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Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals

Page 3

by Robert James

  “Well, your Excellency” She blurted “It’s just that you seem so, so human, you even seem, well, so considerate and interested in all kinds of things that are so common place” She exclaimed.

  “And you find that strange?” I asked her, genuinely curious.

  “It is not what we have been told of how the Supreme Family thinks and acts” She answered, then she took a deep breath.

  “The Wisdom of Divine origin requires absolute divestment of all human considerations. No pity, no sorrow, no mercy only that which is right above all else. And that which the Patriarchs say is right, is right” She recanted. It was clear that Miss Proust had not a shred of doubt. Our sleek craft started to float upwards, it rose to about a hundred metres and then smoothly flew into a large hole which had suddenly opened up in the face of the 200 metre high cliff face we had been driving beside. We entered a cavernous garage cum hanger type building. The fact that our escort didn’t travel with us in our vehicle, yet were already there to help us out of the streamlined vehicle when we arrived, had me going for a while. Then I saw the row upon row of wheelless motorbikes, all bearing the Supreme House guard crest and logo.

  How they worked was a complete mystery to me. The green and gold clad guards formed a short passage way for us. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a black clad and caped man suddenly filled the other end of the human passageway. Instinctively, I wanted to get us back in that T.T.V and out of there. That, however, was now impossible, as with a rush of soundless wind, it had gone. We stood facing the dauntingly tall figure and his two, much smaller offsiders for a moment, before he raised his right hand, which contained a short stick. Once over his head the top of the stick burst into an extremely bright light. We were momentarily blinded by the stick’s brightness; I raised my hand to shade my eyes.

  “Bring your arm down so that I might see your face impostor” A deep voice ordered. I held my nerve and didn’t move.

  “Who has the audacity to give me orders?” I heard my own voice say, as I felt propelled forward towards the black specter.

  “Mother of all” The deep voice whispered incredulous “It is you Lord Robert, but... Oh, please forgive my lack of faith in the great powers of the Supreme Lord Robert” The tall man begged. Now he was all smiles, and so were the guards, whom, although I hadn’t noticed it, had been tense and ready for some kind of action “It is not for me to question how it is possible” The formidable looking, black garbed man told me reverently “It is only for me to rejoice that you have, at last, returned” The tall man added sincerely, before Miss Proust and I were led, escorted by three guards on each side, to a huge elevator door. And I do mean large!

  All eleven of us were able to comfortably fit into it, and, after a heart stopping, very rapid ascent, the elevator stopped gently, its door parting to reveal an astonishing sight. The balcony we stepped out onto, which was located half way up one side of an ancient volcano or meteor strike, revealed a sparkling white palace city. Built all around this natural basin, high in the mountains. The Supreme House was, to say the least, breathtaking. I had seen ancient palace cities before, both in ruins and re-built with computer generated images, but none had anything remotely like the splendour that lay in the bright moonlight before us. On the lower, more gently sloping part of the natural basin, there were symmetrically laid out houses and beautifully manicured gardens.

  There were a dozen almost temple-like buildings, at equal distances from each other and many times the size of the biggest homes I’d seen in Centropolis. Along with a circular prayer tower, each of the mini palaces had a large stone patio out in front. From where we stood, it was easy to see that each one was at the end of a broad tree lined roadway, twelve of which radiated out from the main central palace itself. That palace or temple was easily the most spectacular building I’d ever seen. Supreme House was like something from fairytale fantasy. Spires and minarets adorned it’s football-field-sized roof. Every one of its many many windows were softly lit and had a tiny balcony, each of them was a work of art in themselves. My now completely servile, but obviously happy, welcome home committee led Miss Proust and I to a waiting vehicle.

  We’d observed a couple of similar golf buggy type vehicles, zipping around on the roads that ringed the basin below, this one seemed to be a little larger. As we got in, the tall man, his two silent aides and the guard troop, all took a respectful step back.

  “I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow Lord Robert” He said warmly, as he almost saluted. Our golf buggy, driven by a small, helmeted individual, who never turned to look at us, zipped away, down the circular main drive and, after traversing half the basin, turned away from the central building and up toward to one of the encircling smaller palaces, if, in fact, that’s what they were.

  Here too, a welcoming committee awaited the awe-struck Miss Proust and I. This time, there were no guards, just very happy, typical household staff, all of whom had a large red rose on front and back of their white shirts. There were eight in all. At first, they looked very nervous and almost as if they were afraid, when we stopped and the two of us got out of the buggy. Then, there was a faint hum and suddenly the entire tennis court sized patio was lit by a dozen small but very bright lights up in the trees all around. As soon as the household staff actually saw me, they burst into delighted applause. Their faces were almost as bright as the lights as they approached us. An old and stooped gentleman, dressed in a white suite and red bow tie, stepped forward and peered at me, finding it hard to believe his eyes.

  “Miracle of miracles you have returned Lord Robert” He enthused, with devotion clear in his voice “There has not been a day pass that I, that all of us, have not prayed that we should live to see the day of your return” He assured me, then turned to the stunned and still silent Miss Proust “Know you Madame, that we are in service to the household of Lord Robert, I am Zoran, may I bid you welcome” He held out his hand smiling warmly.

