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Treyvon (Kaliszian)

Page 12

by M. K. Eidem

  "You have a sister?"

  Jen gave him a surprised look. "I do," she murmured. "Didn't I tell you that?"

  "No, you did not. You only told me about your Dasho, your Todd."

  "Oh. Well, I do. Her name is Kimmy, and she's five years younger than me."

  "She is still on Earth?"

  "Yes, and she's there alone. That's why I have to find my way back. Our parents were killed shortly after Todd and I were married. Kimmy was barely sixteen. I became her legal guardian."

  "Legal guardian?" He frowned at the term.

  "It means that I was responsible for her, to finish raising her. Todd and I."

  "A large responsibility for one so young."

  "She's my baby sister." Jen shrugged her shoulders as if that should explain everything.

  "Your Dasho truly was a worthy male," he said grudgingly.

  "He was," she agreed quietly, her eyes dimming, remembering how much Todd had hated having Kimmy around.

  "When you say Dad, is it the same as manno?" he asked.

  "What?" Treyvon's question pulled her back from thoughts she didn't want to have. "Yes. Sorry. Sometimes Earth words still slip out." Jen still found it strange that when a Kaliszian spoke to her, she automatically responded in the same language. Yet, when Mac talked to her in English, she spoke English.

  "So when you say your manno would make a veggie omelet, you mean he opened a packet."

  "No. I mean he would dice up whatever vegetables we had at the time and then crack a few fresh eggs and make an omelet."


  "Yes, like what you have for Last Meal, I guess, even though your supplies aren't that fresh."

  "You have your fresh food for First Meal instead of last?"

  "No, we have fresh food at every meal."

  "Every meal?" Treyvon didn't try to hide his shock.

  "Yes. Food isn't an issue on Earth. At least not for the majority of people."

  "You do not have packets?"

  "Well, there is prepackaged food, both dry and frozen. People who don't have time to cook just choose what they want or like, and that's what they eat. Or they have someone like me cook it for them."

  Chapter Eight

  Treyvon was still pondering the apparent abundance of food on Jen’s planet as he watched her put her hand on the access panel for her quarters. They’d come here first so Jen could drop off her coverings, and so he could show her how to control the temperature of the room. As the lights rose, he again took in the sparseness of the room. There wasn’t one piece of furniture, just a bed that Jen was moving to set her bundle on. It had a thin blanket and pillow that he hadn’t noticed the night before, but they were nowhere near enough for her. He would have this corrected. When she just turned and looked at him, he frowned in confusion.

  “The heat?” she prompted. “You were going to show me how to adjust it.”

  “Yes, it is here,” he said gruffly, moving to the control unit on the wall, hoping she wouldn’t notice the darkening color of his cheeks. “This is where you control the temperature. Touching the top crystal will raise the temperature. The darker the crystal, the warmer it will become. You touch the bottom crystal to lower it.”

  Jen had followed him across the small room, watching his large fingers glide over the crystal and couldn’t suppress the shiver as she remembered how they felt moving along her skin.

  “You are chilled!” Treyvon pressed the warming crystal until it glowed bright red, then reached out and wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her close, he enveloped her in his heat.

  "I…" Jen started to deny it but lost her train of thought as her lips brushed against the warm skin of his chest that his vest didn't cover. Carefully she pulled back, licking her lips and the salty flavor of Treyvon exploded in her mouth.

  Treyvon's entire being stilled at the touch of Jennifer's lips on him. It was just a brush, the faintest of touches, but he felt it deep in his soul. His gaze flew to Jennifer's hair that she restrained tightly against her head. Its long, golden strands controlled by one thick braid. No bead was visible in it, not that he expected there to be. The Goddess would never consider blessing him with the gift of an Ashe, let alone a True Mate. No, this feeling was just another way for her to punish him for what his ancestor had done. But it was a punishment he would willingly endure if it were from Jennifer.

