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Slim's Second Chance (Phantom Bastards MC Book 2)

Page 6

by Erin Osborne

  It’s time to call Summer in and have her take a shot at Ginger. She’s gotta be working for someone if she’s snooping through my things and trying to find something out. I’m not sure what it is, but we’ll have that information as soon as I can get Summer and Dozer here.

  After telling Fox to save that footage, I make my way to the office so he can get back to Kim. Ginger is sitting in the common room and I want to go out there and demand answers from her, but I know that won’t get me anywhere right now. So, I unlock my office and make my way inside to get ahold of Summer.

  All Wild Kings and Phantom Bastards chapters got her number because we don’t beat on women. If we did, we wouldn’t be in the business of taking domestic violence victims out of their situation and offering them our protection while they get back on their feet. Not to mention, beating on a woman or child makes you a fucking punk and not worthy of the title of man.

  Sitting down at my desk, I pull my cigarettes out of my pocket and light one up before pulling out my phone and finding Summer’s name. It rings three times before she answers.

  “Hey, Slim. Long time, no talk,” she says.

  “Need your assistance,” I say. “Got a problem with a house bunny. Found out she was in my room while I was sleeping today.”

  “I get to come play?” she asks, excitement lacing her voice.

  “Yep. When can you and Dozer get here?” I ask.

  For a few minutes, there’s no sound. When she comes back on the line, Summer lets me know that they’ll leave within the hour and come straight here. I thank her for coming out on short notice and hang up.

  There’s nothing left for me to do, so for the next few hours I concentrate on the paperwork sitting in front of me. As I’m catching up, Playboy comes in the office to talk with me.

  “What’s goin’ on, Dad?” he asks.

  “What do you mean? I’m just catchin’ up on paperwork.”

  “Okay. Why is Summer comin’ here?” he asks.

  “Someone was in my room while I was sleepin’. I never even fuckin’ stirred. Fox pulled up the footage and it was Ginger. I caught her outside my room when I got back. We’re gonna find out what she’s up to,” I answer him.

  “What the fuck? When’s she gettin’ here?”

  “They were gonna head out immediately,” I say. “Who’s on Shy tonight?”

  “I am. I’ll follow her from work. I think we need to put someone on the house when she’s at work since her cousin is stayin’ there. The two women look identical and I don’t want anythin’ to happen to her,” he says.

  “I don’t disagree with that. Do what you gotta do,” I say. “Why don’t you go out and make sure that Ginger doesn’t take off before Summer gets here. I don’t trust that bitch.”

  Playboy nods his head while pulling his phone out. After he leaves the office, I get back to the never-ending paperwork. I don’t stop until Zach comes in with an envelope in his hand. It’s the same kind that the photos of Shy were delivered in and I get a feeling in my gut that I can’t ignore.

  “Why wasn’t this with the mail?” I ask, taking the folder from his hands.

  “It was delivered to the gate when I was comin’ in,” he answers.

  “By who?”

  “I don’t know. I was parkin’ my bike. The car was a blacked-out sedan with out-of-state plates. They slipped it through the gate and took off,” he says.

  “Okay. Go see Playboy and find out if you’re on Shy’s house tonight.”

  Zach leaves my office and I tear into the folder in front of me. Dumping the contents out, more pictures fall on top of my desk. This time they’re not of Shy though. The pictures on my desk are of all the women and kids associated with the club. None of the house bunnies, just the girls that we brought down from Dander Falls with us.

  “Fuck!” I yell as my office door bursts open and Killer stands, blocking the doorway.

  “What’s wrong, Prez?” he asks, walking up to my desk.

  Killer looks down at the pictures, taking one of Gwen in his hand. After staring at the photo for a minute, he looks up at me and I see rage and murder in his eyes. Gwen is the one person that means anything to the man standing before me. The guys in the club may be his brothers, but that girl means a lot more to him than what he’s let on so far.

