Geneva Sommers and the Secret Legend

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Geneva Sommers and the Secret Legend Page 35

by C J Benjamin

  I hated that Jemma was so chipper, no doubt still smug with her ability to veil my powers and continue with her plan to steal Nova and ruin my life. Nova was glaring at me, and Sparrow just looked confused. Everyone else was smirking and it was making my skin crawl.

  “So you two must have been up late,” Journey added sarcastically with a wink.

  “We were just talking,” I said defending myself.

  “You must have had a lot to talk about,” Jemma said with a giggle.

  “We did, we talked a lot about you, Jemma,” Remi said, wiping the smirk off her face. “Do you want to tell everyone how you took advantage of Geneva, or should I?”

  The kitchen erupted once Remi told my friends that Jemma veiled my powers. Everyone was yelling, accusations flying. I knew this would happen, but was hoping it wouldn’t be quite so early in the day and I would’ve had a little food in my stomach first. I was not looking forward to another fight. I just wanted to disappear. I had completely lost my appetite and took the opportunity to slip out of the kitchen while Journey was trying to voice his point of view over everyone else’s arguments.

  To my relief, no one seemed to even notice I was gone. I could still hear raised voices as I retreated to my room to change and pack up my belongings. I hadn’t anticipated all the events of last night and hated that I felt rushed to depart Hollis for the Troian Center today. There was no telling when we would arrive, but I knew we’d probably be there sooner than I was ready for.

  I finished packing my shoulder bag with what was left of my clothes and my useless journal. Then I set off to find Niv. We hadn’t left last night on good terms and I wanted to make sure he was okay before leaving him with Eja and Jovi. I bumped into Sparrow in the hallway.

  “Hey,” Sparrow said, greeting me with less warmness than usual.

  I brushed the strange feeling off, chalking it up to losing my powers. Everything felt strange without them.

  “Have you seen Niv this morning?” I asked.

  “Oh, no I haven’t. Sorry.”

  “Can you help me look for him?”

  “Sure, I guess,” she said as she followed me wordlessly down the hall.

  I kept getting the feeling that she wanted to say something. She was probably miffed that I’d been foolish enough to trust Jemma and give up my powers. I didn’t have time for a lecture from Sparrow. I needed to find Niv, but since she really seemed to be following me like a lost cub, rather than helping me look for him, I finally confronted her. “Out with it, Sparrow! Just say whatever you want to say already.”

  “Well, I mean, I was just wondering what happened last night?”

  “I screwed up! I know! Remi explained it already, didn’t he? What part are you confused about? The fact that I have no powers or that my sister is a jerk?”

  “No, I get that. I mean, I wish you didn’t have to be so vulnerable without your powers, but I get why you did it and I really appreciate the sacrifices you make for all of us, Geneva.”

  “Then what’s confusing you?”

  “I don’t want you to be mad at me . . .”

  “Sparrow, I won’t be mad. Just tell me so we can get past it and you can help me find Niv.”

  “Are you with Remi now?”

  “What?” I squawked. “No! Why would you think that?”

  “Well I don’t know? Maybe because when we woke up this morning we all walked past the two of you curled up on the couch together!”

  “We were up late talking. I was really upset after getting in a fight with Jemma and he heard me crying and came out to talk to me. We fell asleep, that’s it! Ah, why does everyone have to read so much into everything?”

  “Well . . .”

  “Well what?”

  “Isn’t that what you assumed when you saw Nova and Jemma sleeping in the hammock?”

  “That’s different, Sparrow! Nova and I have . . . had something. Never mind. It doesn’t matter anymore. Nova and I are over.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said sheepishly. “I know how you feel about him. But you also know how Remi feels about you and you shouldn’t play with people’s feelings.”

  “I’m not! Remi is my friend. I’ve already told him that I don’t think of him any other way. He knows that.”

  “Even now that you’re through with Nova?”

  “Yes! Why are you pressing this Sparrow?”

