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Page 14

by Delisa Lynn

  “The paramedics are here, I want Audrey and Vivian to go to the hospital.” Alton orders.

  “Alton, I’m fine I just want to go home.” I whine.

  “Oh, no, you are going to the hospital. I’m not taking any chances,” Zander proclaims as he held onto my waist.

  “You are so damn bossy, I am okay.” I say, I was a little sore though. Mainly my head.

  “I’m not letting you out of my sight ever again.” He says kissing me.

  “Fine, let’s go. I am tired of looking at the two of them. I can’t believe they set out to ruin my life. Hell they were almost successful.” I say looking at my birthmother’s dead body lying on the floor.

  Walking out if the building, I took a deep breath. I let the air fill my lungs. Twenty minutes ago, I thought I would never see daylight again. Zander walked me to the squad, one of the EMT’S sit me in the back. They shined lights in my eyes, checked my vitals and then gave me oxygen.

  “My name is Jose, and we will take you to the hospital. We want to make sure you are okay. Do you have any pain anywhere? Other than this cut on your forehead?”

  “No, sir, I’m fine. I just want to go home and see my dog.” I say as I look at Zander smiling.

  “Audrey, you’re going to the hospital. I’m riding with you. My dad can bring my truck home.” Zander says.

  I shake my head letting him know it’s okay. Then I see them bringing Ian out on a stretcher. He is handcuffed and there are officers with him already. I look away only to see that it is Sandy they were zipping up in a black body bag. I turn my head, trying to shake the images away. Zander sees me and wraps his arms around me.

  Stroking my hair, whispering, “No one will ever hurt you again. They are all in the past. Today will haunt you for the rest of your life. But know I’ll be with you every step of the way. You never have to be afraid again.” He says kissing me.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, as I lay my head on his shoulder.

  “Audrey, pumpkin, I am so sorry about all of this. Your mom is worried sick. Now Sandy will never be able to hurt you again, I hope they lock Ian up and throw away the keys. Get some rest and we will come see you soon.” Dad says as he hugs me tight.

  “Daddy, it isn’t your fault. You have always taken care of me. You knew she wasn’t stable, so never think this is on you. Tell Mom I’m fine and I can’t wait to go shopping this weekend. I love you both, now you go rest.” I say as I hug him again.

  We are leaving the hospital, I am fine but Vivian has to stay for a few days. Sandy gave her some pretty bad bruises. She and I both are traumatized for fucking life. I am so happy to be going home—I need a long hot bubble bath and a glass of wine. No scratch that wine, I need some fucking liquor. I can still feel Ian and Sandy’s hands on me. They took Ian to another hospital then I am sure he is on his way to big boy jail.

  In the back of my mind, I keep thinking that if he hadn’t jumped ship and turned on my mother, what would have happened. I can still see the want in his eyes from the attack in New York, and I can’t believe my own birth mother wanted me dead. Because of her and Ian, my baby died. Karma has been served that evil bitch is dead. My father is going to call my grandparents so I don’t have too. I don’t know if I want them to know how their daughter sabotaged my life and tried to kill me numerous times. All because she was still in love with my fiancé’s father. They knew she was distraught years ago. I don’t know why they didn’t try to get her help.

  Today is the day of Sandy’s funeral. I know I shouldn’t go. I feel like I owe it to my grandparents. Everything she has done to me, good or bad, has played over and over through my mind. I can’t shed any tears for her, I should at least cry. She was my mother after all. But I can’t, there is nothing left for her. My father doesn’t want me to attend the service alone.

  The graveyard is very dark, there is maybe ten people gathered around the casket. My father holds my hand as we approach the others. I see that my grandfather isn’t there. It is my grandma. She was with her siblings. She looks at me with sad eyes. I never speak; I hold my daddy’s hand as tight as I can.

  Listening to the preacher go on and on about what a great person Sandy was, makes me ill. How could he say that? He didn’t know her. She didn’t kill his baby, or hold him hostage. As I look around, no one is crying, all the eyes are dry. After the service, we start to walk away. My grandmother stops us.