  “Who?” he asks.

  “I don’t know. This is the second set of photos I’ve gotten. Go tell Fox to pull up security from the fence. Zach said it was slid through the gate before a dark sedan took off. He didn’t get a chance to see who it was,” I tell him.

  The man takes off, slamming my door behind him. Usually, I’d bitch about anyone slamming my door. But I can tell that he’s strung tight and it’s not gonna take much for Killer to snap. I won’t be at the end of that bashing. Just like I’m not gonna rein him in when it comes time to get the motherfuckers thinking they can come after our women.

  Walking out into the common room, I whistle to get everyone’s attention. “We have Dozer and Summer comin’ down from Clifton Falls. They’ll be here soon. After that, we need to have an emergency church. No questions and it’s mandatory. Get with the guys that aren’t here to make sure they hear this and make sure Prospects are where they’re needed.”

  All the men in the room get up and make their way to do as I’ve ordered. Some are on their phones while Playboy goes over to talk to Zach. Alex isn’t here, but I’m sure Playboy will get a hold of him once he’s done with his brother.

  Ginger is sitting on one of the couches amid all the chaos going on now. She looks like she doesn’t have a care in the world. Little does she know that her entire world is about to be turned upside down.

  Summer and Dozer have just arrived and I lead them into my office for a talk before letting Summer have her fun. Playboy is the only other one in the office with us as he knows what’s going on from our talk earlier.

  “What’s going on, Slim?” Summer asks, taking a seat in front of my desk while her man stands behind her.

  “We got a house bunny that needs to be dealt with. She was in my room while I was sleepin’ earlier and I want to know why. I won’t lay a hand on her, so I thought you might want to help me out with that,” I say.

  “I’m game to help,” she says. “Anything off-limits?”

  “Nope. You do what you want to do and we’ll go from there.”

  Dozer and Summer head down to the basement while Playboy goes after Ginger. I meet them in the hallway. My son has an iron grip on her arm and she’s still trying to get away from him. I guess the bitch didn’t want to come willingly.

  We lead her downstairs to the rooms we keep for these occasions. Dozer and Summer are leaning against the wall, casually waiting for us. Ginger visibly pales when she realizes that we brought Summer in to deal with her ass. She’s been with us long enough to know that we don’t hurt women.

  “Tie her to the chair,” I order Playboy.

  Once Ginger is tied to the chair, Summer grabs a knife off the tray of tools and makes her way over to skank. Summer walks around her a few times, letting her sweat in anticipation of what’s going to happen to her.

  Looking at Summer, you wouldn’t think she’d be capable of handing someone their ass the way that she does. She’s a tiny thing that barely makes it to any of the guy’s shoulders. Summer is thin, but her body is packed tight with nothing but muscle from training. She’s been learning kickboxing and other defensive skills.

  “So, are you gonna make this easy on me or do I actually get to have some fun?” Summer asks, finally coming to stand in front of Ginger.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ginger says.

  “You don’t know about going into Slim’s room while he slept? Or looking through his things in search of something?” Summer asks again.

  We watch as Summer lays the blade of the knife against Ginger’s chest. Ginger is trembling so bad it’s visible from the other side of the room. Dozer, Playboy, and I stand against the wall looking
relaxed. Personally, I’m anything but relaxed right now. I want to know what the fuck is going on and who is involved.

  Ginger looks over at us, pleading with her eyes to help her out of the situation she currently finds herself in. Too bad. I’m not helping her do shit. She’s the one fucking around and going through my shit for some reason.

  “You don’t fucking look at them. You look at me, bitch.” Summer yells in Ginger’s face. “Now, tell me why you were in Slim’s room and what you’re looking for.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” Ginger blubbers, letting her tears fall, thinking that Summer is going to give a shit about that.

  “What were you looking for? Don’t fucking make me repeat myself again,” Summer says.

