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Redemption River

Page 13

by Lindsay Cross

  Hunter’s hand trailed from her waist down her thigh, then back up again, marveling at her quiet beauty. She was the most naturally sexy woman he’d ever met.

  Hunter propped himself up on his elbow and studied her peaceful expression. The graceful curve of her nose. Her lush, parted lips. Perfect golden skin. Her hair mussed from sleep, spread around her in wild tangles. She took his breath away.

  Hunter eased her shirt to her ribcage, stopping when she rolled onto her back and stretched, arching into his touch. His fingers splayed wide and he marveled at how his hand spanned her flat belly and small waist. Her toes didn’t even come close to the end of the bed. His hung off the edge.

  The river rushed outside, but he ignored the sound. It had probably risen more last night.

  He checked his watch. It was pushing one p.m. They’d slept all day. He hadn’t slept past six a.m. since joining the military. Evie was getting to him in ways he couldn’t even understand.

  She opened her eyes.

  “Good afternoon, sleepyhead,” Hunter said.

  Evie froze in mid-stretch and turned her head in slow motion in his direction. He smiled.

  She stuttered. “What are you doing in my bed?”

  He’d gone to sleep on the couch, but her screams had awakened him soon after. It had taken him a full ten minutes to calm her down and a full ten seconds to decide to slide into bed beside her.

  It only reinforced his decision when she immediately quieted and draped her body over his. He considered the torture of his painful arousal a worthy sacrifice.

  Especially since he got to hold her. All night.

  “You had a nightmare. Holding you was the only way I could get you to calm down.” The truth. Mostly.

  Evie wiggled and froze. Her hip had come into contact with his hardness. Damn if she wasn’t hot when she got all flustered.

  “You slept in that? In my bed?” Hunter glanced down. He had on his underwear. So did she. What was the big deal?



  Hunter took pity. “This is more than I usually sleep in, so count yourself lucky. I could have gone commando.”

  Her already pink cheeks turning bright red, she jumped from the bed and tugged her shirt down in one motion.

  He frowned at the loss of her lovely ass.

  “Did we…do anything?”

  The beast in him enjoyed her worry. “Honey, I don’t take advantage of sleeping beauties. Believe me, you’ll know when we do something. That’s a promise.”

  She seemed to settle down some, but she didn’t quit tugging down on her shirt. Which was pointless. His T-shirt practically touched her knees, completely protecting her from his gaze. But something about seeing Evie in his clothes made him want to beat on his chest caveman-style and shout, “Mine!”

  “Did I say anything? Last night? In my sleep?” She was looking at the floor, but she kept making covert glances at him through her thick black lashes.

  “No.” Unable to stand the distance between them, Hunter tossed the covers back and got out of bed. He tipped her chin up. “And if you don’t quit looking at me like that, I’m going to make good on that promise.”

  She bit her lip and he groaned. “What if I want you to make good on that promise?”

  Every muscle in his body went taut. She wanted him too?

  “Make sure of that, Evie,” he forced himself to say. “Because when I start, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”

  Hunter held himself back, clenching his hands at his sides to keep from touching her.

  Evie stared at him, her gaze swallowing him whole, and stepped forward, placing her hands on his bare chest. She rose up on her toes, eyes wide open. Hunter met her halfway. Their lips melded together, her hands circled his neck, and he carried her back to the bed.

  He broke contact with her mouth for as long as it took to rip his T-shirt from her body. They fell to the bed and Hunter braced his weight on his elbows to hold himself over her. Her legs spread for him and his hips nestled between her thighs. Her breasts were pressed to his chest.

  Need like he’d never dreamed of filled his blood. His veins. His pores. Until he was nothing but lust.

  Evie moaned into his mouth and he deepened the kiss, slanting his mouth over hers. He needed to get deeper. To take all of her.

  One hand drifted down to cup the heavy weight of her breast. He teased her nipple, rolling the dusky tip between his fingers. When she arched, he lowered his mouth to replace his hand and took her in between his lips, sliding his hand beneath her back and lifting her for his enjoyment.

