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Reckless Times: A Paranormal Romance (Paragon Society Book 1)

Page 21

by Michelle Hercules

  It’s show time.

  Like in spy movies, I use my chain to climb up the building. It loops around one of the structure’s metal beams, and then all I have to do is zoom upward.

  Wow. This is fun. I can’t believe I’ve never tried it before.

  There’s a wide ledge around the building, which is convenient. I move around until I find a window to an empty office. The blasted thing doesn’t open, so breaking the glass is unavoidable. Once it shatters, I wait a couple of seconds before I jump in. There’s no sound of anyone coming to investigate the noise. This whole section of the floor must be empty.

  No sooner am I inside than I hear the sound of someone struggling. Daisy! I run toward the commotion but stop short of bursting into the scene. I need to get a better sense of what’s going on.

  Daisy is on the floor, and there’s a powerful Idol looming over her.

  “Did you think you could come into my office and unmake me, little Knight whore?” the man says before hitting Daisy with a bolt of energy.

  She’s the Unmaker. I knew it!

  He throws something over her body, a net that dims her powers. when it lands on her. The net has to be made out of lightning glass.

  That’s it. I’ve heard enough.

  “So, you’re the Knights’ weapon, huh? To be honest, I’m kind of disappointed. It was almost too ea—”

  I cut his tirade off, spearing him with my chain. He makes a gurgling sound as he drops to his knees, and only then do I yank my chains back. He collapses to the floor with a satisfying thud. I approach his corpse, which is now leaving a big stain on the carpet.

  “Lived as a pig, died as a pig,” I murmur.

  “A little help here,” Daisy says.

  I lean forward and pull the net off her, tossing it to the side. “Let’s go. Security will be here in no time.”

  She jumps to her feet and attempts to fix her hair. It seems shorter. She must be wearing a wig.

  “Did you follow me?” she asks.

  “Yeah. I caught your signature as you ran to the ground floor. I was curious to find out where you were going in such a hurry,” I answer with a shrug.

  Daisy doesn’t ask more questions and follows me out of the man’s office. I could suggest going down the same way I came, but the poor girl is already too rattled, so we race down the stairs instead. I’m faster than she is, and I wonder if she’s still under the effect of the net. I only slow down when we’re at least a block away from the building, but she’s the one who actually stops first.

  “Wait. Are you planning to run back to Paragon Academy on foot?” she asks, out of breath.

  “I’m not going back there now. But you should. And don’t forget to lose the wig.” I smirk.

  “How do you know I’m wearing a wig? Are you truly blind?”

  “As a bat.” My smirk turns into a wider smile. I must look like a maniac to her.

  “Thank you for saving my ass back there.”

  “I was just returning the favor.”

  Yeah, such a load of crap.

  “Aren’t you going to ask what I was doing with that man?”

  I know exactly what was going on. She was sent there by the Knights to unmake him. That pig must have been a Neo God. I can’t tell her any of that though. I could just pretend she’s someone like me, a rogue agent getting rid of the scum.

  “Hey, I’m not one to judge other people’s kinks. If fat and disgusting makes you hot and bothered, I’d say go for it. But I know that’s not what you were doing there.”

  She scoffs. “Maybe I like fat and disgusting. You don’t know.”

  “Sure you do. Don’t worry, Daisy. I’m not telling your boyfriends about your side job as an avenger. I just have one favor to ask in return.”

  “What is it?”

  “Please don’t tell Stephan that I helped you.”

  “I wasn’t planning to. But why not?”

  I shake my head. “I have my reasons. ” Clapping my hands together, I say, “Well, I’d better get going. See you later, alligator.” I mock salute and then run across the street, unbothered by the oncoming traffic.

  She must think I’m a crazy girl, and maybe I am. But I’ve found her, and now I have a solid reason to dream.