  “Audrey… Wait, I would like to speak to you,” She gives me a light smile as she walks, over and places her arms around me. I pull her in for a hug. “You know, dear, she wasn’t always like that. I’m not sure what happened but she was a beautiful, caring woman at one time. I’m sure your father can vouch for that.” She pats his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry,” is all I can get my voice to say.

  “Good Lord, child, you have nothing to be sorry about. From what I hear and see, she did all this to herself. Your granddad loved her. But he hates her too. He hasn’t spoken to her since she left you all those years ago. When your father called, we knew something was wrong. I know we don’t see you much, but we love you. You are our granddaughter and we would do anything for you. Here, this is for you. It wasn’t from her, so please just accept it. I’m so glad that you are okay. Call if you need anything, or just want to talk.”

  “Thank you, I love you. Give Grandfather my love. I’ll be in touch,” I say as I hug her again.

  My dad and I walk back to the car and the first time since I knew she was died, I cry. Not for her, but for who she used to be the person that Dexter and my father loved. The lady that would take me to the park, the lady that sang to me at night. I know she said she hated me, but she had to have loved me at one point.

  “Dad, this is a check.” I say as I gasp at the amount.

  “I know, pooh, if you want to rip it up then do so. But that money came from your grandparents. Your granddad worked hard for that. I’m not saying you have to keep it. But just think I am sure it’s enough to cover your future and your children’s future.” He says squeezing my hand.

  “This is a lot of money. Why would they give it to me?” I question, they’d really not had much to do with me after Sandy left.

  “They love you, baby, they always have. Your granddad called everyday checking on you. He’d told me he had opened a savings account for you. Not that you needed the money, you know I’ve always supported you. He wanted to pay for your college and I refused. So that check is twenty years’ worth of money that they’ve saved for you.” He says and I see a tear roll down his cheek.

  “I’ll keep it. I don’t need it, but I wouldn’t want to disrespect them. I love them. I loved her once upon a time. I do recall some good memories. Not many but some.” I say as I choke back a sob.

  “Shh, I know pumpkin. She loved you too, she was ill. She needed help and no one gave her the help she needed. I should have years ago. But just like everyone else, I let her do whatever she wanted.”

  “Oh, Daddy. This isn’t your fault.” I say, trying to reassure him that it really isn’t.

  “I know it isn’t. I just wish I could have helped when I had the chance. I’m just thankful that we got to you when we did. I don’t think I could have lived if they’d harmed you.” He breaks down and starts sobbing hysterically.

  “Daddy, I am fine. It’s all over. I am fine.” I say trying to comfort him. Then it dawns on me. He really did love my mother. He is hurt because of her death.

  It’s been six months since the incident that almost took my mom and fiancée away from me. Ian is now behind bars, he was sentenced to twenty years. He was charged for attacking Audrey in New York City. He agreed that he and Sandy had planned it all; he was supposed to kill Audrey that day. His time was cut short because he’d informed Alton about the kidnappings. Things are going great with Audrey and me.

  We just got back from California, my buddy Brody got married there. We are having a welcome party tomorrow for him and his wife and Evan and Tatum. We also have some news to share
with everyone. Audrey has to go in to the office tomorrow; she has taken on more cases than we guys have. She is one of the best attorneys in the state. Since she doesn’t have to look over her shoulder all the time, she can focus on our future. On our way from the airport, I stop off by the mall, we go in, and I pick out a nice suit and have her pick out a pretty dress. It is perfect for her. She has to stop at the food court and get pretzels and a blue lemonade of course, but I still don’t tell her what we were doing. Leaving the mall, we drive to Arcadia.

  “Zander, why are we going to Arcadia? I have to work tomorrow,” she says anxiously.

  “Baby, I know you do. Just trust me okay?” I say as I bring her hand up to my mouth and kiss it. Little does she know while she was in the purse store at the mall, I ran to the jewelry store. I picked out the wedding bands that match her engagement ring. I ran back to where I’d left her and she didn’t even notice what I’d done.