  Her taste was intoxicating. Crazy. His blood licked through his body, burning his skin from the inside out. All other thoughts, sounds, and plans vanished.

  There was only Evie.

  “Hunter.” His name was a plea on her lips. Rich and wild. Her hands wound behind his head, holding him to her. His lips closed on her other breast, licking and nipping until she begged him once more.

  Then he trailed down her navel, stopping to plant a small kiss. Then he went lower. She sucked in a breath, her stomach hollowed out between her hipbones. His chin hit the top of her panties.

  Her innocent white cotton panties. Fuck.

  It took all his control not to rip them right off her body and plunge into her.

  Instead, he rose and took her mouth once more. Wanting to drive her wild, he slid his fingers up her thigh, pushed her panties to the side, and found her soaking wet.

  For him.

  His woman.

  She wanted him.

  Her hips bucked, seeking pleasure, and he grazed a finger over her clit. She gasped. He repeated the motion with light flicks until she was rocking her hips to his rhythm.

  She tore her mouth from his. “Hunter, please.” She was panting, her gaze pleading.

  And he was running low on control.

  She didn’t protest when he ripped off her panties and pushed her legs wide. Or when he stared at the prettiest sight he’d ever seen.

  Unable to resist for another second, he lowered his head and tasted her. He was lost.


  Evie’s head dropped back on the mattress, her body bending under the onslaught of Hunter’s tongue. He flicked with light, short strokes. Teasing. Taunting. Torturing.

  Then his lips closed over that centermost part of her and sucked her between his lips. The air left her body. She couldn’t breath. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t do anything but tangle her fingers in the sheets and hold on.

  He launched her higher. Past the clouds. Into the ozone.

  She shouldn’t want this. Shouldn’t crave his touch. But what she felt right now was beyond wanting. Beyond needing. His finger slid inside her and stroked her like a master musician.

  “You taste like heaven.” His low growl had her panting harder, riding his finger.

  “Hunter, please. I need…” She didn’t know what she needed, only that he—and only he—could provide it.

  He withdrew from her, the loss leaving her empty and desperate. He rose over her, his face coming even with hers. His lips took hers then, possessing her mouth with force. His tongue plunged inside and she parted for the invasion.

  He pushed her thighs farther apart and she felt him nudging against her core. She let her legs fall open, ready. Waiting.

  “Shit. I don’t have a condom.” Hunter paused.

  “It’s okay. I’m on the pill.”

  “Thank God.” Hunter eased into her, teasing her by stopping when he was barely in and pulling out. She wrapped her legs around his waist, ready to pull him back to her, but there was no need. He slid forward again. Thrusting deeper this time. Stretching her. Pushing her limits. Deeper. Harder. Until he bottomed out and stole her breath.

  He filled her completely, reaching places she hadn’t even known existed. She’d never felt so good. So complete.

  She locked her heels together, holding him tight. He grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head, holding h
er gaze. He didn’t speak, but she understood. He was in control. He would take what he wanted.

  And she would love every minute.

  Hunter pulled back and slammed into her, and the force of his thrust pushed her up the bed. Evie cried out, the pleasure bordering on pain as he pounded into her until she didn’t know where she stopped and he started. He knocked down that wall she’d built inside her soul until she let loose and embraced Hunter with every fiber of her body.

  He thrust hard. Fast. Deep. “Don’t stop, Hunter. Please, don’t stop,” Evie sobbed, so close to climaxing.

  “I won’t, baby. I promise.” Hunter took her until she screamed her release. He stiffened over her. “You feel so good. Better than I remember,” he gritted out. And then his muscles pulled taut, and he shouted his release.

  They collapsed onto her bed in a tangled mass of sweat and sex and satisfaction.

  He fell on top of her, supporting his weight enough to be comforting instead of suffocating. Evie kept her legs locked around him, unwilling to break their bond.

  He released her wrists and threaded his fingers through hers. The inferno simmered down to a more languid heat.

