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Slim's Second Chance (Phantom Bastards MC Book 2)

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by Erin Osborne

  Slim’s Second Chance

  Phantom Bastards MC

  Book 2

  Erin Osborne

  Copyright 2019© Erin Osborne

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: Reggie Deanching at R + M Photography

  Cover Models: Zac Boulund

  Cover Design: Graphics by Shelly

  Editors: Full Bloom Editing – Courtney Lynn Rose & Rebecca Ernst Vazquez

  Proofreader: Kim Richards


  Tony ‘Slim’ Busch

  My days and nights are consumed with leading the Phantom Bastards MC. Other than warming my bed for a few hours, I don’t have a need for a woman by my side. Until Shy walks into our lives. She’s not your typical house bunny. Shy’s taken me by surprise and wormed her way under my skin. Still, I push her away. One day changes everything and I realize my mistakes.

  Cheyanne ‘Shy’ Carter

  I found my way into the Phantom Bastards clubhouse with a friend. She was always dragging me places with her. Instead of becoming a normal house bunny, I kept to the shadows and cleaned instead of everything else that was expected of a house bunny. Until I met the President of the club; Slim. There’s been a pull between us since the beginning but I’m the one being hurt. Maybe it’s time for some changes no one will see coming.


  This one is dedicated to my friend Nanette. You have been there for me since we met at school and tried to talk me out of one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made. You’ve believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Saying thank you will never be enough!

  Character List


  President: Tony ‘Slim’ Busch

  V. President: Griffin ‘Playboy’ Busch

  Secretary: Travis ‘Des’ King

  Treasurer: Paul ‘Grizzly’ Stone

  Enforcer: Tristan ‘Killer’ Long

  Sgt. At Arms: John ‘Stryker’ Gilbert

  Road Captain: Brantley ‘Wood’ Parker

  Tech: Gunner ‘Fox’ Stevens

  Thomas ‘Boy Scout’ Reed

  Christian ‘Hitter’ Matthews

  Elliott ‘Whino’ Kinsella

  Craig ‘Ghost’ Tucker

  Joel ‘Hound’ Carlson


  Alex Stone

  Zach Stone

  Clayton Bradford

  Ian Brown

  Old Ladies:

  Wood/Boy Scout – Jennifer Hayes

  House Bunnies:









  Strip Club – Allure

  Nightclub – Phantom

  Bar – Bottoms Up

  Tattoo Parlor – Phantom Ink

  Diner – BF Diner

  Table of Contents

  Slim’s Second Chance

  Copyright 2019© Erin Osborne



  Character List

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Slim’s Second Chance Playlist


  About the Author

  Other Books



  I’VE SPENT MY entire life in the Phantom Bastards MC. My dad was the President when my mom had me, so I grew up around the club. Between the members and their ol’ ladies, I had so many aunts and uncles I couldn’t get away with anything.

  My mom wasn’t exactly thrilled with my being at the clubhouse at such a young age, but she didn’t stop my dad from taking me there. Especially once she got sick.

  When I was three years old, my mom got hit by a drunk driver. She turned to pain pills and alcohol because she couldn’t handle the pain she was constantly in. My dad tried so hard to get her the help she desperately needed but she didn’t want to get help. So, she finally gave up. We came home one night to find her in bed. She took all her pills and killed herself.

  From there on out, I was glued to my dad’s hip. He taught me about running the club and let me go out with the guys in the garage. Before I graduated from high school, I could tear bikes down and build them back up faster than anyone else around the clubhouse.

  Even though I was the President’s son, I still had to go through the Prospecting period. I swear, I had it worse than anyone else Prospecting with me. I wouldn’t change that year of my life though. It taught me I was stronger than I realized, and I got the approval I desperately wanted through hard work and not because of my dad.

  The only female presence in my life was the clubwhores. They took care of me when my dad wasn’t around. Hell, they taught me how to fuck a woman and make sure she got more out of the experience than I did. Don’t get me wrong, I get off, but I take my time to make sure whoever I’m fucking gets off first— and as many times as possible.

  By the time I graduated from high school, I had figured I needed to start thinking about finding an ol’ lady and settling down. It’s not like I hadn’t been having sex and partying for years by that point. That’s when I met Kristen. She was a newer house bunny and I wanted a kid. So, I became exclusive with her.

  Kristen was a bitch and only with me because of the patch on my back. She didn’t give a fuck about me or what I did when I wasn’t with her. Thankfully, once she got pregnant, she stayed away from me more than we were together.

