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Finding a Body (The Dark Herbalist Book #4) LitRPG series

Page 3

by Michael Atamanov

  The huge ogre nodded to say he’d heard of that. I then started looking over the huge black throne but now as its master, dreaming up grandiose plans with my new ability. But Valerianna Quickfoot hurried to rein me in:

  “Direct Intervention Points are generated extremely slowly, and that is the only reason divine creatures haven’t overtaken all Boundless Realm . For now your throne generates two points per hour. One on its own, and another is given by that dual Rat King head in the back of the chair.”

  I had to take a few steps back to see what my sister was talking about. But she was right. Two of the wood-carved skulls in the back of the throne had been replaced with the twin heads of Hyenarius, Lord of the Swamps of the Styx, whose half-dead and half-living warband was defeated by my army in the marshes. And the dead head was moving, opening and closing its mouth without a sound. The living head of the Rat King, as far as I could tell, was also still kicking, its glowing red beady eyes just darting in every direction.

  Well, where did that put me? The heads of enemy leaders would decorate my black throne, at the same time improving the ghastly artifact? Seemingly yes. My gaze stopped just then on two rougarou skulls carved out of black wood nearby, and my imagination quickly told me that those slots were meant to house the heads of Regent Uvari-Dor-Shu and Princess Chai-nee Shu. And that unmistakable skull there looked very much like it belonged to Harpy Queen Kirra’ellita, Huntress of the Night. Hrm...

  The mavka’s voice interrupted my thinking.

  “Now the throne has one hundred thirty-four Direct Intervention Points, which is very little. It could open a portal for a short time within the Southern Continent, or revive one NPC up to level sixty-seven. Also, big-ears, we may have a serious problem. The throne’s description says that to use it you must be at least level two-hundred... Do you have any Ifrit Hearts left?”

  No, I had spent the last Ifrit Heart stripping my fur armor suit of its level requirement. And that was Fenrir’s Pelt, the fifth item from the set of cursed regalia. Now that was some bad luck... Getting another one of those rare alchemy ingredients would be quite difficult. Actually, it would be just as hard as taking the natural route and just leveling up to two hundred.

  Seemingly, the Dark Sovereign’s arrival to Boundless Realm ran the risk of ending in a huge fiasco. What was the point of this new patch if the Sovereign couldn’t even use the tools it provided?

  “Keeper! I need you now!” I shouted, hoping very much that someone from the Global Modeling Department was keeping careful watch over how this important event was unfolding.

  And I wasn’t wrong. Not five seconds later, a glowing winged figure was hovering just under the ceiling of my throne room. I didn’t even have to explain; the Keeper already knew my problem and spoke first:

  “Yes Amra, that was a cock-up on our part. We’ll fix it right away. It’s just that many of us were surprised to see you elevated to Dark Sovereign. We still haven’t worked out all the kinks... Alright, there you go! Enjoy the throne!”

  Seemingly the Keeper thought he was done and was getting ready to disappear. But I called out to him and voiced another series of wishes:

  “I need keys to all the castle doors. I’m not supposed to break them down am I?! And I also need some kind of interface for monitoring the castle. I have to know what is going on in my own home, what needs to be improved or repaired, and what is being kept in my stores. And I also need to control my army somehow, and something to tell me which regions and provinces of the Southern Continent pose a threat to the Dark Sovereign. And another thing, which is no-less-important: do you really think the skills and specializations needed by an Herbalist, are appropriate for a fearsome Dark Sovereign? For example, the ability to transplant plants. I for one have a hard time imagining a big scary videogame monster trouncing around with a trowel and replanting flowers. Can reset or trade out some of my skills or maybe get some unique perks?”

