The Braille Club Undone (The Braille Club #3)

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The Braille Club Undone (The Braille Club #3) Page 20

by J. A. Kerr

  Maalik laughed. “You can crawl but you can’t hide.” Moving quickly, Maalik kicked Virinder savagely. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” said his father evenly.

  Virinder clutched his stomach in shock and pain.

  “Your mother always protected you, but not tonight,” he said. “Unlike you, she does what she’s told, although sometimes...she needs a little persuasion.”

  “You bastard,” groaned Virinder.

  His father kicked him again, hard and with accuracy. Virinder gasped in pain.

  “I’m going to see your precious Noor. She begged to speak to me in person. What do you think she wants?” He laughed. “She wants a real man, Virinder. She’ll open her legs because it’s the only thing she knows.”

  “No,” Virinder moaned.

  “Yes,” said Maalik quietly, “and I’m going to enjoy myself.” He kicked Virinder in the face before he grabbed him by the hair. “I’m going to fuck her, son, and think of you.”

  Virinder’s head ached; he knew he had to do something; Noor was in danger, but as his father stepped over him he recoiled in fear. His father’s face looked down at him with contempt.

  “Coward,” he murmured.

  Maalik stood at the top of stairs. “The marriage is off, I hope you understand that now, Virinder, but my fun with your slut is about to begin.”

  He heard the scream first and then saw his mother lunge. His confused mind struggled to make sense of it. Why was she here? With a push, she sent his startled father forward towards the stairs. For a moment he fought the forces of gravity as his body tipped. It all happened so quickly; his father twisted, his hand grabbed hold of his mother’s arm, and together they plunged down the stairs.

  Virinder lay there in shock. He heard his mother’s scream as their bodies tumbled down the stairs…then silence. Everything changed in an instant. He could not see his parents. He listened intently but heard nothing. He closed his eyes; his breathing erratic as he pulled his mobile from his pocket. Every movement was painful. He dialled 999, requested an ambulance and the police. As he waited his gaze returned again and again to the point he had last seen his parents. When he finally heard the siren, he finally closed his eyes and succumbed to the blackness.

  Chapter 45

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. Swingers Zone Trial. Guy increased the pressure around the nipples and brought his lips down on the smooth skin of her exposed throat. The suit applied pressure all over her body. He started at her ankles and the wand climbed up her inner thighs. Her legs shook when he reached her sex.


  When Tess awoke she turned and switched on her phone. With trepidation she entered Si’s name into a search and waited for the results to load. She clicked on the link without hesitation. Tess watched the video clip dispassionately. She couldn’t see their faces, the camera was too low, but she could hear their voices clearly.

  Mr Lawrence?” she asked.

  “Shhhhh. What the fuck are you playing at?”

  “Games are for later. I want a drink.”

  “I’ve got a tab going. What do you want?”

  “A glass of white wine, please.”

  “We can take the drinks to the room.”

  “Some business first. How long will you require me to stay?”

  “The usual arrangement.”

  “I’m sorry; I’m new to the company. Tonight was a rush, so I need to fill in some blanks.”

  “Like what?”

  “How long?”

  “I’ll pay for as long as it takes.”

  “What drugs?”

  “Christ, you really are a rookie. We can discuss it in the room.”

  “I’ve only got coke.”

  “Fine. I suppose you’re going to ask for your money next?”

  “How did you guess.”

  “I’ve got an account and I want to fuck, so finish your drink. You’re on my time now.”

  Simon voice was almost a snarl and Tess felt her cheeks grow hot at his behaviour. He really was obnoxious, arrogant and selfish. She sighed because as she admitted all these things about her husband, she still loved him. She was pleased to see his missed calls but it was agony to ignore him. However, Anna had been vehement in her instructions and Tess was intimidated by her. Tess hoped it would be worth it. Everything was in place, because she didn’t trust Si. Blackmailing her own husband had come first and now she would hold him to ransom. Why? She wanted the sex films of them destroyed and his agreement to be faithful. Tess was the only one who could save his career now, and the only one to save him from himself. Si, cornered and running out of options, would do it, not for her but to save his own skin and career.

