Book Read Free

The Trophy Wives Club

Page 8

by Ali Spooner

Marley focused on the massage and felt Danna begin to relax, as she worked her way down her body. She had a good figure and muscle tone. Losing the extra pounds would tighten up her figure and it shouldn’t be too difficult for her to achieve her goals. She was happy to hear that she didn’t dream of being too thin. Some women became obsessed with weight and did more harm to their bodies than good. When she was working on her hips, she thought she heard a soft moan. “Everything feeling good?”

  “Oh yes, Lindy was right, you do have magic hands.”

  “She’s been a regular customer for quite some time, so she would know.”

  “I hope I’m not being too forward, but do you participate in the upstairs activities as well?”

  Marley felt a smile growing on her face. “Yes, I do. All of the staff here except for the front desk woman will be an option for any of our clients. We all have very different techniques, so I hope you will take advantage of the variety of special attention we offer.”

  Danna’s voice was nearly a purr when she answered. “I’ve always been curious what it would be like with a woman, so rest assured, I will be sampling often.”

  “I understand you have a special engagement with Luna tonight.”

  “Yes, I do. I’m very much looking forward to that.”

  “That is also very good exercise and will help you reach your goals.”

  “Among other things,” Danna chuckled.

  “Yes, I guarantee Luna will leave you with a satisfied look on your face tonight.”

  “I have to admit, it’s been a while since I’ve been satisfied. My husband died from a widow maker heart attack six months ago. Too much red meat and greasy foods. I always told him not to eat so much fried food, but eating was his true love.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have any children?”

  “No, David wasn’t able to become a father. A low sperm count, or something like that, but he never wanted children anyway.”

  “Do you want children?”

  “I thought I did, but I’ve gotten used to the idea of being single. I have the luxury to travel anywhere I want to go at any time, so children would complicate that. You never really know what the future may bring though.”

  “That’s right, you could fall in love again and have a house full of kids.”

  “I don’t see that happening, but you never know.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Completely relaxed,” she answered as Marley massaged her right foot deeply.

  “Are you ready to turn over onto your back?”

  Danna carefully rolled over. Her green eyes were open as she looked at Marley and even in the dim lighting, Marley could see how they sparkled with excitement. Marley moved to the end of the table behind Danna’s head to continue working on her neck. “Is your neck feeling better?”

  “Yes, it feels fantastic.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” Marley smiled down on her. “With regular exercise, massages and improved eating habits, you’ll be a new woman before you know it.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

  “We’ll do our best to make your dreams come true.”

  Marley’s eyes traveled down to Danna’s chest and she could see her nipples filled with excitement, as she moved down to her shoulder. “We plan to try out the new Roman bath later tonight if you’d like to join us, after your appointment with Luna.”

  “I’d like that if I’m able to still walk.” Danna smiled. “It’s been a while for a lot of things.”

  “I can understand that.” Danna’s breasts were firm as her hands glided over them. She could feel her gasp as her hand grazed the edge of a nipple but chose to ignore it and continue down to her abdomen. I have a feeling she’s ready to explode and Luna is just the ignition she needs. It was hard to hide the smirk on her face as she had that thought. Marley turned her back to Danna for more oil and to allow her to gain control of her senses.

  “I’m amazed by how sensual your touch feels. I’ve had massages before, but this feels different. Much better, but different.”

  Marley turned back to her. “There’s no sexual intent behind my movements, but I try to focus on the erogenous spots that allow the client to relax and feel content, not aroused. I’m not sure if that makes sense to you.”

  Danna smiled. “It really does. It’s been forever since I felt this good. I feel energized and relaxed at the same time.”

  “That’s a perfect description of what I try to accomplish with each massage.”

  “Sign me up for a lifetime schedule then,” Danna chuckled.

  “Once, for sure, per week, maybe twice at first will help you continue to relax. Any more than that will not be necessary. As you develop your fitness routine, I think you’ll see remarkable changes in how you feel emotionally and how your body feels.”

  “I can see that already. You ladies are amazing.”

  “Thank you, I hope we meet your every need. I’m just about done here, but feel free to stay and relax as long as you like.” Marley pulled a soft sheet over the front of her body as she worked on the tops of her feet. “I’ve got a cold bottle of water waiting for you, and I hope you’ll drink at least part of it before going upstairs. I’ll place it on the table beside you, but please take whatever time you need to relax, then you can put your robe on and meet Luna upstairs in the first flat when you’re ready for your next experience.”

  “Thank you for the lovely massage and making me feel comfortable about being here.”

  “My pleasure. Do you want me to pencil you in for Tuesday and Thursday next week? Monday is our training day, but we will be fully open for business starting Tuesday.”

  “Yes, that would be wonderful. Thanks again.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope to see you later in the bath.”

  Marley dimmed the light further and left the room to give her a few moments to relax. She walked into the workout area to see Luna assessing Lindy’s measurements.

  “Hey, how’d the massage go?” Luna asked.

  “Perfect. She’s relaxing and will meet you in the first flat upstairs when she’s ready.” Marley grinned at Luna. “She’s very eager about her appointment with you.”

