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Shadow Spy

Page 1

by Tiffany Shand

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14





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  Copyright © 2017 Tiffany Shand

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the author, except for brief quotes in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

  Editor: Lisa Maree Birch

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14



  Excerpt from Shadow Sworn

  Excerpt from Denai Touch

  Excerpt from Betrayed By Blood

  Excerpt from The Alpha’s Daughter

  Excerpt from Fey Spy

  Also by Tiffany Shand

  Other Works

  About the author

  Chapter 1

  Charlie McCray ducked down by her car as a fireball came at her. This was not going according to plan.

  “I thought you said this guy would help us?” Kaz muttered, drawing her gun.

  “I don’t think he was happy when he found out we’re enforcers.” Charlie grabbed her own weapon, wincing as her wing mirror exploded. “Time for this guy to go down.” Her body blurred as she vanished into the ground below. She moved through the concrete, using her fazing power which allowed her to become incorporeal and pass through solid matter. She jumped back up, pointing her gun at the man’s head. “Now I don’t like to use this unless there’s a problem. We don’t have a problem, do we, Val?”

  The demon, a scruffy looking overweight man with a balding head and shaggy brown bead, froze. “You said you were Drake’s mate, not a fucking enforcer!”

  “I’m both. Now are you gonna stop throwing fireballs at me or do we have to go and chat at the station?” She brushed her long brown hair off her face.

  Kaz moved out from behind the car, sunlight catching on her strawberry blonde locks. “Yeah, attacking Division agents gets you at least three hundred years in prison,” Kaz said, her emerald eyes flashing. She grinned. “You’d get bored.”

  “Yeah, and if my aunt hears about this well, you know what the Grand Mistress is like when it comes to punishment.” Charlie holstered her gun and crossed her arms. She didn’t think he’d attack again if he had any sense.

  Val sighed, raising his hands in surrender. “Fine, but I’m not talking to you out in the open like this. I have a reputation to uphold.”

  “Okay, we’ll meet you back at the club. You’d better be there,” said Charlie.

  After calling their teammate Nigel to get her car towed, Kaz and Charlie shimmered into Drake’s club, Nocturne. With its red walls and black and white décor, it had a cool, dark racy feel about the place. Just walking in there made her heart ache. This was where she’d last seen Drake – where he’d ended their relationship.

  Val stood at the bar waiting for them, gulping down a beer. “What do you want now, witch?”

  Charlie tried not to groan. It hadn’t been easy getting Drake’s informants to trust her, especially since she was a Denai and enforcer but she’d brought most of them around. “Have you found anything out about Drake?” She kept the desperation out of her voice. No demon would respect her if she showed any sign of weakness.

  “Nothing. No one’s heard from him since the night he left.” He scratched his beard. “I did hear something about him dumping you though.”

  She snorted and leaned against the bar, casting her senses out. As a Denai she could sense when someone lied – even demons. “You sure about that?”

  “Yeah, and if you want me to keep looking I expect payment.”

  Charlie glanced over at Drake’s bouncer, a giant named Phil. He’d been great since Drake’s disappearance and helped her with all the contacts in an effort to find Drake.

  “Drake doesn’t pay you, does he?” asked Kaz, hopping onto a bar stool. “You trade info, right?”

  “Drake keeps the demons in this city, hell, this country in order. You haven’t taken his place, little witch.”

  Charlie winced. Drake always called her “little witch”. No one got to call her that but him. “How about you carry on searching and I don’t tell everyone you’re a snitch?” she offered. “For the record, I’m his mate. He’d never dump me.”

  Val scowled, gulped down the rest of his drink. “Maybe you should accept the fact he might not want to come back or be found.”

  “He has obligations here too.” Plus, I need him. I never got the chance to tell him how I really feel about him.

  Val shimmered out.

  Charlie slumped back against the bar.

  “It’s okay, don’t give up.” Kaz touched her shoulder. “Drake wouldn’t have left you without good reason.”

  “Yeah, then why did he break up with me?”

  “Relax, McCray, the boss is crazy about you,” Phil said. The giant towered over her at over seven feet tall, with a bald head and a shiny ginger beard.

  “Then where is he?” She shook her head, eyeing the alcohol behind the bar. “I know he’s in trouble, I can sense it. Why won’t he tell me where he is?”

  “Still having dreams about him?” asked Kaz, holding out her hand so a bottle of water flew into it.

  “They’re not dreams, they’re too vivid for that. They’re more like a telepathic meeting of minds.” She felt her cheeks flush.

  “Have you asked him?”

  “Yeah, but he tells me to stay away.” Besides they didn’t exactly talk much during their dreams.

  Bells chimed, making her groan as she realised the Alliance was calling for her. Now she’d have to go to one of their stupid meetings again. “I’d better answer that.”

  “I’ll meet you back at the station.” Kaz gave her a quick hug. “Remember that demon wouldn’t just leave you because like baldy over here said, he’s crazy about you.”

