Book Read Free

The Manny

Page 7

by Piper Rayne

  “Are there any diaper wipes around you?”

  I search the area and spot a plastic tub labeled diaper wipes. “Got them.”

  “Okay, this isn’t going to be fun brother, but there’s no way around it. You’re going to have to take her diaper off and when you do try to roll it up and use the tabs on the side to keep the poop inside.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to do that when this kid keeps trying to roll off the table?”

  “You just are.”

  “I wouldn’t go writing a how to book any time soon,” I grind out, using my free hand to pop open the lid and pull a few wipes out.

  “Watch it, I’m not against hanging up.”

  “Sorry,” I sigh. “It’s just this is …”

  “Let’s get this over with and then you can tell me what kind of woman has you changing her baby’s diapers. Now, there’s probably a Diaper Genie somewhere close. Put the diaper in that.”

  “Charlie, if there was a diaper genie anywhere around here you can bet your ass I wouldn’t be doing this.”

  My sister’s laugh echoes through the phone speaker and Via follows suit, giggling on her own and sucking on a few of her fingers.

  “A Diaper Genie is what you put dirty diapers in so they don’t stink up the whole house, Vance. It’s white and plastic.”

  I lean over to look at the ground on either side of the change table. “I see it,” I say, happy for the small victory.

  “All right, do what you need to and tell me when you’re done. I’ll wait on the line.”

  My stomach lurches and I gag before I get myself under control. Somehow I manage to half roll the diaper but I’m not sure it makes much of a difference. Shit is everywhere I look.

  I take the scrunched up diaper and step on the foot pedal of the Diaper Genie and push the damn thing down until it disappears.

  I’m bringing my hand back up to grab a wet wipe when I see the brown smear along the side of my index finger.

  “Oh fuck. No way!”

  “Vance what’s wrong?” Charlie asks.

  “There’s shit on my finger. There is actual shit on my finger!” I cringe. This was way more than I bargained for.

  “Tell that pussy to man up,” Garrett yells in the background. “Does he have any idea how many shitty diapers of Syd’s I changed?”

  “Whatever man, you’ve never seen anything like this,” I yell back on the off chance he can hear me.

  I use my elbow to hold Via in place and take the diaper wipe in my other hand, furiously scrubbing at the spot. Once it’s gone I take another one and do the same just to be sure. It’s not until I’m finished that I realize that Charlie is laughing at me.

  “What the hell are you laughing at?” I ask.

  “You. A little poop isn’t going to kill you, Vance.” She starts laughing again.

  “Excuse me but have you not heard of e-coli before?” I rip a few more wet wipes from the container. “Let’s get this over with. What now?”

  “Take both her ankles in one hand and raise them to lift her butt . Then use the diaper wipes to clean her up. If she’s chubby make sure you get in all the folds. Front to back.”

  “Front to back?”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t know your way around a pussy, Vance. Place the wipe in the front and go back. You don’t want to get any poop in her hooha.”

  I shudder, but not wanting to prolong this I get to work. After a few swipes I realize I have a problem. “There’s poop on the change pad.”

  “That’s okay. See if you can get her mostly cleaned up, then remove it and put it in the laundry and wipe the plastic part of the change pad down.”

  A few minutes later, mission accomplished Via lays on the change table in a clean diaper, pulling her foot up to her mouth. I release a relieved breath.

  “Thanks, Sis. I owe you one.”

  “Yes, you do. I’ll take payment in the form of you telling me what the hell you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  I roll my eyes. “Sure thing. But right now I have to go check to make sure a four-year-old little boy isn’t cooking meth or something in his bedroom. It’s too quiet in there.”

  She laughs. “Vance, you better call me later. I’m sure you’d rather that then me and Garrett surprising you in LA, right?”

  “Hell yes. I’ll call you tonight. Promise.”

  I hang up and slide the phone into my back pocket and then pick up Via. “What do you say we go check on your brother then I’ll go buy you a new outfit to replace that one?”

  She squeals and smacks the top of my head with her palm.

