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Slim's Second Chance (Phantom Bastards MC Book 2)

Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  “Anyone gotten with Blaze and the Nomads?” Grizzly asks.

  “Not yet. I know they were out all night and I was givin’ them a chance to sleep,” Playboy says. “I’ll go get them now.”

  Playboy leaves the room and I sit back as the other men toss out ideas of how to find her. Shy has touched each and every man in this room with her willingness to help them or just be there if they need to talk. Not a single one of them have fucked her and they never will.

  “What happened last night?” Des asks.

  “Dozer managed to get Collette. Brought her back here and she eventually squealed like a little bitch. Summer may have had a hand in that. She knows of a house in Carlisle. Tried explainin’ where it was, but I don’t know the area. Fox pull up a map of the town,” I say.

  We all sit back and wait as Fox grabs his computer from behind him and pulls up a map of Carlisle after making sure it was on the screen behind him. Within seconds of him pulling the map up, Playboy returns with the Nomads. Blaze and his men take spots against the wall.

  “Blaze, I’m gonna let you take over now. You guys are the ones that went that way last night,” I say.

  Blaze steps up and looks at the map for a few minutes. I’m not going to bother filling him in on Shy being missing. We can either talk after he’s done here or Playboy can fill him in on their way back down here.

  “We went to the bar here on Main Street,” he begins, pointing to the location on the map. “No one came in wearin’ colors and from what little we could gather, they aren’t seen around town a lot. At the most one or two Prospects make runs to the store and that’s it. The whole town is nothin’ but farmland so narrowin’ it down to one specific house isn’t easy.”

  “The bitch I was talkin’ to last night didn’t even know of any houses that have been abandoned. We can go back today, but I’m not goin’ to guarantee anythin’. These guys have some sense if they’re not showin’ themselves to the people in town,” Dizzy says.

  “Fox, keep lookin’ and see what you can find out about the properties on the outskirts of town. I’m sure they’re not seen there because they’re too busy fuckin’ with us and Satan’s Anarchy. Blaze, you and the guys go out again tonight and see what else you can find. I’m waitin’ on calls back from Grim, Renegade, and Gage. If anyone else hears anythin’ bring it to me immediately. Anythin’ else?”

  “What about the rest of the women and kids?” Killer asks.

  “Get them here. I’m not takin’ any chances with another woman involved in this club. I want extra guys at Allure too. We won’t shut down just yet, but I want extra eyes on everythin’.”

  Slamming the gavel down, I make my way out of the room and directly to the bar. I need a strong drink. I’m not getting wasted in case we find anything out, but I need something to take this edge off. Fuck! This is why I didn’t want to get involved with Shy in the first place. Now she’s gone and it’s my fucking fault.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I CAN’T TELL you how long I’ve been with the assholes that took Kinsliegh and me. Each day seems to bleed into another. The only thing I do is take care of the baby the best I can and fight off the twatwaffles trying to rape me.

  I’ve been hit and kicked by Haggard and Keg. They’re the ones wanting a piece of the ‘skank’ that managed to land Slim. Their words, not mine. The only one here that helps me at all is a kid named Josh. He’s a Prospect and I don’t know what I’d do without him making sure I have diapers and other things for Kinsliegh.

  Each day is the same thing. Keg and Haggard pay me a visit, either alone or together. They tell me in detail what they’re going to do to me and make sure I know it’s going to happen when I least expect it. Then they try to get me to talk about the Phantom Bastards and what they’re doing. More importantly, they want me to talk about Slim. They want to know his schedule.

  I keep my mouth shut each and every time they pay me a visit. There’s no way in hell I’m going to betray the man I love or the club that’s taken me in and given me a family. Something I’ve longed for my entire life. This only serves to enrage the men and my beatings get worse each and every day.

  I’m so sore I can barely take care of the baby. She’s my sole focus and the only reason I haven’t given into the pain and the blankness calling my name. It would be so much easier if I could just let the pain float away while I succumb to the blackness that wants to suck me under. Kinsliegh is my reason for suffering daily. The reason I fight to live in this hell.

