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Page 4

by Barbara J. Hancock

  The crowd had somehow moved away and now they stood alone in the firelight.

  Even with both of her hands under his shirt, splayed against the heated skin of his back, even with her body pressed and held, firmly, warmly against his until she felt every rumble of laughter from his chest as he reveled in her bold kisses…it wasn’t enough.

  Colin stepped back and Tess went with him. They both laughed as her hands refused to slip away. Then, Colin stopped laughing. With serious, measured movements, he reached down and swept her up into his arms. Tess moved her hands from his back to his neck. There were no threatening SUVs in sight. No helicopters to interrupt. The rest of the night stretched ahead of them. Before, when he’d held her this way, they’d been running for their lives. Now, Colin walked ever so slowly, taking them into the forest away from tactful but curious eyes. This time she watched the moonlight and shadows play across his handsome face. This time she wasn’t afraid.

  Oh, there was still a thrill zinging through her veins. Her heart still raced in her chest. But, it wasn’t fear. It was pure anticipation.

  His careful, controlled movements said he savored the moment. His dark gaze never left her face, but even though the path was only lit by moonlight and twinkling stars, he never faltered. Step by step, he took them away from the roaring fire and the celebrating pack and deeper into the shadowed embrace of the forest.

  Tess expected sleeping bags in a private thicket, but they came to a clearing instead. A large meadow opened up under the stars like a sudden secret ringed all around by trees. The sky looked vast above them as they came out into the tall grass, but its star-kissed splendor held her attention for only a moment because the meadow had its own star.

  A giant oak tree.

  Colin carried her toward it and Tess was amazed by the massive spread of its leafy branches into such a grand canopy.

  Somehow Tess wasn’t surprised when Colin eased her down out of his arms to stand her by the trunk while he quickly scaled it.

  His claws were already receding when he reached a hand down to her from the branches above her head. Tess took hold with both of her own hands and he pulled her quickly and easily up beside him. Her stomach fluttered—from the sudden movement, yes, but also because she finally saw the sleeping bags she had expected.

  “It’s perfect,” Tess breathed in appreciation. She couldn’t imagine a more fitting spot. Colin wasn’t meant for plush sheets and a cushiony bed.

  “You don’t mind close quarters?” he asked as he fit himself into the hollow.

  He went first then pulled her onto his reclining form. Tess settled onto his firm, warm body. There was just enough room to place her knees on either side of his lean hips, just enough room to snuggle her most intimate warmth against his.

  “The closer, the better,” Tess replied.

  Slowly, he slid his forefinger under her shirttail. She felt the fabric pull then give way as he brought his finger slowly, every so slowly, up toward her chest. The tip of his claw barely tickled across her skin as he used it to slice her shirt open. Tess shivered, then gasped when a flick of his finger parted her bra as well.

  She braced herself quickly by holding onto nearby branches when he made their position precarious by sitting up to taste the tip of one exposed breast.

  Tess sighed and arched her back. Her grasping hands had brought the small branches closer until leaves surrounded them. Their coolness fluttered against her naked skin in contrast to Colin’s hot mouth.

  His hands reached to steady her and hold her hips in place as his mouth moved to her other breast. He nuzzled its peak while the night air peaked and teased the nipple he’d left behind.

  Tess let go of the branches and plunged her fingers into Colin’s hair. He let her pull his mouth away from her breasts so she could catch her breath, but knowing his lips were then free and turned up to hers, Tess leaned down to claim them instead. The need for oxygen simply couldn’t compete with the need to taste him.

  As she stroked her tongue against his, Tess again felt fabric pull then part. Colin carefully, slowly, maddeningly cut her jeans away. Again, she felt the tip of one claw slip down one side of her hip all the way to her knee then another tip of another claw do the same on her other side.

  She gasped into his mouth when those same fingers teased around the edges of her panties, tickling and enticing all at the same time. He morphed so smoothly and quickly that one second he could use a claw to part fabric and the next he could use the warm pad of his finger to stroke between her legs with a soft, intimate touch that left her aching for more.

  She shifted to allow greater access, and Colin took the opportunity to push away the remnants of her jeans and the wisp of shredded silk that had once been her panties. He continued to use the pad of one finger to touch her so softly and so carefully she was amazed by his tenderness.

  This was her wolf, her Alpha, and yet, for all his strength and untamed nature, he held her and touched her with care.

  Suddenly, she felt like the wild one. Desperately needing to quicken the pace. Impatient for the feel of his skin on hers.

  “I don’t have claws,” Tess whispered against Colin’s lips. It was a reminder and a complaint. She wanted, needed to be closer to him.

  “What’s mine is yours,” Colin replied and the husky tones of his voice indicated he wasn’t nearly as patient as his pace suggested.