  “Miss Proust, Centropolis administration” She responded primly, giving his hand an elegant, gentle shake “I too seek to serve Lord Robert” She added, doing her best to smile through her confusion.

  “Then you are doubly welcome Miss Proust” Zoran assured her, waving us through the other seven smiling men and women, all of them in their twenties or thereabouts.

  We entered the huge doorway. The dimly lit, almost cavernous rooms on the ground floor were clearly designed to impress and to entertain in, rather than live in as a home. Unless, of course, you wished to play tennis in the dining room and perhaps a game of soccer in the main reception room! The furnishings were as you’d expect in a palace and, to my absolute delight, were in either black, white or one of a hundred different shades of red. There were at least two dozen more staff around the high ceilinged chambers that Zoran guided us through. The sound of their clapping echoed in the huge marble floored rooms downstairs. Zoran then led us up the richly carpeted circular stairs, where only he ventured with us.

  Though it was still quite dimly lit, this floor was an entirely different story. The upper floor of this magnificent residence was designed strictly for comfort. Every conceivable luxury was contained in this pale pink and white paradise. Except for the table tops, all of black marble, there was not a hard surface in the whole place. Even the bath and basin were lined with a soft towelling material, and what a bath it was! Easily big enough for three or four people to stand neck deep in, I looked forward to trying it out.

  “We will have the main generator reconnected tomorrow Sire” Zoran advised me “In your absence, we dispersed it’s power to the green and blue houses, as Lord Peter and Lord Edmond have been undertaking much of your responsibilities” He added.

  Zoran stopped at the door to the apartment and turned to face me

  “I beg to tell you that my heavy old heart is light as a feather with the return of my Lord Robert” His voice shook with emotion. I took a step towards him and his eyes widened in surprise. Putting my right hand gently on his shoulder, I ask
ed him.

  “How long is it since I left dear friend?” He was clearly taken aback by my familiarity, but clearly, it gave him great joy.

  “It is now almost the fourth year of your absence Sire” He told me, looking directly into my eyes “It would seem that, wherever you have been, you have learned of many things not taught here Lord Robert” There was a slight warning tone in his voice. “It may be that not all of the Supreme Family are ready to hear such wisdoms” He suggested.

  “I beg you to forgive my precociousness” Zoran said humbly, as he stood there looking at me with an odd smile.

  “What is it you notice so different Zoran?” I asked, as he turned .

  “Just that Sire” He replied, in a matter-of-fact voice.

  “Just what?” I asked, completely puzzled by his meaning.

  “You cared enough to ask my Lord” The old man answered carefully, then turned and walked back to the stairs. Miss Proust and I went through to the ultra luxurious bedroom, where fresh fruit and sweet buns were laid out on a small round table with two gilded chairs. While I sat in one of the chairs, nibbling on one of the buns, Miss Proust once again excused herself and disappeared into the bathroom.

  I looked around the high ceilinged, ornately decorated sleeping chamber. The bed was twice the size of most big doubles and piled high with satin laced pillows in a dozen shades of red. When Miss Proust returned, her near perfect body was clearly visible under the very transparent peignoir she wore. I had to order her to call me Robert, in private, and to tell me her personal name, because I did not wish to make love to Miss Proust anymore.

  “My name is Susan Excel…er Robert?” She told me, her voice sultry and her expression making clear just how she planned to serve me right now. If this really was home, I was certainly glad to be back!

  Chapter Two

  A deep toned bell rang softly on the landing outside my apartment.

  “Lord Robert” Zoran’s voice called softly from the front door “Your morning repast is arriving and would you have a bath drawn Sire?” He asked, much like a butler.

  “Yes thank you Zoran” I replied through the closed bedroom door, as Susan Proust rolled her beautiful, naked body over on top of me, kissed me then got up, pirouetting for my greedy eyes to savour.

  “I am so very honoured that you find me to your pleasure Ex, Sire... Robert” She corrected herself then laughed at herself.

  “Enough, enough, you sexy Susan” I told her regretfully “Get yourself dressed so we can go eat breakfast”.

  “Why?” She posed herself “I’m not nice to look at when you are eating?” She asked, pretending to sound hurt.

  “No my beautiful bureaucrat” I laughed at her “It is because we do not know who else may await us out there” I told the naked woman. That got her scampering off to get dressed, while I donned a lighter weight red kaftan from the vast selection in the large walk-in cupboard. Sure enough, a young man and woman were waiting to serve our breakfast; I glanced at Susan and grinned as she visibly blushed. Neither of them spoke until I thanked them, which seemed to surprise both of them.

  “We are honoured to serve you Lord Robert” The young woman said warmly. The young man merely nodded his agreement. As we ate, the two went into the bedroom and tidied everything up, then they sat, without speaking, near the doorway, till we had finished. Once they had cleared up and gone, I had planned to put that huge bath to good and very stimulating use. However, two extremely attractive young women, wearing loose towelling robes and carrying towels and soaps, took over that task, with no complaint from me what-so-ever. Susan, on the other hand, was not so impressed with the idea.

