Book Read Free

Feline Good

Page 6

by Lana Kole

  Well... at least they’re pretty, right?

  Shaking herself from her appreciative thoughts, she stepped forward. “Here, let me see if I can find it. Sheesh!” She batted their hands away and stared at the door, to find that there was indeed no keyhole. “This is stupid. It can’t be a key if there’s no lock!” Holding the key up to study it, she noticed it seemed a little heavier than a usual house key. It was just a regular shaped key, like something you would find at a hardware store. It even had a little cat decal on it, and she chuckled before eyeing the opulent mansion again. “This key is way too ordinary for a house like this, don’t you think?”

  August chuckled behind her, mumbling something that suspiciously sounded like, “alohomora,” but she ignored it. Instead, she waved the key around the area where a lock would normally reside and waited until the telltale tug of a magnet—ah, yes. Maya let go of the key, and the metallic snap of it sticking to the door brought a triumphant smile to her face that made Asher groan.

  Just as she turned to sass off about how much of a genius she was, a scraping came from their left, and as one, they turned their gazes to see a brick that was... not really a brick. It slid away to reveal a glass screen lit with a blue light.

  “Are you shitting me? Your mansion has biometric readers?”

  “Well, the ancient Egyptians were the most advanced of any empire. It would make sense, for even now our bloodlines go the extra mile.”

  “Yeah, they’re extra, all right.”

  A blue glow emanated from the pad, a golden circle lit up to indicate where one should place their thumb. With a wave of her hand, she stepped back to allow one of the guys to move forward. Asher accepted the honor and placed his finger flat against the small pane of glass. The blue glow flashed three times, before a long beep sounded.

  Then... nothing. They stood there, waiting for something to happen, for so long the group began to trade questioning glances, each wondering if it worked. Finally, a loud thunk sounded, and the main door cracked open of its own accord. Maya stepped forward, laying a palm against the door to push it the rest of the way open, and walked inside. A scrape sounded as one of them grabbed the key from the door as they passed by. Well, at least the house was secure, right?

  As it should be. Maya couldn’t believe the opulence of the mansion before her. Pale marble with gold veins, elaborate embellishments, chandeliers, and more wealth than she’d ever imagined greeted her.

  As she took it all in, she turned to find her three men equally—hold on, her men? Nuh uh, Maya, you stop that right now. No.

  The excessive lavishness of the place left the three of them with their mouths dropped open, while their eyes bounced around the foyer. A chuckle left her lips at their matching expressions. She could almost see their ears twitching in interest, and she outright laughed at how fast they dispersed to investigate. If they were cats, their tails would be curled into question marks as they scurried off. Throwing her hands up, Maya guessed she would find her own way around.

  Remembering the list of questions she’d kept track of in her mind, she set off to find the library. Afraid to scratch the beautifully polished marble, she walked with soft, nimble steps as she explored.

  This sure as hell ain’t old wood... no. Maya, you’re not in Kansas anymore.

  Asher sighed as he took in the opulent surroundings. “Damn, guys. This sure is a step up from that hovel we grew up in, isn’t it?”

  August agreed with a grin, but Amir remained silent, and Asher shot him a look.

  “What’s the matter, bro? Not a fan of the gold-fucking-veined marble?” Asher teased.

  Amir shook his head and walked off, down the hallway with fifteen fucking bedrooms. Asher waved off his moody brother and turned to August, who took everything in with wide eyes.

  “Well, come on, let’s put on something other than sweatpants.”

  “Oh, shit. Pants!” August’s eyes lit up with the prospect, and with an excited smile, he disappeared into one of the bedrooms.

  Asher did the same, with equal enthusiasm. After laying around as a cat for a fucking decade and a half, putting pants on was a big deal. Asher found a room decorated in gold tones that reminded him of Maya’s eyes. He acknowledged the sappy-ass thought, and Asher welcomed it with open arms. He’d spent years crushing on the same damned girl, which was such a monumental difference from how he’d spent his teenage youth. The prospect of settling with one girl had daunted him during that time, but now he hoped he would be lucky enough for Maya to even see him.

