The Only Witness (звёздные войны)
Page 7
When they arrived at one of the city's many landing platforms, Obi- Wan headed straight for the Degarian II. He was practically boarding the ship before Qui-Gon was able to catch up to him. Lena was at his heels.
"No, Padawan," Qui-Gon said quietly, pulling him aside. "We will not be taking this ship." Qui-Gon gestured with his head toward a lone vehicle in the corner of the launch bay. "I believe that this one will better serve our purposes."
Obi-Wan looked momentarily confused, then he nodded. He gently steered Lena away from the Degarian II and guided her to a shadowy area of the platform.
Qui-Gon approached the pilot of the smaller ship. "We're looking for passage to Coruscant," he explained in a low voice. "We'd like to leave as soon as possible."
The pilot stopped what he was doing and stood to his full height, which was considerable. He did not say anything at first, but simply looked Qui-Gon in the eye. Qui-Gon returned his gaze without flinching. He felt confident that this man was not in league with the Cobral. Flying with him would be relatively safe.
"I can fly you to Coruscant," the pilot finally said. He named his fee, which seemed a fair price.
Qui-Gon agreed. "We have some business to attend to, but will return shortly," he said. The pilot nodded. "I will be ready."
Qui-Gon turned and headed back to Obi-Wan and Lena. Now he only had to make it appear as if they were leaving the planet on the Degarian II, as planned.
"Time to board," he said in a normal voice as he walked up the boarding ramp. Then he quietly added to Obi-Wan, "Let me do the talking."
The Degarian II was a large and comfortable ship, with a diplomatic lounge and roomy sleeping quarters for its passengers. The Jedi and Lena were greeted by a droid host as soon as they got on board.
Qui-Gon was surprised to see that the droid was identical to those he and Obi-Wan had cut down earlier in the evening, but greeted the droid as if he were expecting him. After chatting for a few brief moments and accepting a message of welcome from Senator Crote, Qui-Gon declared that they were all very tired and would like to retire to their resting quarters.
"That will be fine," the droid replied. "I can show you the way." It led them down a long hall to a trio of spacious rooms.
"Thank you," Qui-Gon said. "Please be sure to wake us before we arrive."
The droid nodded. "Of course. We have clearance to leave in twenty minutes." He stood for a moment, as if waiting to make sure that each of them went into a room. Lena yawned and said good night, then disappeared through a doorway. Obi-Wan did the same, and Qui-Gon followed.
Qui-Gon waited for a good fifteen minutes before knocking on Lena's door.
"We're getting off early," Qui-Gon said as Obi-Wan appeared behind him.
Lena looked confused. "Do you think it is safe?" she asked.
"Safer than staying on board," Obi-Wan replied with a grimace.
Qui-Gon started down the hall and the others followed closely behind.
They escaped through a small hatch at the back of the ship just as the craft's engines hummed to life. They were boarding the other ship by the time the Degarian II disappeared into the atmosphere above them.
As soon as everyone was safely on board, Qui-Gon explained what had just transpired. "I'm afraid Senator Crote is not what he appears to be."
He pulled a travel order bearing the official Fregan senatorial seal from his pocket. It also bore Senator Crote's signature. "I found this on the thug who tried to steal Rutin's evidence."
Lena's eyes widened. "The senator?" she exclaimed. "I felt certain he was above this — that he was not part of the corruption."
"I have felt certain of many things that have not been so," Qui-Gon replied. "There are many hidden truths in a galaxy such as ours."
Lena sat back and rubbed her eyes. She was clearly overwhelmed. It seemed there was no end to the Cobral web of lies.
"Obviously I did not think it worth the risk to fly on the Degarian II," Qui-Gon continued. He flashed a brief smile. "I think we've taken enough risks already."
The small vessel took off a short while later, and the Jedi and Lena settled in for the journey. Though the ship was not nearly as large or as fancy as the Degarian II, Qui-Gon noticed that a sense of calm came over the group as they rose into the air. They were finally leaving Frego behind.
When the ship was about halfway to Coruscant, Qui-Gon was startled out of his meditative state by the buzz of his comlink. A moment later Yoda's familiar voice began to speak.
"Been attacked the Degarian II has," he said simply. His statement was followed by a few seconds of silence. Then, "Survivors there are not."
Chapter 18
Jedi Master Mace Windu met Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Lena at the landing platform. It had been a long journey, and it was afternoon on the city- planet of Coruscant. The sun was high in the sky, making reflections on the thousands of on-planet transport vehicles and glinting off of the towering skyscrapers.
"You must be Lena Cobral," Master Windu said, taking her hand for a moment. "It is good to finally meet you."
He looked at each of them in turn before leading them into the Jedi Temple. "We are grateful that you are safe," he said. "The news of Senator Crote came as a surprise, and obviously not a pleasant one. Then when the Degarian II was destroyed…"
Obi-Wan winced as he remembered how close they had all come to being killed.