  Andy didn’t return my call. I didn’t expect her to. And the only reason I didn’t go after her was because I was needed to deal with the aftermath of the meeting. With the mole dead, we have no way of knowing how long he’d been posing as William, nor do we know what happened to our friend, though he’s most likely dead.

  I’m beyond upset. Will and I were close, which makes me feel even more shameful that I didn’t suspect anything.

  When I finally make it back home in the early hours of Monday morning, the darkness is all-consuming, just like it does on the anniversary of Mom’s and Sabrina’s deaths.

  With a shudder, I glance at the door at the end of the hallway. The desire to punish myself is grand, but I can’t keep doing that every time I’m depressed. I can’t let it become an addiction.

  Sunrise is approaching, the sky gradually turning pink and orange. There’s no time to sleep. I have to be at Paragon Academy in a few hours, pretending everything is normal.

  I take a quick shower, and instead of driving there, I fly, though maybe I shouldn’t be wasting my energy. I make air controlling look easy, but it takes a toll on me. But the school isn’t too far from my apartment, so I do it anyway. I circle around the building before landing, and only because I’m wrestling with myself whether I should peek through Andy’s window.

  In the end, common sense prevails. I’m pathetic when it comes to her, but I’m not a Peeping Tom. I’ll see her soon enough in school. We have a meeting first thing in the morning, for which I have to prepare mentally. I need answers, but one wrong word from me and I can forget getting any.

  She doesn’t show up to the meeting. I should have known. With the interschool tournament, I’m busy for most of the morning, covering for a colleague who’s on his honeymoon. It’s not what I signed up for, but I couldn’t say no to the principal. When I finally catch a break, I can’t find Andy anywhere.

  It’s the middle of the afternoon when I’m finally done with work. I’m about to head out when Bryce and Rufio catch up with me. Great. What do these dumbasses want now? They seem troubled, which automatically makes me worried.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask.

  “I need your help with something,” Bryce replies.

  “All right.” I push the door to my office open. “Come in.”

  Rufio gives the room a quick scan and says, “Damn, you really went for the minimalist look.”

  “I don’t fuss over trivialities. So, what can I do for you?”

  “I need to borrow one of your special cords that nullify Idol powers,” Bryce replies with a straight face.

  Is he fucking kidding me? Because that’s what we need, to put lightning glass gear in the hands of two hotheads like them.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lie.

  “Cut the crap, man. The Knights kidnapped me and kept me trapped for an entire weekend, and I couldn’t use my gift. You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Bryce retorts, staring hard at me.

  Ah damn. That’s right. My father’s team did use our special gear on Bryce. It was the only way to contain such a powerful Idol.


  I don’t think I have a choice but to get more information from these two. I’m not handing our stuff to them blindly.

  “What are you planning to do with that?”

  “I can’t tell. Literally.”

  It takes a moment for the coin to drop. Motherfucker. The Neo Gods got to them. We’ve known for a while that their father was a member, thanks to the intel provided by their own mother. We’re also aware the Neo Gods put a mind block in their recruits that keeps them from blabbering. We’ve seen what happens when the Neo Gods under our “care” attem
pt to talk.

  Ultimately, Dad is sure the Kent brothers aren’t in league with the Neo Gods’ agenda, so I have to trust him, even if I don’t like these guys very much.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” I say.

  “I’m not asking to borrow a fucking pair of rollerblades, dude. This is a life-or-death situation,” Bryce replies angrily.

  “Do you think I have it just lying around?” I snap. “I need to make a few phone calls. I’ll get back to you within an hour.”

  The pair glowers at me for a few seconds before they finally accept that it’s the best they’ll get from me. Thanks to our own internal issues, access to lightning glass weapons and gear is restricted. Dad is still storing the last shipment in his home’s basement. And that’s why I need an hour. I’m not calling anyone. I’m getting the special cord myself, and also a few other items. Things are about to get dicey, and I need all the leverage I can get.

  On my way to Constance Island, I get a call from Soren.

