Book Read Free

The Trophy Wives Club

Page 6

by Ali Spooner

  “That’s no problem,” Marley dug out her keys and they walked out to the parking lot. “What are the guys working on today?” she asked Luna.

  “One crew is putting the finishing touches on the sauna and another is working on the Roman bath.” The design on the bath is totally awesome I might add.”

  “Maybe we should try out the sauna later, just to make sure everything works, of course,” Lindy suggested.

  “I think we could all use some relaxation later,” Marley agreed.

  “You won’t get any argument from me,” Pepper said.

  “Oh, I’m all in,” Luna added.

  They feasted on sushi for lunch and when they were done, Lindy told them she had some errands to run, but that she would be back later so they could try out the sauna. Luna and Marley watched her leave the club and then entered behind Pepper.

  “If you will give me that work out record, I will take a stab at it,” Marley said as they entered the reception area.

  Pepper walked into the room, “You need to come and take a look at this.”

  The group followed her into the Roman Bath area and was amazed at the intricate tile that Tom’s crew had finished installing. “This is gorgeous,” Marley said as she bent down for a closer inspection.

  “It needs a few days to cure, but we should have it filled and the water heated by this time Friday,” Tom said as he re-entered the room.

  “You guys are amazing,” Luna said.

  “The electrician will be here in a few minutes to finish out the security system and then you ladies should be good to go,” he said with a warm smile.

  “You really have done an amazing job,” Marley said.

  “I hope Lindy will pass on a good recommendation to her circle if they need contractor services.”

  “I am quite certain you would come highly recommended after the job you have done here,” Marley assured him.

  He walked around the bath with her and then led her to the completed sauna. “This was actually a fun project to work on and quite challenging to get it done so quickly.”

  Their tour was interrupted by the arrival of the electrician and Marley returned to her office to begin drafting the form for Luna and Pepper. The form was actually pretty simple to make and after an hour of fine tuning the layout she was ready to make the presentation to them.

  Both Luna and Pepper were pleased with the design and Marley handed Pepper a credit card with instructions to take the design to the nearest print shop and have them make the cards they needed for start-up.

  She took the printout of the start-up budget and reviewed it with Luna. “We have come in significantly under what Lindy had allowed for start-up. Is there anything we are missing?”

  Luna and Marley walked room by room to make a mental assessment of equipment and supplies. “Other than a few more decorations, I think we are set,” Luna said.

  “You must have been reading my mind,” Lindy walked in carrying an armful of pictures to hang on the walls. “Be a dear, Luna, and get the rest out of the car for me, please.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Luna trotted to the door.

  “We were just doing a walk through to see if there was anything we were missing,” Marley told Lindy.

  “I think these should just about do it, but if we need more, just go get what you need,” she placed the pictures on the reception desk.

  Luna came back in carrying a large number of framed prints and added them to the pile on the reception desk.

  “Luna and I will hang them if you will decide where they should go.” Luna went to the back to retrieve some tools.

  Lindy picked up print after print and placed them in each of the rooms. “Wait until we have them all laid out before you start hanging them.”

  She, Luna and Pepper who had returned from her errand followed Lindy through the club to assist with placements and when they were done, Luna and Marley began to hang the pictures. Lindy was talking with Tom about the security system and when he got into the details of operating the system, she called them over to listen.

  When he had concluded the orientation, Tom took his leave and Lindy followed him to the door and locked it behind him. They all watched her and when she turned back found them smiling at her. “Pepper, if you will help me, we can speed up the picture hanging and get on to the fun stuff. I really want to try out that sauna.”

  Within thirty minutes, the pictures were hung and they all converged on the sauna. It was larger than Marley had originally thought and could easily accommodate a dozen women. Eager to begin, Lindy said, “Crank her up Marley and let’s go get out of these clothes.”

  Marley turned the dial to begin heating the sauna and they all walked to the dressing room to strip out of their clothes and wrap their bodies in thick towels. Luna and Marley took advantage of the upper benches while Pepper and Lindy stretched out on the lower level.