  Tess was unsure if Si would change but Anna was confident the plan would work. Her phone, still muted, had buzzed several times but Tess ignored it. Still exhausted, she burrowed under the luxurious duvet and closed her eyes. The video played over and over in her mind. Si’s cruelty had been hidden before their marriage. He was more fun then. However, now he was used to getting his own way, and when denied, quickly turned nasty. How could Tess bring a child into that environment? On and on her mind whirled until sleep finally claimed her. The next time Tess opened her eyes she felt worse, her stomach was cramping and her back was aching. She struggled to sit up. Her phone was buzzing again and this time she saw it was Phil.

  “Hello,” she said tiredly.

  “Hi, Tess, are you okay? You sound tired,” said Phil, his voice full of concern.

  “I’m not feeling well but I’m sure it will pass.” Tess had taken Phil into her confidence. She hadn’t told him about the set up only that Si was using prostitutes. He was as worried as Tess about exposure. She knew he would be furious with Si when he saw the video.

  “Where are you Tess? I spoke with Si earlier,” said Phil.

  “In a hotel. We argued last night. How was he?” said Tess guiltily.

  “Extremely rude,” Phil retorted.

  Tess said nothing.

  “Have you seen the media? You were right to be worried Tess. He’s been recorded by a journalist posing as a prostitute.”

  Tess gasped as a pain shot through her stomach.

  “I’m sorry to tell you that Tess. He’s a bastard. I’m glad we put a plan into place. I’ve planted the seed by questioning your loyalty. Told him you may not stand by him. He seemed confident you would, so burst his bubble,” said Phil harshly.

  Tess felt like crying again. Her stomach cramps were still there and she was worried something might be wrong.

  “I’ll speak to him,” she said. Do you think the plan will work?”

  “Yes,” he said, with a certainty Tess didn’t share. “To be truthful, Tess, I don’t think he deserves you. You should just let him drown in his own shit.”

  “I’m pregnant, Phil.”

  She heard him suck in his breath. “Tess…I’m so sorry this has happened to you. First, congratulations and second, commiserations; the timing couldn’t be worse,” said Phil, sighing heavily. “I didn’t know you wanted kids.”

  Tess bristled. “Phil, I’ve never said I didn’t…that was Si.”

  “You need be strong, Tess. Si needs you whether he knows it or not. His career is finished without you.”

  Tess gasped. The cramping was getting worse. Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead.

  “Tess, are you okay?”

  She waited until the cramp eased before replying, “Yes, I’ve got to go. Thanks for everything Phil…I’ll call Si, goodbye.”

  She had called in all her favours and Phil had come through for her. Tess had set up Si’s ‘get out of jail card’. Si could explain why he was with a prostitute. He would pass it off as research for a new documentary they were planning on escort agencies. Phil had made it happen. He listened to what Tess told him without interruption, unaware it was Tess who’d set Si up only a matter of days later. The timings were vague enough for Tess to get away with it
. Phil had been angry. He wanted to tear a strip off Si. Tess talked him down. She reminded him he was a business man and Si was still his biggest asset. Reluctantly, he’d agreed to Tess’s plan and set up the documentary as a cover just in case. Tess felt guilty that Phil had undertaken her dirty work, but she had bigger things to worry about.

  She struggled out of bed when the pain in her abdomen subsided but she was gripped by terror. Was she losing the baby? That would be an apt punishment. She hadn’t really wanted the pregnancy; the weeks wearing the corset. Had that damaged the baby? She staggered into the bathroom, she needed to pee. Tess almost screamed when she saw her underwear was dotted with blood. She broke down, sobbing uncontrollably. She was so afraid and totally alone. The only person she really wanted was Si, but he didn’t want her. He hadn’t wanted her from the start. Tess understood their marriage was a sham and it started on her wedding night. Blinded by love, she’d made the best of it until the pregnancy. Tess couldn’t do it anymore. All she wanted was a normal husband and a normal life.

