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Ecstasy of the Lore Hunter

Page 5

by Amanda Clover

  Oh gods. Oh gods she was so close. So close. Her breath steamed from her plump lips. Her hips beat the air, fucking herself against the creature’s touch. Her breasts squeezed and massaged and suckled to near oblivion of tactile delight.

  Her hand shook as she raised it. Her mind struggled against her body, her finger pushing forward, touching the symbols around the horror, reversing the order that it was in.

  The creature didn’t notice. Too enthralled by her body. Too eager for her final soul blasting orgasm. Her pussy quivered. Her vision swam with tears of pleasure. She missed the final rune. Missed again. Oh gods. Oh gods she was… she was…

  “C-cumming!” Greta screamed, her orgasm surging through her, her scream rising in a desperate crescendo as her hand flung out, slapping that final rune.

  The horror howled as the tear began to close, narrowing and narrowing even as Greta writhed in the ecstasy of her pleasure. It lifted her in the air, trying to draw her in, but the void was shutting too fast. Greta screamed again, a second orgasm as powerful as the first as the monster’s limbs were torn from her clenching quim and quaking tits, sucked from her and after the monster.

  She fell to the floor, near senseless as the void snapped shut, the runes fading away.

  For a long time, Greta could only lay there, sucking in great gasps of breath. Her mind spinning, senseless with the intensity of that final climax. At last, moaning softly, she twisted around atop the ground and pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, soft bottom raised in the air as she strove to focus.

  “Oh gods,” she said weakly, then giggled. “Oh gods that was close…”

  Her laughter grew and she threw back her head, arms wide as she basked in her final triumph. “I did it!” she laughed, victory filling her with euphoria like the finest of wine. She shook her fists at the darkness of the ceiling, tears pricking her eyes once more.

  Still chuckling, her cheeks hurting from smiling, Greta forced herself to her feet, swaying a little from the aftermath of her orgasm. She planted her hand against the wall, holding herself there as she fought to regain her balance, waiting until her quaking knees firmed.

  She raised her head, and faced the seal upon the wall. Slowly she straightened and stepped towards it. Her heart pounded as she raised her hand, her sweat gleaming on her pale curves as she carefully pressed the code in once more.

  The marks in the rings glowed to her touch. She stepped back, watching breathlessly as the stone dials slowly turned, a chiming note so pure it sang in her ears ringing out as they each locked into place. Dust pattered down from the ceiling as the stone rings sank back, forming a tunnel deeper into the wall. Breath catching in her throat, Greta stepped into it, walking down the circular tunnel until she emerged on the other side. A vast room lay before her, the corners held aloft by huge, robed serpentine statues. Motes of light glowed in the air, formed of raw magic so potent it fairly crackled on her skin.

  But Greta didn’t notice the beauty of the room. The awe inspiring frescoes of destruction and apocalyptic power. She didn’t even notice the formation of pure crystal which dipped from the ceiling like a petrified flower, illuminating all in a pale, ghostly light. No. Her eyes were on the pedestal rising from the middle of the floor, tilted just slightly as if to display the lost glory the temple had protected.

  A glory gone.

  Greta stared, dumbstruck at the empty space. “Wh-what?” she gasped. She grabbed the stone pedestal, dumbstruck. No. No it couldn’t be gone! But it was. She touched ancient wrought metal bent to hold something. A scepter or a sword or something of its ilk. Empty. Empty.

  “It can’t be!” Greta wailed.

  The spell hit her in the back like a battering ram. Greta arched, her scream silenced as her vocal cords seized up. But it wasn’t only her voice. Every muscle in her body tensed, locking her in place. She fell, flopping on to the stone floor weakly, her eyes wide in shock.

  “So she did manage to get in.”

  “You were warned.”

  “I didn’t think she’d find it. And I was quite proud of that void trap, you know. She should have been fucked over completely. Besides, we got here in plenty of time. So really, no one’s to blame.”

  Greta rolled her eyes, the only part of her she could move. She lifted them up, and her heart clenched with fear not even the temple had been able to inspire.

  A man and woman stood inches away, both garbed in richly embroidered red. The woman’s robes clung to a body of curves and beauty, her face partly hidden by a harlequin mask. The man with her was shorter, thinner, his face hidden in shadows but for a white mask showing nothing but two holes for eyes that burned with a terrible power.

  Red Mages.

  “Sooooo… what should we do with her?” the woman asked, glancing down at Greta. A slippered foot nudged the brunette. “She found the temple. She knows about the relic.” Her grin sharpened, and as if from nowhere a curving dagger appeared in her hand, the hilt a skull of silver, strange markings writ along the blade.

  “She knows nothing. Leave her. The guardians will feast on her bones in good time.”