  “This feels heavenly,” Lindy said as the perspiration began running down her body.

  “What a great way to end a good day.”

  “Amen to that,” Marley said as she closed her eyes and relaxed.

  “What are the plans for the rest of the week?” Lindy asked.

  “The last of the equipment will be delivered on Friday and will take a good two days to set up,” Luna said.

  “The rest of the staff is due to begin work on Monday, so we will need to begin orientation to the club,” Marley said.

  “Can Luna and Pepper handle that?” Lindy asked.

  “Yes, I’m sure they can,” Marley said.

  “Good, you and I need to finish up some training on the financials, and then spend a few days visiting with caterers in preparation for the grand opening event.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Some of the clientele are itching to get started. Do you think by mid-week next week we could start setting up some evaluation appointments and maybe some massages?”

  Marley looked at Luna who grinned and nodded her head. “I don’t see a problem with that at all.”

  “Good, I think it would be nice if some of the ladies could benefit from the services prior to the grand opening, that way they are familiar with the club and staff.”

  Leave it to Luna to ask the obvious question Marley thought. “Does that go for upstairs activities as well?”

  Lindy chuckled. “Truth be known, I think that is the activity they are looking forward to the most.”

  Luna grinned. It was possible that it was the service she would most enjoy as well.

  Lindy stretched in the heat of the sauna. “I really miss my weekly massages, Marley. Do you think you would have time for one tonight?”

  “No problem at all,” Marley said as the timer kicked off ending the session. “Why don’t you shower and I will get the massage table set up? When I’ve run through a quick shower, I’ll be ready too.”

  “You have a deal, young lady,” Lindy headed for the locker room.


  “We will see you back here at nine, Marley.” Luna said. “Pepper is helping me move in to the apartment tonight. I hope you enjoy your first night here.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Marley said as they parted ways. “See you in the morning.”

  Marley walked into the main massage room and turned on some low lighting and started the oil warmer. She turned on soft relaxing panpipe music and poured fresh aromatic oil in a burner. Satisfied that the room was prepared, she climbed the stairs to her flat for fresh clothing. She entered the locker room just as Luna and Pepper were leaving. “Good-night! We’ll lock the door behind us.”

  “Thanks,” Marley said and reached in to start the water in a shower.

  Lindy was wrapped in a fresh clean towel. “I will wait for you in the massage room,” she said as Marley dropped the towel in a hamper.

  “I will be there in just a few minutes.”

  “Take your time,” Lindy said and left the locker room.

  Marley stripped down and stepped into t
he warm shower. The water washed away the remnants of the sauna and the last bit of tension from the long day and she found that she actually felt eager to give Lindy a massage. After so many years, it felt odd to not have her hands on bodies, kneading muscles all day long. She felt a smile grow on her face as she wondered if Lindy had other services on her mind as well. She shut down the shower and dried before slipping into a clean outfit.

  She walked to the massage area and gently knocked on the closed door. “Lindy, are you ready for me to come in?”

  “Ready and waiting,” Lindy’s voice already sounding relaxed.

  Marley walked in and found Lindy lying on her stomach covered with a fresh sheet. “Are there any particular sensitive spots I need to work on?”

  Lindy chuckled softly. “There are plenty, but those will wait for later if you’re up to it,” unknowingly answering the question Marley had asked herself.

  “Certainly.” Marley returned Lindy’s smile.

  Marley coated Lindy’s back with warm oils and deeply massaged the tense muscles. “Are you on your own tonight?”

  “Yes, Jay Dub and some of his cronies are having a poker night, so I probably won’t see him until he comes stumbling in around midnight.”

  Marley noticed a slight sadness to Lindy’s tone when she talked about her husband and decided to steer clear of the subject. “I think you made Luna’s day by suggesting some private assessments for some of the ladies next week.”