  Luna’s dark eyes burned with excitement. “I’m just about finished here. I’ve got the room set up and ready to go.”

  “I’ve got to jot down a few notes and set a recurring appointment, so I guess I’ll see you later.”

  “Are we still on for the Roman bath?” Lindy asked.

  “I think we all deserve a little relaxing. I’ll meet you there in just a few minutes.” Marley left the room to wash her hands and spend a few minutes in her office making her notes. She heard Lindy laughing at Luna as she told her, “go ahead, we can finish this later.”

  Luna raced to catch up with Marley as she walked toward the office. “Any advice on Danna?”

  “I can’t believe you are asking me for advice. Are you nervous?”

  Luna shrugged. “A little bit, I guess. This is my first real appointment.”

  “I understand, I actually felt nervous about the massage and goodness knows I’ve done thousands of them. Just relax and be yourself. Go slow and listen to what her body tells you. Your body will do the rest. Have fun and she will too.”

  Luna hugged her a bit too tightly. “Easy girl,” Marley teased. “See you later.” She watched Luna race up the steps two at a time and, shaking her head over Luna’s exuberance, walked into the office. She sank into the soft leather of her chair and allowed her eyes to close for a moment. It felt good to relax. It had been a long and productive day, but Marley was glad it was almost over. She’d spend some time in the Roman bath with the others and then go upstairs to shower and chill. Her thoughts drifted to the leftover steak in her refrigerator and it made her stomach rumble with anticipation. The noise of her stomach brought her back to reality and she opened her appointment book and set up massages for Danna for the next two weeks. She jotted down a few other notes
and shut down the office for the evening.


  Marley climbed the stairs on the way to her flat to change out of her clothes. She smiled at the sound of pleasure being received in the flat as she crept by the door. Luna was definitely working her magic on Danna. Marley opened the door to her flat and walked to her bedroom to strip out of her clothes. She wrapped the warm robe around her and slipped into a pair of pool sandals, before returning downstairs. The sound level had dramatically increased as she walked past the room and she reminded herself to make sure the sound system was playing music throughout the club when services were being rendered upstairs. As she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, she activated the system with dance music with a rhythmic beat. She was sure Luna would appreciate the prompt from the sound.

  She stopped off in her massage room to clean up and store the used sheet. She found a note from Danna, and a fifty-dollar tip thanking her for the session. She tucked the bill into a drawer in a small desk and finished disinfecting her area.

  When she arrived at the Roman bath, Lindy was already stripped down and neck deep in the water. “How is the temperature?”

  “Not quite at full strength yet, but it still feels terrific. Come join me.”

  “I’ll be on my way in a minute.” She stepped out of her sandals and removed her robe, hanging it on a hanger installed on the wall beside Lindy’s. She could feel Lindy’s eyes on her and when she turned back to the pool, saw the appraising look her employer was giving her. She entered the bath by the shallow steps placed in one of the corners and waded toward Lindy. “You’re right, this does feel great.”

  “I wonder how things are going upstairs?”

  “From the sounds coming from the rooms, I’d say they were going quite well.” Marley couldn’t help but chuckle. “We have to remember to turn the sound system on when we are entertaining upstairs, to keep the sounds from echoing.”

  “What a delightful problem to have. Speaking of which, may I get a massage and something extra tomorrow night?”

  “It would be my pleasure,” Marley answered and moaned as she sank down into the water beside Lindy. “What time would you like?”

  “We can make it late. Jay Dub will be occupied most of the evening. Six good for you? I know it’s after club hours. We could do five if that’s better.”

  “Either will be fine, just let me know. I have a massage appointment with Carmen at three, but nothing yet after.”

  “Tomorrow sounds like it will be a full day of assessments. I’m sure your schedule will fill up quickly. Luna told me she and Pepper each have ten appointments for tomorrow.”

  “Wow, that’s almost everyone on the list,” Marley commented.

  “There are a couple out of town at the moment. I told you the women were eager to begin their sessions.”

  “Yes, you did. I’m glad the rest of the staff will be onboard Monday.”

  “Will you try to keep the clientele for massages divided up between you and the three other therapists?”

  “As much as possible. I think it would be easier to schedule them that way. They can always switch if they aren’t delighted with the service.”

  “I hope you will keep me on your list.”

  “You’re my top priority. Do you still want one massage per week scheduled?”

  “For now, let’s stick to Fridays. I may occasionally want an extra one, but not routine.”

  “Just let me know, but I’ll block off Friday from five on for you. Does that sound good?”


  Pepper walked in wearing a robe and a huge smile. “Mind if I join you ladies?”

  “Not at all. Come on in,” Lindy answered. “Is Carmen not joining us?”

  “No, she had a dinner scheduled with her family, so she regretfully declined the offer. Maybe next week.”

  Pepper removed her robe and entered the bath. “Oh, my goodness. This is heavenly.”

  Lindy smiled up at her, “Yes, it is. It sounds like everyone had a successful day.”

  “We did, and tomorrow is going to be a full day as well. The clients are eager to get in and started.”

