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Our Kind of Love

Page 6

by Shane Morgan

  Slowing down, I reach my hand behind my neck and massage it, considering whether or not I should. “I don’t know.” I’m hesitant about hanging out at a party with a bunch of kids I don’t know. Even if I’m interested in making friends here, there are certain things I don’t want to join in on.

  Claudia leans her head to one side and does the puppy-dog face as she pleads, “Please come, it’ll be fun.” She slants and looks over her shoulder at Reign, standing by the passenger door of the jeep. “Won’t it?” Claudia asks her.

  Reign straightens as she glances across at me, unsure whether she should help her friend lure me to this party. She chips at her nail polish and twists her mouth, looking from Claudia to me. “Um…I guess it’ll be fun.”

  There’s something about her demeanor. She’s been kinda off all day too. I wonder what’s up.

  “See?” Claudia perks up, bringing her attention back to me—her eyes lighting up with excitement. “We both want you to come.”

  Honestly, I’m not ready for the night to end as yet. Like Wednesday, I want to hang out with Reign a bit more, even if her friend’s around. And Claudia is all right, I guess.

  “Come on, Micah,” she begs. “It’s Friday.”

  “Um…okay,” I say.

  We pile into the jeep and take off from the restaurant. Several minutes later, we approach a waterfront property by Easton’s Beach. Claudia drives inside the black iron gates and parks alongside a ton of fancy looking cars. She hops out first. I notice Reign sighs before getting out as well.

  I follow the girls down a stoned path that loops around to the back of the house and to steps that continue down to the beach. The second I see the crowd, I regret coming. Most of the guys seem to be wasted, spraying beer all over the girls and pushing them into the pool. I didn’t know this was going to be a late night pool party.

  Claudia quickly hauls off her cover-up and reveals her dark red bikini with some triangle-looking tie on top. She doesn’t look half bad, but I’m more interested in what Reign has on. Only, she doesn’t take off her t-shirt or slide out of her jeans shorts. She just plays with her pockets and rocks back and forth in her slippers, appearing shy all of a sudden. I wonder why she even bothered to come when she doesn’t seem to like parties.

  Then her cocky boyfriend pops out of the crowd. I assume she forced herself to show up because of him. The things girls do for their so-called love.

  “Hey, babe!” he yells, smothering her face with his mouth the moment he reaches her. He glides his hands all over her arms and pushes into her so much it makes me cringe.

  I clench my fist as he feels around her chest and tries to take off her top. She politely moves his hands away.

  “C’mon, let’s see it!” he blurts out, a perverted grin masking his face.

  I take a step forward to say something to Reign, tell her she doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t feel comfortable with. Before I can, Claudia hooks her arm around mine and wrenches me away, leading me toward the sliding doors to enter the house. “Let’s get some drinks,” she says.

  I keep my eyes on Reign, just in case she needs help with that boyfriend of hers. She finally gives in and heaves her top over her head, then takes off her shorts. She’s wearing a blue one-piece bathing suit that emphasizes her curvy frame. I can’t help but gawk at her. Damn! She’s sexy.

  The bewildered look on Nate’s face as he eyes her from the chest down tells me he’s not as impressed as I am. Are you kidding me? Talk about inappreciative.

  The music gets louder as we move past the DJ so I can’t even hear what he says to her. From the expression on Reign’s face, it’s obvious he must have hurt her feelings.

  Claudia leads me through the doors and into the living room. We stroll down a red-painted passage, passing wasted kids making out in every corner, until we reach the kitchen.

  She opens the fridge and glances over her shoulder at me. “Budweiser, Coors Light, or Heineken?”

  “Coke,” I tell her.

  She snorts. “Really? It’s Friday night. Live a little.”

  I ignore her remark and say, “Coke’s fine. Thanks.”

  Reaching inside the fridge, she takes out a can for me and a Budweiser for herself. Then she walks over to the island and gestures for us to sit down on the stools.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be drinking,” I advise after taking the soda from her. “I mean, you’re gonna drive Reign home, too.”