  Well, he knew she saw him, because he was handsome as hell, and he wasn’t afraid to admit it. Asher just needed her to see him as more than a pretty face.

  Hell, he knew his brothers were on the same page, since they were all half in love with her at this point. What he didn’t know—once all of this was settled—was if she would want to be with them.

  And yes, he meant all three of them. Fuck social constructs. They’d talked about it for years, his brothers and he, and when you spent fifteen years licking your own ass, you kind of lost your ability to give a shit about what other people found appropriate.

  When it came to Maya? An image of her in the shower this morning popped into his mind, and suddenly, he had another problem.

  Glancing down at the tent in his sweatpants, he cursed, “Well, fuck.”

  Finding the closet, Asher grabbed the first few things he saw, and noticing the jewelry stand, plucked a few rings from the fake fingers holding them hostage. As he stripped to change, he tried to think of anything to get rid of the erection. When the fucker still remained ready for action after thoughts of ancient grandmas, litter boxes, and rats, he cursed.

  Eyeing the opening to the adjoining bathroom, he thought surely a shower wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

  Mind made up, he made his way across the cold marble floor into a bathroom fit for a king. More veined marble surrounded him, wrapping around the room and even continued into the standing shower. Setting his clothes aside, he opened the glass door to the showers. The tile underneath him was heated when he stepped inside, and Asher grinned. Reaching for the shower knobs, he found the perfect temperature, just shy of too hot, and stepped under the spray. Showerheads surrounded him from three sides, one above, and two from each side. A small alcove housed shampoos and body washes, but he ignored those for now as he just stood in the relaxing spray.

  Water poured down, beading over his shoulders and sliding down his skin like a blissful caress. His mind immediately shifted to Maya, and his cock jumped in excitement. Cursing, he gripped the eager bastard and moaned. It’d been fifteen years, he wasn’t going to last long, even by his own hand. Stroking the hard length, he braced himself with one hand against the wall, dropping his head with his eyes closed. Images of Maya flitted through his mind from this morning, of her soapy hands slipping over her wet body. Those fucking little nipple rings were going to be the death of him one day. When his grip slid over his tip, he imagined himself in the shower with her.

  The water rushing over his body served to heightened the fantasy, making it more real in Asher’s mind. Hand slipping down to the base, no guilt assaulted him as he pictured himself tracing beads of water down to her perfect breasts, teasing her nipples with his tongue and lips. He could practically hear her saying his name as he teased her. The little breathy sighs he knew she would make were he to taste her spurred him on.

  A gasp sounded, and he whirled, water slinging across the glass doors. Spying none other than the object of his fantasy, he cursed, but did nothing to cover himself.

  She’d walked into his fucking bathroom, after all. Though, she didn’t seem put out by the sight before her. In contrast, her gaze slid over his body similar to the beads of water, pausing on the throbbing length between his legs.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” Her breathy little voice sent a pulse through his cock, and he took a deep breath to stop himself from opening that damned glass door and yanking her inside to help hi
m finish what he’d been imagining.

  “What does it look like I’m doing, Maya?” Asher challenged her unashamedly, meeting her golden gaze fearlessly as he slid a palm down his stomach to grip the hard length again. Her tongue slipped out to wet her lips, almost pulling a groan from him.

  Her gaze jerked up to his. “It looks like you still need to finish.”

  Fuck. Me.

  The words might have been an observation, but she issued them like a demand, and he was more than happy to fucking oblige.

  Stroking his cock, he quickened the pace, no longer needing a fantasy as she stood before him, eyes glued to his moving hand. Maya shifted her stance, and Asher cursed again, imagining she was rubbing her thighs together to ease the ache there. He could do it for her, but she was woman enough to make that move, and he refused to force it on her or pressure her into it. Content with a voyeur, he choked up on his dick harder as her greedy eyes took in the sight.

