Book Read Free

Shadow Spy

Page 7

by Tiffany Shand

  “Wow, this place is huge,” Kaz breathed.

  Drake had remained silent on the rest of the drive but Charlie hadn’t said anything to him about it.

  “How long do we have to be bounty hunters?” asked Nigel.

  “Until I know what my brother’s plans are,” Drake replied.

  Charlie’s strange disappearance had made him all the more uneasy. But he tried to brush his concern aside. Just seeing his former home again brought back a familiar pain he’d thought had long passed.

  He’d spent millennia controlling his feelings, he’d had to in order to keep his true power hidden. Drake glanced over at Charlie; she’d been quiet on the way over too. He felt like she was hiding something but he had no idea what.

  Kaz and Nigel became motionless as he froze them.

  “Hey.” Charlie frowned. “Why’d you do that?”

  “So we can speak privately.”

  “We could do that in thought.”

  “Did you see anything else when you vanished?” He studied her expression, trying to see if it betrayed any emotion. He had no idea why she’d need to hide anything from him.

  She bit her lip, hesitating. “I saw a girl, she told me I had to save someone,” she answered. “I don’t know who she meant. Like I said, she’s just a lost soul – I can’t save everyone.”

  He took her hand. “You can’t tell anyone in Kyral you’re my mate, either. We aren’t bonded nor do you bear my mark to show you’re mine. I have enemies here and they’d see you as my weakness,” he said. “This place is very different, another world almost compared to what happens elsewhere.”

  Charlie scowled. “Why not just bond with me then?”

  Because if I die here, I won’t risk you, he thought. You are my weakness – the only thing I’d give up everything for.

  “We don’t need to rush – you said you wanted to take things slow, remember?”

  She folded her arms. “I changed my mind.”

  Drake kissed her hand. “Why does it matter? I’m already yours.”

  Charlie smiled. “I’m yours too. If we can’t tell anyone we’re mates, does that mean we can’t even hold hands in public?”

  “Maybe not for a while.” Drake stared up at the looming walls. “I can’t be seen to have any weakness.”

  “This spy stuff sucks sometimes.” She sighed. “Maybe I can find some clues to my own heritage here.” Drake kissed her then watched his former home edge ever closer.

  Two Zexens stood guard outside the gates. Strange, his clan would never have let them anywhere near the citadel when his father was the reigning Akaran. But a lot would have changed in almost eight thousand years. Though Drake was surprised. Although Zexens were strong and made the perfect guards due to being able to hide in shadow most of them had worked for the Grand Mistress who in exchange for their service, had protected them from the other demon clans.

  “State your business,” the first guard snapped.

  Charlie leaned out the window. “We’re here to see the Akaran, we’re bounty hunters.” She motioned to her gun. “Heard there is a bounty for his brother.” She inclined her head towards Drake.

  Drake allowed the guards to place cuffs around his wrists. “Are you going to let these people treat me like this?” he snapped. “I demand to be taken to my brother at once.”

  Charlie rolled her eyes, hit him over the back of the head with her sidearm. “See what I have to put up with.”

  Drake winced. Damn, his witch could put on a show. He would have felt proud if it hadn’t hurt so much.

  “How do we know it’s him?” The second guard asked.

  “I am Drakon Damrus – son of Thaddeus and Liliana Damrus, brother of Daron–”

  Charlie let out a breath. “Oh, it’s him alright. Will you let us through? We’re eager to get our money and be rid of this guy.” The guards exchanged a look then the gates swung open.

  Did you do have to hit me so hard? Drake asked, rubbing the back of his head.

  Charlie smirked. I had to make it look real.

  They were stopped inside a cobbled stone courtyard by four demons armed with staff weapons.

  “They look like Ashrali weapons – old tech,” Kaz murmured.

  “My clan would have traded during the wars. But don’t expect much in the way of tech here,” Drake told them. “My brother is a great believer in the old ways. Power means everything to my people.”