  The Keeper froze motionless. Seemingly the player controlling it was away from his computer consulting with colleagues. I waited three minutes, and even got a bit bored before the winged figure flew back into motion and came all the way down to the floor:

  “It has been decided to assign the Dark Sovereign three servants: a Keymaster, a Storekeeper and a Steward. The designers and programmers promised to make them unique and entertaining for your audience. And as for other servants for your castle, if you need any others you’ll have to buy them yourself in the game’s online store. They also didn’t give you a general. Leadership thought you could lead the army yourself, or buy yourself an NPC with the right talents. Maybe you could even invite a living player to be your general. I’m certain you won’t have a hard time finding someone to lead the Dark Sovereign’s legions. Also, we tossed some food for your army into the castle stores. And that was a recent change because they figured the Dark Sovereign would send his army straight into battle. But with all these unexpected problems you’ve got too much on your plate, so they decided to give you a bit of help. They gave you very modest provisions, just enough to keep an army of that size going for one day. You’ll have to get a handle on things before then.”

  “And what about my skills?” I reminded the Keeper of my other question, but he just shrugged his winged shoulders indefinitely:

  “The marketing specialists and directors haven’t reached a decision yet. On the one hand, it seems logical that a ghoulish Dark Sovereign should have unique abilities, otherwise how could he really be a unique boss? But on the other, why should we make an exception to the rules for one lone player? Our millions of other players might get mad, and rightly so. Overall, the question is stalled for now. Although... wait, I’m hearing something just now...”

  The Keeper froze motionless for another minute before returning to the game and announcing the leadership’s final verdict:

  “They came to an interim decision: the skills and specializations your Goblin Herbalist already has cannot be exchanged, but you will get to choose unusual perks for the specializations you haven’t taken yet. Unfortunately, they haven’t been thought up yet. And if introduced in the game, their consequences haven’t been thought through. That all takes time. A day or two most likely. So then, best of luck to you and have fun gaming, Dark Sovereign!”

  Day One. Housekeeping

  THE KEEPER DISAPPEARED , leaving me somewhat perplexed. Was that all??? No extra experience to level me up faster, no real explanations, no manual for how to control soldiers or at least some approximate overview of the corporation’s expectations? But I had to know what the leadership wanted from me!

  And putting off choosing specializations in hopes of obtaining unusual perks, to put it lightly, sounded like a rushed and vague solution. What perks? Would they really by useful, or just worthless crap? Also, how long would I have to wait? I could already choose a specialization for six skills, and now they wanted me to just leave it that way until their programmers thought something up?

  Warchief skill increased to level 19!

  Foreman skill increased to level 68!

  And what was that from? Ah, there it was... The rougarou and orcs I had summoned were now in the throne-room doorway, stock-still and bowing low before me. Seemingly, my companions had seen the Keeper’s visit and thus were in a state of near worship. I noticed that the Regent of the Clan of the White Lily was trying to maintain a respectfully bowed pose, despite clear pain from his injuries and fractures. And there, by the way was a great chance to test my new abilities!

  “Shrekson, help me up onto the throne! But be careful not to touch the poison wood!”

  The tall Ogre Fortifier easily lifted my Goblin and not so much sat me as tossed me onto the rough scaly seat.

  Successful check for Poison Resistance!

  And sitting on the very edge of the seat, I extended a hand toward the crippled Uvari-Dor-Shu:

  “Advisor, I need you in good health! Stand from the stretcher and come to me!”

  You have used 5 Direct Intervent
ion Points

  You have 129 points remaining

  It worked!!! The furry Druid, surprised to discover his pain was suddenly gone, straightened up and took his first cautious step, then a second and a third... And carefully walked upright, stopping ten feet from the throne. In the rougarou’s eyes I could see a fanatical shimmer of adoration and loyalty. If I asked now, the Regent of the Clan of the White Lily would jump into a fire without hesitation.

  “Sovereign, I have come to your call and am ready to serve you!”

  Warchief skill increased to level 20!