  Ginger doesn’t answer. She’s stupid enough to think that one of us is going to help her out of the shit storm that she’s created. Instead, her tears turn to screams as Summer lets the dull knife pierce her skin.

  I watch as Summer drags the knife down the middle of Ginger’s chest. She stops just before getting to her belly button. Blood begins to run down her exposed skin and gets soaked up by the shirt that hasn’t been cut away from her body yet. Before Ginger can think of a lie to tell, Summer is on her.

  The knife trails down her legs, going in deeper in some areas. When Summer’s done with that, she lays the knife down on the tray and picks up a pair of pliers. We all watch as she tosses them from one hand to the other, repeating the process as she gets closer to the skank in the chair.

  “Are you ready to talk?” Summer asks.

  “Collette told me I had to find out what’s going on with the club. She wants to know when runs are and where Jennifer and the rest of the girls will be,” Ginger finally whines.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. All I know is she said it’s for her man. I don’t know who it is or why they want the information. Please, I won’t ever do anything like that again,” she whines again.

  “I doubt that. We gave you a second chance and that’s how you repay us?” I ask. “Summer, do your worst and let one of the Prospects know when you’re done with her.”

  “Slim, you can’t do this to me. I’ll help you get information from Collette.”

  “Don’t need your fuckin’ help,” I say, leaning back against the wall and watching Summer do her thing. “If you wanted us to trust you, you should’ve come to us before you decided to help someone who is no longer associated with the club. And, I told everyone that they weren’t to be in contact with that bitch again. You couldn’t listen so it’s time for you to go. Permanently.”

  Summer is fucking vicious when she wants to be. Especially when it’s someone that tries to hurt the club or anyone involved in the club. Ginger continues to whine and scream as Summer begins to end her life.

  Using the pliers, she rips out every single one of her teeth before moving onto the jewelry in her body. Ginger has both of her nipples and her clit pierced. Well, she did. I thought she was screaming before, but that was nothing compared to what sound comes from her as the metal is ripped from her body.

  For a half-hour, Summer does her worst to the skank sitting in the chair before her. My stomach has turned more than once at the things coming from her mind. I’m glad she’s a friend of the club.

  Knowing that the end is almost near, I take my leave and walk back up to my office for a drink. Playboy and Dozer stay down there with her. I’m just waiting on her to be done so we can have church, figure out a plan to bring the girls in for lockdown, and find whoever is responsible for going after our women. Snake’s Revenge will be gone in a matter of time once we find them.

  Chapter Eleven


  WALKING INTO ALLURE this afternoon, I’m in a relatively good mood. Slim hasn’t been back to the house in a day or two and I’m glad that I haven’t had to see him. Patience is slowly getting used to having men at the house and following her around if she leaves.

  That happy feeling lasts until I walk in the doors. The club is in complete chaos for some reason. Playboy is sitting at the bar and the girls that strip are surrounding him. The look in his eyes when he glances in my direction is one pleading for help.

  “Shy, get me a beer please?” he asks as I get up to him.

  “Yep. What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Two of the dancers aren’t here. One called off and I’m pretty sure the new girl quit. I’m fucked and I don’t have anyone else to call in to help take over the empty spots.”

  “I’ll help fill in. It’s been a long time since I’ve danced, but I’m sure I can manage something,” I tell him.

  “You danced?” he asks.

  “I took a pole dancing class years ago. I never stripped in a club before, so this should be entertaining.”

  “You know my dad is gonna kill me, right?” Playboy asks.

  “He never comes in here. Unless you tell him, he won’t even know.”

  Instead of preparing the bar for tonight, I make my way back to the dressing room to see if there’s anything I can wear. I’ll find out how many dances I need to do from Playboy in a little bit. I’m looking through the costumes when Annie walks into the room. Thankfully, she’s one of the nicer girls working here.

  “Need help?” she asks.

  “Yeah. I have no clue what to wear tonight.”