  There’s a few things I’ve learned since being locked in this room. The men that have me are from Snake’s Revenge MC. I know they’re going after my man’s club and Satan’s Anarchy. They have some big plan to take over the territory and ensure both clubs are wiped off the map.

  What they don’t realize is that there’s more than one chapter of the Phantom Bastards. I’m not sure about Satan’s Anarchy because I’ve only ever seen the guys from Renegade’s club. I also know the Wild Kings will back up the Phantom Bastards no matter what they need. It’s the same Slim’s guys would do for them.

  A little while ago, I heard arguing outside the door of the room I’m locked in. Two of the guys were talking about their boss being pissed as fuck if they don’t get what they wanted. I know Haggard is the President here so I’m not sure who their boss is. There’s no way in hell I’m asking either.

  My only plan right now is to gain as much information as possible for when Slim and the guys come rescue me. There’s no doubt in my mind the guys will get me out of here. They’ll put their lives on the line to ensure we’re rescued. It’s the one thing I love and hate about the club. Once you’re in, you’re family. Every single man and woman involved in the club will put their life on the line to make sure we’re all safe and sound. It’s the same thing I’d do for any member of the club.

  I’m biding my time until the men discover where they’re holding us. I know it’s going to take time and I can wait. There’s no way in hell Slim is going to let these bitches get the advantage or kill me. He’s going to prove to them, just like every other club that’s fucked with them, why Slim is one of the baddest Presidents in the area and exactly what he’ll do to make sure no one takes something that belongs to him.

  I’ve just gotten Kinsliegh asleep after a rough night. She knows something is going on and has been cranky and hasn’t been sleeping good. The baby is up about every hour and neither one of us has gotten any rest. I’m dead on my feet, but nothing will stop me from protecting this princess with everything I have in me.

  Thankfully, the assholes have left Kinsliegh alone. Other than a Prospect making sure I have what I need for her, no one has even looked in her direction. I may be beaten and bruised right now, but I’ll push through the pain in order to make sure no one touches the baby.

  Before I can lay back and let thoughts of Slim consume me, the door to the room bursts open once again. Haggard and Keg fill the doorway. Their stench hits me before they move a single muscle in my direction.

  My eyes widen in terror as I look down to Kinsliegh and see her fast asleep in her car seat. I knew the day was coming I wouldn’t survive the hell I find myself in. Looks like that day’s today.

  Haggard and Keg have dead eyes. The only time I see any emotion in them is when they’re beating on me and taunting me with the vile things they want to do to me. I’ve heard repeatedly since the second they got their hands on me how much they want to fuck me and ruin me for Slim. They want to take everything from him and they’re going to use me to accomplish that. In the process, they plan on ruining me, breaking me down, and bending me to their will.

  The two men step forward and stalk toward the bed I’m lying on. I’ve never understood the expression ‘stalking after their prey’ until this very second. These two men are stalking me like prey they can’t wait to sink their teeth into and destroy. Their movements are slow and methodical as they make their way toward me.

  My fight or fligh
t instinct kicks in and I jump from the bed to stand in front of the baby. I will not let them do a single thing to her. This move plays right into their hands though. Keg manages to get behind me quicker than I anticipated while Haggard stops in front of me.

  I can feel the body heat coming from both men. Their body odor overwhelms me and I have to fight the urge to vomit all over them. Smartass comments want to spew from me, but I’ve learned over the last few days, or however long I’ve been here, it just feeds into their games.

  Biting my lip to remain quiet, I taste the blood as I puncture my lip in my attempt to stay quiet. Because I also won’t beg or plead for them to leave me alone. I won’t fight or scream. That’s what they want. They want to hear me beg for my life and their mercy. I know I won’t get it so what’s the point in trying to plead with them?

  I take a second to glance behind me and make sure Keg isn’t near the baby. Her car seat’s moved back further into the bathroom. She’s still sleeping, peacefully for the moment. Turning my attention back to the men surrounding me, I try to figure out what my move is going to be.

  “Today we’re takin’ what we want from you,” Haggard says, running a filthy hand up my arm. “We’re gonna show you how a real man takes what he wants and leaves nothin’ when he’s done.”

