The Deserter
Page 6
“While I maintain my innocence, and insist that I only operated in a manner that I was assured by a Kernel to be legal. I do see how the argument could be made that Earth was advanced enough to lose protected status. However, such a judgment could be construed to admit that humans may be technologically inferior to Kernels but are in fact mentally superior. Such a revelation would change the foundations of the Confederation and open a legal challenge to the Kernels right to rule. However, if protected status of Earth was modified slightly, then it the entire thing becomes a non-issue.”
“Define Modified”
“I suggest changing the nature of the protected classification of Earth to recognize that humans aren’t so ignorant to need total protection, yet the Kernel is still the superior protecting the inferior. How about something like: No hyperspace or replicator technology can be given to Earth, however ground and satellite based tech can be given as long the source is hidden from the populace of Earth.
Furthermore, while the populace of Earth will remain unaware of the Confederation and life outside of Earth, global leadership can be made aware. Population transfer from Earth to space is allowed as long as any human leaving Earth renounces their citizenship to Earth.
Personally, I suggest a new organization patterned on the French Foreign Legion be created for the purpose of protecting Earth from conquest and maintain responsibility for ensuring the law is upheld in regard to Earth’s status.
Lastly, I suggest that this modified protected period last for 100 years at which time Earth be admitted fully into the Confederation and all rights applied and restrictions lifted. This will cement the superiority of the Kernel of Sentience and their right to rule, but also show that you recognize the base intelligence of humanity and are willing to allow them to develop and eventually join the Confederation.”
“You ask too much. What you ask is blackmail. The Barkun will never stand for this.”
“Its not blackmail, that would suggest a primitive human was smart enough to trick the dominant species in the Galaxy. As to the lizards, the Barkun follow the law. Don’t they?”
“I must consult the Kernel of Sentience. You must return to Mars. Until judgment is pronounced you will not leave my presence again.”
As I landed at my improvised “firebase” on Mars, I was a little surprised to see Aegeus’s Saucer parked inside. However, what really surprised me was the Barkun Punishment Ship in geosynchronous orbit over my hanger.
“Ship, how did the Barkun find us, and why haven’t they attacked?”
“When I determined the need for judgment I notified them and had them help scan for the Sagren ship. They are awaiting final disposition as they don’t want to punish you alone if the punishment belongs to Earth.”
“Why did you do that Kernel?” I could not bring myself to call him Marvin after such a betrayal. After all Marvin was the name of my best friend growing up. That Marvin would never rat me out to the cops.
“Captain, you have a proclivity for manipulation, and if guilt was assigned to your actions, justice required swift execution of punishment that you would no doubt try to avoid.”
“Well that was a little premature don’t you think?”
Suddenly my shuttle powered down and the hatch opened.
“Captain, please exit the craft. I calculate that you may attempt to elude a sentence of guilt and have disengaged the power generator on the shuttle as a precaution.”
With that, my little snitch became my hall monitor.
To say my little grey alien friend was upset would be an understatement. He was pacing the cargo area inside shuttle 2 and as soon as he saw me he stiffened and attempted to grow an inch or two as he did what my young marines would call bowing up on me. I think he may be thinking about punching me, he looks to be that mad.
“William Tell Davis, I wish you would have allowed the Barkun to punish me when he had a chance. Your constant abuse of Confederation law brings trouble to everyone you meet. What manner of trouble has your primate behavior caused this time?”
“What? That is a fine way to treat a friend. I was only trying to see if you were okay. You left before I could see if you were able to counteract the Barkun poison.”
“I had to leave, I did not want to be on Earth with the Barkun arrived ship executed punishment.”
“Well, if it were me, I would keep that to myself, it sounds like you are admitting guilt to some crime. For the record, I have no idea what you are talking about. I only killed the Barkun to get away from my own Earth punishment.”
The grey alien’s eyes got bigger and his skin got grayer, if I did not know better, I would have sworn he ate something distasteful.
“Captain,” my ship stated into the air, “due to irregularities that you are well aware of, Aegeus’s sentence was stayed pending the outcome of your case.”
I had no idea that was even possible. It seems the laptops in charge of this galaxy can hide things if it is to their liking. I may just have found a way to get out of this situation alive.
I don’t know if you have ever had to sit outside your commanding officer’s door and wait to see what punishment he and the Sergeant Major devised for you, but standing in that hangar bay was way worse. I had held a gut feeling that the Barkun have a deeper role to play in Confederation justice than is admitted, and that only strict rules bound into computer coding were keeping me alive.
The time slowed to crawl as it took days to wait on an answer. I did not know how far away the main body of the confederation was, and I am sure it is one of those hundreds of things a smarter Captain would have asked. However, I imagine it was pretty far away and communication lag was the reason for the delay rather than difficulty in making a decision. Finally, though, I got an answer.
Marvin communicated with me by voice and not directly into my implant, as was his normal mode.