  Yeah, so crazy he left me.

  Kaz headed back to the station.

  “Phil, is there anyone else I can talk to?” Charlie asked. “I don’t care who they are or what they might be involved in. I need to find him.”

  Phil’s brow creased. “There’s only one contact you haven’t met yet and that’s Silas. He is a slippery bugger – the boss wouldn’t be happy if you talk to him,” he told her. “Silas comes with a price. A steep one too.”

  “Good, contact him for me. I have a meeting to get to. I’ll swing by later.” Charlie gave him a smile. “Thanks for helping with everything.”

  Phil shrugged. “You’re his life mate. That makes you the boss too. Still, Silas is—”

  “I’ve handled worse believe me.”

  Charlie headed for the Alliance’s meeting hall. The Alliance
was made up of different leaders of Magickind, their sole purpose was to ensure law and justice to all Magickind.

  Charlie’s aunt and uncle were among the leaders. Drake had worked as leader of the demon clans and Charlie had unofficially taken his place because she was half demon herself, as well as his life mate. Though, she suspected Cate had suggested she become the official replacement.

  Lana, the leader of the phoenixes, scowled when Charlie walked in. “I thought we were going to discuss hiring a new demon leader?” Lana asked. With her long, lithe body and piercing grey eyes, Charlie tried not to feel jealous of other the other woman for being Drake’s former flame.

  “We did. We agreed Charlie could remain in Drake’s seat until he returns.” Cate gave Lana a smile that showed too much teeth.

  “She’s a Division agent. That hardly makes her impartial, does it?”

  Cate’s sapphire eyes flashed silver. “Do you have a problem with my niece being here?”

  Charlie bit back a smile when she saw Lana flinch. Even she seemed scared of the Grand Mistress.

  “No, I just – do we have any news on Drake?” Lana brushed her long silvery blonde hair off her face.

  Charlie knew Drake had slept with the gorgeous woman once and afterwards Lana hadn’t taken his rejection well.

  “That’s partially why we are gathered here today,” Jason answered.

  Charlie sat down beside her aunt. She hated politics but at least the Alliance wasn’t as political as the council.

  “There’s been a sudden rise in demonic crimes lately,” Jason continued. “Demons fighting demons, clans—”

  “Since when do we care about the affairs of demons?” asked McNabb, the Ashrali representative. “They’ve always fought among themselves.”

  “It’s different now. There are reports that some demons are planning to overthrow the Akaran – the leader of all demons,” said Cate.

  “I thought the Akaran lived in the demon lands and hadn’t stepped out in centuries?” Charlie spoke up. Since Drake’s disappearance and the emergence of her own demonic powers, she’d learnt everything she could about Demonkind.

  “He hasn’t but there are reports that there is a war brewing between two very powerful demon clans – the Amargens and the Illuminari. Although no one seems to know much about the Illuminari or if they even exist,” Jason remarked.

  Charlie straightened. Drake was an Amargen demon, she’d found that out from his associates.

  “Reports suggest the Akaran is either weak or losing power somehow. If the clans start warring together it will be chaos. Not just for them, but for all Magickind,” Jason said. “The last time the demons had an all-out war thousands died.”

  “I agree with McNabb. Unless the demons pose a real threat, I see no reason why we should get involved,” Lana said, drumming her fingers on the table.

  “The council and I have agreed we need to know more. I believe this sudden surge in violence may also be why Drake left us,” Cate continued. “I sense they’re connected. Charlie, what have you found out about Drake so far?”

  All eyes fixed on her, making Charlie flush. “Not much. Just that Drake received a message from someone. He was last seen travelling towards the Amana desert that borders Kyral. After that I haven’t been able to find anything.”

  “Maybe he just grew tired of you,” Lana remarked, smirking.

  Charlie gritted her teeth. This bitch really needed a slap. “I’m his life mate, you know the whole destined thing. You—”

  “Charlie!” Cate warned.

  Charlie glowered at her aunt, but she shut her mouth, reminding herself Lana wasn’t worth it.

  “We need to know more about what’s happening in Kyral,” McNabb remarked. “Do we have any contacts there we can use?”

  All eyes turned on Charlie once more. Drake would have known someone. “I’m friendly with his contacts, I’ll see what I can find out from them,” she said. “Or better yet, let me and my team go to Kyral. We can find out what’s going on. We’ve all done undercover work before, I know we could get in there and find out what’s happening.”

  Lana snorted. “You? Be trusted with such an important mission?” she said. “No, I don’t think it’s worth the risk. We need more information.”

  “I see no reason why Charlie isn’t up to the job,” Cate said, glaring at Lana. “But I have to agree, we don’t have enough information to warrant you going to Kyral.”

  The meeting droned on but Charlie only half listened as she stared at the small map of Kyral. In the end she still hadn’t made any progress on finding where Drake had vanished.