  Keg runs his hands up my side and brings them around to grab my chest. I revolt against the hold the man has on me. Pain almost makes me scream as he grabs and twists my tits. I let the pain flow through me and give me the incentive to make a move that’s probably going to get me killed. Throwing my head back, I catch him in the face. The sound of a bone breaking spurs me into action. With Haggard’s attention on his friend, I bring my knee up and catch him in the junk.

  Haggard grabs a hold of my hair and I stop myself from screaming out in pain as he wrenches my head side to side. One hand is holding his dick as he finally tosses me to the floor. I hit my head on the side railing of the bed. Pain explodes through my head as I drop to the floor and curl in on myself.

  Booted feet soon begin to kick me. I bring my knees and arms up to protect myself as much as possible. It’s no use against their assault though. When they’ve exhausted themselves from kicking me, Keg straddles my beaten body and proceeds to land punches anywhere on my body he can hit.

  Through the slit in my swollen eyes, I see spittle flying from his mouth and his face bright red in rage. Blood covers his face and down his neck. It’s dripping on me and I feel it slide down my arms as I continue to look at the man about to end my life. His punches may be erratic and not thought out, but they’re doing the damage he’s intending.

  Haggard soon pulls the deranged man off of me. Keg’s chest is heaving as he tries to catch his breath. The man that stood back and watched me be beaten

  crouches down and gets in my face. He pulls my hair once again and makes sure I’m looking at him before he talks.

  “I’m goin’ to break you, bitch. You’re nothin’ more than a fuckin’ slut and I’ll make sure I’m the last person you feel slidin’ in your worn-out cunt before I slit your fuckin’ throat. That’s after I let every single man here fuck you with whatever they want. I’m done with your shit!”

  He releases my hair and tosses me the short distance to the floor. My head lands with a hard thud next to the bed. Their laughter is the last thing I hear before the blackness drags me under. I welcome the peace and let go of the pain radiating through my entire body.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  IT’S BEEN ALMOST two weeks since Shy was taken. Every single man from my club and Satan’s Anarchy have been out searching for my woman. Grim and Gage, along with the men from their clubs, have called in every marker they have trying to find out anything they can about Snake’s Revenge. Blaze and the rest of the Nomads have extended their stay here along with Tank and Maddie.

  My daughter is as stubborn as they come and has refused to leave since hearing about Shy and the baby being taken. She’s not returning to Clifton Falls until she knows they’re safe and sound and back where they belong. Maddie even told Tank to leave if he had to. I love my daughter.

  I’ve been hiding in my office. The only time I leave is when I’m out searching for my girls or when Maddie drags me out. She knows I’m in my head and she’s been trying to make sure I spend time with her and the kids to get away from thinking about all the possible scenarios involving Shy and Kinsliegh.

  The one thing I know for sure right now is whoever took them is going to pay with their lives. I’ll make sure they fucking suffer and don’t see the light of day again. Once I find them that is. And if one hair is touched on either one of them, a rage will be let loose like no one has ever seen before.

  “Boss,” Killer says, barging into my office. “Renegade’s been tryin’ to call you. He’s got a location and they’re headin’ our way now.”

  “What? Where the fuck are my girls?” I ask, standing up from the desk so fast, my chair slams into the filing cabinets behind me.

  “I don’t know. He didn’t want to say over the phone. Where’s yours?”


  “Gotcha. They’ll be here in less than an hour. What do you want us to do?” Killer asks.

  “Get the arsenal ready. I want to be ready to roll as soon as they get here. I’ll give them five minutes to tell me what’s up and make a plan. It’s not a lot of time, but they’ve already been gone for so long.”

  Killer nods and leaves the room. He’ll make sure everyone gets their guns and ammo ready so we can ride in no more than an hour and a half.

  Sitting back at my desk, I shove the paperwork I was attempting to work on out of the way. There’s no way I’ll be able to concentrate on anything knowing that my girls may be coming home today.