  She angles her head to the side and stares at me suspiciously over her bottle. “Are you worried about me, or her?”

  “Both,” I reply fast, resting my elbows on top of the island.

  A flirty grin stretches across her face as she settles the bottle down. “So, Micah, you got a girlfriend back in Colorado, or…anywhere?”

  I drink before answering, “No.”

  “Would you like one?” She takes her time bringing the bottle to her lips and winks at me as she chugs it.

  I reach over and touch her hand. “Slow down, and no, I’m too busy.”

  “Oh, I see. You’re not looking for any attachments.”

  Just then two girls come into the kitchen and one of them opens the fridge to get beer. The one with dark brown hair flashes Claudia a dirty look and whispers something to the blond holding the bottles. She glances over at us and they both giggle with each other as they walk out of the kitchen.

  “What was that about?” I ask. “You know them?”

  Her smile fades. “Yeah, Kimberly, the blond, she’s dating my ex now.”

  “So, why are we even at this party then?”

  “Mutual friends. Anyways,” She shifts on the stool and faces me, “back to you and me.”

  I lift a brow. “You and me?”

  Claudia grins widely, showing off her perfect white teeth. She places her hand on my thigh and gently trails her index finger back and forth. “About that no attachment thing, I totally agree with it.”

  Looking at her clearly now, Claudia is beautiful. And if this was Illinois, where I was sleeping with a different girl every week, she’d be the kind of girl I’d have some fun with. But my mind keeps drifting to Reign—the girl who clearly has a boyfriend.

  Suddenly, I’m over this party and want to get out of here. I ease her hand away and apologize to Claudia as I stand. “Sorry, but I gotta go. Like I said it’s been a long day and I’m tired.”

  “Wait.” She hops off the stool. Edging closer to me, she rests her hand on my chest and dips her head back as if she wants me to kiss her, or rather, like she’s going to reach up and take it. After all, she seems like the kind of girl to take charge.

  “Why don’t I drive you home, and then we can…hang out?” she offers.

  “Listen, Claudia, you seem like a nice girl, but I can’t. Sorry.” I gently move her hand away and start out of the kitchen. I cross the living room, almost expecting her to follow me as I step out the front door. She doesn’t.

  Walking down the stoned entrance towards the front gate, the music fades a bit and I hear the sound of waves crashing. I make a U-turn and decide to check it out before heading home. It’s not too far a walk from my house, anyway.

  Taking off my sneakers and holding them in one hand, I stride barefoot in the sand down the beach, far enough that I can’t hear any music or loud voices coming from the beach house.

  It’s nice being alone out here with nothing but the sound of the ocean. It drowns out everything. Not even my memories interrupt this moment of peace.

  After some time, I turn to head back. The instant I twirl around, I notice someone coming towards me. Her appearance is hidden by the night at first, but in no time I recognize the long hair blowing in the breeze and the protective way she hugs herself.


  She’s wearing her t-shirt and shorts again. “Hey,” she says with a slight curve of the lips as she reaches me.

  “Hey yourself.”

  She nods behind at the house. “You don’t like parties?”

��Not really. You don’t either, huh?”

  Reign unfolds her arms and tucks her hair behind her ears. Facing the ocean, she looks down at her toes digging into the grainy sand and watches as water washes up to her tiny feet. I notice she flinches a tad when it touches her.

  “No,” she finally breathes out. “I just came ‘cause Nate wanted me to. And Claudia wants to hang out with you so…that’s why.”

  Ignoring the last part, I step closer to stand beside her. “What would you like to do instead?” No idea where that question came from.

  She tilts her head back and peers up at the full moon, its blue light barely visible amidst the dark clouds. Reign stays quiet for a moment before whispering, “I’d really like to go swimming.”

  I lean forward a bit and study her face. Once again she’s in deep thought.

  “Let’s go then,” I say, tossing my sneakers into the sand and hauling my shirt over my head. Reign widens her eyes in astonishment, watching me take off my jeans.


