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The Cowboy And The Widow (Texas Cowboys Book 2)

Page 6

by Delilah Devlin

  “You can’t know how hard I get, just thinking about touching you. You’re so goddamn soft.” He massaged her for a long time, waiting until her head fell back against his shoulder, and her body leaned against him, pliant and relaxed.

  Then he pulled up her skirt and reached underneath to snag the edge of her panties. He tugged them down, waiting as she stepped out of them, and then tossed them through the window of the cab.

  “Try not to wrinkle my dress,” she whispered as he bunched it in his hands.

  He snorted behind her, but let down the fabric and rolled it carefully up. “That better?” he whispered.

  Her nod was short, her body already tensing.

  “Hold up your dress so my hands are free.”

  She did so, standing with her dress bunched around her waist, her chest bare, her bottom and sex exposed.

  Danny smiled behind her. She was so eager, so curious, she didn’t offer a single protest now. “Place one foot on the foot rail.”

  When she placed her sandal on the foot rail, he ran his hands down her outer thighs, then up again, smoothing around to come inside and stopping just below her pussy. “Open wider.”

  A soft, strained moan quivered from her lips, but she widened her stance, giving him access. His fingers traced her outer lips, feathering over her soft curls, then tugged at the folds as he parted them. A moist sigh broke when he opened her damp, inner lips. He slid a finger inside her.

  Her breaths deepened.

  Looking over her shoulder, he could see her nipples beading, the areolas dimpling as he thrust his finger slowly in and out of her slick center.

  “I can’t believe you talked me into this,” she muttered.

  “Funny, how little you fussed about it.”

  She shrugged which shivered her breasts. “Guess I was curious.”

  “Hold on. Don’t move.”

  While Danny moved away, Maggie held her skirts and her breath. Suddenly, he was crawling between her legs, coming up under her, and sliding his back against the truck as he knelt between her legs.

  His mouth was at just the right height…

  “Sweet Jesus…” she breathed as his lips closed in, his tongue striking out to flutter against her clit.

  Her fingers uncurled from around her skirt, and the fabric drifted down to surround him. She braced one hand against the truck and lifted the other to her breast. She fondled herself as his mouth got down to the serious business of pleasuring her.

  Danny had the knack, seeming to sense when she needed his fingers gliding deep and her clit stroked harder. Or, maybe, he simply listened as she begged.

  “Dear God, do that again. Deeper…oh!” Her knees wobbled, and she clutched the door handle to hold herself up as another sexy flicker of his tongue sent shivers through her thighs.

  “Come for me,” he rasped. “Don’t hold back.”

  A short, painful laugh gusted from her. Hold back? Is he kidding?

  His mouth drew on her clit, sucking hard, and Maggie jerked back her head, a moan ripping from her. A fluttering convulsion caressed the fingers sliding sinuously inside her.

  As she came down from the precipice, Danny’s hands caressed her bottom to soothe her, and Maggie wondered where the staid, rancher’s wife was.

  Unbelievably, she stood in the middle of nowhere, her body mostly exposed to the warm air drifting over her heated skin, while a cowboy gave her oral sex.

  A silly smile tilted her lips.

  Danny drew away, crawled out from under her, and straightened. Then his calloused hands pulled the edges of her dress together and started tugging up the zipper.

  “My bra,” she said softly.

  “Leave it off.”

  “I’ll bounce.”

  “So long as you don’t run from me, no one will notice.”

  “They’ll see my nipples.”

  He snuggled close to her back, his arms enfolding her. “Since they’ll be smashed against my chest while we dance, they won’t see a thing.”

  Maggie shook her head, sure he was going to drive her out of her mind. “Do you have an answer for everything?”

  “Not to the most important question.”

  That stopped the retort she’d been ready to fling. She stepped off the foot rail and grimaced. “I’m wet.”

  He let her go, reached through the truck’s window to swipe her undies from the seat and held them out to her.

  Her nose wrinkled. “I didn’t bring a spare.”

  “I want you naked under that dress, anyway.”