  Evie became aware of the tenderness between her legs, feeling the fact that she had gone over two years without sex.

  Hunter lifted his head, the lazy smile stretching his lips that of a tiger that had just finished eating its prey. Only Evie was the one who had been devoured.

  And she’d liked it.

  “Wow,” she said, unable to resist returning his grin.

  “You’re welcome.”

  She laughed and punched him in the arm. The movement pulled her body to the side and she felt him shift inside her. Still hard. She gasped and grabbed his shoulders.

  “You keep wiggling around like that and we’re gonna be here all afternoon.”

  She wanted to be here all afternoon. All night. But she had a bar to run. And a mother to protect. Evie’s brow dipped as she felt the harsh realities of her life pulling her from the warm cocoon of Hunter James.

  As if he sensed her pulling back, Hunter thrust forward, fusing them together. “How about we stay here.” He thrust again. “All afternoon.” Hunter repeated the movement and Evie grabbed his arms. “All night.” Again he pushed inside.

  He didn’t stop. And Evie didn’t want him to.


  Evie lay in bed, satisfied and replete. She’d forgotten how wonderfully relaxed good sex made her. Hell, she’d forgotten about sex completely. But the soreness between her legs and the man’s arm pillowing her head brought that fact into sharp focus.

  She rolled over, stretching, and her gaze fell on Hunter’s black Seiko watch. Sixteen thirty-five. “Hunter, why doesn’t your watch tell time?”

  Hunter curled his body around hers, and she snuggled back into him, not surprised to find him hard and ready. Little zaps of electricity shot through her body, not the intense voltage from earlier, but still enough to make her wriggle her behind.

  “It does tell time, honey. It’s military time.”

  “Oh, well, what time is it?” The damn sun had stayed hidden for so long it was hard to gauge how much time had passed. The river was rushing by so loud it sounded like it was in her front yard instead of across the road.

  “Sixteen-thirty.” She could almost feel his smile against her neck.

  “I know.” Evie threw an elbow back. Soft but with enough force to make her point. “Normal-people time please.”

  “Four-thirty.” Hunter nuzzled her neck.

  Evie shot up, her head slamming into his chin. She ignored his sharp protest of pain and launched from the bed. “You let me sleep all day?”

  Hunter rose up on his elbow, his gaze focused on her body. Evie realized she was still butt-naked and grabbed his discarded shirt from the floor. When she stood, semi-clothed, her hands immediately went to her hips.

  “If you call that sleeping, we need to start over. I didn’t do my job right. Come here.” Hunter held out a hand and her traitorous body longed to jump back between the sheets with her own personal sex god.

  “Hunter. I have to be at work in thirty minutes.” And the meeting. God, the meeting. She was supposed to be at Coldwater in thirty minutes. How could she have forgotten? She had to shower, change, and ditch Hunter. Fast.

  “No. I have work. I need you to leave so I can get ready.” Evie lifted her chin and crossed her arms, steeling herself for an argument.

  “Work? Call in. You and your mom own the bar. Right?”

  Evie spoke slowly, enunciating her words. “Yes. But we’re short handed. Why do you think I had to help break up that fight last night?”

  Hunter’s smooth forehead wrinkled and his brows dropped. “I don’t know. I just thought you did that sort of thing now. You know, the new Evie.”

  “Well, the new Evie doesn’t like to break up fights. Just like she doesn’t like for people to ignore her when she tells them to leave her house.”

  Hunter’s face darkened and he started to rise. “I don’t follow orders.” He sat now, the sheet draped over his hips barely hiding his hardness. His feet hit the floor, the sheet fell away, and Evie swallowed.

  “Now come here.” Hunter took a step forward and Evie bolted out of the bedroom door. “Evie,” Hunter called after her, but she knew she had to get some distance. Now.

  So she ran. She ran before her stupid mouth got the better of her and admitted the truth. Then Hunter would never let her go.