  “Dude, where are you?” he asks.

  “I’m on my way to Dad’s. Why?”

  “Have you seen the news?”

  “No. What happened?”

  “A big corporate guy was murdered today in his office. An Idol who was on our watch list.”


  “How did he die?”

  “He was struck by a powerful weapon that tore his body in half. Our contact at the precinct sent us the picture. The murder scene has Andromeda’s signature all over it.”

  “What the fucking hell!” I want to break something. “What does she think she’s doing going after the top dogs? Does she want to get killed?”

  “Yo, don’t yell in my ear. I’m just delivering the news. I thought you were going to handle her two nights ago.”

  “Well, things didn’t go as planned.”

  They never do when she’s involved.

  “Don’t get mad, but I told Dad it was her.”

  “You what?” I shout.

  “I’m sorry, okay? But you can’t think clearly when she’s involved, and she’s out of control. I had to tell him.”

  I clench my teeth so hard it hurts my jaw. Anything to keep me from saying something I’m going to regret.

  “What did he say?” I finally ask.

  “He says he’ll deal with it.”

  “Wait, that’s it?”

  “Yeah, he was pretty chill about it, actually. Do you think he’s planning on detaining her?”

  Cold dread licks the back of my neck. I haven’t thought about that possibility, but considering the shit storm within our organization, I wouldn’t put Dad past taking drastic matters to contain the situation.

  “I don’t know, Soren. I hope not. Please keep me posted. I’ll be back at Paragon within the hour. If you see Andy, don’t let her out of your sight.”

  “Am I supposed to be her babysitter now?” he replies with annoyance.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Soren, please, do this for me.”

  “Okay, bro. But you owe me.”



  For the first time in a long time, I’m actually feeling good about myself. I killed a despicable man, and I may have found my key to freedom. Pretty productive day. I have every intention to chill out in my room, maybe listen to a rom com, when my phone rings.

  Of course, Nathaniel had to go and ruin my day. If I ignore him, he’ll either make me suffer or simply show up. He obviously doesn’t care about discretion anymore.

  “What?” I bark.

  “Oh, is it a bad time?” he asks sarcastically.

  “As a matter of fact, yes. I was about to listen to a movie.”

  “That’s what you do after murdering one of our own?” His voice is cold and dangerous.

  I sit straighter on the couch, no longer feeling easy breezy.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Andy, please. I thought we weren’t keeping secrets from each other anymore. You know I don’t appreciate liars. You killed Calvin Cornwall. Just confess already so we can move on.”

  “How did you know?” My voice is weak.

  “Dear, you have a pretty distinct MO. I should be furious that you decided to go rogue on me. I don’t care if you kill Fringe scum, but when you start messing with those on top, people start to notice, start to ask questions. We don’t want that.”

  “Hold on a second. Are you upset that I killed that sick perv or not?”

  He sighs loudly. “Calvin is no loss, at least not to me. You actually did me a favor. He was on my list. That’s the only reason I’m not punishing you right now. But I’m warning you, Andy. No more unauthorized missions. Your only job now is to find the Unmaker. Got it?”


  “Good. Keep me posted on your progress.”

  He ends the call, and I let out a relieved sigh. I didn’t think about the repercussions when I decided to help Daisy. But of course, Nathaniel would know I was responsible for ending Calvin the pig. I got lucky this time, but I do need to be more careful.

  The mood to watch a movie is gone. I’d go visit my parents if they were in town, but Fatima emailed me their itinerary. They’re in Europe this week.

  I grab my phone and consider texting Ezekiel. Maybe he’s not as angry with me as much as Leroy was.

  I’m about to command the phone to place the call when my chains flare up.

  My apartment vanishes, and I’m thrust into an infinite void. The Eternal Void. I don’t know why that name pops in my head, but I know it’s true. Everything is dark save for a light dangling above a person curled into the fetal position on the ground. I can see her clearly, just like I could see Stephan before. It’s Daisy, and she’s crying.