  Greta shuddered at the voice that rang in her head, beating down her every other thought with the ease of its power. The woman shrugged. “If you say so.” She knelt down before Greta, her smile wicked with delight as she reached down and poked Greta’s nose. “Silly kittens should know better than to play with things they don’t understand.”

  “Stop toying with her. Let’s go. We haven’t time to for this.”

  The woman sighed, straightening slowly, her scarlet robes whispering about her. “Oh fine. You know, what’s the point of these powers if we never get to have fun with them?”

  “Come,” the thin man said, gliding back out the tunnel in the wall.

  “So long,” the woman teased, her fingers wiggling in farewell. She spun about, golden tassels flicking in the air as she followed the other mage out the tunnel and away.

  The eon old silence of the temple once more filled the chamber. Greta lay there, a prisoner of her own body, but her mind worked frantically. The Red Mages. The Red Mages had the spell. Knew the secret of the temple. The magic that could win the war against the Duke of Ashes in a flash. They knew it and kept it hidden. Why? What did they have to gain from the rise of the monsters?

  Greta quivered faintly. She had to warn the empress! She had to let her know! She couldn’t die down here. She had to let her love know that the greatest enemy wasn’t the Duke of Ashes, but the wizards who worked at her side!

  Her finger twitched. Greta glanced down, realizing she could move, if only slightly. Perhaps the magic of the temple was interfering with the Red Mage’s sorceries. Or her love for the empress surmounted that vile magic. With excitement Greta tried to move more, feeling returning with agonizing slowness to her body.

  Shuffling steps had her freeze once more. With agonizing effort she managed to tilt her head towards the opening of the chamber.

  Dinni crouched at the lip of the tunnel, the gertling’s eyes bright. Hope flared in her chest, tamped down a second later when she saw the cut of his wide grin.

  “Oooh,” Dinni said with mocking sympathy as he picked his way into the chamber. “Wo-man not look so good. She look like she in trouble.”

  Greta stared at the gertling in quiet fear, her every fiber straining to move more against the confines of the spell. The gertling tittered to himself as he came to crouch before her, leering down at her helpless face. He reached out and gently stroked her hair. “You not worry. Me Dinni not hurt wo-man. You keep end of deal. You let Dinni go. Me be nice. Me even come to help.”

  The gertling nodded, ears flopping at the motion. “Yes. Me Dinni come back. Save wo-man from temple and death. But me want reward like before. Hmm. But this big thing Dinni do,” he mused, and again Greta’s hope plummeted when she saw the cruel glint in his grin. “Me know good reward! Me take wo-man cove. That good reward for saving from temple!”

  Greta shuddered. No. No! I
f he took her cunt… if he came inside of her, she’d be struck by the curse of the Duke of Ashes. Enslaved to the gertling as little more than his eager brood mother. She tried to protest, but her lips merely quivered, her tongue still.

  Dinni cackled. “Me make feel good,” he told her, not unkindly. The gertling rose and pulled away his loincloth, baring his mottled cock, the warty little shaft rigid with his desire. Greta tried to move away from the stunted creature, but her efforts only gained her another faint quiver. Dinni stepped over her and between her legs, parting her pale thighs and baring her puffy slit. Grinning even wider, Dinni crawled between her legs, lowering his head and beginning to lap at her cunt.

  “Mmmnnnn…” whimpered Greta, the only sound she could make as the gertling began his assault on her body. Her ass twitched, muscles frozen by sorcery responding to this outside stimulus. This pleasure that began to throb through her core. The fear was still there. Sharp. Intense. But worse was the first trickling of pleasure.

  Dinni eagerly drove his tongue into her sopping cunt, and despite herself a soft moan escaped her trembling lips. No. No she couldn’t be enjoying this! She mustn’t be! But… but maybe… maybe there was hope. Maybe whatever magic enchanted the temple might prevent the Duke’s brand from overtaking her. Maybe the gertling would pull out. These and a dozen other thoughts flickered through her head, even as her thighs twitched and trembled, her honey pot drooling with arousal.

  Dinni moaned as he drank at her flower, his eager tongue drilling into her clutching pussy, searching for that tender bud that would send her wild. Not even the paralysis spell could prevent Greta’s gasp as the gertling’s lips found her clit, his tongue swirling about it, lashing it with eagerness as he listened to her panting, watching her heaving breasts, nipples hardening like diamonds.

  Dinni pulled his face from her muff, her arousal fairly dripping from his long hooked nose. “Me claim now,” he rasped, pushing between her legs, aligning his stunted cock. Greta shook at the sight of his warty shaft, remembering that night at the broken inn. If she got out of this, she was going to burn his stunted little prick off! She was going to… going to…

  Scream in pleasure as his cock at last lunged into her sensitive cunny, filling her in a sharp burst of that sweet pleasure. She bucked, an instinctive motion as Dinni began to rut into her cunt, and she realized she could move a little more now. Realized that hot pleasure bursting through her like fireworks was burning away the spell!

