Book Read Free

The Trophy Wives Club

Page 2

by Ali Spooner

  “So, how do I fit in this picture?” Marley turned toward Lindy.

  “I thought you would never ask,” Lindy looked Marley in the eyes. “I would like to convert this place into a very exclusive club, and I would like you to be the manager.”

  “What kind of club?”

  “First, and foremost, it would be a health club complete with fitness trainers, tennis pro, massage therapists and a juice and coffee bar. The men have their “Boys’ Clubs” and I want to create a strictly female environment for my friends and I to enjoy.”

  “I sense there is more based on our previous conversation.”

  “You are a sharp one, Marley.” Lindy moved closer to her and placed a hand on her thigh. “In addition to a good workout, my friends and I would like some extra attention.”

  “Pardon my crudeness, but a whorehouse?” Marley asked.

  “I would not consider the employees here as whores and I find the term completely demeaning. I envision the staff here to be well educated in their skills and willing to provide the extra care to the clientele if they so desire. Their participation is strictly voluntary, and would be well compensated above and beyond their normal salaries, always on a cash basis.”

  Marley sat back on the love seat as the information began to sink in.

  “I am assuming with your contacts that you could staff the club with some of your friends and associates. I’m sure you aren’t the only professional out there that is being taken advantage of by their employers.”

  Lindy’s words struck a chord deep within her. She had been making the same salary since starting at the clinic five years ago and had been turned down every time she requested an increase. Still, no matter what Lindy chose to call it, it would be prostitution, then again wasn’t working for anyone for money a source of that?

  “I know some women who just might be interested. What kind of salaries are we talking about?”

  “Yours would be eighty. The rest I will decide upon your advisement.”

  “Eighty thousand?” Marley nearly choked with excitement.

  “Yes, and one of the flats if you want to live rent free,” Lindy added. “I can easily have one built for you with a private entrance.”

  “Walk me through the rest of the building and tell me what you have planned.”

  Lindy smiled and they left the flat to walk through the rest of the top floor. There was room for several more flats and when they reached the end of the hallway there was one large room, with several windows and a skylight. “I thought this would be perfect for you.”

  Marley’s eyes lit up at the size of the room, easily three times the size of her apartment. There was a small kitchen, but she didn’t spend much time in the kitchen and the bathroom was decked out with a whirlpool tub and separate shower.

  “There are no drugs or other illegal activities in this plan are there?”

  “No, of course not, the main business is the health spa and the upstairs activities…well they are bonus opportunities for the staff.”

  “You have friends who are interested in this venture?”

  “I have checks for $20,000 each from twenty-five women who are very interested in this project.”

  “That’s half a million dollars,” Marley let out a low whistle.

  “Twenty thousand dollars for a health club membership and discretion is nothing for these women,” Lindy said.

  They started walking down a staircase to the bottom floor. “I thought we would turn this into the fitness area, with massage rooms along the back wall, a set of showers and a locker room over there and maybe even a Roman bath.”

  Marley was deep in thought as they finished the tour of the building. When she first decided to become a massage therapist, she took a lot of teasing from her friends about wanting to work in a massage parlor. Marley was quick to explain to them that her role as a therapist was to help the body relax and heal itself and there was nothing sexual about her skills. Had she been deceiving herself in believing that and would she be crossing that barrier by taking this position?

  Lindy walked slowly, allowing Marley an opportunity to digest the information. “After the construction is complete, there will be no men allowed inside the property. This will be an all-woman haven, so you will need to hire someone handy with tools to be on call for any problems.” When they returned to the front area Lindy said, “This will be the main entrance. I think this would make for a great social area, a juice bar and coffee station.”

  Marley’s head was swimming with ideas.

  “So, what do you think so far?”

  “I think you have a great plan in place.”

  “Oh, you will have an office in the back corner and there will be an area for laundry equipment as well.”

  “I have to admit this sounds almost too good to be true, but I’m a massage therapist and I have no idea how to run a business.”

  “That part I can teach you. Once the equipment is set up and staff is on board, you will see the business will take care of itself.”

  “When do you hope to open for business?”

  “The building remodel will be complete in two weeks. I was hoping we could have a fitness expert on board with us next week to select and order the equipment she will need. Once that is in, the rest should be relatively easy, so roughly a month from now.”

  “I have to give a two week notice at the clinic.”

  Lindy chuckled. “Say yes, and you will be on the payroll starting tomorrow. I respect your intention to work out a notice and think we could accomplish what we need to after you get off work.”

  Marley turned to Lindy, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Yes, let’s give this a shot.”

  Lindy pulled her into an embrace. “You will be glad you did, I promise,” she said as she hugged her.

  Marley’s eyes fell to Lindy’s lips as she remained in her arms and she saw Lindy’s tongue snake across to wet them. She leaned forward and let her lips brush across them in a soft kiss.

  Lindy was flushed when she broke the kiss. “I should probably test out your skills now that you are my newest employee,” she said with a coy smile.