  “Daisy!” I try to run to her, but my legs won’t move. I glance down and discover I have no body.

  Suddenly, I’m pushed backward, as if I’m attached to the end of an elastic band, and thrust into a different place. A luxurious hotel room.

  Daisy is lying on the couch, unconscious, while her boyfriends freak out around her. Something is terribly wrong. She needs my help.

  I focus on my power, taking control of my chains. I need to see where they are. I float away from the scene until I’m standing in front of the Golden Branch Hotel. That’s just around the corner from Paragon Academy.

  I burst out of my apartment, running as fast as I can. My chains are on full display now because I can’t be delayed. Daisy doesn’t have much time. If I don’t get her out of that void, she’ll be lost there forever.

  By the gasps I hear as I step onto the hotel lobby, I must be quite the sight. Since I’m not doing anything to hide my powers, no one tries to stop me when I reach the elevator. Level eighteen for the win.

  The metal box zooms straight to the top, and when I reach their floor, I know exactly where to go. I’m tempted to simply bring the double doors down, but there are four powerful Idols on the other side, all going out of their minds. I’m strong, but I don’t want to fight them over nothing. Plus, Daisy doesn’t have the time. So I knock.

  The prettiest of Daisy’s boyfriends opens the door. I got a good look at them when I was hovering over the scene, seeing everything through my chains.

  “What the—” he starts.

  “Move out of the way, Pretty Face.” I barge in, pushing him aside.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” The dark-haired guy takes a menacing step in my direction, ready to unleash some serious destructive force on me.

  Well, he can try.

  “Oh, bite my heinie, emo boy. I’m here to help.”

  “Did Stephan send you?” Bryce asks. I remember Daisy called his name back in the alley.

  “Of course not.” I walk over to the couch where Daisy is, unmoving.

  Shit. I hope I’m not too late.

  My way is blocked by Daisy’s fourth boyfriend, the strongest in the group. Hell, he’s a level eighteen like me, and a fearmancer to boot.

come on now. Not you too,” I complain.

  “You’re not getting any closer to Daisy until you tell us who you’re working for.”

  “I could indulge in your pathetic need for male reassurance, but unfortunately, Daisy doesn’t have the time. So you either let me help her, or she’ll be lost forever.”

  “Do you know what happened to her?” Pretty Face asks.

  “Not the details, but I can guess she’s in a very dark place.”

  “How can you help her?” Emo Boy asks. “My brother and Morpheus have failed.”

  “Dude, I’m at a whole different level than you guys.” Not completely true, but I need them to believe I’m stronger than they are.

  “You’re only a level higher than me,” Bryce retorts.

  I roll my eyes. “Allegedly. Now, can you get out of the way so I can help her?”

  The fearmancer finally steps aside.

  “You’re still too close. I need space to work. Shoo.” I open my arms wide, urging them to retreat even farther.

  “How does she know we’re too close?” Pretty Face whispers to Emo Boy.

  “My eyes are sightless, but that doesn’t mean I can’t see,” I reply. “And really? Do you think I can’t hear you whispering? Even if I weren’t an Idol, I’d have enhanced senses, you know, with being blind and all.”

  “Enough talk. Are you going to help Daisy or not?” Emo Boy barks.

  Man, if Daisy weren’t hanging by a thread, I’d make him eat his attitude.

  I focus on her, because not only do I need her, but I actually like the girl. I let the power that resides in my core whoosh out of my hands and into my chains. They search for Daisy’s signature into the nether, but it’s harder to locate her this time around.

  Did I lose her already?

  No, I can still hear her breathing. It’s shallow, but it’s there.

  I push forward until I plunge into the void once more. My skin crawls even though my body isn’t physically there. Daisy is in the same spot from the last time I was here, under the hanging light. I conjure up my body so I can touch her.

  “Daisy, it’s me, Andy. We have to get out of here.”


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