch, he gave the news to his friend.

  - Guess who’s going on vacation next month?!

  -In your good mood, the manager’s response to my suggestion could only have been positive.

  - It’s true; I’ll be able to travel with you, that is, if you’re still available to be my tour guide!

  - As you know, I always keep my word! Well, that being the case, we must take care, first of all, of the necessary permits, that is, the entry visa for my country. If you want I can give a little help with the Embassy. For the rest of the documentation, it’s best you deal with the travel agency yourself.

  - I hope to find time today to take care of that.

  From then on lunch got even more lively, allowing Snu to free herself from the nervous tension of the last few days. She told her friend of her native region and of her youthful old days. That new attitude of his friend was a complete surprise to William. During all his college time he was always curious about her past, but Snu, because of her reserved character, deviated from the subject when the conversation entered the personal sphere. That journey was therefore the materialization of an opportunity for both of them. For him, because he was finally going to know more about of his friend’s homeland, for her because she found a companion with whom to share the reunion with her country, to remember other times and places, showing William a different world than the one he knew in the West. Probably awakening even his curiosity for her country’s millenary culture. Snu even nourished the conviction that the region where she was born was in the eyes of a Westerner a gift with long ancestral traditions. At the end of the day, William went to the travel agency to make the reservation and gather the necessary documentation. That day, on his way home, he still had time to visit a bookstore where he acquired a guide about Snu’s country. The strong desire to anticipate knowledge about the places to visit was now a must for him. In a few days William “devoured” the guide. And, not satisfied, he acquired two others who spoke equally of that distant territory, with different perspectives. A common finding, pointed out by the authors of the guides, was the difficulty he would encounter in making himself understood with the residents, given the poor command of languages other than the native one. William and his fellow countrymen were born in the land of the world’s largest economy, benefiting from the spread of their mother tongue. As an American, he was used to encountering relative ease of communication in any of the Western countries he went. Perhaps that is why he never felt the need to learn languages other than his own. However, in Snu’s homeland, everything would be quite different - were it not for the help of his friend and he would have a difficult obstacle to overcome there. From reading the guides William learned about some aspects of cultural nature that contrast sharply with the Western world. For them he learned a little more about many of the interesting places and collective heritage of its people, its history and the main economic regions, as well as its ambitions for the future. Of all that he had read there were many questions that he would like to confirm locally. He felt, however, a privileged person, because by the hand of Snu he could obtain answers to many of those questions.

  From a very young age, William had nurtured an old dream of one day being able to travel around the world “free” from all “language barriers”. He dreamed that through a translation machine (simple pulse equipment with voice recognition) he would communicate with all people without difficulty, thanks to the Internet, available anywhere on the planet. The world would finally become the dreamed global village. When still young, he watched on television the coming true of the great leap of Humanity (the first step of Man on the Moon). From then on, for him, the impossible no longer belonged to Earth! In his mind everything was achievable; it was only a matter of time.

  Days later, when he met with Snu, she felt in him an unmeasured eagerness for knowledge about her country, to the point of being surprised.

  - From what I see you’ve gone from “indifferent” to “investigator” of the secrets of my land?!

  - What an exaggeration! What I didn’t know was that the empire where you were born holds so many dormant secrets!

  - Lets put the words in their place. Don’t confuse territorial vastness with empire!

  - I see what you’re getting at. But if it’s not so today, it was in the past and nothing is stopping it for becoming an empire again in the future, don’t you think?!

  - About that, I’d say it was self-isolation. At that time it was a strategic decision, or rather, a historical question! For many centuries my country lived a brilliant civilization, standing out from the rest. In its surroundings lived people in total barbarism that constantly created conflicts at the borders.

  - Is that why the country isolated itself?

  - I’d say it was for security reasons, we had to protect ourselves.

  -And so they built a gigantic construction, the only one visible from our natural satellite.

  - We distanced ourselves from others by erecting walls. I think that’s what you mean!

  - Built to protect you.

  - In a way, yes! With the passing of the centuries we became accustomed to the routine and we stopped paying attention to what was happening around us. It was a colossal mistake! When we awakened to reality, the barbarians of that time had evolved civilly. When we realized it, it was a total disorientation, we suffered a lot from it!

  - It must not have been an easy task! Awakening so many people from their sleepiness and then mobilizing them to work hard!