  “What if your brother tries to kill you?” asked Nigel.

  Drake shook his head. “He won’t – at least not outright. He knows he doesn’t have the power to do that.” Charlie climbed out of the car, cuffing Drake to her left wrist.

  Drake recognised another Amargen demon called Seth who’d been one of his father’s sentinels.

  “Drakon, so you’ve finally returned.” Seth towered over six and a half feet with a long red braid. He had deep green eyes and his black leather uniform bore the Akaran’s mark.

  Who is he? Charlie asked.

  An old friend. Drake replied.

  Can we trust him? She frowned at Seth.

  Perhaps. He shrugged, wishing he could use his powers to try and sense Seth’s thought. But he had to limit all use of power now.

  “We’re bounty hunters,” Charlie said to Seth. “We want to see the Akaran.”

  Seth’s gaze roamed over them. “How did bounty hunters get their hands on you?” he asked Drake.

  “We’re the best,” Kaz added. “This guy stood no chance.”

  Seth frowned. “The Akaran has been informed of your arrival, we’re to take you to him but you must relinquish all your weapons first.”

  Charlie snorted. “All? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Do it, you can’t risk raising suspicions, said Drake.

  Now I’m glad I moved all our gear into the spirit realm.

  Charlie, Kaz and Nigel handed over their stunners and knives. They left only their supplies in the jeep after Charlie had moved their gear into her secret place in the spirit world.

  The guards herded them past a market full of people selling their wares. The smell of cooked broth and wood smoke reminded Drake of being a boy and stealing things from the stalls.

  Remember not to use your witch powers, he told her. You’re a demon, don’t make anyone question that.

  What kind? Since I don’t even know what my demon half is.

  Say you’re part Zexen, part fey. That’s believable enough. Zexens and Ashrali have been around each other centuries.

  As they walked, Drake’s mind wandered.

  Drake woke up in the room Silas had dumped him in. The bed felt soft and warm. It gave him the feeling of security – until everything came flooding back. He bolted up, sweat dripping down his body. He was the Akaran now and his family were gone.

  Power hummed through his blood, so strong he felt like he could rip the world apart. He never thought he’d become the Akaran; his father had been so powerful, Drake had thought he’d live forever.

  He splashed cold water onto his face and grabbed his shirt which still had bloodstains covering it. He couldn’t meet the Serenity like this.

  Light whirled around him as new clean clothes appeared on his body. At least this power could be good for something. He ran a hand through his short, cropped hair. He had no idea how to act or live in this country. Kyral had been his only home.

  “Silas?” Drake barked. “Get over here.” His voice sounded stronger than expected.

  The old man appeared, giving him a toothy grin. “The Akaran can summon any demon at will – there’s no need to shout.”

  Drake’s lips thinned. “Where would be the fun in that?” He felt his palms grow sweaty, but he couldn’t show fear in front of this demon or anyone. His father had always warned him fear was a weakness. “Did you get my message to the Serenity?”

  Silas chuckled. “The Akaran doesn’t send messages. If you want something you take it.”

  Drake thought of his father, how he’d done jus
t that and now their clan had almost been destroyed because of his lust for power. Drake knew that wasn’t the way to do things here, nor was it his style. “What did she say?”

  “She agreed to meet you – seemed surprised since your father despised the fey.”

  All Magickind always seemed to be at each other’s throats and what good did it do? Nothing.

  Drake stood outside the huge ten foot double doors of the Serenity’s office, heart pounding. Facing a demon horde felt less terrifying than facing this woman said to be so powerful she was a goddess in her own right, but kind and benevolent, unlike her former husband who ruled Setara.

  He knocked once then went inside. The air seemed to crackle with power, rolling off the woman in front of him. Long blonde hair fell past her waist, her skin looked like alabaster and her sea-blue eyes seemed to sparkle. This was a woman who deserved respect.

  “Serenity.” Drake bowed, hoped it was a sign of respect here in this new land. “I’m Drake the – the Akaran.” He winced at saying it out loud.