"We would like to get Lena on the stand as soon as possible," he said, changing the subject.
"Of course," Mace agreed. "The chancellor has called a special hearing for this afternoon. It is scheduled to start in just a few hours.
The entire senate will be present."
"Excellent," Qui-Gon said. "We do not want to give Senator Crote or the Cobral time to realize that their plan has failed — that we are all still very much alive." He briefly touched Lena's shoulder. "And we can take care of this matter once and for all. It is best for Frego, I think."
Lena nodded. "In the meantime I'd like to freshen up and change my clothes." She gestured to her dirty travel clothing. "I fear this is not appropriate for a special session of the Galactic Senate."
Obi-Wan smiled. Even under extreme pressure, Lena attended to details. He would miss her when their mission was over, he realized. And it would be over very soon.
"We have readied some chambers in the Fregan consulate for you," Mace said. "We believe that Senator Crote will be out of the building until the hearing. But if we run into him we must all behave as though we have not linked him to the Cobral in any way."
"I understand," Lena said. "But I hope you are right when you say he is out of the building."
Mace led the way to Lena's temporary quarters and the Jedi waited while she quickly freshened up and changed her clothes.
Obi-Wan was amazed when she reemerged a few minutes later. Her hair had been tied into an elaborate twist, and a pair of sparkling gem earrings dangled from her earlobes. A simple light blue gown hung just to her ankles. She looked lovely and not at all like she had been through a long, harrowing night.
The group left the consulate and went directly to the Senate.
Lena gasped when she entered the Senate chamber. "I had no idea the galaxy was so big!" she whispered to Obi-Wan nervously.
Obi-Wan gave her a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine," he whispered back. "Remember, you are doing what is right."
Lena squared her shoulders and nodded as the group took their place on the large floating platform. She took her seat as the platform smoothly glided toward the front of the giant chamber. The session was just beginning, and Senators from all over the galaxy were craning their heads to see who would be speaking at this special meeting.
After a few minutes the murmur echoing throughout the room began to die down. Chancellor Valorum signaled to Lena that it was time for her to speak.
Steadying herself on her chair, she got to her feet. For a moment she was silent as she looked out at the thousands of faces staring back at her.
r /> Obi-Wan could only guess at what was running through her mind. She had been through so much, come so far. Now her fate was in the hands of strangers.
Would they believe her? Would they care?
Lena's voice did not wobble as she spoke out about the Cobral. When she linked the crime family to Senator Crote there was a murmur in the chamber followed by respectful silence. Obi-Wan could tell Lena had the attention of every being in the room as she spoke of crimes, abused power, and the evil Cobral hold on Frego. Then she told her own story, including the death of her husband and cousin. And finally Senator Crate's attempt to have them all killed.
There was an uproar in the chamber as a stunned Senator Crote leaped to his feet. "You are lying!" he shouted. "I have done nothing but good for your planet!"
But Obi-Wan could tell by the look on the senator's face that the man knew the tide was against him as Lena presented the proof — not only his link to the thug who had attacked her, but transmissions that linked him definitively with the destruction of the Degarian II. His political career — and in fact his life as a free man was over.
It did not take long to tally the vote. Senator Crote was removed from office, and the Cobral were immediately ordered under arrest, to be tried for their crimes. Once a new government was in place, a new senator of Frego would be elected.
Obi-Wan beamed. He was so proud of Lena, of all that she had accomplished for her planet and her people.
Because of her, Frego would finally get its new beginning, its chance at a new life.
Chapter 19
Back at the Fregan consulate, a small party was going on in Lena's chambers. There was much talk of the success of the testimony and the new road ahead. A few senators were so impressed by Lena's testimony that they suggested she run for the Fregan senatorial position.
"I have no interest in such a position," she replied flatly. "I will return to Frego to help put the transition government in place. But afterward it will be time for me to start a new life on a new planet."
She winked at Obi-Wan, and he had a feeling that politics were definitely in Lena's future. Perhaps she would get a position as an aide of some sort on Coruscant. If she did, he realized, he might get to see her from time to time….
After the small group had shared a celebratory meal together, Lena announced that she wanted to get some rest. "So much has happened, and I'd like a little time to digest it all. Soon enough I'll be heading back to Frego. I'm afraid I won't be getting much rest there."
Qui-Gon nodded. He knew how much work it was to change governments.
"I certainly think a rest is in order," he said. "Jedi Master Mace Windu and I have Temple business to attend to, but I will be back shortly. Obi- Wan can stay with you, if you like."
"That's very kind, but I'd really like some time alone," Lena replied graciously.
Obi-Wan tried to hide his disappointment as he nodded. "Of course,"
he said.