  You may now choose your first specialization in this skill

  And another skill had leveled to first specialization... So again I should not choose any of the options and wait for something unique that just might be better? I took a heavy sigh. Alright, it didn’t exactly require an immediate reaction. I could be patient for a day or two and see what they had to offer. But now I needed to give an order to the rougarou, take advantage of the circumstances and explore the nearby area:

  “Advisor, I once promised the Clan of the White Lily new lands in the territory of the Dark Sovereign if you trusted me and followed me. Well, the time has come to fulfill that promise! Gather a few groups of experienced scouts and have them go in different directions from the castle. By tomorrow evening, I expect your rougarou back with reports and maps, and I expect you to have chosen a parcel of land for the Clan of the White Lily.”

  The huge Uvari-Dor-Shu, whose healed scars made a big impression and gave him character, emphasizing his power and might as a high-level Druid, respectfully went down on one knee:

  “Sovereign Amra, I am grateful for your concern for my clan. But may I be allowed to make one request? The Clan of the White Lily left its lands in a hurry. Our women and children didn’t take any warm clothing or blankets and now have no roofs over their heads. After the bitter cold on the river of death and the treacherous mountain crossings, many of our children have fallen ill. Order the other rougarou clans to share their warm clothing, poles and tents! I saw that other clans only sent strong warriors to the Dark Sovereign’s call, and they can easily just crowd in or just go without tents. Their own fur is easily enough for a large sturdy warrior!”

  “I don’t recommend it, Tim! You’d be spoiling your relationship with every other rougarou clan just for good relations with one of the weakest.”

  The private message from Valerianna Quickfoot caught me after I’d already opened my mouth to agree. I thought over my sister’s advice, agreed with her well-founded fears, changed my decision and did my best not to offend any rougarou:

  “Uvari-Dor-Shu, as you know, we came most of the way here through a portal of the goddess Hel. But the other clans made much longer and more harrowing journeys. I don’t know how the other rougarou clans are doing, so I must first speak with their chieftains before making your request. But don’t you worry, the Clan of the White Lily will not be left without shelter! Until you decide on a new land and build new tents, I allow you to live in my castle... let’s say... in the north wing and two of its towers!”

  Diplomat skill increased to level twenty!

  You may now choose your first specialization in this skill

  Another skill was now just stalled with no specialization... That was starting to grate on me. Perks were often necessary for improvements and new abilities, but my Amra was being forced to stay weak.

  Princess Chai-nee Shu, walking closer during my conversation with the regent, started to jump and clap for joy and amusement. Her advisor tried to calm the young girl, who was behaving too emotionally for a proud princess. But I asked him to let Chai-nee Shu express her happiness. The regent bowed to me then suddenly gave a threatening growl and jumped forward, shielding the princess from a new figure in the throne room:


  Silent servant of the Dark Sovereign (indestructible)

  I had to admit, I also gave an unwitting shudder when the ghastly dark shadow appeared one step from my throne. And although a quick glance at the mini-map revealed this creature had a blue, allied marker, I still shook my head in reproach. I mean, come on programmers, you can’t scare the players like that! If I had a weak heart, I’d need someone to call me an ambulance.

  The Keymaster was a ten-foot tall black semi-transparent ghost in an old moldering shroud, who held a huge keyring in his right hand which was just as semi-transparent and fleshless as he was. Through the black haze of his low-slung hood, a skull with three eye-sockets peeked out, and each socket contained flickering red embers, a monster’s eyes that glowed in the dark. The left bony hand of the undead being was holding a broken torch. And completing the picture of walking horror, there was a black-skull marker over the ghastly floating figure, meaning he was more than fifty levels stronger than my Amra.

  “Keymaster, open the doors to the north wing of the castle for the rougarou! And so I don’t have to do this again, open the rooms in the eastern part of the castle for the orcs, too!”