  “I just want to know what’s going on. It’s hard to keep everything straight around here. One minute you love Nova, the next you two are over. You kissed Remi, but you don’t like him that way, but you cuddle on the couch all night with him. How do you not see that it’s confusing to me?”

  “Why do you care, Sparrow?”

  “Because maybe I’d like a chance to see if I could have a relationship someday and I don’t want to step on your toes. I’m trying to be a good friend.”

  “You want to date him?” I asked incredulously.

  “No! I don’t know. Maybe?”

  “I really wish we could all stop focusing on this stupid stuff! Honestly, a boyfriend is the last thing that should be on our minds right now. I thought we all had more important things to concentrate on,” I said bitterly.

  “We do. I’m sorry I brought it up, I wasn’t trying to fight with you,” Sparrow said.

  “It’s fine,” I sighed in frustration. “Just tell me if you see Niv, okay?”

  “Sure,” she nodded.

  Journey was just rounding the corner.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked the moment he took note of Sparrow’s crestfallen face. He rushed past me to her side.

  I walked away from the two of them, shaking my head as Sparrow leaned into Journey’s burly shoulder. And she thought I was confusing? It was plain as day to me that poor Journey was in love with her and she seemed to be completely blind to it.

  “Hypocrite,” I muttered to myself


  “This is where I leave you,” Hollis bellowed.

  We all crawled out of his protective shell and stretched in the warm breeze that bathed the edge of the rainforest. If I peered through the vines and vegetation, I could scarcely make out the ominous outline of the orphanage that had been my home. I knew this spot all too well and a prickling hint of nostalgia washed over me. This was where I’d first entered the forest with Nova and learned I had powers. Not too far from here we had rescued Niv, and buried his mother. We’d also fled through this area after we stole the Book of Secrets from the Troian Center. It filled me with a strange mix of emotions being back here.

  Our voyage through the forest to get back to the Troian Center was harrowing, but I had a feeling today was the beginning of something much more difficult. Our quest to save the Pillars was immense and I was starting to realize that none of us were truly prepared for what lay ahead.

  “Well here’s to the first day of the rest of your life,” Eja said as if reading my mind.


  The rumble of thunder in the distance distracted the tall man from his plotting. He rose from his desk, smoothing back his long dark hair, unfurling his menacing black robes. He ascended the stone staircase, spiraling to the top of the open stone terrace above his office. From here he could see the barren landscape of Hullabee Island from every angle. When he stepped outside, a hot wind whipped his onyx mane from its neatly collected coif. For once, he didn’t fix it. He let it lash at his face in an unruly way as he watched the darkening sky on the horizon.

  Heavy, gray clouds gathered on the edge of the rainforest, like toiling ocean waves, giving warning to all that a storm was brewing.

  “And so it begins,” he said, fighting the shiver that ran up his spine, while he smiled toward the forest.

  He twisted the obsidian ring he wore on his left hand. It was something he did subconsciously when he was anxious. He polished it against his robes and then held his hand up to block out the intermittent rays of sun that snuck through the clouds. The inscription on the face of the stone blazed in the sunlight.

>   MV—Malakai Venir.


  We gave Eja and Jovi tearful embraces and refused to say goodbye. It felt much too final. We said farewell instead as we watched them disappear back into Hollis’s shell. We thanked him for granting us safe passage through the forest and he of course bowed and said he was honored to serve us. He promised to help Eja locate the Beto camp and safely deliver him and Jovi back to them. Quin would assist Hollis in tracking the tribe since much to my dismay, Isby was staying with us so he could convey messages back to Hollis and the Betos if need be.

  I hadn’t been able to find Niv. I knew he was hiding somewhere inside Hollis’s maze of rooms. He was obviously still upset with me for leaving him behind. Even though it hurt my heart to leave him without saying goodbye, I knew it was the right choice. Without my powers I couldn’t protect him and I would never forgive myself if I put my sweet little marmouse in danger. I’d sworn to his mother that I would protect him and I intended to keep that promise. It reminded me of the oath I’d made to Jovi’s mother too. I felt relieved that I’d upheld my word and that Jovi was now safely on her way back to her family. She had assured me that she’d find Niv and take care of him for me in a tearful embrace.