  Her next question almost undid him. “What were you thinking about?”

  No shame. He answered without even thinking. “You.”

  A short hum prefaced the words that threw him closer to the edge, his abdomen tightening. Her perfect pink lips parted with, “Do it for me. Tell me what’d you do to me with that cock in your hand.”

  “Fuck, Maya.” Asher knew she was a fucking control freak, but he was happy to feed her need, studying her face as he answered, slowing his strokes to delay the impending orgasm. “I’d eat that perfect pussy of yours until you screamed, begging me to stop.”

  Her chest rose with her caught breath, and he groaned as the orgasm approached faster than he was ready for. He saw himself between her thighs, tasting her sweetness. Purring the words, he voiced his fantasy through the shower doors. “I finally would, but only so long as it took me to move so I could really fuck you. Can you imagine it, Maya? This big, fat cock sliding into your greedy little pussy?” Her cheeks flamed red, and he could see the flush color her chest.

  “Because I can. Fuuuck.” The curse slipped out on an aching groan as the throbbing in his balls reached its peak, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. His hand stroked his hard cock once more, his abdomen tightening as he exploded. The tremors shot through him, ending in spurt after spurt as he painted the shower doors with his cum. Head tilted back, he breathed deep as the orgasm relented, shoulders slumping with the finality of the last ripple of pleasure.

  The dumbest grin crossed his face as he relaxed, his lids sliding open in time to see Maya disappear out the door. He frowned. Did he scare her off?

  Surely not. Not with the way she’d been eating up the sight. Not with the way she’d urged him to continue, prompted his fantasy to life with her demands.

  Cleaning up his mess, the thoughts swirled around his mind like water down the drain as his irritation grew.

  Maya couldn’t help give him the most powerful orgasm he’d had in decades and walk off like that.

  Drying off, he froze as a thought occurred to him. She hadn’t even fucking touched him.

  Fuck, he was lost for her.

  Dressing in the clothes he’d chosen earlier, he slid each ring on his finger with intent. Asher wanted nothing more than her arousal to drip off them as he teased her to release.

  But he paused. As much as he wanted her, as he craved her, did he truly deserve her? Shame creeped in, hard, dirty, and heavy as his shoulders sagged. He wanted to be good for her—good to her—and he knew he could be, but a question remained, niggling in the back of his brain.

  Would she accept me if she knew the truth?

  Maya rushed downstairs, eager to hide her face in a book after what she’d just witnessed. She’d been exploring, finding room after room filled with things no one could truly need. I mean really, who needed two dining rooms, three living rooms, a kitchen bigger than her entire bar, and fifteen bedrooms? Fifteen!

  Finally, she’d come upon a room decorated in a decadent gold color that called to her. The sound of a shower running honestly hadn’t registered until she’d crossed the threshold into the bathroom. Something had pulled her forward until she froze to the floor with shock. Asher had stood in the marble shower, water sluicing down his smooth, bronzed skin, and his muscles working in a rhythm she didn’t recognize. When she finally did, a gasp had escaped before she could hold it back. He’d turned around, her gaze had settled on his huge cock, and she’d been unable to tear her eyes away.

  If she’d thought he was hot before, she now couldn’t stop seeing him with his hand wrapped around his dick. Just from the little show she’d seen, she was soaked, her pussy ready for so much more. Now she needed a shower, preferably one in the Arctic.

  But no one had time for that. When she discovered the library at last, she still couldn’t toss the images from her mind. Maya had no idea where those words had she said to him came from, where she’d found the courage to command him to pleasure himself. Even now, her cheeks flamed thinking about it.

  Maya shook herself from her thoughts, finally noticing the magnificence in front of her, and it thankfully pulled her from her naughty thoughts. “Holy shit!”

  Like something out of a movie, the stacks of shelves reached the ceiling, outlining the room with walls and walls of books arranged by genre and then alphabetized. Maya wiped away a line of drool before clearing her throat and approaching a marble table, one among many. Chairs, tables, and desks were dispersed through the room, seeing to the needs of every type of studious learner.