  I’d also made a few phone calls, there was a small chapel right as you enter Arcadia. I was able to contact the owner, which happened to be the pastor. He agreed to marry us. He was kind of iffy at first, I explained how much my lady loved the town, and that she admired the chapel.

  As we pull into the parking lot of the chapel, I look at my soon to be wife. By now, she knows exactly what I was doing. She just shakes her head “yes.” I get out of the truck and walk around grab her hand. She has tears in her eyes.

  “Baby, why are you crying? You want to marry me, right? I couldn’t wait another minute to make you my wife Audrey.” I say as I wrap my arms around her.

  “Fu-I mean hel…shit…Oh good God, here I am trying not to cuss by this beautiful chapel, I’m making it worse. Yes, I want to marry you. I have wanted to be your wife since the day I saw you, you were wearing a pair of Panama Jack swimming trunks with your sunglasses on top of your head. You said, ‘Hi, I’m Zander and all the girls love me.’ I just laughed, then Ta, told me you were a conceded fucker.”

  “Damn, I said that? I am full of myself aren’t I? Come on let’s make you Mrs. Zander Kelley,” I smile as I see Mr. Arnold the owner and pastor.

  “Well hello, Zander, this must be the beautiful Audrey.” He says as he leans in and kisses her cheek.

  “Yes, sir, this is my Audrey.” I say shaking his hand. “Can we change before we get started?” I ask.

  “Of course you can, my wife is here also. She can help with whatever you need. I told her about your story and she had to meet the two of you. She even brought some flowers and her camera.” He laughs, as he shows me to a small room where we can change.

  I finish getting ready and walk to the front to wait for my lovely bride. The lyrics of “All of Me” by John Legend starts playing, as she walks toward me. She is breath taking, her dress is lilac with white trim, and her hair’s twisted into a bun. I look down to her white stilettos. Which has me ready to take her right here and now. The flowers she is carrying where beautiful, they match her dress.

  “Hi,” she nervously whispers. “This is our song.” She smiles

  “Hi, beautiful. It is. I knew it had to be a part of this day. It fits us.”

  “It does, Zander. I didn’t bring any vows. I am just going to speak from my heart.”

  “I didn’t either. You say what you feel, say what’s in that beautiful heart,” I say as I place my hand on her chest.

  “Zander, Audrey. Are you ready to become one?” Mr. Arnold asked as the song ends.

  “More than ready, sir.” I state.

  “Yes, I am.” She says, has her bouquet shakes.

  “Zander, son, why don’t you start with your vows.” Mr. Arnold says and Audrey hands her flowers to him. I take both her hands in mine.

  “Audrey Renee, I’ve loved you since the first time you cussed me out. I knew then that we were meant to be together. There are no words that can express my love for you. I will love you with everything that I am; I will protect you with everything that I am. I will spend the rest of my life making you happy. I’ll be by your side forever. Our love is Fated,” I say as I choke back a tear. I can’t help it once they start falling down my cheeks. She takes her thumb and wipes a few away. I kiss her hand before she moves it away.

  “Audrey, sweetie, you may proceed with your vows,” Mr. Arnold states.

  “Zander… You know I’ve loved you all of my life. I let so many things keep us apart for years. Then I realized that, I would never be happy unless I was with you. You make me whole, the way I feel when I’m with you is like no other feelings I’ve ever had. When we were apart, my heart hurt, I was pained daily. Then you came back in my life, I haven’t felt that pain since then. I will spend my life showing you how much I love you; I will honor, cherish, and even obey you.” She laughs, as she squeezes my hands.

  “Well kids, with that being said, you can place your rings on.” I pull the rings out of my pocket and she let out a gasp. “I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Zander Kelley,” Mr. Arnold says.

  “Are you ready, to get out of here Mrs. Kelley?” I ask as I kiss her.

  “You know I am,” she says as she pulls my head to her mouth. “I’m so fucking wet.”

  “Let’s go. But baby, you just cursed in church.” I say as, as pick her up.

  “Ugh, let’s go.” She smiles, and we thank the Arnolds and head to the truck. “I can’t wait till we get home. I have to have you in me now. No way am I waiting.”