  I watched Hollis lumber away until he was swallowed up by the forest. I was sad to see him go, but I felt better being outside in the fresh air. I think being cooped up in such close quarters with everyone had really gotten under my skin. Whatever magic made Hollis’s impossible interior possible, put us all on edge and I could tell instantly that we were in better spirits now that we were out in the world again.

  Gathering up our gear we fell into line and silently walked the narrow path through the last few feet of forest. The thick vegetation fell away abruptly and before we knew it we were exposed, standing side-by-side, gazing across the sun scorched fields to the Troian Center, while thunder clouds gathered overhead, setting an ominous stage.

  We stuck to the plan we’d come up with during our rotunda meeting. We were going to link hands and walk together toward the Troian Center under Remi’s invisibility power. We had no idea what we were walking into or how we’d be welcomed. At least this way we could get close enough to get a better look.

  We stood silently for a moment, waiting for Remi to give us the sign that his power had taken effect and we were all invisible. The wind picked up as the sun was swallowed up by the cloudy sky. My breath caught in the back of my throat as I realized this was it. This could potentially be the last time we were all together. We had no idea what was waiting for us, yet all of my friends were here, standing by my side, fighting my fight with me. Just then Remi squeezed my hand, letting me know he was ready. I knew there wasn’t time to express how much I loved and appreciated every one of my friends in that final moment.

  All I had time to say before we took our first official step toward our destiny was,


  Note from the Author

  I want to personally thank you for taking the time to seek out this great little indie series. Writing is truly my passion. I believe each of us can find a small part of ourselves in every book we read, and carry it with us, shaping our world, our adventures and our dreams.

  Following my dream to write frees my soul, but knowing others find joy in my writing is indescribable. So thank you for your support and I hope your enjoyed your brief escape into the magic of these books.

  If you enjoyed this story, don’t worry, there’s plenty more currently rattling around in my rambunctious imagination. Let me and others know your thoughts by sharing a review of this book. Reviews help shape my next writing projects. So if you want more books like this one be sure to shout it from the rooftops (or social media.) ;-)

  - C.J. (Christina) Benjamin


  Don’t worry, this isn’t the end of Geneva’s story. You can start reading the next book now. Geneva Sommers and the Myth of Lies begins on the next page.


  Order The Complete Book 3 Now


  A fire is building. It’s fueling my heart, my desires, my rage. My future is alight with flames. Will they destroy me? Strengthen me? Perhaps they will permit me to rebuild something better from the ashes. I am both mesmerized by their beauty and terrorized by their power. Will they heal or wound? Will they bring rebirth or death? Flames are a fickle friend. Tame them, or they will devour you.


  The anxious knot in my stomach was growing unbearable. Months of preparation had led us to this moment. It seemed like a lifetime ago we’d fought our way out of the Troian Center and found shelter with the Betos in the rainforest. Since then I’d become a new woman. Or at least I was trying to be. I’d embraced my role as the Eva and studied the history of my people. But my education was short lived. It seemed that my destiny would seek me out before I was ready. Brutal attacks lead by the Ravinori, ending in utter devastation for the Betos, had forced my decision to return to the place I had fled. I was in search of the missing Pillars and a way to stop the dark forces from gaining power. We’d fought for every inch we gained on our voyage back to the Troian Center, but now that we were finally here on the precipice of my destiny, I felt stiflingly uneasy.

  We marched forward out of the protective tree line of the forest and into the open field; a wall of bodies, hands clasped moving with purpose toward the Troian Center. Even though we had the protection of Remi’s invisibility power, I still felt tense and exposed. My heart pounded with uncertainty as a cool wind rushed past and we picked up speed. I could barely feel the strange sensation of lightness that being invisible provided. My skin tingled, but it felt more like nerves than magic. The last time I’d been invisible the sensation had felt much more intense, which had me worried that maybe it wasn’t working right. The possibility that Remi wasn’t strong enough to stretch his power over all of us made me shudder with fear. This was more people than he’d ever tried to share his power with before.

