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Midnight in Montmartre: A French Kiss Sweet Romance

Page 12

by Chloe Emile

  "I've gotten great feedback on the campaign so far," Beth said. "Our website and social media numbers are off the charts. I shouldn't have doubted you and your team for a moment."

  Luc smiled. "Actually, it's okay to. Nothing's ever a sure thing. Not in advertising, not in life." And not in love, he silently added. "But you have to take a chance once in a while."

  "I find that we French are so afraid to fail," Beth said. "Not like the Americans. That's why their country is chaotic, but I have to admit, that's probably why they're so innovative as well. I'll never tell that to an American, though."

  Beth's laugh tinkled in his ear.

  Money. The word came to Luc again. That was how Nick Carraway described Daisy's laugh in The Great Gatsby.

  Beth had been his Daisy all along. He'd spent years trying to be the man he thought she wanted him to be.

  Now that Luc had the money and the respect, Beth had decided to give him a chance.

  But Luc wasn't going to make the same mistake that Gatsby had. As they danced, her perfume engulfing him, he realized that Beth had been a dream, and Luc had woken up a long time ago and realized that reality was better.

  Reality came in the form of a woman who looked just like America. Now just where was she already?

  "Oh look," Beth said. "Gigi Tom came. And she brought her latest rock-star boyfriend." She wrinkled her nose. "I wish she hadn’t. He's supposed to have this severe cocaine problem. I hope he doesn't cause a scene tonight."

  Luc turned and saw the cool supermodel walking in. He'd been working with her all week. The rock-star boyfriend in question, Sam Smitheron, from the Deadly Vines, a band his brother's band had toured with, was cracking jokes with the waiters. The cocaine problem was probably true, but Luc had met the dark-haired Englishman a couple of times. Sam was nice if Beth would only get to know him. He could see why models like Gigi liked him. He was funny, sensitive, and poetic and one of the best songwriters of his generation. One of Mathieu’s bandmates had had a cocaine problem before he got help, and Luc had learned not to judge people so harshly based on their weaknesses. If Sam really did have a cocaine problem, he hoped he would get help soon.

  As he watched the famous couple, his gaze fell behind them to the most beautiful woman in the room.

  She wore a simple emerald dress, and her wild hair was untamed even by a headband. Everything about her shone as if she were lit up from within. Her smile brightened up the party, which had been stuffy so far.

  Mia was looking around in awe, smiling and talking to her friends excitedly. Luc smiled. He knew she would enjoy the party. He had found these kinds of events fun too when he first started coming to them, when he'd been more impressed by grandeur.

  Mia was now chatting with Gigi Tom. He wouldn't be surprised if the two of them became BFFs by the end of the week. Mia could make friends with anyone. Even Lina, one of his most difficult employees at LUX, who rarely liked anyone, was starting to thaw around Mia.

  "Luc." It was Beth, looking at him with concern. "Did you see someone you recognize?"

  "Yes," he said. "A peer." The song was over. He extracted himself from her embrace. "I'm going to say hi, if you'll excuse me."

  "Of course." Beth's voice was flat. She pulled away.

  Luc turned back in Mia's direction. It was as if she was a magnet pulling him to her.

  He'd just seen her at the office yesterday, but tonight was different. Tonight he was going to tell her that he loved her.

  Chapter 23

  When Luc eased his hand away from Beth's arm, she fought the urge to hold onto him. As Beth watched him walk away from her, she kept a smile on her face. She glanced around, wondering if anyone had witnessed that small moment of rejection. No man had ever done that to her before.

  She had always thought that Luc liked her. She used to catch him staring at her with his puppyish blue eyes in lecture halls when they were both studying at the same university. He was one of those guys who was always hovering around her, waiting for an opening to talk to her. He looked at her like she was a goddess.

  Throughout the years, he had been a regular at her social circle's gatherings. Whenever she threw a party, he always showed up alone, holding a thoughtful present for her. He gave her the kind of attention that a girl could get used to.

  She had to admit that she had taken it for granted. They both dated others casually, and Beth had put Luc in the friend category. It wasn't that she wasn't interested, but with so many options, how was she supposed to decide?