  “Coming?” I urge, ecstatic by the fact that I’m about to rush into the ocean with her. At night. Alone. We’ll probably be touching, and that’s the best part to know.

  My smile falters as she shakes her head and backs up. I stop from walking into the ocean, staring at the frightened expression on her face.

  “I…I can’t,” she says, her voice a near whisper.

  I look at her while creasing my forehead, baffled. “But, you just said you’d like to go swimming. So let’s go—”

  “I didn’t mean now.”

  “Oh…kay,” I stretch the word.

  Reign looks straight into my eyes. I so want to disentangle that mind of hers. When her gaze drifts down to my chest and lingers there, I suddenly remember that I’m shirtless, not to mention I’m only wearing my boxers.

  “Shit…” I snatch up my jeans and hurry back into them. “Sorry, wasn’t thinking.” As I pull my shirt over my head and collect myself, I notice she’s eyeing the sand shyly. Her face is dimly lit by the moon but I can see the redness of her cheeks.

  “Um, we should head back and check on Claudia,” she says, turning to start down the beach.

  “Yeah,” I say, falling in stride beside her. “Oh, are we still on for that tour Sunday?” I’m looking forward to it, being in her presence makes me…happy.

  She nods. “Sure, Claudia’s coming with us.”

  No! What the hell!

  “Oh,” I mutter, suppressing my distress. “That’s…cool.”

  We keep walking in silence until I find myself asking, “So, how long have you and Nate been together?”

  The look on her face is distant, like me bringing him up makes her consider something.

  “Um…since April.”

  “Wow, barely before finishing high school, huh?” If I went to the same school as Reign, I never would’ve waited that long to get her.

  She parts her lips to say more, but then a raspy voice shouts her name from the steps at the side of the house. It’s Nate. That’s just great.

  He stomps toward us, almost tripping over his own feet. Man, he’s buzzed.

  “Been looking for ya, babe,” he says, pulling her over to his side. He glances from Reign to me and asks, “What’s going on?”

  I don’t like the brashness in his tone.


  “Nothing,” Reign intervenes. “I went for a walk and Micah was out here, too. We were just heading back.”

  He squints then studies my face carefully. “Aren’t you that new waiter at Cap…ahem,” he breaks to compose himself, “at Captain’s Choice?”

  Glancing around the beach, he flicks back to me, saying in a laugh, “Dude, why are you even at this party? You don’t know any of us?”

  That attitude again.

  “I came with Claudia,” I reply flatly. “And I know Reign…I mean,” I start to retract my statement as his eyebrows shoot up. “She said it was cool if I came.”

  Nate snorts, “Whatever.” He directs his attention to Reign. “Let’s go back to the party, babe. You’re sleeping over, right? Ryan’s cool with it.”

  My throat tightens. It irks me hearing him say that. I know it’s her boyfriend but every fiber of me is begging her to say no. She peers over at me for a beat then looks down on the sand, seeming uncomfortable.

  “I can’t,” she says lowly, shutting him down. “I have to make sure Claudia gets home okay.”

  Oh shit! I almost break out with a happy dance.

  His face stiffens, and he flashes me a look of embarrassment.

  All Nate can say is, “Okay. Let’s go find her and…get you girls home then.”

  Placing his arm over her shoulder, he tows her towards the house. I follow behind, making sure to keep some distance between me and them.

  When we get back to the house, most of the kids from earlier have left, or are scattered about the place. I spot Claudia near the pool, drinking and dancing by herself to the soundless music in her head, because the DJ has already packed up his equipment and getting ready to take off.

  Reign treads over to her and touches her elbow. “Claudia, give me your keys. I’ll drive.”

  She laughs and throws her arms around Reign, slurring, “Surrre, Reigneee. Whatever…” Burp. “…you say.”

  I move forward to help. Nate beats me to it, taking Claudia away from Reign to carry her down the steps towards her jeep out front. Reign picks up her bag and rifles around for the keys.