  "Are you warmer now?" he asked quietly, his chest expanding outward in the hopes of feeling her soft lips on him again.

  "Yes. Thank you," she said. He was glad she was warmer, but he wasn't happy because it had her taking a step back, forcing him to drop his arms.

  "Then I will take you to Luol." Treyvon gestured for her to precede him out of the room.

  Nodding, Jen touched the crystal that opened her exterior door and was about to walk through when she turned and frowned up at him, her mind racing. "I sealed this door last night. I know I did. How did you get in?"

  "I used my code," he told her bluntly.

  "Code? You have a code to my quarters??!"

  "Of course, it is a security measure."

  "You mean anyone can come in here? Anytime they want? Even if I’ve secured the door?!!"

  "Of course not!" Treyvon told her as if she had offended him. "It would defeat the purpose of securing one’s quarters if anyone could enter at any time. The override code is used only in emergencies, and I am the only one that knows it."

  "Is that supposed to be reassuring?" Jen demanded. "There was no emergency last night, and still, you entered my quarters. While I was sleeping!"

  "I thought you might be in distress when you did not answer my knock. And you were!"

  "I wasn't!" she denied. "I was sleeping!"

  "The temperature of your quarters was inadequate," he argued back. "You could have become ill."

  "That's not your concern."

  "It is my responsibility to keep you safe," Treyvon growled at her.

  "Right, because you've done such a fantastic job so far!" Jen fired back and instantly regretted her words as Treyvon's face, which had been so open and expressive, immediately closed up and went blank.

  "Yes, of course," Treyvon replied in a flat, cold voice. "I understand why you would feel that way. While I cannot vow not to use the code again should I believe you are in danger, I can vow I will never use it any other time." He gestured forward with his arm. "If you would allow me to exit, you may secure your quarters and then we can proceed to Medical."

  Jen opened her mouth to apologize then snapped it shut. She had the right to be angry but not to attack him as she had. Especially not after telling him she didn't blame him for what the Zaludians had done. Securing her door, she turned to do just that only to find him striding away.

  • • • • • •

  “Jennifer.” The warmth was easily heard in Luol’s voice when he saw her enter Medical. It quickly turned to concern when he saw Treyvon and the harsh expression on his face. “Is there something wrong?”



  Treyvon and Jennifer answered simultaneously.

  "Jennifer's ankle is causing her pain," Treyvon said, giving her a look that dared her to argue with him.

  "It's no big deal," she replied.

  "You slipped yesterday," Treyvon argued back.

  "What?" Luol was immediately at Jen's side, taking her arm. "Jennifer, did you reinjure yourself?"

  "No. It's not that bad," Jen reassured Luol while glaring at Treyvon. "I'm just not used to standing so long anymore. It will be fine."

  "There's no reason for you to be in pain, Jennifer. I told you that I would be able to manage it. You just need to let me know when you have it."

  "You can't get rid of all of it, Luol, and I don't want you to."

  "What?" Both Luol and Treyvon looked at her in shock.

  "Not because I want or like pain, but because it reminds me to be careful," she informed them quickly.

  "I see." Luol took some of her weight as he
started leading her into the other room. "Well, let’s just check to make sure you haven't reinjured yourself."

  "I haven't,” she denied.

  "Humor me," Luol replied.

  "Why the deep repair unit?" she asked.

  "Because besides checking your ankle, I wish to make sure you have fully recovered from the Churian fever."

  "I feel fine," she told him.

  "I'm sure you do, but it is better to make sure. Is it not?" Luol asked, giving her a reassuring smile, then shifted his hands to her waist. "Let me help you onto the bed. Now just lie back and relax," Luol encouraged, helping her do just that before moving to the control panel. "This shouldn't take long."

  Jen tried to do as Luol said, forcing her body to relax, but she found it hard to do with Treyvon silently glaring at her. She needed to figure out a way to handle him. Well not handle, because she doubted anyone really could, not unless Treyvon let them. But she did need to find a way to get along with him. He was the General, after all. And while he wasn't like the Zaludians, no matter what she said, he still had all the power and control.