  “She is a fireball,” Lindy said with a contented purr to her voice. “Have you ever been with her?”

  “With Luna? No, we are just good friends.”

  “Girl you should give her a shot. I know she is very interested in you.”

  That comment surprised Marley. “What makes you think that?”

  “She idolizes you. When you are in the room, she watches everything you do, with more than just a casual interest.”

  “Roll over for me,” Marley let Lindy’s words sink in. With a deep sigh that surprised even her, she said, “Luna can have any woman she sets her eyes on and I don’t think she is ready to settle down.”

  “Is that really such a bad thing? Settling down I mean. Luna seems to really enjoy her life and lifestyle so why should she be in a hurry to settle down?”

  “Oh no, I think it’s perfect for Luna, and yes she really enjoys life, but I think that is what has kept us on a friend’s only status.”

  “You are more of a one-person woman?”

  “Yes, and sometimes then I have difficulty with one,” Marley chuckled.

  “Well, maybe your time here at the club will help you relax and enjoy life a little more.” Marley’s hands smoothed the warm oil over her stomach causing her to moan softly. “You certainly know how to bring pleasure to a woman’s body.”

  Marley smiled at the comment and slipped out of her clothes under the watchful eye of Lindy. She removed the sheet and began to climb onto the end of the massage table raising an eyebrow from Lindy. She grasped the bottle of warm oil and squeezed it allowing the oil to slide down the front of her body and then dribbled a fresh line down the front of Lindy’s body causing her to shiver with delight. Marley positioned herself between Lindy’s legs and leaned forward to press her body onto her. The fresh oil mixed between their bodies and a slow undulating movement spread the heated oil across their skin as Marley lowered her lips onto Lindy’s.

  A groan escaped Lindy as their tongues met and their bodies glided together. Her hands found Marley’s hips pulling her closer as they entwined in a lover’s embrace, skin gliding across skin. Marley teased Lindy with her body and mouth until she was sure Lindy was desperate for release, then she moved off the table and pulled Lindy to the edge. Her mouth parted silky lips to enter Lindy with her tongue, as her hands continued to stroke and tease Lindy’s nipples. Her hips writhed in pleasure as Marley’s tongue explored her completely, and when Marley slipped a finger inside her wetness, Lindy exploded, filling Marley’s hand with her sweet nectar. She shuddered with release for several moments as Marley gently stroked her body.

  Lindy slowly propped up on her elbows and looked down at a smiling Marley. “Luna has nothing on you,” she purred, completely content.

  “We have different techniques, so it depends on what you need.”

  Lindy broke out in a fit of laughter. “Luna is definitely not ten humps and a slump.”

  “No, I bet she’s not,” Marley stood and offered a hand to Lindy. “Ready for a shower?”

  “I think I can make it that far.”

  “You need help showering?”

  “That’s an offer I can’t refuse,” Lindy allowed Marley to lead her into a shower.

  Marley easily brought Lindy to orgasm against the wall of the shower with a deep shudder. After that, Lindy indeed needed assistance to bathe herself and dress before leaving the club.

  “I will sleep like a baby tonight.” A content smile playing on Lindy’s lips.

  “I don’t think I will have any problem either.”

  “You are staying here tonight, correct?”

  “Yes, my first night here.”

  “Do you have plans for dinner?”

  “I thought I would make a run out to get something. I haven’t gone to the grocery store yet.”

  “What would you like?”

  “I’m starved, but not real picky.”

  “I would love to take you out to celebrate, but to be honest I probably couldn’t stay awake for it, but would you mind if I had something delivered for you?”

  “You don’t have to do that Lindy.”

  “I know, but it would please me greatly.”

  “Very well then.” Marley slipped shorts and a t-shirt on.

  Lindy was fully dressed. “Just answer the door when it arrives. I will order for you on my way home.” She left the locker room. “Enjoy dinner, and I will see you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks again.” Marley walked her to the door. She returned to the massage room to straighten it up and found three hundred-dollar bills sitting on the counter by her watch. She smiled and slipped the bills into her pocket and wiped down the table and checked the locker room while she waited on the food.