  As she watched him move between guests, dodging cater waiters and even the gorgeous supermodel, Gigi Tom, Beth felt her heart drop to her gut. She had a feeling who Luc was walking toward.

  Mia Golden was here at the party. She was a LUX employee who'd come up with the campaign idea for her Mademoiselle Montaigne line. Mia was certainly not as pretty as Beth was, she knew that, but Mia had something. Her hair was too curly and a bit wild, but it certainly commanded attention. She didn't have the ideal model's body—her hips were wide, out of proportion to her smaller chest—but she had lovely skin. From what Beth remembered of her at the pitch meeting, Mia also had beautiful eyes, hazel-green eyes that flashed brightly when she was making a passionate speech.

  And Mia's smile now, as she responded to Luc, was wide, as dazzling as the chandelier over her head.

  Beth sighed.

  Her friend Marcus sensed her distress. He took her hands, and they waltzed on the dance floor.

  "Something troubling you, Beth darling?" Marcus asked.

  "Why?" Beth asked. "Do I not look okay?"

  "You look as beautiful as always, which I'm sure you're tired of hearing. But you do look a bit pale."

  Marcus Savin was one of her closest friends. He could see right through her.


  How was she supposed to explain it? For as long as she could remember, she had been used to being the center of attention whenever she walked into a room. She had always taken that attention for granted, figuring that she could take her time, picking and choosing whoever she wanted when she wanted. She had waited too long; she'd given Luc enough space for him to fall in love with someone else.

  "I need a drink," Beth said. "And the dancing is making me dizzy."

  They went to the edge of the dance floor, where Marcus grabbed a glass of white wine off a waiter's tray and gave it to Beth. "Come on. Let's go sit down."

  She sat down on a black leather couch by the wall and downed half the glass.

  "Are you feeling all right, Beth? Is it this flu going around? One of my friends is sick in bed. It's incredibly nasty."

  Beth smiled sadly. "I wish it were medical, Marcus."

  "Oh, quit being so dramatic. Spill it."

  She took a deep breath and looked back at Luc and Mia. They were walking off somewhere together, perhaps out to the back of the store, which led to a small garden.

  "Have you ever had the feeling that you made a huge mistake in life? That you missed a major boat that came your way, and now it's sailing away?"

  Marcus shook his head. "Whatever happened was meant to happen. I never have regrets, none whatsoever."

  "Well, I do."

  Marcus looked up in the direction Beth was looking. "This isn't about a boy, is it? That boy?"

  She slowly nodded.

  "You're kidding. Beth Montaigne? Your biggest problem when it comes to men is who to beat away with a stick on any given day."

  Beth let out a low laugh. She blinked as if she was having trouble focusing her eyes. "What good is it if the only person you realize you wanted doesn't want you anymore?"

  "Who wouldn't want you? You're Beth Montaigne, for Chrissake."

  "Luc Deneuve. You just met him. He just left."

  "Luc, I must admit, is quite delicious. He must be gay if he doesn't want you. You don't mind if I take a stab, do you?"

  Beth hit Marcus playfully on the arm.

  "He's in love with someone else now." She put a delicate hand on
her head. It was throbbing now. The wine wasn't helping. "I waited too long, and now it's too late."

  "What do you mean you waited too long?"

  "I always thought Luc was cute and smart, but there was never a shortage of guys around me. Plus, I was so busy with work and building my career that I didn't give him the time of day. I can't believe it took me so long to see how special Luc is. Not only is he handsome and smart, he's caring and generous. I know a lot of men who are successful and good looking, but how many are also thoughtful and kindhearted? And now his heart belongs to someone else."

  "Oh, Beth," Marcus said, softening up. "You're really in love with him? Are you sure it's too late? Are you sure he's in love with someone else?"

  "He is. I’ve noticed the shift in him ever since he met Mia. She's American, and she works for Luc."

  "I'm sure whoever she is, she's no match for you."

  "No, Marcus, I really don't think I'm in the running anymore."