  I’ll take that as a yes.

  Nine am, after a full hour of trying to properly install both car seats in my truck, I’ve dropped Via off at daycare and I’m finally on our way over to Jagger’s office. I swear you need to be a NASA scientist to install those damn things. I hadn’t realized that I needed an engineering degree for this manny job.

  “Remember, we’re really quiet when we’re in here,” I remind Payne as we enter the empty elevator.

  He pinches his lips together and nods his head.

  What is Layla complaining about? So far Payne seems to be able to take instruction well.

  “Great, buddy. It won’t be long.” I ruffle his hair, the blond strands such a contrast from his mom’s, yet so similar to what his dad is known for.

  The elevator dings and I file out, walking toward Jagger’s office. A small hand slides into mine.

  Shit, I should be holding his hand. I tighten my grip and smile down at him.

  Okay, I got this.

  “Hey, Victoria.”

  Her gaze falls to the little guy next to me and then back to me, her eyes full of questions. “Who’s your friend?” She leans forward on her desk and smiles at Payne.

  “This is Payne.” I pause. “Payne, this is Victoria.”

  “Hello, Payne.” She waves, her toothy smile trying to put him at ease.

  The little guy slinks closer to my body, his gaze shifting around everywhere.

  “Well, he’s waiting for you.” She rolls back in her chair and watches us walk by her desk and into Jagger’s office.

  Jagger starts in on me as soon as I close the door behind us. “Hey. Glad you’re here early. We have ten minutes to prepare you. What are you wearing?” He looks me up and down. I follow his vision to my t-shirt and jeans.

  “It’s a conference call,” I argue.

  “A video conference call.” He blows out a breath, straightens his tie and looks down at Payne. “Hey, buddy, you must be Payne.”

  Again, the kid clings harder to my hand and uses me as a shield.

  “He’s not up for talking this morning.”

  Jagger’s eyes dart from him to me and back again, then he shakes his head.

  I walk over to the couch. “Can you stay here while I’m on this call?” I ask Payne.

  He nods.

  “Here’s my phone, there are five games for you to play.” I silence it and hand it over to him.

  He gives me a huge smile and starts playing immediately.

  “Told you,” Jagger brags and I sit down at the table, realizing there’s already a camera set up on the opposite end. “I talked to Hannah this morning. We’re all set. She couldn’t be more thrilled to hear that Layla accepted.”

  Guess I underestimated Jagger. He may actually understand kids. I downloaded five games. Ten dollars is a small price to pay for me to have a conference call in silence. He isn’t even antsy when Victoria sneaks in to tell him she has something cool to show him—he just follows her out, barely taking his eyes off the screen.

  A half hour later Jagger is clicking out of the conference call and I’m breathing a sigh of relief. Hannah seems like a decent woman and she’s really enthusiastic over the project. Seems we’re heading in the right direction.

  “We’re set, man,” Jagger says and pushes away from the boardroom table and walks over to his desk. “All the paperwork should be done tonight. No
w, you need to find the rest of your team. I can set up some interviews for you if you need me to.” Jagger has faults, but at his job, he is a lean, mean, efficient machine. Crossing T’s and dotting I’s are the least of what he does to be perfect in his job.

  I run my hands down my pants. “I’m nervous.”

  “Why? This is what you’ve always wanted.”

  I wonder if fear is even a word in Jagger’s dictionary.

  “Yeah, I want it, but fuck.” I push my hand through my hair. “I’m not good with failure.”

  He waves me off. “You’re not going to fail. This is a killer script. Do you really think I’d attach my name to a shitty project?” His egotistical smirk crosses his lips and I can’t help but smile. “Calm down and enjoy the ride, but I do want to warn you of one thing.” He glances out the window of his office, and then sets his determined gaze back on me. “Do not get involved with Layla Andrews.”

  I relax back in my seat, resting my ankle on my knee. “Obviously, why would I?”

  He points at me. “That look on your face when her name comes up in conversation. You had it yesterday and you have it today.”