  Tess pulled back and Colin moved to place his forefinger against the neck of his own shirt. Parts of her tightened and warmed as she reached to take his hand. Carefully, she used his claw-tipped finger to slice open his T-shirt. The fabric parted easily to reveal his muscled chest and taut stomach. She was thankful for the bright moonlight and frustrated with it as well. She could see Colin, but not well enough. She had to rely on her other senses. She pushed the fabric back from his shoulders and ran her hands over his exposed skin.

  Colin dropped his head back and sighed beneath her touch as her stroking hands came to the waistband of his jeans, but the sigh turned into a quick intake of breath as she moved his hand to threaten the last bit of clothing that stood in her way.

  The angle wasn’t right for her to proceed.

  Colin realized her dilemma and grinned. She saw his teeth flash. She also felt the obvious evidence beneath her that belied his teasing. He was as ready for contact as she was. He tortured both of them with his play, but it was sweet, sweet torture that only served to heighten her anticipation.

  With an exaggerated stretch that slid and arched his body, Colin pressed his heat against hers. Tess was going to protest. She was going to beg. She was going to go for his fly like a madwoman. Instead, she moaned in relief as she felt his hands slip down to his jeans. She felt him hook his thumbs into his waist band and, then, he paused.

  Tess held her breath.

  He could see better in the dark than she could. She was sure he could see the desire for him on her face. She was sure he could see all the emotions filling her…desire, impatience, need…love.

  His hands moved up to cup her face. She didn’t see them coming. They were suddenly just there, cradling her jaw, caressing her cheeks. Did he see too much? Was it too soon for her to feel this deeply for him?

  “I loved you from the minute you stepped out from behind those crates,” Colin said, lightly tracing her lips with his thumb.

  Tess released the air she’d held in a long, soft sigh. He did see everything she was feeling and it was all right because he felt it too.

  She reached to touch his shadowed face. Her fingers stroked along the strong, square jaw, the firm, kiss-swollen lips.

  “I’ve known forever,” she said, and it was only when the words left her mouth that she knew they were true. She had known. Through all those despairing years, through death and loss and sickness and strife, she’d known this love was waiting for her.

  “I love you,” Tess said.

  The quiet confession seemed like a dream come true, a vision realized. Though she had never seen C
olin’s face before that day when she’d cut his chains, the hope of him had given her strength when she’d thought she was weak. It was that seed of hope that had propelled her ever forward when Lily was captured, when Lily was lost.

  Colin was her love, her hope, her wild and wonderful wolf.

  Tess shifted against the powerful man between her thighs. She couldn’t wait much longer.

  Suddenly with one quick, smooth move he shredded the last fabric that kept them apart finally, finally as fast as she would have liked. He was naked beneath her and even the breeze felt sultry on her skin as their bodies finally, finally came together. His groan vibrated against her chest. His hips tilted and hers followed, finding the perfect fit.

  Tess let out a gasping laugh as the hot length of him filled her. Her body was so eager, so ready. She began to move, but two warm, strong hands stilled her hips. Before she could protest, he began to direct her movements lifting and lowering, lifting and lowering, and Tess was struck once more by his incredible strength pared with his incredible care.

  She would have rushed. She would have hurried. But Colin made each movement long and lazy.

  He drew out the moment for her pleasure.

  He used his strength to prolong each slide, each stroke.

  And Tess thought she would die.

  She leaned down and took his kiss again, telling him with the hunger and urgency of her mouth that she didn’t want him to be patient anymore. It seemed as if she’d been waiting for this wild release, this moment of perfect joining, forever. She showed him with her eager lips and tongue that she was ready, so ready for him to be less careful, less patient, less controlled.

  Colin understood.

  Suddenly, there was nothing slow about the way they arched together. The leafy branches that surrounded them shook as their joining went from tender and teasing to fierce and passionate.

  The power of his hands at her hips helped Tess to extend every stroke, to enjoy every inch of him even as his speed brought her already aching body to its sweet, sweet release faster and hotter than she thought possible.

  Colin slowed only when her whole body tensed. He pulled her close as her sudden tightening brought him to release as well. He filled her with heat as he cradled her close, and Tess never imagined she could feel so wild and so safe all in the same moment.

  Sheltered in the tree and quiet in each other’s arms, Tess listened to the night as she became aware of the outside world once more. In the distance, she could hear the sounds of civilization. The pack had grown quieter, but she could still hear the occasional burst of laughter or a car door slam. She could hear distant music. Someone had switched the angry punk to a country croon. Perhaps Uncle had claimed the stereo.

  Tess smiled.

  Somehow, she’d managed to find home and family even as she’d braved stepping into a shadowy wilderness filled with werewolves and danger.

  “I’m glad you cut those chains,” Colin spoke against her hair. She could hear the pride in his voice. Pride and gratitude and wonder.

  “So am I,” she replied rubbing her cheek over the muscled expanse of warm chest she’d first seen bound and hurting. “So am I.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-2482-1


  Copyright © 2008 by Barbara J. Hancock

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