  - Don’t jump to conclusions. We’ve always been a hard-working nation! At that time what we did was change course, turning to the future!

  -You are already in the future! Let my country say so, more and more dependent! I really think it will be time for the Olympic torch to pass soon.

  - I confess I do not share that opinion.

  -It is a question that I often ask myself, if the great civilizational structures (as the empires), do not themselves have a temporal life, like any biological being, that is born, grows and one day becomes extinct.

  - You want to refer to it as a characteristic associated with everything that exists, don’t you?!

  - My reading is that there has never been an empire in all the history of human civilization like ours!

  - Maybe you’re right, but I wish it had fewer weapons,
more prosperity and less inequality!

  William, absorbed in his thoughts, did not pay attention to his friend’s response, and therefore continued on the previous line.

  -We live in a world where everything is more and more perishable and transitory! Even the life of empires is changing. If we look at the course of civilizations, particularly empires, we see that the temporal cycle of their life and fall is shortening. From recent history we see that the Roman Empire took several centuries to fall, the Spanish about two, but the British stayed for only four decades, and for the Soviet, it was not even necessary one.

  - You’re overwhelmed by imperial obsession! The readings must be messing with your mind! - Snu said, with a broad smile.

  William, despite Snu’s observation, was determined to continue...

  -I’d like you to follow my approach so you can see what I’m getting at! For me the important thing is the way empires are established and what they represent for people. More and more the world is dispensing with “enlightened beings, full of aura and power”, who, most of the time do not do more than sustain their “crowns of glory” to “feed” their “superegos”, so often tormented!

  - Please William, come down to Earth!

  - All right, all right! Let’s leave the empires for another chance, let’s talk about you!

  William’s acceptance of leaving the teachings of history for another time allowed Snu a turning point in the dialogue, thus achieving a much more interesting conversation for both. Upon arriving at the office, Snu had a pleasant surprise. On her desk was an envelope from the Ministry of Economy, informing her that the Party’s Central Committee had authorized William to attend the closing session of the Congress. That news did not fail to surprise her. The uniqueness of her request (concerning an escort) had received the attention of the Party structures and that made her happy. The following day, at lunch, Snu told her friend the good news.

  - You’ll be able to attend the closing ceremony of the Congress.

  - Is that good or bad?!

  - A privilege granted to a few, you know?!

  - I say this because there, we Americans are seen as belonging to the “evil empire”! Now, allowing a demon to be present in the Party’s own Congress is high risk, no?!

  A loud laughter made itself heard throughout the restaurant (to William’s embarrassment) that under everyone’s gaze had to respond with a gesture (in the form of an apology), asking for understanding for his friend’s nonsense.

  - I haven’t seen you so excited since college!

  - You’re right, I’m out of line! The truth is, the news I just gave you made me particularly happy.

  - That makes me think I’m included in the cause, doesn’t it?!

  - Apparently!

  William had not realized how much that news, about his participation in the Congress, had represented a victory for Snu. The days before their flight were professionally hectic for both. In each of their workplaces, they both felt a kind of voracious need of response to the commitments that arrived in anticipation for the days they would be absent.

  When finally, days later, the long-awaited moment of departure had arrived for both of them, contentment hard to disguise was printed on their faces. At the airport, their behavior was more like that of schoolkids, on a field trip, than adults with high professional responsibilities. Any passenger, a little more attentive, could notice the immense joy that was in their souls. The liveliness and enthusiasm with which they shared the simplest tasks involved them in a unique atmosphere. William’s curiosity (aroused by the reading of the tourist guides) led him to talk about the most diverse subjects of Snu’s country. In the middle of the flight, not even the many hours of traveling diminished the enthusiasm in sharing this information. Thus, the lively conversation was only stop already very close to the end, with the commander’s announcement alerting passengers to the proximity of the destination, giving information on local weather and other conditions.

  Some time later, already outside the airport, (after the arrival formalities), a van from the Ministry of Economy was waiting for them to transport them to the hotel. On the short transfer trip that followed, many surprises awaited Snu. Although she had been away for only a decade, everything had changed profoundly: from the airport facilities; the communication and access routes; to the buildings and the localities themselves. In silence, Snu wondered “how is such a profound transformation possible in such a few years?” The landscape had changed to such an extent that it now seemed strange and imposing! Modern, multi-storey buildings now coexisted side by side with other almost tiny ones that served as Snu’s reference to the recognition of the former landscape. When, a few years ago, her relatives informed her by letter of the great changes that were taking place in her city, she did not imagine that they were so profound (Snu felt like a stranger in her own homeland). The historical buildings, although they retain their original characteristics, even these seemed different to her! On the way from the airport to the hotel, Snu stopped paying attention to her friend, so absorbed that she was with the view. When they arrived, a modern and imposing building was waiting for them, allowing them to resume the dialogue.