  Marley returned her smile and took her by the hand and led her back upstairs to the first flat. Two hours later, Lindy rested her head on Marley’s shoulder. “That was better than I have been imagining for almost a year now,” she said with a contented smile. “If all the staff is as talented as you, we will have a very successful business.”

  “What do you plan to call this place?” Marley asked as her hand stroked down Lindy’s back.

  “The TWC.”

  “Which stands for?”

  “The Trophy Wives Club,” Lindy said.

  Marley chuckled. “I love it.”

  “Will you meet me here tomorrow to start making some plans on the staffing portion of the project?”

  “Sure, just let me know what time.”

  “How about ten? I’ll treat you to lunch once we have finished,” Lindy stood to begin dressing.

  “That sounds great to me.”


  Lindy drove Marley back to the restaurant to retrieve her car. “I will see you tomorrow,” she said and stepped out into the night.

  She watched Lindy drive off and slipped behind the wheel of her car. The clock on her dash read 11:30 and she decided to stop by the pub for a cold beer before heading home.

  When she pulled into the lot at the pub, she smiled to see a black Harley parked on the sidewalk. The bike belonged to Luna Wolf, a full-blooded Cherokee woman who was the epitome of a chiseled female body. She also had the reputation as a player who loved to please women. It was also Marley’s good fortune that Luna was a certified personal trainer who worked at a local gym. She would be a perfect pick for the TWC fitness trainer. As she walked in the pub her eyes were immediately drawn to the dance floor where Luna was seducing a striking blonde. Marley smiled back at her and walked to the bar for an ice-cold beer.

  She sat at the bar and w
hen the song ended, she looked into the mirror behind the counter to see the leather clad Luna approaching her. She lowered the beer to the bar as Luna slipped her arms around her from behind. “Where have you been?” she asked.

  “Here and there, but working mostly. How are you doing Luna?”

  “I’m doing great thanks,” she slipped onto the barstool next to her. “What brings you out this time of night?”

  “A cold beer to help me wind down,” Marley said which was true. Finding Luna at the pub, was like hitting a jackpot.

  “I could think of a few ways to help relax you,” Luna purred.

  Marley was one of the few women in the pub who didn’t trip all over themselves to jump into bed with Luna.

  “I’m sure you could, but I have a serious proposition for you.”

  “Something serious on a Friday night? You have been working too hard.”

  “I think it will be something you would love to be a part of. Grab a fresh drink and join me outside.”

  “May I have a bottle of water Terry?” Luna asked the bartender. Luna loved the bar scene for obvious reasons, but she never put an ounce of alcohol in her body.

  Marley took her beer and walked with Luna out to a private grilling area and sat at a small picnic table. “Are you still a fitness trainer at the club?”

  “Yeah, I’m still there.” The scowl on her face gave Marley courage to proceed.

  “What do you make there?”

  “Thirty in a good year.”

  “Would you leave for forty and a potential for a lot more under the table doing what you enjoy the most?”

  Luna sat her bottle of water on the table and looked across at Marley. “You look like the cat that ate the canary girl. What have you gotten yourself into?”

  “Something I think you would be perfectly suited for.”

  “I would love to ditch the club, so tell me what you have in mind.”

  “I was hired tonight to start a very special, very exclusive, women’s health center, and I need someone who can be a fitness trainer and can start the program from the ground up.”

  “Sounds interesting, but a private club can be very difficult to maintain.”

  “Not at twenty thousand per year membership fees,” Marley said.

  “Twenty thousand! Geez Louise, who has that kind of dough these days?”

  “Like I said, it is very exclusive, and we have twenty-five members already paid in advance to be a part of this. You would have complete control over the equipment purchases to set up the program just the way you want.”

  “Complete control? No limits?”

  “You can have anything you need to start the program.”

  “Okay, but what’s the catch?”

  “There will be some requests for additional services.”

  Luna raised an eyebrow. “What kind of services?”

  “The clientele we will be serving are trophy wives that aren’t getting much at home.”

  “You have got to be shitting me, Marley.”

  “Trust me, I’m not. Thirty to forty something wives of some of the most influential men in the state. The boys are getting some on the side and the wives are ready for their share. They are willing to pay the price for discreet female companionship in cash, above and beyond your normal salary.”

  “This isn’t April first, Marley.”

  Marley chuckled. “I promise you I am not joking, but I am pressed for time. I have to have the club staffed and ready to open in a month.”

  “Are you sure this isn’t just some ploy to start a fancy massage parlor for the horny rich couples?”

  “Men are off limits once the construction is complete, and the health spa is the main business. The extra activities are just that, and staff are no way forced into participating. It’s a legitimate business that would offer great opportunities for staff and clientele.”

  Marley could see Luna seriously considering her options and took out a scrap of paper and jotted down an address. “Think it over tonight and if you are interested, meet me at this address at three tomorrow. Just remember, discretion is the key to this program.”

