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She’s Got Balls

Page 6

by Mia Watts

“Brilliant,” Chris agreed. Who’d suspect a meeting of drug dealers in the affluent suburban children’s library?

  Harold leaned heavily on Chris’ shoulder, breathing flammable gases onto his neck.

  “And the seedlings I need? I’ll require three different varieties of your best stock for the hybrid we need to boost production,” Chris said.

  “That’s the beauty of it,” Doreen said. “It’s all right here. Beneath us, actually. Using solar conservers, our power usage is off the grid and excess stored, or would be if we were a simple family using average power.”

  “But we aren’t. The amount of power we get and store, and buy from the power company takes care of the grow house consumption.” Carla added, excitedly.

  “It’s here? In the basement?” Chris asked.

  Nina giggled. “All our basements and soon yours.”

  “Racks and racks of beautiful green weed,” Carla agreed. Her eyes glittered.

  Chris thought of the infrared satellite images Vin had showed him. None of the houses showed up as hot-spots. “How do you hide the heat signatures?”

  “That’s Harold’s doing. He’s not just our supplier, he’s the brilliant mind behind the high-tech, sensor laden insulation panels,” Doreen explained.

  Carla downed the last of her champagne. “It actually absorbs the energy output we use and the plants put off, then converts it and insulates it into cool cells where the rest of our solar energy goes.”

  “That kind of financial investment is huge,” Chris said. The idea showed incredible ingenuity and creativity. But how did it convert? How did Harold the drunk know to do it?

  “My money. My company. My resources. My free pot.” Harold dragged his hand up and down Chris’ back, far more interested in sniffing than listening to the conversation. “Can’t make money without spending money.”

  The implications loomed large. The sales would sky rocket in only a matter of time. With minimal direction and fewer shares to fewer growers-larger numbers would be unnecessary overhead with the income doubling, tripling with the new system for every grower-Harold and his ladies would corner the market.

  They’d control drug flow and prices. With premium product and low costs, they’d choke out the other growers until they had the majority. From there the possibilities were endless. Withhold the premium stuff until users got desperate.

  And there were users everywhere. Every school, every business, every branch of government.

  Unchecked, they’d hold the power. No wonder they wanted what they thought Christy could offer. Organization, networking, resources to reach into several communities-hell yeah, they’d want Christy around. She provided them a shortcut to the top.

  “Harold is a genius,” Nina murmured.

  “And if Harold wants something. Harold gets it,” Doreen said.

  “Ladies, why don’t you clear out and give me and Christy a chance to get to know each other better,” Harold suggested. His arm cinched Chris’ waist.

  “Fuck, no.” Chris stiff-armed him.

  Doreen’s face twisted, her drawn face and sneering lips classic signs of a reprimand in formation. All interrupted by the door swinging open and DEA agents waving guns.

  “It’s about fucking time,” Chris said.

  He ripped the wig off his head and tore open the top of his button down dress. His huge, practical white bra jutted out. Trailing beneath it from cleavage to navel, a black wire told the Garden Club all they needed to know.

  “She’s a boy,” Harold exclaimed, falling on his ass in his effort to get away. “She’s a he!”

  “Busted, so to speak.” Chris said with a wry grin.

  * * * *

  Chris wadded up a dress and shoved it in the suitcase. “Go back and pack up your gear, Tarp. The cleaning crew will take care of the rest,” he repeated out loud. “Good, job, Tarp. Nice tits,” he said, repeating someone else. “You gonna celebrate? Get laid?”

  All things guaranteed to grate on his nerves. He’d showered, scrubbing Christy into oblivion and donned Vin’s sweats. Then because he was pissy, he went to Vin’s room and took one of his shirts too. He fucking swam in that thing.

  He tucked the front of the soft cotton shirt into his sweats and grabbed another skirt.

  “You avoiding me, Vin? Afraid I’ll want a goodbye fuck and you aren’t feeling charitable?” he said, sneering on the words.

  God, his heart ached.

  Chris wadded up a pair of stupid hose. “Damn it.” Closing his eyes on fresh pain, he fought the truth, except now he knew he fought it. He was in love with Vin.

  “I get tongue-tied,” Vin said, quietly.

  Chris looked around, surprised. Well, Vin was back. But what did getting tongue-tied have to do with the case?

  “I get tongue-tied,” Vin started again, then paused. “Around you. You make it hard for me to think straight.”

  Chris faced him, giving Vin his complete attention. Hoping he heard what he thought he heard.

  “I can’t slow down. I touch you and I don’t want to quit touching you.” Vin looked away for a moment, his eyes troubled. When he looked up again, he walked toward Chris. His white shirt opened to the waist with another of his thin cotton undershirt hiding his gorgeous chest from view.

  “I thought you wanted women,” Chris said, thinking of the three Vin had flirted with just that afternoon.