  - How different all this is! I confess I hardly recognized the city where I was born!

  - I thought you were upset about something I said; I was surprised at your silence!

  - Upset? What an idea! I’d say surprised and very surprised!

  -Maybe they wanted to pay you a tribute and surprise you by replicating one of the many American cities! - Said William, having fun.

  - I don’t think so, but thanks for the compliment!

  The dialogue had returned to good spirits. They had just had a long trip, a flight of many hours, so their faces were giving away their tiredness, but still the conversation, at dinner, remained lively.

  - Hotel facilities are starting to look the same all over the modern world. If I didn’t know I was here in Beijing next to you, I’d say we didn’t leave New York!

  - Yes, I agree!

  - What I just said is quite evident in this dining room. Look at this cuisine..., there’s a lot in common around here!

  - I’m not surprised. If you notice, it’s common commercial policy in large hotel chains to seek their own identity, so it’s natural to reflect this in the facilities and service, after all they want to transmit to their usual customers “Feel good, you are at home!

  The conversation was long and very varied after all, Snu, although not in her physical home, felt good about herself and the new world around her. At the end of the meal they gathered to their rooms for a well-deserved rest.

  The first rays of sun had not yet awakened on the horizon, and already the commotion was felt in the rooms of Snu and William. The energies spent the previous day had not yet been fully restored, but the awakening, planned the day before, was already punctually fulfilling its task for both of them. By the time William arrived at the restaurant, Snu was already in a friendly chat with a young woman, who, even at that distance, showed traces of kinship on her face. They talked energetically; perhaps that’s why they didn’t notice William’s arrival.

  - Good morning! - He said, staring with curiosity at Snu’s companion.

  -Good day! - They repeated in unison.

  - I want you to meet my sister, named Chau. She will accompany you on visits around town whenever I can’t. I hope you feel good in each other’s company. In the late afternoon we meet here again. Have fun!

  Then Snu hurriedly left towards the exit, where a car was already waiting to transport her to the Congress Center. Outside the hotel, overlooking a large avenue, the movement at that time was intense. Snu, as she crossed the city towards the Eastern part where the Congress building was located, also found deep transformations everywhere. And, just as the day before, she continued to ask herself “how is it possible that in just ten years everything became so different?” On her arrival, the very building where the work of the Congress was to take place also seemed
to her to be undergoing profound changes. After the check-in formalities, Snu walked to the main hall - a huge space prepared and decorated for the event. On her way to the place reserved for her, she met an old family friend. For Snu it was a golden opportunity to talk about the Congress and the country.

  - Good morning! What a pleasant coincidence!

  - Long time no see! I heard from your parents that you had been placed with the Business Agency of the Ministry of Economics in New York, but I didn’t know we would have you here today!

  - I was invited to talk about the recent real estate crisis. I’m sorry, now I notice; with the rush I must have forgotten my schedule! - I said Snu, improvising as an apology.

  - I wouldn’t be surprised if you said this is the first time you’ve come to these meetings!

  - Why, does it show that much?!

  - As you should know, congressmen are never given a schedule.

  Snu was even more embarrassed by the improvisation used, but still did not allow herself to be disarmed, so she risked another approach to her gaffe.

  -The old Eastern “secrecy”! - Said Snu, with a forced smile.

  - It’s a different way of doing politics! But it’s not hard to anticipate what will happen. We are going to have an opening session with speeches by prominent figures - President of the Republic, Prime Minister and Secretary-General of the Party; debates setting the economic policy for the next five years; reflection on the economic policy of what has happened over the last thirty years; a broad debate on the bases of politics and economics for the next period; and finally a closing session which invariably closes with the speech of the President of the Republic - there you have the agenda, if you want to make a note of it.

  - If I have understood correctly, assessment of what has happened over the last thirty years, approval of the political and economic bases for the next thirty years and a vote on a fixed five-year plan with a detailed analysis of the short-term annual programme.


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