While Mace and Qui-Gon left for the Temple, Obi-Wan lingered outside Lena's door. He wanted to respect her wishes, but also wanted to stay close by in case she changed her mind. The door to the adjacent chamber was open and the room was empty. Obi-Wan entered and sat down in a comfortable chair. From here he could hear what was going on in Lena's room.
Obi-Wan had just closed his eyes when he heard a familiar voice. It was not Lena's, and it was not friendly.
"Surprised to see me, Lena dear?" it said. "I suppose you would be.
But then I thought you loved surprises."
There was a muffled sound, as if the intruder was fiddling with some clothing. Then Obi-Wan heard Lena gasp.
Obi-Wan was out in the hallway in less than a second. With his hand on his lightsaber, he pressed the door controls. But nothing happened. The door was jammed.
Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber. He'd have to cut through the door.
But as his blade touched the entrance, something told him not to cut.
Concentrating, he closed his eyes. He heard a very slight scraping right in front of him. Lena was just centimeters away — on the other side of the door. There was no way for him to cut through without putting her at risk.
"I should have done this years ago," the intruder continued. "Perhaps then I could have saved my favorite son. The one I loved the most. The one I cherished."
"I tried to save him, I really did. But once word got out that he wanted to betray the family — that you had talked him into testifying against his own flesh and blood, there was nothing I could do. It was a great loss for me, yes. But necessary."
Lena let go of a sob. "Necessary?" she echoed in disbelief. "Zanita, he was your own son!"
"I know that, Lena. Actually, I rather wished he had been a daughter.
You see, boys and men are nothing but foolish pawns. They always need to be told what to do, and half the time they still do it wrong. Things on Frego were a mess until I took control. I organized our forces and got the government to see matters our way. Everything was going just fine until you came along. You stole my Rutin's heart and coerced his mind."
"Rutin had a mind of his own," Lena said quietly.
Scanning the wall, Obi-Wan tried to remember the position of everything inside the quarters. His hands were damp with sweat, and his heart was pounding. He didn't have much time to act, or any room for error.
Zanita acted as if she didn't hear her daughter-in-law. "And now because of you I stand to lose my other two sons as well," she went on.
"But of course I'm not going to let that happen."
Obi-Wan heard an ominous click. He had to act — he just hoped he wasn't already too late. Raising his lightsaber, he pushed the blade into the wall.
"Would you like a moment to fix your hair, darling?" Zanita asked.
"You might be seeing Rutin in a few moments."
Obi-Wan sliced through the wall with remarkable speed — and stepped inside just in time to see Lena fall to the floor, meters away. She landed with a sickening thud and lay completely still.
Still holding a blaster in her hand, Zanita leveled the barrel at her daughter-in-law's chest. She did not seem to be aware of Obi-Wan's presence.
Obi-Wan tore his eyes away from Lena and took several steps toward Zanita. She whirled around suddenly, the blaster now aimed at him.
"Ah, a Jedi," she said. "Of course."
She fired several rapid blasts. Obi-Wan was surprised by her incredible accuracy, and had to dodge and weave to avoid being hit by two and deflect three of the bolts with his saber at the same time.
Stepping forward, he felt one of the bolts graze his robe. He spun around and leaped into the air, landing on Zanita's right side and grabbing the blaster. Zanita hurled herself forward onto Lena's body. Her shoulders shook violently as several sobs escaped her throat.
The true leader of the Cobral had been defeated, and was probably thinking of the time she would soon be spending in prison.
Obi-Wan deactivated his lightsaber and re-clipped it to his belt.
There was a small hole in his robe where the blaster bolt had grazed him.
He fingered it gingerly, grateful that he was not wounded. But Lena..
All of a sudden Obi-Wan heard a rushing sound behind him.
"Obi-Wan, look out!" someone shouted. It was Qui-Gon.
For a split second Obi-Wan was not sure where to look. Then he saw the glimmer of a weapon in Zanita's hand. It was a vibroblade.
Before Obi-Wan could disarm her a second time, Zanita had plunged the reverberating blade into her chest.
A moment later she fell to the floor next to Lena, dead.
Chapter 20
Qui-Gon looked up from his sleep couch in his quarters at the Jedi Temple to see his Padawan standing in the doorway.
"I thought you might like to come with me to see Lena," he explained.
Obi-Wan shifted his feet slightly, and Qui-Gon was reminded of the young boy he had taken as a Padawan learner more than four years b
Impatient and headstrong, but also unsure. They had come a long way since then. But at that moment Qui-Gon was very aware that the younger Jedi still sought his affection and approval. Qui-Gon could not blame him, and was even grateful. Soon enough Obi-Wan would be a Jedi Knight in his own right, and would no longer need him. For the moment, however, he was still a boy.