  I saunter behind her down the stoned path and sidetrack towards the gate to walk home when she hurries over to the jeep. Nate settles Claudia on the backseat. Reign hops in around the wheel. The engine purrs to life.

  Nate closes the backdoor and strolls up to her door. He leans in the window and kisses Reign on the cheek. “Drive safe, babe, and text me when you get home. I’ll just hang out here for the night.”

  She nods, then looks out the windshield. Our eyes meet. Why am I still standing at here?

  I make to leave when Reign calls out to me. “Micah, get in. I’ll drive you home.”

  Glancing back, I see Nate screw up his face at me, unhappy with that offer.

  “Don’t you have a car?” he sneers.

  “He doesn’t,” Reign tells him. “That’s why I’m offering him a ride. Nate, we invited him along so I want to take him home.”

  He looks at her with a vexed expression. She keeps her eyes on me though, waiting for me to come inside the jeep. Nate twists and stares me down as I move away from the gate and pace over to the jeep, climbing inside.

  It feels good, watching him seethe. I guess he really is the jealous type. And he should be. I might just steal his girlfriend away after all.

  Acting territorial again, Nate sticks his head inside the window and kisses her softly on the lips. “Bye babe. See you on Sunday?” There’s a sneaky spark in his eyes, as if he’s reminding her of whatever they have planned.

  “See you,” Reign says lowly before driving off the property and out the gates.



  CLAUDIA KEEPS moaning on the backseat and giggling to herself. None of what she’s saying makes sense and it’s hard for us to not laugh. Micah has a nice laugh by the way. Is it wrong for me to notice?

  “So, where you taking me on Sunday?” he asks, starting a conversation to drown out Claudia’s mumbling.

  “Uh, we can check out some historical sites and such,” I reply.

  “Sounds boring,” he jokes. “Remember, I’m looking for excitement.”

  “It’ll be exciting,” I counter, looking over at him for a fraction of a second before I bring my eyes back on the road.

  “Nah, I don’t think you’re fun. You didn’t even want to get in the water tonight when I was trying to be spontaneous.”

  Micah’s only kidding but he has no idea how afraid I am. I’d love to have the courage to just jump in the ocean, but every time I so much as go near the edge I see Mary’s face. She’s waiting for m

  “Hey,” he breaks me out of my thoughts. “I was joking. Don’t think so hard, you might have a breakdown,” he teases.

  “I’m not,” I force a laugh.

  There’s an unsettling silence between us before Micah goes to say something again, only Claudia cackles loudly and we both yelp in surprise.

  Peering over to the backseat to check on her, he straightens and whistles, “Wow, she’s had quite a few.”

  I flip on my right indicator as we approach his street. “She’s usually not like this. It only happens once in a while.” I feel I have to make Claudia look good to Micah, since she wants to go out with him. Still, there’s a strange feeling in my stomach when I think about the two of them dating. Like, I don’t want it to happen.

  “Whatever the case,” he says, “It’s good she has a friend that looks out for her.”

  “Thanks, I try.”

  I glance over for a beat to smile at him, and then turn my head back to the road as I pull up to his house.

  “Well, here you are.”

  Micah unbuckles his seatbelt but doesn’t get out right away, as if he has something on his mind. He parts his lips, still nothing comes out.

  “Is there…something you want to say to me?” I press, curious about his thoughts.

  Finally he meets my gaze, only to say, “See you at work.”

  “Oh, yeah, see you.”

  “One…more…c’mon…” Claudia rambles, her words punctuated by burps. Micah looks over at her again and shakes his head. “She’s gonna have a wicked headache tomorrow.”

  “Indeed, she will.”

  He climbs out of the jeep and shuts the door, waving at me as he makes his way to his house and steps inside. I drive off right after.



  I FLY OUT OF BED before sunrise. Then go for a run around the area and end up at the cliff walk overlooking the beach. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I see Reign.

  Slowing down, I take in her physique as she bends over to stretch her back and hamstrings. Her workout tights show off her round butt. I lick my lips and fantasize about cupping those cheeks in my hands, feeling out their firmness.


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