  The two of us dig through the costumes. I find a dark red dress that barely ends past my ass. Underneath, I’ll wear the black lace bra and panty set that I have on. Knowing the song that I’ll wear this for, I make my way out of the dressing room to find Playboy.

  He’s not at the bar, so I go to his office. Knocking on the door, I wait for him to call out before I open it. Playboy is sitting in his chair, his focus on the computer screen before him.

  “How many dances do you want me to do tonight?” I ask.

  “Can you do two?”

  “Yeah. I’ll have to figure out my second one, but I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay. You’re on first and last. That way you can help at the bar in between dances,” he says.

  “Sounds good. And your dad’s not gonna make a surprise visit?” I ask, not wanting Slim to show up unannounced.

  “Nope. I got Wood and Killer to make sure he stays away. Dozer and Summer are gettin’ ready to leave so I’m sure he’ll stay at the clubhouse until they do.”

  Nodding my head, I make my way out to the stage so I can get a practice in before tonight’s performance. Annie comes out to watch me and help me if I need it. But, once I get back around the pole, all my old lessons come back to the forefront of my mind.

  There’s music playing from my phone and I let it take my body over as I get lost in the movements. When I’m done, I hear clapping and look out to the few chairs that are occupied by employees of Allure, Playboy included.

  “I wish there wasn’t a history with my dad. You’d make a killin’ if you did a routine every night,” Playboy says, walking up to the stage and helping me down.

  “Well, there is history there and I don’t want to do this on a regular basis. If you need me to fill in every now and then, that’s one thing,” I tell him, grabbing a bottle of water.

  Heading back to the dressing room, I begin to get dressed before doing my hair and make-up. The rest of the girls are in the dressing room beginning to prepare for their own dances tonight. There’s no hostility or jealousy between any of them. Playboy has created an atmosphere where all the girls work together and help one another out. Not like most clubs I’ve seen where there’s always a girl or two that think they’re better than the rest and want to create as much drama as possible.

  Before I know it, Darren, one of the bouncers, is calling my name to head up to the stage. I feel the nerves begin to build in my stomach and I plan on using that to my advantage.

  The stage goes pitch black as I walk on and position myself near the pole. As soon as the music begins to play through the club, my body begins to sway and flow to the music. It’s as if I forget abou
t the men that are sitting in the crowd and let the image of one man fill my mind.

  Until the song is over with, I picture Slim in my mind. The good times we had together and the times that he let me catch a glimpse of the man beneath the façade. I picture him as we tangle our bodies together and we’re as intimate as we can be. It’s not Slim being President of the Phantom Bastards or trying to push me away. And I’m not hiding the shy, little girl that’s afraid of her own shadow most of the time.

  As soon as the song comes to an end, I let my body slide down the pole and stop myself just before I slam into the ground. I run to the back of the stage and make my way to the dressing room. One of the guys will collect any of my money that’s on the stage before the next dancer goes out.

  I quickly get changed into my outfit for working behind the bar and make my way back out to the floor. Allure is packed tonight and I know Alex and Zach could use the help with the number of customers waiting for drinks. It’s currently two or three deep with people waiting to place their orders.

  “You were amazin’,” Alex says, as I walk up behind him and make my way to the end of the bar.


  For the next few hours, we’re so busy, I don’t have time to think about going back up on stage. I know what routine I’m doing next, so that’s not the issue. The issue I have is feeling so many sets of eyes on me while I dance. I’ve never really danced in front of anyone like that. It’s freeing and scary all at the same time.

  “Gonna take the trash out,” I say to Zach.

  “I got it,” he says.

  “No. I need a breather for a second. You and Alex worry about the customers and I’ll be right back.”

  Grabbing the bags we set at the end of the bar a little while ago, I make my way to the back hallway. Before I can get past the bathrooms, a man reaches out and grabs my arm.

  “How much for a lap dance from you?” he asks, not letting go of my arm.


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