  She used the panties to clean up, shaking her head all the while. Life with Danny was sure full of surprises. Too bad it couldn’t last.


  Danny pulled into the parking lot in front of Honky-tonk, cut the engine, and then cast Maggie a sideways glance.

  The woman still fidgeted with the front of her dress, pulling at the fabric to try to loosen it around her breasts. When she saw him looking, she folded her arms over her chest.

  “Are you gonna stay like that all evening?”

  “I don’t ever go without. I have reasons.”

  His lips twitched. “I know. Two of them.”

  Her gaze narrowed on him, her lips pursed. “Why did I never notice this nasty side of you, Danny Tynan?”

  “Never got me mad enough, I guess.”

  Her eyes rounded. “You’re angry with me, but why?”

  “Let’s just go inside.” When she started to let herself out of the truck, he drew in a deep breath. “Wait, let me get that for you.”

  “I can manage just fine on my own.”

  “Let me pretend I’m a gentleman,” he growled.

  “Fine.” She pressed her lips together and waited while he got out and circled the vehicle.

  When he opened the door, she turned sideways, holding her skirts firmly around her and let him assist her from the truck.

  “Still don’t know why you could be mad,” she grumbled. “I’ve let you do everything you wanted.”

  “Yes, you have,” he said quietly.

  She tugged at her bodice again.

  “Stop that.”

  “But it’s snug. It doesn’t fit right without the bra.”

  “I like the way it looks. I can see your shape.”

  “Exactly!” She sighed and reached for the door handle. “Look, this isn’t going to be any fun for you. Maybe I should take your truck home. You can catch a ride with one of the guys.”

  Danny pressed his mouth into a thin line and backed her up to the truck.

  Her head tilted back as he crowded close, eyes glittering in the dark. Confusion creased the delicate skin between her brows.

  He released a pent-up breath and pressed against her. “I’m sorry.”

  Her expression softened, unhappiness drawing down the corners of her lips. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s my problem. Not yours.”

  “Do I want to know what it is?”

  One corner of his mouth quirked upward. “Definitely not. I’m feeling ornery.”

  Her head canted then her hand slipped between their bodies, gliding up his thigh, and then cupping his erection. “Looks like a rather big problem,” she said, a smile curving her lips. “Guess you’ll have to walk close behind me.”

  “Very close,” he bit out.

  “We don’t have to stay long, do we?”

  At the hopeful note in her voice, he wondered if she was eager to help him with his problem or just wanted an excuse to escape a public outing with him. “You still worried about what people will say?”

  Maggie’s lips twitched then settled into a shy grin. “I’m thinking the ladies will be ready to scratch my eyes out.”

  He lifted one eyebrow. “The men are all gonna be sniffin’ around your skirts.”

  Her finger traced his buttons down his shirt, stopping at his belt. Looking up from under the fringe of her thick lashes, she gave him a wink. “They’ll be wondering what an old lady like me used for bait.”

  Dazed, Danny wondered when she’d gathered the reins. Somehow, he was the one with the hard-on, ready to eat bullets and follow her all night long like lovesick puppy dog. He crooked his elbow and gritted his teeth. “Ready?”

  She shook her head. “Not yet.” Then she grabbed his shirt collar, stood on tiptoe, and kissed his mouth, putting the stamp on her ownership. “Let’s get this over with,” she said, staring unblinking into his eyes. “I’m already wishing we were heading back home.”

  Danny didn’t think he’d ever really understand her. Hot and cold. Shy then confident. He was beginning to think that unraveling the mystery was a journey he never wanted to end.

  Music blared through the old-fashioned half-double doors as they stepped onto the porch. Once inside, he scanned the crowd, found his quarry and herded Maggie straight toward the bar.

  Brandon Tynan glanced over his shoulder, and his mouth stretched into a wide smile. His gaze fell on Maggie, and then snapped back.

  Danny smiled and nodded. “Meet Maggie Dermott. Maggie, this is my brother, Brandon.”