“Would all parties please stand and hear judgment?” Marvin said.
Immediately an image appeared on the wall in front of me.
The Barkun on the wall was familiar; The Captain of the punishment ship looked very satisfied and appeared to stare right at me. I did not expect him to have any role other than to immediately execute the sentence issued.
“Law is the fundamental creator of predictability. Predictability allows all species to thrive. The law is the Law.” Intoned Marvin
The Emperor gives me a satisfied look as his forked tongue flickers out of his mouth. Did he just lick his lips?
“However, the Law must be interpreted. That is the role of the Kernel of Sentience. Now hear the final judgment:
The protected status law was created to protect worlds that were not ready to enter a commerce driven confederation. However, some planets do not need full protection from such interference.”
With that statement, the Emperor looked like somebody gave him a wedgie. He looked ready to explode.
Marvin continued. “Earth is one such planet. Earth is now to be considered a level two protected planet. All laws concerning the space flight and subatomic manipulation stand as written, as do all laws concerning the general population. However, the global leadership shall be informed of Confederation law so that they may prepare Earth for future admittance into our society.
Additionally, in order to facilitate a smooth transition, the sharing of other technology is allowed as long as the origin is kept from public knowledge. Limited numbers of humans are allowed to expatriate from Earth and become subject to Confederation Law upon their renunciation of all ties to Earth.
Such individuals will be considered be governed by an organization hereby known as Legion. William Tell Davis will be held personally responsible for the activities of the Legion and all its members. As such he is pardoned of all past violations of Confederation law.”
The Barkun did not interrupt verbally, but he was obviously angered at the pronouncement.
Without pause, Marvin finished announcing the decision of the entire Kernel of
“The Sagren Aegeus previously judged guilty of attempting to interfere with Confederation enforcement will receive a pardon for his crime if he chooses to renounce Sagren citizenship and join the legion. His role will be to assist it in understanding Confederation law. If he chooses to remain a citizen of Sagren, his sentence will be immediately enforced.
The period of Earth’s protection will end 10 standard Earth years from this point in time. This decision is final. Do all parties understand this ruling?”
Obviously, everyone agreed, but no one really liked it.
If looks could kill, Earth would be doomed as the Kernel addressed my little grey alien friend. “Aegeus, What is your decision?”
“I Aegeus Alejandra Udom do formally wish to renounce all ties to the Planet Sagren and declare intent to gain citizenship in the Legion.”
To which I immediately snapped to Attention and forcefully stated.
“To all who hear these presents, greetings. Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of Aegeus Alejandra Udom. I, William Tell Davis, Commandant of the Legion, do confer him full citizenship and appoint him the rank of Colonel, in the Military reserve of the Legion.”
I was going to mess with him a little, but formality seemed more appropriate. My ability to act with decorum seemed to shock everyone involved, but I Aegeus stood a little taller when his new rank was announced. No one seemed to notice my self-promotion.
Now comes the harder part. I have figure out how to notify Earth’s leadership of the realities of their role in the big picture. Telling them will be hard, but getting them to agree to work together in the limited time we have before we are forced to fight for Earth’s survival is something else entirely.
Part II
The Birth of the Legion
The most urgent thing on my agenda was not to tell Earth, build defenses, or even make a plan. The first thing I had to do was to have a frank talk with Marvin.
“Marvin, I would like to take a ride, would you please plot a course to orbit Mars?”
“Commandant, a request is not necessary; you know I am bound to your orders.”
“Yes, Marvin, I know, but this is not an order, it is a request. I would like to speak with you privately. If you do not want to talk without the limitations of rank I allow you to refuse my request.”
Shuttle two’s hatch opened. “When would you desire to depart?”
I used the silence of the trip to gather my thoughts. In many ways the success of the Legion and its ability to protect Earth depended on mending my relationship with Marvin and the Kernel of Sentience as a group.
“Marvin, I am not here to say I am sorry, however, I do regret the necessity of my actions. I would like to explain why I acted as I did so that you may understand my actions and allow us to move ahead without any hidden agendas.
I do not look at you as a machine; I have always treated you as I would any other intelligent species. Without you neither I nor Earth would exist today. For that I thank you. When I helped Aegeus I had no idea the impact. I saw someone that needed help and I did what I felt was right. Granted, my world was very small and up to that point my actions only impacted me and the men in my squad.
Without warning anything I did had planetary impact. Even now, I have questions about Confederation culture and law. At the time I was overwhelmed. While I was sincere when I renounced citizenship, the love I have for my family, friends, and humanity left me no choice but to look for a way to use the law to help them.
In the country I am from, I was taught that the law was to protect the weak from strong. That basic tenet of law guided my every decision. The Legion will be a force to protect all intelligent life from predators no matter where they come from.