  “Congratulations, Ladies, on a great unofficial first day.”

  “Thanks, Boss. It’s been a fantastic day,” Pepper replied as she lowered her body into the water.

  Marley laid her head back against the edge of the bath and closed her eyes.

  “Are you tired?” Lindy asked.

  “Just relaxing. It’s been a productive week.”

  “We have accomplished more this week than I ever dreamed we could. Would you ladies join me for a celebratory dinner tomorrow night?” Lindy asked.

  “I’m pretty sure that can be arranged, especially after a long day tomorrow,” Marley said.

  “I’ll make our reservations at Victor’s for eight then,” Lindy replied.

  Luna and an extremely satisfied looking Danna walked into the bath area. “Are you ready for two more?” Luna asked.

  “Absolutely,” Marley replied. “The water is fantastic.”

  With a bashful smile at Luna, Danna turned to Lindy. “Everything here is fantastic. You and the ladies have done a marvelous job.”

  “I’m so happy you approve. I’m very proud of what we’ve done so far. Ladies, don’t make plans for tomorrow night. I’m taking you three and Hayley if she can join us, out to Victor’s for dinner to celebrate a great week.”

  “You’ll get no argument from me, Boss. I’ve been dying to try that place out for years.”

  “You can eat to your heart’s content then,” Lindy chuckled. “I do believe they have a steak that’s perfect for you.”

  “I’ll let you corrupt me with red meat for one night.” Luna winked.


  After soaking for another thirty minutes, Lindy suggested they wrap up for the night and head home. After showering, Lindy and Danna left, while Marley, Luna, and Pepper, changed linens in the flats and straightened up the club. When they were all done, Marley walked them to the door. Luna stopped and turned toward her. “How about joining me at Sister’s for a little while after dinner tomorrow night? I need to get my groove on the dance floor after all this activity this week. We won’t be out long. Pepper and I’ll finish the last equipment on Saturday, but we could burn off some steam.”

  “That sounds like fun. Will you be joining us, Pepper?” Marley asked.

  “I’ll let you know tomorrow, but it sounds like fun.”

  “Okay then, I’ll see y’all in the morning. Drive safe, Ladies.” Marley watched her friends pull out of the parking lot and locked the door behind her and armed the security system before climbing up the stairs. “What a night,” she said as she pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

  She opened the refrigerator to pull out her leftovers and sighed at the emptiness of the unit. “I really must go to the grocery store soon.” She took out the last portion of steak and a fresh bottle of water and reheated her dinner.

  Marley barely remembered setting her alarm before slipping between her cool sheets and dropping instantly to sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Friday dawned as a beautiful fall day in Atlanta and Marley was eager to get to work after a glass of juice and the last of her yogurts. When Luna arrived early, Marley had made a decision to make a quick grocery run. “Are you okay holding down the fort for a bit while I make a food shopping run?”

  “Sure, that’s no problem. If we aren’t tied up with clients when you get back, we’ll help you carry them upstairs.”

  “Thanks, Luna. My cupboards and fridge are bare. I ate the last of my yogurt this morning.”

  “Take off then and I’ll see you when you return.”

  “Thanks, I won’t take long.” Marley walked out the door just as Pepper was arriving. “I’m making a quick trip out but will be back soon. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Take your time. We’ve got this covered,” Pepper said and entered the building.

  When she returned an hour later, the parking lot had several new cars she didn’t recognize. She walked in with an armful of bags and went straight upstairs. Lindy was waiting for her when she returned and helped her carry the last of the bags upstairs. “You know, I have a service that delivers my groceries to my home and it’s well worth the fifteen-dollar charge for the convenience. Why don’t I help you get that set up this morning, so all you’ll have to do is go online and order?”

  “That would be incredible. I detest going to the grocery store, but my supplies were running low.”

  “You need some help putting these away?”

  “No, but thank you. I can get them and I’ll meet you back downstairs in just a few minutes.”

  “Take your time. Pepper and Luna are on a roll. The delivery man called and they will be delivering the last of the equipment in about fifteen minutes. They’ll break away from the assessments just long enough to take the delivery, while I entertain the ladies over coffee and juice. Come down and meet them though.”

  “I’ll be there soon,” Marley replied, unpacking bags of basic condiments, placing them in the fridge. When she finished, the refrigerator had items on every shelf and the pantry had goods stored as well. Now she was feeling at home. She was smiling as she walked downstairs and nearly collided with a stunning blonde woman.

  “Oh, excuse me,” she said when she bumped into Marley. “I was looking for the locker room.”

  “Hi, I’m Marley. Come with me and I’ll show you.”

  “Thanks, I’m Nancy Holcomb. Nice to meet you. Are you the manager and massage therapist Lindy raves about?”

  “Yes, that would be me. Nice to meet you as well.”

  “I’d love to schedule a massage with you.”

  “I’ll get you set up with an appointment today,” Marley promised as they entered the locker room. “I’ll get my appointment book and meet you in the lounge.”

  “Perfect,” Nancy answered and headed for one of the stalls.


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