  I went to every single appointment with her and made sure we had a home. When my son Griffin was born, I was happier than I’d ever been in my life. That soon changed when I realized Kristen wasn’t doing anything for our son. She never held him and barely interacted with him. That was when I was around. I can’t imagine what it was like when I was on a run or other club business.

  She admitted to me that she didn’t want a kid and only had Griffin to try to keep me. When I refused to make her my ol’ lady, she figured out I didn’t truly want to be with her. But I wanted my son. So, she left him with me and took off.

  About a year before Kristen took off, I met Roxy at one of the rallies we went to. The first time I laid eyes on her, I was hooked. Roxy had long, dark blonde hair that went down to her ass. Her eyes were grey and reminded me of two different things— a storm just getting ready to roll through the area when she w
as upset or pissed off and the sun hitting metal when she was happy. She had curves in all the right places with a little extra. I loved her body and that she didn’t care about dieting or any bullshit like that. Roxy liked to eat and she didn’t care who knew.

  We fucked around a few times at the rally because I didn’t give a shit about Kristen. Was I wrong for doing that? Yeah. But there was some sort of connection with her I hadn’t ever felt before and I needed to experience it while I could.

  As the days dwindled down and it was getting closer to Kristen having the baby, I tried to talk Roxy into coming back with me, but she refused. She didn’t want to get caught up in the club life and was worried she’d be there alone with no family or friends.

  By the time we were heading out, Roxy had become so distant and aloof I had no clue what was going on with her, but no amount of talking would get her to open up to me. The only thing she said she wanted to do was go back home and go to school. I let her do what she wanted even though everything in me screamed to take her home with me.

  I found out months later that Kristen showed up at the rally and scared Roxy off. She saw the amount of time I was spending with Roxy and told her that she was my ol’ lady. Kristen made sure to let her know that we had a son at home and I was coming back to her no matter what I told her or did at the rally.

  That was the turning point in my life. I never fucked a girl that wasn’t a house bunny. They knew the score and I knew I wouldn’t have my heart broken again. My heart left with Roxy and I had no interest in finding a girl to try to settle down with. Not after Roxy disappeared the way she did.

  My life changed years down the road— after I became the President of the Phantom Bastards. I discovered that shortly after she left, Roxy found out she was pregnant with my daughter Maddie. Maddie is now married to Tank from the Wild Kings MC and they have four kids of their own. She and I have a relationship, but I missed out on years of her life. I missed out on the years that could’ve changed her life so that she wouldn’t know an ounce of the pain she feels now.

  I also met Shy. From the first second I saw her, I knew she was different. Shy wasn’t like the rest of the house bunnies and I forgot to guard my heart against her. She was the quietest girl that ever walked through our clubhouse door and spent more time cleaning than lying on her back with her legs spread.

  I’d sit in my office and just watch her on the cameras moving through the clubhouse. She’d clean until the place shined, cook for everyone, and only raise her voice when one of the other bitches got in her face. When she was cleaning, she’d sing and shake her ass. She drove me crazy as hell and I tried to keep it to myself.

  The first time I took her to bed was the end of the line for me. I let all my brothers know that she was off-limits. From that day forward, I was the only man she was with and I sure as fuck didn’t let another bunny touch me.

  But I’m hurting her. I keep her at arm’s length so she can’t fuck me over like Roxy did— and, I don’t want to put a target on her back with any rivals. Instead of telling her all this shit, I keep it inside and let her think I don’t want her as anything more than a quick fuck.

  In reality, she’s the only one that’s ever stayed in my room after I was done fucking her. It was a few days and she quit going back to the room she had where the rest of the house bunnies stayed. I moved her shit into my room and that was the end of it.

  Now, I’ve pushed her away to the point I don’t know what to do. Maybe it’s for the best though. If she’s not in the clubhouse, I don’t have to worry about seeing her every single day.

  Chapter One


  I’VE BEEN BACK from my aunt’s house for a little bit now. So much shit has been going on with the club that I haven’t had time to worry about Slim and the games he’s playing with me. My time has been spent making sure that everything we’d need for lockdown is there and that extra rooms are made up for the girls who come in under the club’s protection.

  I am the only other person that knew Wood, Jennifer, and Boy Scout were going to Vegas to get married. When she told me, I promised her I’d stay until she got back. Now that they’re here, I can finally move out and get away from the pain I feel, and from the house bunnies. They’ve begun to look at me with pity in their eyes. Well, when they’re not trying to rub it in my face that they have a chance with Slim now.

  Today, I’ve had enough of the shit though. After three years of being exclusive with Slim, he’s finally pushed me away to the point I’m leaving the clubhouse. I’m not going back to my aunt’s house right now. Instead, I’m staying in Benton Falls.