  Maya was here, determined to learn, so she first tracked down the History section of the library. Trailing her fingers over the spines of hundreds of books, she noticed this was the largest section of the room. That didn’t narrow their search much, but maybe they would find some answers today.

  That, or she needed to spend a few days at her loom. Maybe she could see something helpful. Maya had never attempted weaving with the intent to see a vision—they had always just come to her in their own time. She suspected it was a… power with its own will.

  A chill worked its way up her spine at the thought. Power. Maya had never worded it quite like that, had never seen her ability as a power. It had always just kind of... been. Not a blessing, not a curse, just a part of her. It gave her a sense of strength to think of it as a power.

  Maya hated to admit it, but she’d been powerless ever since the moment her parents died and she’d done nothing but hide in that damned pantry. Even with all the lessons Uncle Malak had drilled into her afterward, the temporary strength of body and mind had fled the day she’d met Alex. She’d only regained it, only truly understood the power she had, when she'd kicked Alex's ass after leaving him. And once more, when she’d schooled the intruders the other night… no. Last night. Maya rubbed her eyes. That felt like so long ago, but still, satisfaction flooded her when she thought of the way she’d defended herself... right before her entire world had been yanked out from under her. She rubbed her chin, the area still sore from her intimate introduction to the wooden steps.

  Pulling herself from her thoughts, she scanned the spines of the section before her. They might be marked as ‘History,’ but the information in the section ranged from mathematics, to scientific history, racecars, the Eiffel tower, and even the history of fast food. Maya chuckled at the random collection, but eventually came across several books about Egyptian history.


  Maya had just opened the third from her stack of books when the men found her. Their voices carried, reaching her before they did, and she was privy to what should have been a private discussion. Asher’s voice was hushed as he spoke, but she heard the incredulity in his tone. “...hell does that mean?”

  A long silence ensued, and she heard not even their footsteps, but when he spoke, Amir sounded closer. “Asher… I mean, I get it. Those days are behind you. I’m just saying… habits will always be habits. Make sure you don’t hurt her.”

  Maya’s brows drew low in confusion. Were they talking about her?

  A l
ow growl sounded in response. “Habits? Low blow, man. I thought we talked about this. Yeah, it was shitty, but… I regret every moment of it. What if she won’t want me after she finds out?” Maya could hear what she thought was fear in his voice. Maybe anxiety?

  Amir sighed. “Honestly, Asher, just don’t be a dick. It’s been fifteen years. Yeah, we talked about it, but now that you have the opportunity to act... just, make sure you’re sure about this. Why would waiting a little longer be a big deal? Why are you asking me anyway? Do you need me to wipe your ass too?”

  “Dude, really? And waiting? Have you seen her?”

  A commotion sounded, a flurry of thuds and angrily spoken words, too low for Maya to recognize anything but the cadence of their voices.

  Maya, still flushed at the secret compliment, tried to look busy as they came through the doors, burying herself in a book.

  They walked into the library silent, apparently finished with their debate. Maya wouldn’t have known they’d arrived if she hadn’t been facing the doorway, they walked that stealthily. Her cheeks heated as she caught sight of them, as if they’d all know what she did with Asher.

  They’d obviously found the wardrobe, because they were all sporting real clothes instead of sweatpants and t-shirts. It was as if Maya was finally getting a glimpse at their personalities through their style choices.

  August had donned a dark gray, thin sweater and black pants, boots, and rings. Maya’s mouth went dry at the ease with which just his appearance turned her on. He had six rings—his left hand decorated on his middle, first, and thumb finger. On his right hand, two more rings sat on his middle finger and one adorned his ring finger. It appeared he’d found the kitchen as well, because he carried a mug of coffee with him, the metal clinking against the side as he adjusted his grip on the handle. As they approached, she couldn’t find her voice until they were seated around her, picking through the books she’d discovered.

  “Well, Hermione, did you find enough books?” August teased.


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