  "You're as beautiful as a top model, you're rich, you're educated, you have men lined up for miles. Who is this Mia girl and what does she have on you?"

  Beth sighed. "She's actually rather talented. She was the one who came up with the idea for the 'Protect Your Valuables' campaign. She's beautiful in an exotic way. I have to admit, if I didn't resent her right now, I'd like her."

  "So what? There are plenty of talented and beautiful girls in the city. Didn't you say that Luc was in love with you for years? What would change now? Just because he's talking to her doesn't mean he's in love with her."

  "No." Beth shook her head. "You haven't heard how they met."

  She told Marcus the story Luc had told her about how Luc had met Mia randomly in the middle of the night in Montmartre. Then how Mia had stumbled into his office the next morning, not knowing that he was interviewing copywriters. How he'd hired her, just like that. Life's strange little coincidences.

  "They're fated to be together," Beth said. "I think he's been enamored with her from day one. I've been trying to get his attention these past few weeks. We even went out for dinner, and I was the one who asked him. I’ve never asked a man out in my life. The whole time he seemed distracted and disinterested, and now I know why. You should've seen the way his face lit up when he saw Mia come in just now. That was how he used to look at me, and he doesn't anymore."

  "Beth, I'm sorry."

  Marcus stood up and put out his hand. She took it, standing up too.

  "Life is full of curveballs, isn't it, Marcus?"

  "Come on, let's dance it off." Marcus dragged her back onto the dance floor. The jazz band was playing a slow song again. "You're not used to being disappointed, are you? This must be especially hard for you."

  "I guess this is what it feels like. Heartbreak."

  "It's a mild form of heartbreak. You'll get over it. Sweetie, you don't even know the meaning of heartbreak yet. I bet you do worse to boys on a daily basis."

  Beth put her head on his shoulder. "I guess I'll just categorize this as one of my life's big regrets so far."

  "Oh, don't be so melodramatic. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. Do you see all these single men around here, dying to get a dance with you?"

  Beth laughed. "They're also here for the Montaigne lingerie show later in the evening. You know, all the half-naked women you're not interested in."

  "Give me a break. At least I'm interested in the lingerie."

  Beth laughed again. "Marcus, you're so funny. Why can't you be straight? You'd be the perfect man for me."

  Chapter 24

  If there ever had been a moment in time when Mia had the chance to feel like a princess, it was at the Montaigne party. The decor, the food, the music—it was as if she'd stumbled onto the set of a movie. The decadence was unreal, and the people were beautiful. Everybody was wearing the most beautiful clothes and jewels, and it was as if she was attending a palace ball.

  It also helped that shots of the Montaigne ad campaign lined the walls. A surge of pride rose in her chest at knowing that she was responsible for the idea. The girls in the ads looked beautiful and strong. In the main campaign photo, Gigi Tom looked back at the viewer as if challenging them to defy her.

  "If this is supposed to be a lingerie shop," Amanda remarked, "the Victoria's Secrets back home might as well be Walmarts."

  "Most of the guests here are millionaires," Amélie said. "They probably don't even know what a Walmart is."

  "Of course not," Kiko said. "They come from families who haven't mowed their own lawns for over three hundred years."

  "Fancy schmancy." Sarah grinned. “I heard there’s going to be a lingerie show later."

  "Ohh, free champagne," Kiko gushed.

  "Don't mind if I do." Amanda plucked one from a waiter's tray.

  The others did the same.

  "Cheers." Amélie raised her glass.

  Mia grinned. So she didn't have a prince, but who said you needed a prince to feel like a princess? Four of her girlfriends were here with her, and she was going to try her best to have an amazing time at the party.

  As they all drank up, Kiko's eyes widened.

  "Look, isn't that Gigi Tom?"

  Mia and the others tried to look at the blond supermodel discreetly. Gigi was with her on-and-off-again musician boyfriend. Mia had read about them online. Not that she was proud to be reading celebrity gossip, but when she’d had to keep up with the news as a journalist, she would read the entertainment sections from time to time as a break from all the serious and depressing world news.