  Luol scanned the readings from the control panel not liking what he found. Jennifer was experiencing a great deal more pain than she was admitting. He would fix that. Filling a pressure syringe, he moved to where she could see him and the syringe.

  "This will ease the pain, Jennifer. Not all of it, but enough, so you will not suffer as you have been. I expect you to come to me before it gets this bad again. Understand?" While Luol's eyes were still warm and full of caring, his tone brooked no argument, reminding her of her father and how he would act when she was stubborn. She had to fight back the tears as she thought of her dad and nodded her head in agreement, just as she would have back then.

  At her nod, Luol pressed the syringe that looked like a gun against her neck, and she heard the faintest of clicks. Then Luol was setting it aside. It still amazed her she never felt anything when he did that. Boy, she wished it had been that way when she was a child and had to have her immunizations. She’d hated needles, still did.

  “Thank you, Luol. I’m feeling better already,” she told him surprised to realize she was.

  "Good. Now, I'm going to give you another breathing treatment." He held up a hand, stopping the words that had yet to leave her mouth. "The scan reveals the Churian virus is still in your system.”

  “It is?” She looked at him with anxious eyes.

  “Yes, and I want it eradicated.”

  "Me, too," Jen whispered quietly. She didn't like the thought of some alien virus in her system.

  "Then just relax,” Luol told her. “It won't take as long as last time."

  "Alright, but Luol," her words stopped him from turning away.


  "I was wondering… can your educator be programmed with whatever information you want?"

  "Of course," he told her his eyebrows drawing together. "Why do you ask?"

  "Do you have information on the food stores you get from the Tornians? On how they handle and cook them?"

  "I… I would think so.”

  "Could you find out and program it for me? I need to know how to handle your food."

  "From what I've tasted, you already handle it very well."

  "Thank you for saying that." A teasing smile broke across her face. "Even though I saw how carefully you chewed it the other night."

  "Yes, well that is only because it was… tender. I have never known meat at Last Meal to be that way."

  "I noticed it surprised you."

  "In the best of ways,” Luol quickly reassured her. “I told my Maysa about it when we talked last night, and she was very intrigued. She would like to speak with you. If you would be willing."

  "I would love to!"

  Luol was shocked at the beauty of the smile that bloomed across her face at his simple request. It reminded him of the Ligan flower. It wasn't the most attractive plant, what with its bristly stem, tightly closed petals, and thin leaves. Many overlooked the tiny plant, but that was because they weren't paying close enough attention. For just a moment every day, when the sun was directly overhead, those petals would unfurl, opening wide to soak up the sun’s life-giving warmth. In return, the flower would reveal its magnificent inner beauty.

  The Goddess had honored Luol once by allowing him to discover a field of Ligans at just the right time, and he'd watched as, like a wave, the flowers opened and closed as the sun journeyed across the field. He felt that honor again because Jennifer was sharing her smile with him. Yes, she still had scars, but you didn't notice them when she smiled.

  "Good. Now relax and just breathe," Luol encouraged and watched her eyes flutter shut as the repair unit closed.

  Treyvon’s hands clenched tighter and tighter as he watched the interaction between Luol and Jennifer. He didn't like it. He didn't like how comfortable Jennifer seemed to be with the Healer. He didn't like how Luol touched her even though he knew it was only to assist her. He especially didn't like Luol using her name. He should be the only one allowed that honor!

  Where this possessiveness was coming from he did not know, but it had been there from the first moment he'd realized she was a female. She stood up to him, argued with him, and didn't seem to fear him. When he'd carried her into his quarters last night, placing her in his bed, it had seemed natural, as if it was where she always belonged.

  He needed to take a step back. He was a General in the Kaliszian Empire, the Supreme Commander of all its defenses. He didn't have time to become involved with a female, especially one who would need so much care.