  After the meeting, she headed home to Drake’s house. She’d felt like an intruder there at first, but now she felt closer to him by being there. As she walked into the living room with its plush cream carpet and silver walls, she found a wizened old man with a pointed white beard and thin straggly hair sitting on the black leather sofa.

  He gave her a toothless grin. “So you’re Drake’s witch. You’re nothing like his usual women.”

  Her hand went to her gun, the other drew magic. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Phil said you wanted to see me. Come along, I don’t have all day, little demon.”

  She let go of her gun. “You’re Silas, right?”

  “Indeed. How can I be of service?”

  “I need you to help me find Drake.” She cast her senses out to find out what he was.

  Silas shot to his feet, his eyes bleeding to black. “Didn’t your mama ever teach you not to scan people without their permission?”

  Charlie shrugged. “She died giving birth to me so no, she didn’t. I was raised a Denai, we scan first and ask questions later.”

  He cringed. “Never did like Denais. Too damned powerful the lot of you.”

  She snorted. “Why? Because we can sense when someone lies and make them tell the truth?” She folded her arms. “Look, can you help me find Drake or not?”

  “He’s your mate; why can’t you sense him?”

  “Because we’re – never mind. Can you do it or not?” An icy feeling prickled over her skin, making her back up a step. “Hey, keep your creepy senses off me too, pal.”

  Silas chuckled. “You’re a feisty one, I like that. Despite you being a Denai bitch, you’re better than all the other bimbos he’s had.”

  Charlie scowled. She knew she wasn’t Drake’s usual tall, blonde and gorgeous type. She just reached five and half feet, had brown hair, brown eyes and a curvy body.

  “No, I can’t help you.” He shook his head.

  “Can’t or won’t?” she demanded.

  “Both. If Drake doesn’t want to be found I can’t help you.”

  Charlie slumped into the leather arm chair. “Look, I’m getting sick of people saying that. He wouldn’t just leave me. I know him.”

  “Do you?” Silas arched a thin eyebrow. “I’ve known him almost eight thousand years and that man doesn’t give away his emotions easily.”

  Tell me something I don’t know. “You’re some kind of seer, right?” Charlie said. “Find him for me. Name your price.”

  Silas stroked his beard. “Why do you want to find him so much?”

  “Is that your price? Answering stupid questions?” Her lip curled.

  His lips curved into a smile. “No, but indulge me.”

  “I’m his life mate.” She clenched her teeth to keep control of her anger. Why did some immortals have to be so damned cryptic? Did they just do it to be annoying? Maybe they ran out of things to do after a few millennia.

  “True, but you’ve been resistant to him for years. How he didn’t claim you before now I’ll never understand. It’s rare for demons to find their mates at all.”

  If they’d sealed the bond he’d still be here with her. “I know someone has him, I need to find out who.”

  Silas continued to stroke his beard. “I might be able to show you something but my visions don’t come with guarantees, witch.”

e leaned forward. “What’s your price?”

  “I want the Srimtar.”

  How the hell did he know about that? Charlie laughed, rising from the chair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She would never let on that she had the legendary orb. Hell, no one, not even she, knew what it could do.

  His eyes flashed. “Denais are bad liars, witch. I know you’re the guardian of the orb.”

  She glared at him. “Then you know I’d never give it to you.”

  “I don’t want to keep it – just take a look.”

  Her brow creased. “Why?” Phil had been right, Silas was a slippery bugger.

  The old man chuckled. “Just like a Denai to ask questions. Why I need to look isn’t important; do you want to find your man or not?”

  Charlie slumped back, sighed. If I don’t do this I might not find Drake before it’s too late. She held out her hand, blue lightning crackled as the glowing orb appeared in her hand. She was meant to protect this thing even though she didn’t know what its true purpose or power was. It had already proved to be a dangerous weapon when it had killed her enforcer teammates.

  “You can look but I won’t let go of it,” she warned.

  “Fine.” Silas reached out, placed his hand over the orb.

  Energy vibrated between them, the orb pulsing with eerie light. Charlie gripped it harder, feeling it beginning to slip from her grasp. No! she thought.

  Her eyes glowed azure blue as she felt her inner demon awaken. Oh no, not again! The last time her demon had taken control it had attacked and tried to kill people. Their hands shook as the orb trembled, turning a violent shade of red.

  Her inner demon clawed her mind, demanding to take control. Let me out, it told her.

  Not bloody likely! Charlie gritted her teeth, refusing to let it gain control of her body again.

  He threatens the orb, I must protect it.

  Light exploded from the Srimtar, sending Charlie and Silas crashing across the room. The orb hummed and throbbed with power leaking from it. Charlie gripped it, knowing it wouldn’t harm her. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she muttered.

  Silas lay there, breathing hard.

  Charlie made the orb vanish, sending it back to its hidey hole in the spirit world where it could harm no one. Scrambling up, she moved over to Silas. “Are you okay?”


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