  The taciturn ghost’s three eyes flickered and he started unhurriedly floating toward the exit. The rougarou and orcs, exchanging unconfident glances, nevertheless gathered their bravery and shuffled off after the ghastly guide into the dark depths of the corridor. But I stopped Chai-nee Shu and Ziabash Hardy:

  “They’ll manage without you. I need you here. Chai-nee, you’re a Hunter by class, so I have just the job for you. There are only enough victuals in the castle for one day. However, during our last crossing from the hill, I saw a big forest in the distance teeming with animals. Get together a group of orc and rougarou hunters from every clan and go catch some prey. I appoint you head of this hunting expedition. And take the Gray Pack with you. My canine friends are hungry, and I’m sure they couldn’t hurt, especially the level-212 Guard Dog and Baron at 120. And that will give me peace of mind, too. No matter what lives in that distant forest, with their help you’ll have no problems!”

  Foreman skill increased to level 69!

  Chai-nee Shu, delighted and flattered by my trust, promised to carry out the order then gave a dignified bow and headed for the exit. Now for Ziabash Hardy’s mission. I told my First Mate to take a group of orcs to inspect my stores and start distributing provisions to every soldier outside my castle.

  Finally, I turned my attention to the last NPC, Orc Shaman Ghuu Ghel All-Knowing:

  “My friend, your mission may seem strange and vague at first glance, but please hear me out. In Boundless Realm millions of orcs, kobolds, goblins, trolls and others live in fear of persecution from the undying. They hunt and kill our brothers for profit, experience, and sometimes just for fun.”

  The orc shaman, draped in bone and feather necklaces, bitterly confirmed that I was speaking the gods’ truth. He said he knew of many horrifying instances of the undying being unjustifiably harsh to orcs and other races.

  “That’s exactly right! I myself saw the peaceful goblin village of Tysh burned to the ground, and know of many similar cases. And I’m sure that many orcs and goblins would be glad to move to calmer lands, but they don’t know any. Well, I am prepared to provide them shelter here! Around my castle there are expansive uninhabited lands and any settler will find both a place to live and a job. The undying will have a very hard time just getting here, and the powerful army of the Dark Sovereign will stand in their path. What do you say, friend?”

  “Yes, my liege, such an offer may interest many,” Ghuu Ghel All-Knowing agreed with a deep bow.

  “I also think we will find takers. But the settlers will have to meet a few conditions to be permitted into my lands. Listen carefully, shaman! If they work in a peaceful profession, one tenth of their income must go to the treasury of the Dark Sovereign, which is very little in comparison with the other governments of the Southern Continent. Warriors who come to my lands will not be expected to pay taxes, but they must stand under the banners of the Dark Sovereign if we are ever attacked. Your mission then, shaman, is to spread the word around all Boundless
Realm by any means necessary. Summon your spirits, use birds, beasts and magical messengers, do everything in your power! If necessary, speak with the other shamans, druids and wizards gathered near my castle. And feel free to fall back on my authority. They must support you in any way possible in this most important matter! Have you got it all, shaman? Then go and do it!”

  Just after the last NPC disappeared from view, I asked the Ogre Fortifier to take me down from the tall throne and place me on the floor.

  “Amra, I must admit, I’m impressed,” the mavka told me when I came up next to her. “Tim, you’ve accomplished something truly grand! As far as I know, since the very first patches of Boundless Realm , when the lands of the virtual continents were just barely occupied by players, no one has ever tried to resettle entire races.”

  “Well, even then there was resettlement of living players,” Max Sochnier threw out, not hiding his delight and enthusiasm. “I mean, Amra, you want to lure NPC’s to your side from the whole Southern Continent! Nothing like that has ever happened before!”

  “Well friends, what other choice do we have?! Just look, I have twenty or thirty thousand ghastly NPC monsters in front of my castle. That’s pretty good. With decent planning, I could use them to make two or three incursions, capture a few cities and cause some problems for the players. But then the TOP clans will come, mow down my warband and walk unimpeded straight to my castle to capture the Dark Sovereign. Remember the story of Fenrir. His pack was strong and posed a threat to several provinces. But the problem was that players respawn after dying, while NPC’s do not. A few bloody battles, and all that was left of Fenrir’s pack was a bunch of untrained pups, who were soon cut down together with their fearsome alpha.”


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