We are not a threat to you, the Confederation, or any planet or species that do not harm others. I never want to have to see you as an adversary. I promise not to manipulate you again. To that end, I offer you full citizenship within the Legion. However, as all who join must renounce their former citizenship, if you desire to become a citizen in the Legion you must do so also. If you desire, I will help you find a new Captain if you no longer want to work for me. For my part, I retain the desire to work with you.”
“Would I receive a rank?”
“Yes, but rank is not a freedom from command. You would still be subject to orders from those above you. Most specifically you remain under my orders as I am the current Commandant of the Legion.”
The return trip was silent. Marvin did not speak when we returned to Mars either, I spoke my piece and I meant what I said. I could not afford the time to spend more time to comfort an alien artificial intelligence.
Next, I asked Aegeus permission to board his ship. He and I also needed to talk.
“Colonel, I’ll be frank, we need help. If the Legion is going to be able to protect Earth we are going to need to educate a lot of people very quickly. Are there any other members of the Confederation would be interested in joining the Legion? We could really use some teachers and advisors.”
“Most cultures focus on their own issues and do little besides mind their own affairs, attempt to colonize new planets, and pay taxes. The rest of the species are like the Barkun and use Confederation law to gain status and power. There are a few others like myself who feel the Barkun are heavy handed and unfairly manipulate the law. As you can imagine, Confederation culture tends to ensure those few who feel as I don’t act on those feelings. However, I may be able to find a few of my people willing to help.”
“How long will you need Colonel, manpower is only a start, we also need a training program.”
“You need not worry about training as there are technological solutions to that issue. I have a few individuals in mind that may help. It should take me no more than one month to travel and talk to them. If they are not willing, then more time will not change that fact.”
“Time changes everything, just wait. In 10 years you won’t recognize the place.” I tell him more confidently than I feel.
“That is what I am afraid of.”
With that, I am left with a silent robot, two ships, and a stone cave. The Barkun still openly orbit overhead. I know that problem won’t go away on its own. I need to formulate a plan for “first contact” with Earth, which with my being a human should make it simpler, but really only seems to complicate the issue. Since I am just single man with a spaceship, If I don’t have a good plan when I return to Earth would likely find myself locked inside a vault under Area 51.
Growing up my Dad used to try to impart wisdom in the form of bits of literature. He loved to use quotes to illustrate ideas. One he used whenever he had an idea and mom was hesitant because of the risk he said things like “He who dares wins”. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized it that he was quoting the motto of the British Special Air Service. It is ironic that to have the motto of a rival military come to mind as I decide to just go all in and talk to the President with nothing more than bravado and a cool ship.
Marvin still was giving me the silent treatment, but since he was following orders I could deal with him. We went to Earth. I was planning on going to the White House, but realized there was no way to uncloak on the lawn and skill keep the secret. I decided on just going to Camp David.
Landing a cloaked ship at the Presidential retreat was no problem. Uncloaking an alien ship at the Presidential retreat causes all manner of problems. Armed secret service, Marines in Dress Uniforms, as well as Marines in combat uniform came out of the woodwork. I did not dare to leave the ship; my working outfit of jeans and a t-shirt just don’t stop bullets.
However, because of the technology onboard my ship, I could broadcast on their radio system. I simply said,“Take me to your leader.” I was not surprised that that did not get the desired effect. I then tried a different approach, plain seriousness and honesty. I told them who I was, described the contents of the note I left, and said I stole a
spaceship and wanted to speak with the President about an alien plan to destroy Earth.
As you can imagine the President did not come out. However, a few hours later my old battalion commander, a corpsman, and a man in a suit that I imagined to be some sort of spook walked up to my shuttle and requested to come aboard.
As soon as they entered, I asked them to sit and had Marvin made four nanite chairs rise from the floor. I then ordered the him to take us out of Earth orbit. Before the suit could object or shoot me I interjected “Please, because of Confederation law, I cannot reveal information while we are on Earth. I will explain as soon as I can and answer any questions. If your desire I can project what is happening outside or you may visit the cockpit.”
No one said anything, but the Colonel stared at me angrily. I don’t know if he was mad about the barracks incident or mad at my desertion. Either way, it wasn’t my problem, After my long isolation I was just glad to see a familiar face, even if that face was not glad to see me. Finally, the suit spoke up.
“How do we know you are who you say you are?”
“Sir, I would imagine that’s why you brought the corpsman. Am I correct in assuming you found my jeep, human blood, and the blood of two unknown aliens? I am willing to give a DNA sample which you can compare to what you have in the Military DNA Repository.”
The suit looked at me with surprise “How would you know about the DNA Repository?”
“Well, because I am a Marine and they took my DNA at Paris Island to put in it. I was told at the time it was to allow identification if something happened. Look around, I think this qualifies.”
He got a point in his favor when he shrugged and said, “Yes, I think it does.” He motioned at the Corpsman who pulled out a cotton swab and moved toward me.
“Just so you know, if I am poisoned or otherwise incapacitated, the ship is programmed to eject all passengers.”