  Her footsteps sounded like a herd of cows thumping on the hardwood floor. She’d always run flat-footed. Her dad said she couldn’t sneak up on a deaf man shooting a cannon. Evie looked back over her shoulder, caught a heart-stopping glimpse of spectacular abs, and missed the first step of the stairs.

  She grabbed for the banister and put on the breaks, sliding her palm down the smooth surface. But she had too much momentum and her shoulder slammed into the wall, rattling the old pictures and sending one of them to the floor. She felt a brief moment of gratitude that all her home decor came from the dollar store.

  “Evie!” Hunter’s voice was loud enough to shake the pictures almost as much as her football ram had done. Or maybe that was his heavy footsteps as he chased after her.

  She knew she was a goner if he caught her. All her remaining resistance would fall away and she’d tell him everything.

  She flew halfway down the stairs and looked back over her shoulder. Having been up and down these steps a million times, she took them for granted, knowing her feet would find the way. But her feet tangled and she fell forward again, face first. Her arms stretched overhead like she was diving for a winning catch and slapped the water with the force of a charging bull.

  Warm wet enveloped her. She opened her eyes, but the liquid was dark. Dirty. So she slammed them shut again.

  Evie flailed her arms like a preteen in an awkward stage. Her head broke the surface and she gulped in air.

  She’d been underwater for maybe two seconds, maybe twenty— her concept of time was skewed by the rapid-fire heartbeat pounding in her chest.

  She treaded water and spun around. Her entire living room was submerged, and only the top halves of her walls were visible. Muddy water swirled around her, obscuring anything below its surface. Her couch, gone. Recliner, gone. House, gone.

  Evie continued circling, and it took a couple of passes before reality sank in. The torrential rain had finally pushed the Mississippi past her limits. And the river had pushed past the limits of her house.

  By the time she completed her fourth turn, she started to get dizzy. Problem was, she didn’t have anything solid to grab to stop the spinning. She stuck her arms out, scissored her legs, slowed her progress.

  Finally, the room stopped and she stopped, but water kept swirling around her. She maneuvered herself around to face the kitchen. Her heart stopped. Again.

  “What the hell?” Hunter’s thundering footsteps came to a stop. Evie turned to him, completely dumbfounded.

nbsp; “The river.” Those two words were enough.

  The kitchen was clearly visible through the submerged half of the wide-arched opening. It was all destroyed. Her beautiful black and white tile floor. Her refrigerator. Her…everything.

  What would she do? All of her belongings were under water.

  “Evie, don’t move.”

  She ignored him, busy scanning her surroundings, her thoughts swirling as out of control as the river in her house. It was all gone. “The cell phone.” Her video. Her proof. She’d left it on the back porch.

  How could she ever hope to take them down now? She’d planned to bring the phone to the meeting and use it as leverage against Marcus. The one bit of evidence that would have proved her father’s murder was gone. The Mississippi had swallowed up her hope.

  “Dammit, Evie. Freeze.” Hunter’s voice finally penetrated the fog of surrealism that had taken over her mind. She turned to him in shock and her mind snapped straight when she saw the pistol in his hand. Her mind snapped in two.

  “You too? Why is everyone trying to freaking kill me?” Her entire world had been blown to pieces. First Marcus. Then Brown. Then Hunter. Now Mother-freaking-Nature.

  What was next? A tornado? No, that would be too predictable. It would have to be a snowstorm. A blizzard maybe. “Go ahead. Shoot me. If you think I’m going to beg, you got another thing coming. My life could not possibly get any worse than it is right now.”

  “Shut up, Evie. I’m not aiming at you.”

  A picture frame floated in front of her on its way to the kitchen. Mrs. Buela smiled up at her from her perch in a 1940s Ford.

  A shot blasted through the house. Water sprayed the right side of Evie’s face and she clasped her hands over her ears, trying to block out the explosion. The shot had deafened her. She turned, as if she could track the bullet into the water, and froze.

  A black-and-tan mass floated past her shoulder. A water moccasin—its body as big around as her arm, minus a head. Her ears started ringing. Her chest squeezed tight.


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