  I found a cute little house on the edge of town. No one from the club knows where it is because they don’t need to know. Once I’m out the doors with my shit, I lose everything.

  Since I won’t be a house bunny anymore, I won’t have a job or protection when shit goes down with the club. I’ll be on my own for the first time in over three years. That’s how it has to be now though. Slim has broken my heart for the last time.

  I walked into the kitchen and one of the house bunnies was all over him. He didn’t do a fucking thing to stop her. As I stood there in shock, Slim looked up at me and a smile covered his face. It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve seen him smile like that. So, I knew we were over, not that there had ever been anything between us other than fucking.

  Alex and Zach helped me load my meager belongings into the car before I left. The only other people I saw were Jennifer and Kim. They knew what happened, but even they didn’t know where I was moving. I’m sure if Slim really wants to know, Fox will find me, but I don’t see that happening.

  After taking one last look at what’s been my home the last three years, I finally get in my car and leave for the last time. My house is on the opposite side of town, so I head that way and don’t look back. Tears stream down my face as Waste My Time by Saint Asonia plays on the radio.

  My mind drifts to everything I’ve given up to be with Slim. I want to have kids of my own someday. In fact, I want it all— the little house, the marriage, the love, and the knowledge that the man I’m with wants me for me. Not because I’m filling his time so he’s not alone.

  For a while, I thought Slim was the man that I’d have that with. I’m twenty-five years old and a little younger than his daughter. That should’ve been the first clue that he was never going to take the next step with me. No, I had to go and fall in love with the man.

  Shaking my head clear, I try to get excited about the new beginning of my life. I have to get to the house so I can meet the men from the furniture store. Living at the clubhouse allowed me to save any and all money I received from the club. Now, I could buy my little house and everything I need to make a home for myself.

  I pull into the driveway just as the moving truck comes to a stop in front of me. Pulling around the side so they can unload and then get back out, I park in the grass and get out of the car so I can open the front door.

  “Miss Carter?” one of the men asks as I walk back down the porch.

  “That’s me. I’m sorry I’m late,” I say.

  “You’re not late. We’re a little early,” he says, offering me a smile.

  The two men get to work unloading the new bedroom set, living room furniture, and dining room table. I tell them where I want everything and go back out on the porch. This way, I’m out of the way and they can get their job done so I can relax.

  Moving my furniture and packing up the few things I had at the clubhouse were the last things I had to do. Yesterday, I got all the groceries and other essentials I’d need and brought them here so no one would see them at the clubhouse. Even though some of the guys knew that I was moving out, I didn’t want to give them any indication that it would be as soon as today.

  It takes the moving guys about an hour to unload everything and set it all up where I want it. When they come back outside, I sign the final paperwork, thank them, and make my way into my new home. The quiet immedia
tely engulfs me as I look around.

  As soon as I enter the door, I’m standing in my living room. Through a doorway on the left is my kitchen. It’s as big as my living room and I love it. The walls are painted a cream color and all the appliances I bought are stainless steel. There’s an island in the center of the kitchen with a few barstools on one side, leaving the side closest to the sink open. I don’t have a dining room in the house, but there’s a space at the backside of the kitchen where my table sits. I can sit here and look out over my backyard in the morning when I’m having my coffee.

  On the right side of the living room is a staircase. I have two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. Even though there’s not a bathroom downstairs, I don’t mind. It’s not like anyone will be coming to visit me.

  My room is painted dark grey and the sheets I have to put on my bed are red and black. I like my room to be a bit darker instead of light and cheerful. I’ve never been one that wants a house full of bright colors and a ton of shit all over the place. I like simple things and I don’t need a lot out of life.

  As I finish unpacking the little bit of stuff I brought with me, my phone goes off. Jennifer is calling me and I can only guess she just found out I moved out of the clubhouse. They were all expecting it, but no one really thought I’d leave.

  “Hello,” I say, sitting down on my bed.

  “Where the hell are you?” she asks, not pulling any punches or beating around the bush.

  “I left. You all knew it was coming. I had to, Jennifer,” I say.

  “I know,” she says on a sigh. “Slim is flipping the fuck out right now.”

  “There’s nothing I can do about that,” I say.

  “Come to Phantom tonight. The girls will be there and I want to see you,” she says, putting her hand over the phone as someone else says something to her.

  “We’ll see,” I tell her.

  “Come around eight-thirty,” she says.

  We talk for a few more minutes about random things. Once I hear Wood in the background, I know it’s time to get off the phone. So, I tell her I’ll think about going out tonight and hang up.


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