  “Are you sure it’s working?” I whispered to Remi.


  “How do you know?”

  “I just know. Now stop distracting me,” he said sounding strained.

  Jemma squeezed my hand supportively. Holding her hand was definitely adding to my uncomfortableness.

  “It’s working,” she said. “Can’t you feel it?”

  “Just barely. It feels less intense this time.”

  “Maybe having your powers veiled has dulled the sensation for you, but I can feel it pulsing though me. Look, the hairs on my arms are standing up!” she said.

  I sighed realizing she was probably right. I was so used to having heightened senses, but they must have been hooked to my powers because I felt desensitized ever since Jemma veiled them. I shook away the uneasiness and instead focused on how quickly we covered ground. The Troian Center was in full view now and I strained my eyes to cover the rest of the ground between the approaching building and us. It looked odd to me, but I couldn’t put my finger on what was different about it. Had we been gone so long that the only home I remembered now looked foreign to me? Maybe it seemed darker and more foreboding? Or maybe that was just my nerves.

  “Does something look off to you?” Remi asked as we approached.

  “So it’s not just me?” I asked, the pit in my stomach growing.

  “Yeah, look at all the trees and plants. They weren’t there before, right?” Jemma asked, seeming as unsure as I was.

  “It makes it look… pretty,” Sparrow said with uncertainty in her voice.

  “There’s a fence too! That’s new,” Nova said.

  “You’re right,” Journey said. “I can barely make it out behind all the plants.”

  We slowed our advance, cautiously trying to figure out the subtle differences in the Troian Center and the purpose of the fence that loomed up ahead. We’d always entered through the opening in the courtyard wall. It was never fenced off. It was usually guarded loosely by Grifts, but they were easy
enough to slip past. But there didn’t seem to be any Grifts in sight. I squinted, making the black fence come into focus. It wasn’t especially tall or intimidating, but it’s what had given me the perception that the Troian Center had a darker exterior. The black fence seemed to wrap around the entire complex, adding an eerie shadow to the coquina walls. In some places the fence was hard to make out, with trees and hedges blocking our view.

  “Who would put a fence around the Troian Center?” I asked.

  “I think we need to get a closer look,” Journey said. “Let’s keep going.”

  We continued moving forward watchfully, taking in the details of the fence. From this distance we couldn’t tell what it was made of, only that it was shaped into evenly spaced black bars. I shivered as it conjured images of prison cells in my mind. The fence was about eight feet high, with pointed tips that glimmered in the remaining sunbeams that managed to filter through the clouds.

  “That’s strange,” Journey said. “I can’t see a break in the fence anywhere. Shouldn’t there be a gate?”

  “I don’t know. But the good news is I don’t see any Grifts,” Remi said.

  “Yeah, that kind of worries me,” added Nova.

  “Me too,” I whispered.

  We were within 100 yards of the fence now. We slowed our walk to a hesitant pace as we tried to figure out how to get inside. This had never been a problem before. The Troian Center had been designed to keep us from getting out, not the other way around. We were in unexplored territory, now that we were trying to find a way in. We crept within the newly manicured lawn as we headed toward the familiar courtyard entrance. There was no solution in sight to the fence securely positioned in front of us. We didn’t know what else to do but keep moving forward. We passed lush vegetation and fragrant citrus trees as we approached. Bright hibiscus blooms caught my eye. They seemed a strategic distraction for any who approached. Tall cypress trees and dense hedges loomed around us, cutting off the view to all but the very top spires of the black fence just ahead. The path narrowed, as if funneling us toward something. My anxiety intensified when Jemma and Remi pushed against me as we squeezed together to fit through an impeccably sculpted pair of hedges. Just as we passed through them I heard Remi gasp and the world went dark.


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