  “There’s no look.” I chuckle from the sheer ridiculousness of this conversation.

  “Yes, there is. You’d have to be fucking blind not to see it. You had that same look with Gwen Sinclair last year. Remember how that turned out?” He raises his perfectly manscaped eyebrows. Someone needs to tell him that real men don’t need to get buffed and waxed at a salon, even if they bang the aesthetician on occasion.

  “Why do you have to bring that shit up?”

  “Because it’s the point to me telling you what to do. Hands off the actresses.”

  “I wasn’t the fucking scriptwriter, not to mention you know there’s a helluva lot more to that story.”

  He nods, sporting those sympathetic eyes I fled from months prior. “I know that. Why do you think I don’t fuck them? They’re always drama.” He pauses briefly. “You just need to remember that it never does anyone any good to fuck where you eat.”

  “The waitress at the taco place?” I shoot him a look suggesting he’s full of it.

  “Okay, okay. Figuratively, not literally. Now, I have emails to respond to, so go be a babysitter and don’t let the little mommy seduce you.” He straightens in his chair, turning in the direction of his computer.

  “Well then, don’t let me hold you up.” I stand and walk over to the door.


  I stop at the door, my hand on the knob.

  “Just remember what I said. This is your chance, let’s not blow it with a scandal.”

  I don’t turn around. Instead, I nod and open the door to escape the lecture of a man who is a master at his job, but needs to take the agent hat off and put his friend hat back on.

  Closing the door behind me, I find Payne spinning in Victoria’s office chair, the arms hitting her desk on every turn.

  “Where’s Victoria?” I ask.

  “Getting me lunch.” He spins again and I grab her mug of water before it spills over.

  “She left you?” I grab my phone off the desk and place my hand on the chair to stop it from spinning.

  “She’s getting me something to eat.”

  “I fed you on the way over.” I lean my butt against the desk and cross my arms over my chest.

  “Cheerios. Via eats Cheerios.” He rolls his eyes and then glances toward the garbage.

  Standing up, I see the bag sitting in the trash. “Fine, but when she gets back, we’re leaving.”

  I hear Victoria’s heels click behind me. “Hey, you’re done already?” she asks.

  I stand up. “You’re lucky your desk is still in one piece.”

  “I was only gone for five minutes. Payne promised he’d say seated.” She smiles at him and he spins in her chair again, hitting the desk so that her bottle of water falls, a puddle forming all over her desk.

  “Shit!” I say, hurriedly picking up the bottle.

  Payne stands up when the water falls on his legs and stares at his pants. Victoria drops the bag of food and reaches over with some napkins, soaking up the liquid right away. She’s calm and doesn’t seem at all pissed that half her papers are soaked.

  “I can reprint them,” she tells Payne. “It’s just a mistake, right?” She smiles at him and the look of fear on Payne’s face disintegrates.

  “Do you have kids?” I ask her after she’s handed Payne a small hamburger and fries.

  She glances back to Jagger’s office and then to me. “Yeah. I’m a single mom,” she says in a quiet voice.

  “My mom too,” Payne chirps in.

  A soft smile forms on her lips. “She must be pretty cool then.”

  Payne chomps down on his fries, his legs swinging under the chair.

  “Are you keeping it a secret?” I ask.

  Again, she glances at Jagger’s door like she’s afraid he’ll overhear us. “You know Jagger, rumor is that he doesn’t like his employees to have kids.”

  I wave her off. “That’s absurd. He wouldn’t care.”

  She shrugs and her phone pages, Jagger’s voice not waiting for her to answer.

  “Tell my best friend and the kid to get lost. You have work to do.”

  Before I can even offer a smartass comment back the line clicks off.

  She raises both eyebrows and sits down at her desk, trying to clean up Payne’s mess.

  Jagger’s words echo in my mind as we step into the elevator and I send a little prayer up that I’m not well on my way to creating my own mess that has to be cleaned up.

  Chapter 9


  I walk into my house with Via on my hip at the end of a long day to the sound of Linkin Park blaring over the stereo. Seems like Payne’s going to learn those last few swear words he doesn’t already know.