  There was nothing normal about her marriage to Si. She remembered reading complete bed rest was recommended if you had complications with your pregnancy. Unsteadily, she walked back toward the bed and crawled under the covers. The cramps returned, worse than ever. She lay in a cold sweat, grimacing in pain. Thoughts of the blood and her baby consumed her. However, she was too miserable to move. Closing her eyes, she turned her face into the pillow and sobbed.

  Chapter 46

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. Swingers Zone. Guy was lost in lust and memory; no longer impartial. The masked Patron was breathing heavily, adding to the excitement. The Assignee was writhing in the chair as she climaxed for the second time; the fabric darkened from the juices between her legs.


  Shaken, Si had no alternative but to order a taxi and leave the hotel. He paid the driver and rushed into the house, shouting Tess’s name. He ran from room to room but the house was empty. Heart thudding, he called her mobile again but it went straight to voicemail. He left another desperate message. He’d called Anna Dunbar but she did not pick up either; he left a message. Si poured himself a large wine and sat down. He was angry. Where the fuck was Tess? He needed her. Every time he thought of the woman in the red dress, the reporter, he corrected sourly, his stomach clenched. He was out in a cold sweat. The media would eat him alive. They’d been desperate to get him for years but Tess had been his perfect cover. The house seemed so empty without her and Si switched from topping up his drink to calling his wife.

  When he woke, he didn’t know where he was at first before his brain kicked in, telling him he was still downstairs on the couch. He must have fallen asleep. His body was cold and stiff. Squinting at his watch, he groaned, it was 6.00am. He stumbled towards his laptop; his eyes bleary as he tapped the keys. He scrolled through the online news, only breathing out when he saw nothing about himself.

  He climbed the stairs and went to bed. Exhausted, he was asleep in seconds. When Si next opened his eyes he was blinded by the sunlight coming into the room. He groaned, aware that something was wrong. Turning, he was alarmed to see Tess was not beside him and then the previous night’s events came rushing back. Jumbled at first. The fight with Tess. He’d been so angry with her. He froze when the doorbell rang. Who the hell was that? Gingerly he got up. His head felt like it would explode. Cursing, he crossed the room and peeked out of the window. There was a photographer with a large zoom camera pointed right at him. He jerked away and drew back quickly, his mind in turmoil. With sickening clarity he remembered the rest of the evening. His call to the escort agency had been reckless. The stunning girl in the red dress, the bloody journalist, he now realised was a huge mistake. However, he was drunk and horny; used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it. Outraged when Tess spurned him, he let his needs cloud his judgement.

  Christ! His stomach gave a lurch. He cringed as he remember his conversation with the journalist. A horrible thought crept into his mind. Had she been taping him...or worse, filming? He blanched and turned towards the laptop they always kept in the bedroom, but it was gone. Puzzled, he fumbled around pulling open the wardrobe and froze. Tess’s clothes were gone. He thought of how he had viciously squeezed her leg and shame crept through him. The doorbell rang again and Si stiffened in alarm. The front of the house was all glass with curtains they rarely closed because their plot was private and set well back from the road.

  Whoever was ringing his doorbell could see right into his home and would no doubt spot Si coming downstairs. Feeling cornered, he slumped on the bed. Every time the bell rang he tensed. His head throbbed but, unable to go downstairs, there was nothing he could do to ease it. He could hear someone shouting his name through the letter box and a flash of rage spiked through him. How dare these vultures come onto his property? He thought of phoning the police but dismissed the idea; he doubted they’d be interested in removing some reporters from his property. His mobile phone was also downstairs where he’d left it on the sofa. He cursed again. Si was intrinsically lazy and hadn’t bothered to memorise Tess’s number. He regretted that now and was angry at his stupidity. He couldn’t even call his wife. Suddenly, he remembered Anna’s card. Rifling through his pockets, he found it and triumphantly picked up the phone. This time she answered on the second ring.

  “Anna Dunbar.”