  Gigi was in a shimmery flapper-inspired silver dress, and her boyfriend still had his rocker edge in a tux, given his overgrown hair and dark under-eye circles. He looked as if he was used to partying every night of the week.

  "Let's go say hi to her," Mia said.

  "Who?" Amélie asked.

  "Gigi, of course."

  "What? You can’t—”

  Mia was already in front of the supermodel, introducing herself with a big smile. Life was too short to be intimidated by anyone. Gigi turned out to be quite friendly and chatty, and Mia's friends shyly gathered around her, asking her questions about the modeling industry. Sam, the rocker boyfriend, was also quite nice, and funny too, cracking a joke a minute.

  As Gigi's boyfriend was telling a story about how they met, Amanda nudged Mia.

  "Hey, isn't that your hot boss coming this way?"

  Mia looked up like a deer in headlights. She had known she was going to see Luc around sooner or later, but she had expected to have some time to prepare herself. He was only ten feet away and coming closer.

  "Mia?" Luc said, smiling widely and meeting her eyes. "You look beautiful."

  "Thanks." Mia could feel herself blushing. "Good evening, Luc."

  Luc didn't look half bad himself. He looked every inch the dashing young prince. She wondered where Beth was, the real princess of the party.

  "Mia," Amanda said, “this is your boss? The man in the cape and tights who saved you from that mugging in Montmartre?"

  Luc laughed and stuck out a hand for Amanda to shake.

  Mia introduced them, silently praying that Amanda wouldn't say anything too embarrassing.

  "You wouldn't happen to have a brother, would you?" Amanda asked, giving Luc a once-over.

  Mia inwardly groaned.

  "Actually, I have four brothers."

  "Jackpot." Amanda grinned.

  Luc laughed. "Actually, I'm the best looking anyway. You'd throw rocks at my brothers."

  "I'll take my chances," Amanda said.

  "May I remind you that you already have a boyfriend?" Mia was amused.

  Amanda shrugged. "I'm flexible in that regard."

  "I'll keep that in mind." Luc laughed again.

  "So, where's Beth Montaigne?" Amanda asked casually. "I'm a big fan of her lingerie."

  Mia's heart began to beat faster at the mention of Beth. Why wasn't Luc with her?

  "On the dance floor somewhere," Luc replied. "I'm sure she's su
rrounded by guys waiting for a dance with her."

  "Why aren't you in that queue?" Amanda asked. "She's beautiful."

  "She is, but we're just friends."

  Amanda gave Mia a look, but she ignored it. Mia was embarrassed enough already.

  Luc turned to Mia. "Can I talk to you for a moment in private?"

  Mia blinked at him. She was feeling robotic again, unable to process her emotions in a timely matter. It was her default expression: utterly blank. Yet her heart beat faster still and her hands shook a little.

  "Sure," she managed to reply.

  Amanda gave Mia a little push and winked at her. "Have a good time."

  As they were walking away, Luc looked shyly at Mia.

  "I hope your friends are having a good time."

  "Maybe too much of a good time," Mia said. "Are any members of your family here tonight?"

  "My little sister might come later in the evening," Luc said. "None of my brothers are free, even though I don't know why, given this is a lingerie store opening."

  "That's too bad, although I'm sure having your sister here will make the night even more special."

  "You're here," Luc said. "That already makes the night special."

  Luc grabbed her hand. She hadn't expected it, or the kind words. His hand was warm, and she realized how cold her hand had been. Her heart pumped into the red zone.

  "Where are we going?" Mia asked.

  Luc took her down the hall, where the changing rooms were. They passed by floor-to-ceiling windows that pushed open like doors.

  "Come on," Luc said.

  The opening led to a small garden in the back of the store.

  "It's beautiful out here," Mia said.

  There was a rose bush, neatly trimmed hedges, and a small fountain in the center. It was dark outside, but the moon provided enough atmospheric lighting.

  "Look, there's a full moon again," Luc murmured.

  Mia looked up. Two moons ago, they had met. So much had happened since then, yet they hadn't changed, not that much. She was still the same woman Luc had met that night in Montmartre, and her good first impression of Luc still hadn't changed.


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