  Thirty minutes later the intercom on the front door was activated and she walked to the door. A young waiter stood at the door with an armload of food. “Are you Marley?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Your meal then, Ma’am,” he offered her the bags of food.

  “I didn’t know you delivered,” she said when she noticed that the food was coming from Victor’s, a very elite steak house. The same one, Lindy took her to that first night.

  “We don’t ma’am, except to a very few select clientele.” He smiled at a speechless Marley.

  Marley settled the bags in one hand and went to take a tip out of her pocket. “Nothing needed ma’am, everything has been covered.”

  “Thanks.” She closed the door behind her. Marley carried the bags into the juice bar and found they contained a huge T-bone steak, salad, baked potato and a half gallon bottle of sweet tea. The aroma of the steak made her groan and she went to work on consuming the food, eating her fill before climbing up the stairs to store her leftovers and relax before bedtime.

  Chapter Seven

  Marley woke the next morning from a deep relaxing slumber to a feeling of disorientation, until she remembered that she wasn’t dreaming, that she was truly living in a luxurious flat, with a fantastic new job and no more financial worries. She looked above the bed through the skylight to see the first rays of sunlight reaching her view, filling the air with brilliant hues of orange and yellow as the sun’s rays reflected off the changing leaves of the trees surrounding the building. She stretched on the comfortable bed, the mattress contouring around her form. She didn’t remember a better night’s sleep. Normally, her bed linens would be disheveled from the night spent tossing and turning, but scanning the bed, there was little evidence she had moved at all during the night.

  She tos
sed the down comforter off her and felt a chill in the air. She grinned as she spoke a command to the automated system. “Increase the temperature by four degrees.” A whisper quiet swoosh indicated the system had kicked on. I will be spoiled by all this technology. “Television on to the Weather Channel.” Just in time for the local forecast, she heard the report of clear skies for the next three days before a cool front moved into the region. She walked to the window to gaze out, and the newly surfaced green tennis court glowed in the morning light. Perhaps the only thing Lindy hadn’t thought about was tennis once the weather turned cool. She made a mental note to ask Lindy if she had made other arrangements for the short winter months.

  Marley rubbed the sleep from her eyes and walked to her bathroom. “Set water temp in the shower to one hundred twelve.” She chuckled as the steam began to form in the enclosure and stripped out of her nightshirt. The flow of steamy water from three heads caressed her body, Marley felt invigorated from the great night’s sleep and the wonderful shower. She stepped out of the flow and opened the door as the water turned off. The bath sheets Lindy had stocked the flat with were soft against her skin as she wrapped it around her body and walked over to her closet. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see six pairs of turquoise athletic slacks and peach oxford shirts with the club logo. She could imagine Lindy describing them as “more professional attire for the club manager.” If Lindy wanted her to look more professional, then that’s exactly what she will get. Further examination of the closet revealed several black and brown leather belts and two pairs of dressy loafers to match the belts. Marley hummed to herself as she completed her morning hygiene and slipped into perfectly fitting clothes. She looked at her image in the full-length mirror. “Yeah, I can get used to this look.”

  She walked back into the kitchen and poured a glass of juice and dropped a bagel into the toaster. She instructed the television to turn to a local news channel. The name Freemont caught her attention on the local news, and she turned to see the image of Judge Freemont flash across the screen as they reported on the beginning of a new federal case he would be presiding over. He was a handsome man, with finely coiffed salt and pepper hair, and brilliant blue eyes. He had the type of charisma and smile that could win the hearts of others easily. A gorgeous young prosecutor stood close beside him, and Marley wondered if the young lawyer was one of his mistresses. She wasn’t sure if Lindy would be pleased, or disappointed, that he would be at home for the next few weeks, possibly months, as the trial proceeded.


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