  Yes, that's what he would do. He would allow another male to look after her needs, and to arrange for her to have proper coverings. Then she smiled, and his heart stilled. Even the universes seemed to pause taking in her beauty. At that moment, he knew he would be doing no such thing.

  • • • • • •

  "How bad is she, Luol?" Treyvon asked gruffly, moving from where he’d been standing to the side of the repair unit, watching as it treated Jennifer. He didn't like how small and fragile she looked in it, even in her oversized coverings.

  He also didn't like that Luol felt she needed another treatment for Churian fever. He could tell that Luol wasn't happy either, his concern easily seen in the look he shot at Treyvon before it returned to Jennifer.

  “Not as well as I had expected. Her body doesn’t seem to be able to fight off the fever. It has been too stressed… is dealing with too much. It is the perfect breeding ground for the virus.”

  “You are saying she will die?!!”

  “No!” Luol instantly denied. “But I need to monitor her daily, need to keep supplementing her body. The amount of pain she is willing to endure is not helping. It is wearing her down.”

  “Then you will make sure she is pain-free,” Treyvon ordered.

  “I cannot.”

  “You will! That is an order, Healer!” Treyvon growled at him.

  Luol’s eyes widened in shock. Not only for the order but for the way Treyvon delivered it. He’d never seen Treyvon this way before. Looking to the General's hair, he saw that both his Ashe and True Mate beads still hung there.

  “First of all, when it comes to those under my care, General, you cannot order me to do anything. I am in charge here.” Treyvon’s eyes began to glow brighter and his growl louder. “Second, in this, Jennifer is correct. If she has no pain, then she will forget about her injury and possibly injure herself worse.”

  Luol’s words had Treyvon's gaze dimming and his growl ceasing. Luol was right. At least when it came to those under his care. Treyvon had no authority over him. But the thought of Jennifer suffering. It went against every instinct he had.

  "It will not be more than necessary," he gritted out through clenched teeth as his gaze returned to Jennifer.

  "Of course not, General. General," the hesitancy in Luol’s voice had Treyvon's gaze returning to him.

  "What is it, Luol?"

  "There is a way to make h
er pain free, to heal her injury."

  "What? Then why haven't you done it?!!" Treyvon demanded.

  "Because it involves causing her more pain."

  "I do not understand."

  "The reason the deep repair unit is unable to heal her ankle is that it is fully healed."

  "I know that!"

  "If it weren't healed… if it were re-broken, the unit could then repair it properly."

  Treyvon looked at Luol in disbelief. What he was suggesting, it went against every vow a Healer took… to cause no harm; to protect a patient from further harm. For him to suggest such a thing. But if in the end, if it healed Jennifer…

  "Why haven't you done this then?" Treyvon asked quietly.

  "Because I believe it should be Jennifer's choice and...”


  "And she is not yet strong enough to endure more. And then there is the fact that I do not know if I could do it. Maybe before I got to know her I could have separated myself from the pain she would have to feel, but not now."

  "I see." Treyvon looked down at the scars that still ran down the left side of Jennifer's face. The thought of intentionally causing her more pain had his stomach clenching in the most painful of ways.

  "It will have to be her decision, but I will not bring it up to her until I am sure she can withstand the… procedure."

  "It goes against your vow, Luol," Treyvon reminded him quietly.

  "Maybe the actual words, but not the meaning behind them. And if causing some harm heals a larger one, then by my vow, I must at least allow her to know it is possible."

  Both males silently looked at her for a moment. "If you would stay with her, General, I will go compile the information she requested and prepare the educator.”

  "Will it harm her using the educator again so soon and in her condition?"


  “I will inspect the information before it is uploaded to the educator,” Treyvon told him.

  "I… yes, General." Luol gave him a strange look, wondering why Treyvon would want to personally inspect and upload the information, but he said nothing.


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