  “The woman I want-she’s got balls,” Vin said, grinning. “And most of the time, he doesn’t wear a dress. If I had it my way, he wouldn’t wear anything.”

  A breathless laugh escaped Chris. Could it be possible? Vin wanted him?

  “Do you know how dangerous you are for me?” Vin asked. He stroked the side of Chris’ face, traced his jaw before sliding his hands into his hair. “Not my job. That could get complicated, but I’d survive it. You, I’m not sure I could survive.”

  Chris’ chest ached. More, he wanted to hear Vin say more. “You going to kiss me? Because it looks like you’re going to kiss me. Call it wishful thinking, if you want. You could wipe a man’s RAM with a pucker like yours.”

  “Shut up,” Vin murmured against Chris’ lips.

  “Shutting up.”

  Vin covered Chris’ mouth with his own. He held the sweet pressure for a moment before releasing, before allowing some space between them again.

  Vin had spoken more tonight than he had their entire acquaintance. And Chris didn’t want it to stop. He words held too much weight for Chris’ future, their future, hopefully.

  “I could easily fall in love you. You say what you think and don’t give a damn who hears it. You’re an ass. A funny ass, and even wearing a ridiculous flower-print robe with your cock sticking out, you turn me on without trying. You can’t cook worth a damn. I lose my mind with lust until I have trouble speaking. So I don’t speak at the risk of telling you I want you only to hope you feel the same way. You aren’t afraid of going after what you want. You kiss me and I feel like I’m the only place you want to be, but still can’t get close enough. You leave me guessing, wanting, wishing.”

  “Vin,” Chris groaned, speechless, aroused beyond reason.

  Vin silenced him with a shake of his head. “I’d never get over you. You’re dangerous for me because only two days have passed and I already know that every guy I’ll ever meet will be measured against what I’m feeling for you right now.” Vin backed off. “I need you to walk away, Chris, because I can’t say no to you, and I’m not detached enough to think this is strictly physical.”

  “Walk away? Does it look like I’m not interested?” Chris asked, disbelieving. How many times did he have to come to the man, cum for the man before Vin knew it was different for Chris too.

  “For a roll, sure. What I want is a lot more lasting than an all night fuck in your tight ass. I don’t think you’re ready for that.”

  “What do you think I want then? I’m dying for enlightenment on the subject,” Chris retorted.

  “I haven’t told you much about me,
but you seem to like the visual aid.”

  “Meat?” Chris asked, dumbfounded. “All I want is a hot body to sink my dick into? Guess you have to stick around longer and learn a few more things about me. I know stuff about you without being told.”

  Vin folded his arms across his chest. A classic Vin challenge-stare. See? Chris knew that, didn’t he?

  “I’m in love with you, moron, even if your mamma did jack you up with growth hormones,” Chris said, smiling. “Confessing that you could fall in love with me got too detailed to be anything but already in love with me. You say a lot for a guy who doesn’t say much. Your body language shares the finer points. Your parting speech filled in the blanks. Even a half-assed detective would see that. You’re counting on the rookie to overlook a few details. Not a chance.”

  Vin’s expression softened. “Like?”

  “Let’s continue in the same tone, shall we?” Chris asked.

  “I’m listening.”

  “You are tough enough to throw me up against a wall without straining, surprising enough to prefer chocolate syrup in your coffee, and gentle enough to tease me with kisses. You care when you think you’ve hurt me,” Chris said holding out his wrists. “Hell, you even try to kiss me better. You’ve got mad-chef skills, learned from your dad, but you aren’t a snob who looks down his nose at others who can’t do what you do. Your research is immaculate, and you keep thing close to your chest. Sometimes too close. You’re passionate and demanding as a lover. Generous and compassionate and knowing you love me knocks me off my feet.”

  “I didn’t say love,” Vin grumbled.

  “You didn’t have to.”

  Nothing had been left unsaid. Vin excited the hell out of him with a love that blended fear and hope in a cauldron of lust. The kind that would mark Chris’ soul for a lifetime.

  Vin shook his head. “Your fault,” he said through quickened breaths. “You’re a fucking temptation.”

  “Not tempting enough to make you say it,” Chris said.

  “Say what?” Vin blew out a pent up breath, clearly pleased with Chris’ deduction. A slow sexy smile lifted his lips. “You’re smart, bold, sexy and horny as hell. Even your incessant chatter turns me on.”


  Vin interrupted him to capture and release Chris’ bottom lip between his. “I love you too. You gonna shut up so I can kiss you?”

  “Shutting up.”

  About the Author

  Mia makes her home in Minneapolis, Minnesota where she divides her time between a job and spying on people. Mia enjoys long walks in Como Park, daisies, dancing in the snow…(Delete prior sentence, meant for personal ad)…

  Mr. Perfect may apply in person for a thorough evaluation and trial. All others will be towed.


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