  “I understand. Thanks for thinking of me.”

  “You would be perfect and I’m sure you will have all the loving you can handle.” Marley grinned at Luna. “Hey Luna?”

  “Yeah Marley.”

  “Bring some of your toys with you tomorrow just in case the boss wants a demonstration during your interview.”

  “No problem at all,” Luna said with a devilish grin.

  Marley finished her beer and dropped the bottle in the garbage can. “Have a good night and I hope to see you tomorrow.” She left Luna simmering in her thoughts. She climbed into her car and drove for home, barely finishing undressing before her exhausted body hit the bed. She was tired and excited, and that excitement brought her the most wonderful dreams.


  Luna watched Marley leave the club and walk to her car. She and Marley had known each other for some time, but she could never get Marley to take her flirtations seriously. They had become friends even though Luna longed for more. Marley came out to the club on occasion, but Luna never saw her leave with anyone or spend much time with anyone other than herself. Maybe if we were to work together, Marley would realize my feelings for her were genuine. Then again, those extra services she talked about may only strengthen her reputation as a player, but Marley would also be participating in those herself, wouldn’t she?

  Someone grabbing her hand, made Luna realize she’d been staring out into the darkness several minutes after Marley left. She turned to find a young lady she had been dancing with earlier standing beside her.

  “Don’t be so serious, come back inside and dance with me.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’m going to call it an early night. I’ve got big plans for tomorrow. Maybe another time.”

  “I’ll be waiting, Romeo,” the woman sashayed back inside the club.

  She waved to the bartender on her way to the front door and stepped out into a beautiful Atlanta night. Luna straddled her bike and smiled to herself when the powerful engine roared to life. She pulled out of the lot and enjoyed the feel of the cool wind as it blew against her face. When she arrived at her apartment, she pulled her baby under the covered porch and slipped quietly inside to keep from waking her friends.

  Chapter Three

  Marley showered and dressed in slim fit jeans, a form fitting shirt and a pair of well-worn Doc Martens. She downed a bowl of cereal and brushed her teeth before starting out to meet Lindy. When she pulled into the parking lot Lindy had already arrived and was sitting at a table in the social area when she stepped inside the door. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Marley. How are you today?”

  “I’m great thanks, and you?”

  “Wonderful, I haven’t slept that good in ages.”

  Marley grinned as she thought of the surprise she had planned for Lindy later in the day. After a round with Luna, Marley was certain Lindy would sleep even better tonight.

  “Are you a coffee drinker?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Then help yourself to a cup over at the bar,” Lindy said.

  Marley returned with coffee in hand and sat at the table with Lindy who reached down into a bag and pulled out an envelope. “This is for you.”

  Marley picked up the envelope and poured the contents into her hand. There were several keys and two one hundred-dollar bills.

  “The keys are to the front door, your office door, and the door to your flat.”

  “And the money?” Marley asked.

  “Payment for an enjoyable evening.”

  “I thought that was a part of the interview process,” Marley grinned and pushed the bills back toward Lindy.

  Lindy frowned and caught Marley’s hand by the wrist. “Rule number one, you never turn down cash from a client. You earned it and were worth every penny of it. Rule number two, there are no freebies.”

/>   “Understood, but at least allow me to buy lunch today,” Marley tucked the bills into her pocket.

  “That I can do. Let’s talk about getting your office set up and staffing the club. I have picked out some furniture I think would look good in your office, but will wait for your approval.”

  Marley looked at the selections Lindy had made and was pleased with her decisions. “That looks fine to me.”

  “We will have to go and try out some office chairs later, but I will go ahead and order the rest of the furniture. I have also ordered a computer system and network that will be installed Monday.”

  “That sounds wonderful. I think I may have found our fitness instructor last night. I have asked her to come and meet you at three today if she’s interested.”

  “Fantastic news, that’s the one we need to get rolling as quickly as possible to get equipment ordered, delivered and set up. Did you discuss an offer of money?”

  “I suggested forty thousand as a salary,” Marley said.

  “Is she worth more?”

  “I will leave that up to you to decide, but she is a very capable trainer. I think you will be pleased with her. If you feel we need to bump the offer, we certainly can.”

  “Let’s see how this afternoon goes and we will discuss it later.”

  “Are there other rules I need to be concerned with?”

  “I’m sure I will make some up as we go along,” Lindy smiled.

  “You’re the boss.” Marley grinned. “I know you have probably thought this through, but how do you plan on inspections and a possible police raid?”

  “The inspections are all announced visits and we will ensure they are done prior to business hours, which by the way will be ten to six Monday through Friday.”

  “And a potential police raid if they get wind of the upstairs activity?”

  “We are conveniently located just outside of Atlanta proper city limits, which places us in County jurisdiction. Trust me when I say the boys at County have much more important fish to fry.”

  “I just don’t relish the thought of ending up in the Big House.”


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