  The Serenity rose, her long white robe moving like seafoam as she walked around her desk. She stood almost as tall as he. His senses reeled as she stared at him. “What brings you to Elaris, Drakon?” she asked.

  “I-I need your help.” He flinched at the tremor his voice. “My family were killed. My brother and I were the only ones to survive.”

  “My spies tell me your brother Daron has assumed the role of Akaran.” Her cool eyes felt like they were scanning him as his skin tingled. “I sense that is wrong.”

  Drake’s gaze dropped to the tiled floor. “He blames me for their deaths, but I’d never harm them. I can’t go back there – not until I find those responsible.”

  “Why come here? Elaris is such a new city.”

  “I heard people are free here no matter their race. I’m tired of war, I’ve seen so much already,” he told her, now meeting her gaze. “I believe you can help me.”

  “To do what?” Her face looked calm, like a silent lake betraying no emotion.

  “I can’t be the Akaran. I hoped you could help me be rid of this power and avenge my family.”

  Her hair turned a light shade of red. So fey eyes and hair could change colour depending on their emotions. His mother’s stories had been right.

  “My aim here is for all races to be free and for that we must all learn to work together,” Niara said. “I don’t understand why you want to waste your gift.”

  Drake’s lip curled. “Gift?” he scoffed. “My family are dead; my brother disowned me because of this power. Can you take it or not?”

  Niara’s lips curved into a smile. “I lost someone once too – my mother. I blamed myself, cursed my power, but why not use your gift to bring justice for your family?”

  His eyes narrowed. “How?”

  “I’m creating a new order here as I try to get the leaders of each race to work together.” She glided over to the window as she spoke. “But I cannot be everywhere nor do everything alone. In exchange for a home here and anonymity, I’d like you to work for me.”

  Drake’s brow creased, “You want me to join your order? I’m no diplomat, nor do I give a damn about politics.”

  “No, Drakon. You would be working in secret as my eyes and ears. You can travel places, talk to people in a way I never can, especially among Demonkind.”

  “You want me to become your spy,” he realised. “Why? I’m no one.”

  “You are the most powerful of all Demonkind, you can use your power to help me bring peace here in Britannia. In return, I’ll teach you and train you how to use your powers.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t let my family’s deaths go unpunished. I need to find those responsible.”

  “I can help you do that, but I warn you, revenge won’t take away your pain.” Niara played with a strand of her hair. “Will you join me?”

  Drake glanced out onto the ocean outside, glistening like diamonds. What choice did he have? Spy or fugitive? Forever on the run.

  “Not a spy,” Niara said, somehow reading his thoughts. “In time you will teach others your skills, form an alliance against the Covenant and those who seek to hurt other Magickind.”

  “You truly believe that’s possible?”

  She only smiled. “It won’t be easy and will take centuries but yes, I believe that.”

  Drake scowled at the thought of the Covenant. “Don’t the witches predict one of their kind will bring them down?”

  “Indeed, but there are other evils in this world that don’t include the Covenant.”

  “Fine, I’m your demon. I’ll do whatever it takes to avenge my family.”

  The memory faded as Drake walked into the hall and his senses tingled. Out of the shadows came his brother Daron who stood over six feet tall, his shaggy dark hair flopped over his washed out blue eyes. His muscles looked saggy, his eyes dark.

  Not the way Drake pictured his little brother to look.

  Every demon in the room moved out of the way as the Akaran came over.

  Drake’s heart pounded as the familiar pain came back. Losing their family had torn them apart.

  “Hello, brother.” Daron smiled. “Welcome home.”

  Drake stared at Daron, waited for a reaction. After so long, he expected something more than a faint smile. Or had Daron forgiven him? Realised Drake had never been involved?

  “Brother,” Drake replied. “You called me home, why?”

  Daron’s smile widened as he turned away from Drake. “Guards, put him to death.”