  And with this understanding, she knew what she had to do. She began to move against the gertling as much as she could, hips twitching as he fucked her. If she could get enough pleasure while he fucked her, she could escape him. Blast him to oblivion and return to the empress and deliver the news of the Red Mage’s treachery.

  With this in mind she adjusted beneath him, pushing out her luscious tits. She knew the gertling couldn’t resist, and as expected he lunged atop her, grasping her hand filling orbs, smothering his face in the valley between her breasts. Even as he groped and licked at her teats his bony hips kept hammering her mons, thrusting his stunted cock eagerly into her clutching cunt, spearing her with that sweet pleasure.

  Close. She was close. She could feel the icy tendrils of paralysis burn away as she fucked the gertling. Oh gods. She was nearly there. She could lift her arms. Even as she rolled her hips against the gertling she reached for the neck she’d held in magic’s grasp for so long. She was going to kill him. Kill him!

  “Nnnnnnaaaaa!” Dinni screamed as he thrust a final time, stuffing her cunt with his warty cock, his cry of pleasure ringing out as he came.

  And everything changed.

  Greta cried out as his oily seed rushed into her waiting womb, filling her with the gertling’s cum. She wailed in pleasure as she felt herself claimed, her core boiling with sweet ecstasy, the mark of an eye burning itself above her mons, claiming her for the pathetic creature rutting in her cunt. In an instant all her old concerns were washed away. Her life. Her empress. The betrayal of the Red Mages, all made so insignificant to the glory it was to feel the gertling’s cum filling her.

  “Dinniiiiii!” Greta screamed, her voice released, crying out her mate’s name as her orgasm surged through her. Hands reaching to strangle the stunted monster instead pulled him deeper into her breasts. Her legs wrapped around him, plunging his cock further into her clutching quim as she milked him of every drop of his wonderful seed.

  “Yesssss!” Greta wailed in delight. “Keep fucking me! Oh please! Please master! Don’t stop filling me with your glorious seeeeeed!”

  Dinni moaned. “Me not. You good slut!” the gertling panted from between her teats as he started to thrust again, still so eagerly hard to breed her.

  “Yes!” Greta panted frantically. “Oh yes! Fuck me master. Breed my pussy again and again! Oh I can’t wait. I can’t wait to have your young. Oh fuck master. Fuck me haaaaard!”

  Dinni howled as he again came inside her clutching cunny. Greta screamed in ecstasy as his oily cum filled her, leaking out her stuffed quim and tracing a line down between her ass cheeks. Panting, she pushed the gertling off and out of her. “Oh master. Master,” Greta panted, rolling over onto her hands and knees, lifting the plump peach of her bottom. “Please. Ah. Please f-fuck my ass again. Claim me there again.”

  Dinni grinned in delight. “Okay. Me be good master. Me promise. Remember?”

  “Oh yesssss,” Greta gasped. “I’m so sorry I didn’t… didn’t let you fuck my pussy back then. Oh gods. I wish I only knew how wonderful it was being yours. Please. Please take my ass, master.”

  Dinni laughed, grabbing her plush bottom eagerly and aligning his warty cock. “Okay! Me fuck bottom again!”

  “Yes! Thank youuuuuuuuuuu!” Greta cried as the gertling’s warty cock filled her ass once more, the stunted monster squealing as he clung to her ass, hammering her with his eager thrusts, bursts of pleasure blazing through her. “Yesssss!” Greta cried out, rapturous with the sensation. “Yesss! Thank you! Ah! Ah! Thank you master! Masterrrrrr!”

  She came again, orgasm flowing through her like liquid flame, burning away all her worries. All her fears. All her ambitions beyond being this pathetic monster’s eager brood slave. Her mons twitched, the emblem of an eye pulsing with her desire as she thrust back against the gertling’s hammering cock. She reached beneath her, fingering herself as she took his cock.

  Dinni squealed in pleasure as he came again, pumping his hot seed into her tender asshole. Greta wailed as she came with him, frantically thrusting her fingers in her sopping cunt, feeling the gertling’s seed that still filled her along with her own juices.

  Panting, Dinni pulled his cock from her ass. He sighed, wiping his brow at the effort of claiming the shapely noble. He spanked her bottom. “Up, slut! We go now. We leave.”

  On shaky legs Greta climbed to her feet. She beamed at her master. “Okay,” she said happily. Dinni smirked up at her and strutted off down the tunnel, back towards the surface. Swaying a little at the afterglow of her orgasms, Greta eagerly followed the stunted little monster. To where she didn’t know. All she knew was that she loved her mate.

  And that she was so lucky to be his slave.




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