  “Anna, it’s Simon Lawrence.”

  There was a pause. “Are you calling about removing the video?”

  “Video?” said Si in confusion, noting the coolness in Anna’s tone

  “Yes, the video of you negotiating with a prostitute. Your manager called earlier,” said Anna calmly.

  “What?” said Si in alarm.

  “It’s gone viral, I’m afraid. The firm will make the necessary moves to get it removed...but I fear the damage may be done.”

  “Fuck!” roared Si.

  “Mr Lawrence, tone down your language or I’ll terminate this call,” said Anna coldly.

  “Sorry,” Si mumbled. “There are reporters at my house,” he exclaimed. “They are trespassing on private property. Can you get them removed?” he demanded in a panicked voice. He was desperate to access his computer. He’d have no choice but to go downstairs after he finished this conversation.

  “My advice, ignore them. Pull your curtains. They’ll soon get bored and move on,” said Anna crisply. “Tell me. How is Tess taking it?” she asked bluntly.

  Si paused because he couldn’t answer. He simply didn’t know. Tess had always warned him about the media. Her greatest fear was being exposed. He swallowed. “Well, she’s not thrilled, obviously,” said Si cautiously.

  “I’ll bet,” Anna retorted. “You’ll need her more than ever, Si. If Tess stands by you then you might have a chance.”

  “Of course she’ll stand by me,” said Si coldly.

  “Are you sure?” questioned Anna.

  Uncertainty assailed Si. “I’ll talk to her,” he blustered.

  “What, you haven’t already? Mr Lawrence, you need to get your stories straight and release a joint statement. This isn’t my area of expertise, your management will advise you but I believe that’s how it works.”

  Si was sweating. His hangover had gone from bad to vicious. He felt sick. “Get the video removed?” he snarled.

  “Mr Lawrence, this is a Saturday...”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Si screamed in frustration. The line went dead. Si smashed the receiver down. He pulled on some clothes and stormed downstairs. On entering the lounge he sprinted to the curtains and pulled them shut but knew the cameras had got their shot. He exhaled and picked up his mobile. There was a barrage of missed calls but none from Tess. Moving quickly, he darted into his study and closed the blind; unsure if the press were still out there. A hammering on his door confirmed they were. He shrank back instinctively although he knew they couldn’t see him. He plugged his mobile into its charger while he waited for
his laptop to come to life. With shaking fingers he googled himself. The video was top of the list and with a sinking heart he clicked into the link; it was his worst nightmare. He held his head in his hands. He would be ruined. His mobile rang and hope soared through him that it was Tess. Tess would understand, she’d be angry but she’d understand. Instead, he saw that it was Phil. He let the call go to answer phone. Snatching up his mobile he dialled Tess’s number.

  Only last night he was thinking of ending their marriage...he was thankful that he hadn’t. What a difference a day made. He needed her to get through this crisis...afterwards he’d start divorce proceedings and blame it on stress. An unfortunate but understandable separation. With the right spin, he’d be the victim. However, Tess wasn’t picking up.

  Si stared at the video blankly...rooted to the spot. After some moments he checked the online newspapers. He was breaking news everywhere. His stomach rolled and with an urgent dash, he barely made it to the toilet before vomiting. The retching had left his throat and chest burning. Tears had come to his eyes as he staggered into the kitchen. He sipped the glass of water gratefully until his gaze noticed something flash across the garden. The photographer grinned at him as he snapped. Si ducked and then losing his temper strode to the back door and threw it open.

  “Get off my property,” he bellowed. “This is private land. I’ve called the police,” he shouted angrily.

  “Would you like to comment on the video and your prostitute?” came the reply.

  “No,” Si howled and slammed the door shut. He was shaking with temper. He could hear his mobile ringing and moved back to the safety of his office. Sighing, he answered.

  “Well, you’ve finally done it,” said Phil immediately.

  Si said nothing.

  “I warned you. As of now I no longer represent you,” he added tiredly.

  “Yeah, like a rat leaving a sinking ship,” said Si.


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