  Chapter 10

  Charlie’s heart skipped a beat at Daron’s words. She saw the guards move towards them. She felt her inner demon clawing its way to surface, demanding to get out. She wanted to let it go psycho on them as it had done in the past.

  No, Drake told her. Don’t. You can’t let them see your power.

  “Hey!” she snapped, dragging Drake backwards. “He’s not going anywhere until I get my bounty. No money, no demon.”

  Daron’s eyes narrowed. “Who are you? You dare challenge me, imp?”

  Imp? Do I look like an imp? Imps are small creepy demons. And yes, I do damn well challenge you, she thought, raising her chin and opened her mouth to speak.

  Charlotte, Drake warned.

  Her eyes flashed. I’m not going to watch you die.

  “Bounty hunter, Charlie Donovan,” she said, tightening her hold on Drake’s restraints. “Like I said, no money; no goods.”

  Daron sputtered. The fake Akaran didn’t look like he had people deny him anything.

  Power flared to life as her inner demon fought for control but Charlie kept it at bay. “I am a Zexen, you don’t have authority over me,” she pointed out. “My people’s allegiance is to the Grand Mistress, the council and all that crap. Mine is to money, so pay up.”

  Charlotte, let me handle this.

  She glowered at Drake, then at his brother. “You’re not killing him.”

  Drake pulled himself free of the cuffs. “Do you want me to tell everyone here the truth, brother?” The words sounded strange yet Charlie understood them. “You are an impostor. With one word, I could end you.”

  Daron’s eyes narrowed. “You dare challenge me, Drakon?”

  “I killed those responsible for murdering our family. I’m not here to challenge your rule – you summoned me here,” Drake snapped. “Did you call me home only to kill me?”

  “Why should I believe you?” Daron crossed his arms.

  “I vowed to you I would avenge them, I wouldn’t have come back if I hadn’t.”

  “I want to believe you, brother.” Daron’s jaw clenched.

  “It’s time to put the past behind us, I’m not your enemy, nor do I have any desire to rule.”

  A muscle in Daron’s jaw ticked. “Guards, stand down. I know now my brother is innocent. I absolve him of any past wrongs.” He clapped an arm around Drake. “Welcome home, Drakon.”

  Drake hugged his brother, relief on his face. Charlie
frowned. How could anyone forgive and forget so easily? It was like someone had flipped a switch and turned Daron into “nice brother” now.

  “Everyone, we welcome home our brother Drake. Have a feast prepared.”

  Kaz and Nigel looked confused too, looking to Charlie for guidance.

  “Did we miss something?” Kaz whispered, leaning close to Charlie.

  Charlie shrugged. No idea. How the heck had she understood that strange language?

  “What of these bounty hunters?” Seth asked, motioning to Charlie and the others.

  “Let them be welcome. They’re friends and treated me well,” Drake replied. “At least let them stay for the feast tonight.”

  “Fine, but the bounty hunters must leave the castle now. I don’t like inferior Magickind wandering around my halls.” Daron raised a hand in dismissal.

  Charlie opened her mouth to protest but Drake caught hold of her wrist.

  Drake dragged Charlie off and she made a show of being disgusted by him. He said nothing as he led her into another room while Kaz and Nigel had left to go and find somewhere to stay in the city.

  “Why didn’t you insist on the others staying?” she asked when he shut the door behind them.

  “I couldn’t risk it. It’s easier just to have you here. Plus, they can keep an eye on things outside the city,” Drake said. “There’s unease here, I can sense it.”

  A huge four poster bed draped with heavy linens, along with a desk and rows of bookcases sat in the room. Tapestries of a hunting scenes and huge horned beasts covered the stone walls.

  “Judging by how no one protested to you dragging me off, do you whisk all your conquests off to your room a lot?” she remarked.

  His lips curved as he caressed her cheek. “Only the short ones.”

  “I’m serious, how many she demons am I gonna have to fight off while we here?”

  “No she demons, I only want you.”

  Charlie bit her lip. “What language did you speak to Daron in?”


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