  Instead, I pull out my guns and make sure they’re ready to go. I’ve got the extra ammo ready. I just have to put them in my saddlebags when we’re ready to head out. My brass knuckles and knives are also ready to go as I lay everything out on my desk.

  My mind settles on Shy and I wonder what’s been done to her; what hell she’s been through since being taken from me. This is exactly why I didn’t want to claim her to begin with. She’s too good to deal with the bullshit being with me will bring to her doorstep. Losing her cousin, taking in Kinsliegh, and now her being taken should prove that to everyone around me.

  Unfortunately for her, I’m a selfish bastard and there’s no way I’m letting her go now. Shy has been burrowing her way under my skin since the day she walked in here. If I could let her go, I wouldn’t have brought her back closer to me the day my son told me some dirty fucker beat her up. Instead, I would’ve pushed her farther away.

  I’ve been pacing the common room for the last ten minutes waiting on Renegade and the rest of Satan’s Anarchy to get here. Tank ushers Maddie and the kids out of here because he can sense the rage simmering just under the surface. Every single one of my guys are sitting around the common room.

  Most of them look relaxed and ready to enjoy a nice cold beer. Just under the surface is the rage and worry. They’re all ready to bring Shy home and make sure Kinsliegh’s okay. Each man here can feel my pain and knows I’ve been going out of my mind in the last thirteen days.

  Alex and Zach have made their way back into the clubhouse from loading the vans up as the first rumble of bikes begins to fill my ears. I stop pacing and make my way outside to greet the men pulling up. Looking behind me as the guys pull up and shut their bikes off, each Phantom Bastard is standing outside waiting to leave.

  “Slim, the house you told me that skank told you about is where they got Shy and Kinsliegh. A Prospect for them, Josh, is tryin’ to make sure they’re okay, but we need to get there. He sent out an SOS on our way here. I’ve got the maps and we’ve gone over them. There’s two entrances; front and back. We’ll go in and cause a distraction out front. You guys go in the back and get the girls out,” Renegade tells me, not leaving the seat of his bike.

w do you know this Josh guy is tellin’ the truth and isn’t leadin’ us to an ambush?” I ask, not letting my hopes get up that we’ll find my girls.

  “He wants out. He didn’t realize what he was signin’ up for when he started Prospectin’ for the slimy fucks. Now, he wants to help them get out of there and get away from the club. Accordin’ to this guy, they’re not a club at all. Each guy is out for themselves and they listen to someone higher up. He’s not sure who, but it’s someone with power and money,” Renegade tells me.

  “Let’s ride the fuck out! I want you guys leadin’ the way. We’ll follow and stop a mile away from the house. Fox, you’re in the van so you can do your thing and find the best way to the back of the house on foot. Renegade, you and a few of your guys will take the front and be the distraction. You’re ridin’ up on your bikes. We’ll handle the rest. In and out without hurtin’ my girls.”

  I practically run over to my bike while everyone else gets on their bikes, in the vans, or turns their bikes around. Renegade’s club rides in formation before me. One van is between our clubs, then my guys, and the second van in the rear. Alex will be the lookout for anyone tailing us. He knows what to do if we think we’re being followed.

  Instead of enjoying the freedom of the road, my mind plays on a loop of every possible scenario. I try not to let my mind go to the worst-case scenarios where I’m too late to get my woman and daughter. Kinsliegh may not be our child by blood, but she’s our daughter and as soon as we can make it official, we’ll be adopting her.

  I have so much I still want to do with Shy. We have yet to build on our family or spend the rest of our lives together. I’ll fuck anyone up that tries to take that away from us. Shy deserves nothing but the best and I’ll be giving that to her from now on. I just hope there’s no blowback from taking these slimy cockroaches out once and for all.

  Renegade leads us to the small town of Carlisle. We’re breaking every speed rule there is on the road in our attempt to get to the girls. I don’t give a fuck if we get pulled over. The cops can try to pull us over, but that’s why we have the vans. They’ll run interference if anyone tries to get in our way or slow us down. Alex and Zach know what they need to do if that happens. They’ve been around the club since they were babies and know more than most Prospects would.


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