  “We will, let’s get away from the chapel first.” I smile. I know exactly where I am taking her. We drive about five miles before we see it— a small hotel outside of Arcadia, headed back toward home. I pull in the parking lot. “I’ll get us a room, wait here.” I tell her as I hop out of the truck.

  I walk into the hotel, and an older lady greets me and asks for my driver license and credit card. I hand them both to her, she hands me a room key and I go back out to get my bride. I look at Audrey and she is smiling so fucking big. She opens the door and jumps into my arms. I try to steady myself, so we both didn’t fly backward. They lady didn’t ask what type of room we wanted, so I hope it has a Jacuzzi tub.

  “Mmm, I can’t wait to take these clothes off of you husband.”

  “I can’t wait to taste my wife’s sweet pussy.” I say with a wink.

  “Jesus, I just came again. Get that door open.” She breathes. I stick the key in and open the door. Carrying her in, I gently toss her on the bed.

  “Everything off—except those shoes.” I laugh, as I start undressing myself. I’d kick my shoes off so hard they hit the wall. I have everything off except my pants. I lick my lips as I look at my beautiful bride laying spread eagle on the bed with nothing on except the white stilettos.

  “Take those pants off—I need to see that big cock of yours. I’ve wanted to have it in my mouth all day.” She says, as she crawls toward me.

  “I love that you have no filter, you say exactly what you mean.” I say.

  “Trust me, I’d be boring if I didn’t.” She laughs as she unzips my pants; my dick springs forward, almost touching her mouth. “Yes, fucking commando, I love the fact that you hate underwear.” She says as she wraps her lips around the head of my dick. She licks the tip before moving down to the base. Once her head moved down, I feel her hum a little to fit it all the way.

  I wrap my hands in her hair, as she moved her mouth up and down my cock. She grabs my ass cheeks, bringing me in closer to her. I pull her head back. “I’m not coming in that pretty mouth of yours tonight, I need to fuck that beautiful pussy.” I say as I lie her back. “First, I need to have you on my lips.” I lean forward, swiping my tongue across her clit. She moans my name.

  “Oh…God…fuck me now, please.” She whined, as I lick her inside out.

  “I’ll fuck you, but I want you to come for me first.” I say as I flick my tongue across her clit. She shakes as I do, then I can taste her sweetness as it touched my lips. “Mmm, that’s my girl. You want me to fuck you then do it again.” I say as I spread her open with one hand and finger
her with the other.

  “I’m com…Holy, fucking shit…Oh God, Zander. Now…Please fuck me already.” She cries.

  “Is that what you want?” I say as sit up, I scoot her body close to me. She is dripping wet; it’s not a dribble, it’s like a waterfall has erupted. I place my dick at her opening; she pushes her hips forward. I am deep inside of her. “Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me.” I say as I lean down and place a hard pink nipple in my mouth. She wraps her legs around my waist, pushing me deeper inside of her. I know I can’t hold it any longer. I give her a couple thrusts then I let my release explode, filling her.

  “That was…That was fucking amazing. I just got fucked by my husband.” She laughs.

  “I love you beautiful.” I say as I kiss her forehead. “Let’s shower so we can head home. Someone has to work tomorrow.” I joke.

  “Damnit, well at least I get off early. I get to see my best friend and rub her belly. I can’t believe how pregnant she is. Do you think they noticed when they saw me? I thought for sure Ta was going to ask me.”

  “If they did, they didn’t say anything. I can’t believe you, Ta, and Nikki are all pregnant. The guys and I are in trouble. I am so glad that everything worked out for Lila and Liam, I’m glad it wasn’t Evans baby.”

  “You and me both. Although, Tatum and Lila have become friends now, I never thought I’d see that. But I am glad, because I like Lila, she and Nikki seem really nice.”

  “Yes they are. I am happy the way things worked out. Now let’s shower, I bet Berry is ready to see us.”

  Audrey is at work, I’m getting things ready for the party. We are going to announce that we are married and having our first child in six-months. My sister and soon to be brother-in-law are on their way over. They have stopped off where their house is being built—it’s almost complete. They are going to stay with us for a few days until it is finished.


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