  “Maggie, very nice to meet you,” Brandon said, holding out his hand.

  When Maggie placed hers inside Brandon’s, he kept it. “My brother giving you hell?”

  Maggie laughed and gave Brand a pained look. “You know him better than me. What do you think?”

  Brandon’s smile widened. “I think you’re doin’ just fine.” He let go of her hand and swung his arm around his brother’s shoulder. “So, you gonna be my best man?”

  Danny stood stock still for a moment then whooped, wrapping his arms around his brother to lift him off his feet. When he set him down, he lifted one eyebrow. “She ask you?”

  Brand shook his head. “Can’t say as I remember who did the askin’.”

  “Where’s my new sister?”

  “Gone to the ladies’ room. She’ll be right back.”

  Danny leaned over the bar. “Hey, Tara!” he shouted down the counter. “Did you hear?”

  Tara Toomey turned from the customer she’d just smacked in the head and flashed a bright smile. “Did I hear? You think Lyssa could hold her pee for two seconds without tellin’ me?”

  She strode toward them, her gaze landing on Maggie. “Maggie Dermott, how the hell are ya?”

  Maggie seemed surprised the woman knew her name. She gave Danny a quick, tight smile before answering, “I don’t get away from the ranch much.”

  Danny watched the way Tara’s glance went from Maggie to himself, and then saw the light dawning in her blue eyes. She blew a silent whistle. “Looks like we need drinks all the way around.” Then she leaned across the bar toward Maggie and whispered loudly, “I’ll need to see some ID.”

  Maggie drew back, her eyebrows drawing together in confusion.

  Tara shook her head. “Seeing as how I don’t know you all that well, I have the right to ask.”

  “I promise I’m legal age to drink.”

  Tara lifted her chin and held out her hand.

  Maggie’s back stiffened, but she reached into the slim clutch she carried and took out her house keys with her license suspended from the chain in leather and plastic carrier. She held it out to Tara, who pulled it toward her.

  Maggie didn’t let go, and Danny wondered if the two women were going to get into a tug-of-war over the license.

  Brand shot him a glance, but Danny just shrugged, not knowing what Tara was up to.

  Tara held the license at arm’s length. “Well, well…that husband of yours was robbin’ the cradle when he snatched you up.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Maggie said, a frown digging a line between her brows.

  “I went to school with Douglas Dermott, and you look a whole lot younger than me. I was just curious,” she said with a toothsome smile. “See you’re dating someone at least within a decade of your own age now.”

  Maggie’s swiftly indrawn breath had Danny reaching to snag her waist and pull her close before she turned to walk out the door.

  Tara lifted her chin to Danny then tossed him the license.

  Maggie’s hand shot up to grab it, but Danny’s longer reach won out. He held it above her head while he turned it over to read.

  When he glanced back at Maggie, he bit out. “Seven years? That’s all you’re worried about? And here I thought you were a really well-preserved forty.”


  “Well, thirty-five when the lights were low.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she wriggled, trying to break his hold.

  “You’ve had me jumping through hoops wonderin’ how to get you past the embarrassment of being seen with me. Dammit, you’re not even as old as my brother.”

  “Seven years is enough. Let me go.”

  “No way. Brand? Make sure our drinks don’t walk off. Me and the lady are gonna have a talk.”

  With his fingers biting into her waist, he forced her toward the dance floor where a three-man band played a slow ballad. He pulled Maggie around, clamped his arm around her back and brought her up against his body hard. “So, Maggie-May, tell me what really bothers you about me.”

  Chapter Seven


  Maggie tensed at the predatory glint in his eyes as he drew her body flush with his. She would never call what they were doing “dancing.” His body crowded closer than was decent in public, his thigh riding high between hers, his hands pressing on her ass to force her to ride it.

  She struggled against him but gave up fighting when his expression turned downright mean. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said in a rush.

  “Then think about it a minute. We’ve got all night.” He pushed his thigh higher, pulling up her skirt. His hands forced her harder onto his thigh, and he began to shove her up and down.