  Via wiggles in my arms and I place her down on the ground, where she immediately runs off toward the noise coming from the kitchen and living area.

  “Invaders!” Payne screams and he runs past me to duck behind the couch, Via following close behind.

  Two seconds later, Vance runs in wearing protective eyewear and a vest, with a Nerf gun in his hand.

  “Me! Me!” Via runs out from behind the couch, holding her hands out for his gun.

  He bends down to her and she grabs the glasses from his face and throws them on the floor. Payne comes from behind the couch and Vance’s vest lights up.

  “Gotcha,” Payne shouts.

  “You planned that distraction. I call foul.” Vance laughs as Via points the Nerf gun at him and somehow figures out how to fire off a dart.

  Exaggerating an injury, Vance falls to the ground and Via jumps on top of him, laughing the way only a small child can—as if nothing in the world has ever been funnier than this moment.

  “Whoa. I thought your brother was bad.” He picks her up with both hands under her arms and sets her to his side.

  “Well, I think Via and I had a boring day compared to yours,” I say with a smile.

  His cheeks turn the lightest shade of pink and he brushes off his jeans. Note to self—call cleaning lady. Also note to self—Vance is completely adorable when he’s embarrassed. “I wasn’t expecting you so early.”

  “I’d hoped to let you off the hook earlier.” I pick up Via because she might be all fun and games right now, but if she doesn’t eat soon we’ll be facing off with someone who’s more psychotic than Kim Jong-un.

  “Hey, we made a deal. Don’t go light on me.” He makes his way over to the stereo, turning the music off, and then comes to lean on the archway into the kitchen. His arms are crossed, the t-shirt he’s wearing tight around his biceps, and with the Nerf vest on and the goofy smile plastered on his face he’s somehow more attractive, not less. How is that even possible?

  “Come on, Vance.” Payne pulls on the hem of Vance’s t-shirt. “Again. Let’s play.”

  Vance looks down at Payne. “Let me catch your mom up.”
  “Payne, I’m going to start dinner. Go clean up the toys.”

  Payne rolls his eyes and Vance moves to take off his vest, which results in his shirt rising and me discovering he has a teasing patch of happy trail that disappears down past the waistband of his jeans.

  A throat-clearing distracts me as I’m trying to strap Via into her high chair. My eyes snap up and Vance’s smirk is set in place, as is the blazing heat in his eyes, heat I need doused.

  I cannot fall for the scriptwriter.

  “I ordered pizza,” Vance says, letting the moment pass.

  He might as well have said that he’d like me laid out on the counter spread-eagle for him because nothing has made me happier in this moment than knowing I don’t have to cook dinner.

  “Oh, you didn’t have to do that.”

  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  “I know filming can go late,” Vance says.

  Via smacks my hand and my head turns in her direction. “Yum, yum.”

  “Yeah, well, when your role is as small as mine is, that’s not as much of a problem.” I make my way to the cabinet, grabbing a box of crackers. I place a few on the tray and grab her sippy cup out of the fridge. That should hold her off until the pizza comes, so I sit down in a kitchen chair, propping my feet up on the vacant seat across from me.

  “Hard day?” Vance asks and straddles the chair, picking up my feet and placing them between his open legs. His two hands mould one of my feet, hitting all the right spots.

  “Probably not as hard as yours.” I don’t pull away even though I shouldn’t be allowing this to happen, but damn, his hands are magic.

  “Payne isn’t bad. Just energetic. I don’t think I need to work out while I’m watching him.” He smiles at me and then concentrates back on my feet.

  “Thank you.”

  He nods, switching feet. “I don’t want to start trouble or anything, but I thought you said Carver was filming?” His attention focuses in on me to judge my reaction.

  “He is.” As soon as the words leave my mouth I know I’m obviously in the dark about something. Something that’s probably splashed all over TMZ.

  “He’s not.”

  I close my eyes and inhale a deep breath. “Just tell me.”


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