  “Excellency, your lady will join us to bathe you?” One of the robed beauties asked silkily.

  “Of course” I replied, looking directly into Susan’s eyes. She smiled and began to disrobe.

  There can be few more erotic experiences to be had by a man, than slithering around with three beautiful, naked female bodies, in warm, soapy, scented water. Much like the famed Tantric sex, where you can’t actually do anything but enjoy the incredible eroticism of it. A circle of pleasure without beginning or climax, just endless ecstasy for as long as you can take it. Or, in this particular case, till that deep, gong like bell rang again.

  “Lord Robert, the Supreme One has requested you attend within the hour and both Lord Peter and Lord Edmond are on their way, Sire” Zoran reported from the door.

  “I’m on my way Zoran” I called back to him and reluctantly climbed out of the bath, leaving the two young girls to better acquaint Susan to the joys of female sensuality.

  From the sounds I heard, as I donned a smart, more formal kaftan, this time with a lightweight under suit, Miss Proust was thoroughly enjoying her induction to the carnal pleasures of Supreme Family life. I went out to join the waiting Zoran and together we went down the ornate carpeted staircase. Lord Peter and Lord Edmond stood, legs astride, hands behind their backs, with their respective entourages around them. Though both looked physically quite similar to myself, the difference in the energy I got from the both of them was like chalk and cheese. Lord Peter in similar garb to myself, only in green instead of red tones, was curious but clearly excited.

  Lord Edmond, on the other hand, dressed similarly but in blue, was plainly not wanting nor willing to believe I had actually returned. In fact, I felt as if he knew I was dead! Both of them waited in silence till I reached the marble floor at the foot of the stairs.

  “Robert?” The older and heavier set Lord Peter queried, looking closely at me in the bright light that poured through every window.

  “If you are Robert” Challenged the blue clad, younger Lord Edmond “Why do you not greet your elder in the prescribed way?”

  “Why do you not do likewise Brother” Peter asked provocatively.

  “Because I do not believe my elder brother Robert lives” Snarled Edmond “And I’ll prove it” Lord Edmond drew a stick from under his kaftan, It looked like the one the tall man had last night. He pointed it at me as though it were a gun.

  “To harm a member of the Supreme Family carries a mandatory death sentence Edmond” Peter said quite calmly “I see no fear in Robert, only in you” He added almost pleasantly.

  “This cannot be Robert” Edmond scrutinised my face, his own reflecting total puzzlement.

  “To be so certain of my death would indicate that you yourself witnessed it, dear Brother” I made sure that I spoke in the calm and pleasant manner of my older brother. Edmond’s reaction was as good as a signed confession

  “Of course I didn’t” He protested guiltily “But my soul tells me the one you impersonate is dead” He took the high ground.

  “If you had truth in your soul you would know I am me” I replied.

  “Speaking for myself, I am happy to see you well Robert” Lord Peter stepped forward and embraced me, whispering “Beware the thirst for power” In my ear as he did. His entourage began to clap, but Edmond and his blue clad crew just stared on silently.

  “My Lords” Zoran reminded all of us “The Supreme One awaits”.

  Two T.T.V’s arrived, with three of my siblings already on board one. We three boarded the other and were silently, and in silence, taken to the great central palace. It was there that I met Lady Ursula, Lady Margaret and Lord Elton all dressed in the kaftan like outfits, but in purple, yellow and brown respectively. While Lady Margaret, who seemed to be my younger sister, was clearly sure it was me and glad about it, much like Peter, the other two seemed to share Edmond’s doubt and displeasure at my return.

  We were ushered into a huge circular outer chamber, by our ever-growing squad of green and gold clad House Guards, who numbered more than twenty, by the time we had penetrated the onionskin layers of the Supreme One’s palace. At the centre and now two floors up, we came into the Supreme Council Chambers. Guided to out super comfortable chairs and settled in, the six of us sat silently and waited. In a minute or so, the arched doorway at the end of the chamber o
pened. We all stood to greet the Supreme One as he entered. He looked every bit the part, long silver hair, wispy moustache and beard, dressed in flowing white robes, the Supreme One was at least ninety years old, yet, he still stood straight and moved with grace and confidence.

  His face, an ancient version of our own, was lined from years of responsibility, yet his bright blue eyes were extremely alert and uncomfortably penetrating. We sat back down when he had ascended and settled into his throne-like chair, at the head of an oval shaped, oaken table, around which we all sat. A coat of arms, on the walls behind both sides of his chair, explained more than just the house guards uniform colours. Across a green circle, the world? There were bolts of gold lightning which overlapped each side. I read it as control by power. Little did I know, right then, just how accurate, if simplistic my interpretation was.

  “You certainly look like Robert, yet you’ve a curiousness about you” The old man began, watching me closely.

  The Supreme One’s voice didn’t follow through on his image, it was old and quavering. But his piercing eyes held mine steadily.


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