  The movements were shallow, not something anyone might notice unless they looked real close. The dance floor was dark enough she shouldn’t have worried, but she didn’t trust her own reactions not to give them away.

  Friction burned hot between her legs. Added to the sensitivity he’d left her with after their little tryst beside the road, and Maggie feared she’d leave a wet spot on the front of her skirt. “Don’t do that,” she whispered furiously.

  “Do what? We’re just dancing.”

  “You try to get off all the girls you dance with?”

  “Miz Dermott, I can’t believe that came out of your mouth.”

  The heated glare she aimed at him didn’t make him flinch in the slightest. “All right,” she said nastily. “You want to know what bothers me?”

  Danny didn’t answer, but he bent his head closer to hers.

  Maggie quivered in his arms, telling herself it was anger, but guessing she was only lying to herself. “You don’t know me. I’m not this way—the way I am with you. When this…thing…between us burns out, what will I be left with? I’m not fool enough to think I’m some beauty queen, who can hold tight to someone like you.”

  Both of his eyebrows shot upward. “You think I’m too pretty for you?”

  “You’re being silly now. You’re not pretty. You’re too manly, too virile. I’m just a chubby, older woman. Nothing special. One day you’ll wake up and look at me on your pillow and wonder what the heck you could have been thinking.”

  Danny’s nostrils flared, and he bent even closer. “If that isn’t the most selfish thing I’ve ever heard,” he said, his fingers biting into her flesh. “I guess you’re right. I don’t know you at all. I thought we were working on that. Getting to know each other, getting close. But you’re so worried about your looks, all I can say is thank goodness you aren’t a beauty, or you’d be a total bitch, Maggie Dermott.”

  She jerked, and her body went rigid. Her breath gusted out in painful rush, leaving her shaking and slightly dizzy.

  Danny’s eyes widened, regret instantly softening his expression. “I didn’t mean to say that,” he whispered.

  “I’m cutting in before you dig a deeper hole, little brother.”
br />   Maggie stood dazed as Brand waited beside his brother for him to release her, and then gently took her hand and placed it on his shoulder.

  Danny turned on his heels and walked away through the crowd, not looking back once.

  “He cares about you, you know,” Brand said softly.

  Maggie dipped her head, blinking moisture from her eyes. “I know.”

  “He hasn’t looked twice at any woman, long as I can remember. I was getting worried he wasn’t all that interested, until I saw the way he looked at you tonight.”

  She let out a loud breath. “Don’t tell me he hasn’t been with other women. He knows too much for that to wash.”

  “Didn’t say he didn’t sleep with ’em. He’s a man. He has needs. But he’s never looked at a woman like she’s precious.”

  Maggie closed her eyes and let Brand bring her closer to his chest. Her shoulders shook on a ragged indrawn breath. “He’s special to me, too. I just think it’s gone too fast. I want him to be sure.”

  Brand chuckled. “You may as well give up on him taking his time. He’s determined to rush you right off your feet. Was it his idea or yours for you to lose your underwear?”

  She stumbled over his foot and shot him a horrified glance. “You can tell?”

  His gaze fell to her chest. “It’s what I would have done.”

  “I’m gonna kill him.” Heat flared in her cheeks.

  A grin stretched his mouth. “I’m not sayin’ you don’t have to take it easy on him. Fact is, fighting’s just a good excuse to make up.”

  Maggie snorted, feeling better by the second. Danny had looked as stricken as she’d felt after he’d delivered his blistering set down. She drew a deep breath and gave Brand a grateful smile. “Congratulations, by the way.”

  “Welcome to the family.” He danced her toward the edge of the floor, and then took her arm to guide her back to the bar where Danny stood beside Lyssa McDonough.

  Both their heads were bent close.

  “That can’t be good,” Brand muttered.

  “Why’s that?”

  “The two of them, thick as thieves.” He shot her a sideways glance. “They’re plottin’ something.”

  “Or comparing notes?”

  “Maybe he’s seekin’ advice,” he said, leaning sideways toward her.


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