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Dreaming With A Broken Heart (Hollywood Legends #1)

Page 25

by Mary J. Williams

  Jade Marlow and Garrett Landis. Hollywood’s newest couple?

  For the next few hours, Jade was blissfully unconcerned about the global stir she and Garrett’s appearance together had created. He was her focus, not the world around them.

  They were seated without delay. A secluded table meant to promote intimacy. The room was lit with a low-key, flattering light that made everyone look as though they were bathed in candlelight. A few people greeted Garrett as they passed by. He nodded politely, keeping his hand in the small of her back. They didn’t pause. The curious onlookers would have to keep their questions to themselves. However, Jade noticed plenty of furious keyboard action. Being the first to spread a juicy piece of gossip was worth letting your dinner grow cold.

  “I know you aren’t a big fan of champagne.”

  Jade smiled, pleased that Garrett remembered something she mentioned months ago. He cared enough to listen then make a mental note. She felt her heart swell. If she wasn’t falling in love with him, she was an idiot.

  “I discovered this when shooting a film in Washington State.” Garrett nodded for the waiter to fill their glasses. “There is this little winery outside of Spokane. I bought every bottle I could get my hands on.”

  He waited until Jade picked up her glass.

  “To the first night of many.”

  Jade silently applauded the toast, sipping the perfectly chilled Chardonnay. For a moment, when their eyes met, she thought the color of his eyes seemed different than she had seen before. Intrigued, she leaned closer. Before she could decide, Garrett shifted his gaze, taking several moments to drape his napkin over his lap. When he looked at her again, the color was the usual. A beautiful silvery gray. Whatever she thought she saw must have been a trick of the light.

  They ordered from the limited menu. The specials changed daily depending on what the chef found fresh at the market that morning. Jade chose the oven-roasted salmon with lemon pasta.

  “I’ll have the pumpkin ravioli. For dessert,” Garrett looked at Jade. “The chocolate soufflé?”

  “Yes, please.”

  When they were alone, Garrett took Jade’s hand. It was a simple gesture, holding hands across a table. Couples did it all the time. Jade was so wrapped up in the moment she didn’t notice the attention it drew from neighboring diners. One more step, Garrett would say if she thought to ask. Soon, their actions would stop being news. No one except the two of them would notice their little gestures of affection.

  “Tell me how your day went.” Garrett kissed the back of her hand. He wasn’t doing it for any reason other than he wanted to. Like Jade, he had ceased to notice anyone but her.

  “I got the job.”

  Delighted she hadn’t buried the lead, Garrett listened to Jade’s animated recounting of her meeting with Agnes Stern. He insisted she leave nothing out. By the time Jade ended her day with her visit with his parents, the waiter was taking away their empty plates.

  The memory of Jade’s too slender body was still fresh enough in Garrett’s mind that he loved seeing her consume her meal with obvious enjoyment. Gone were the days when he coaxed bites of food into her. The shadows were gone from her eyes. The hollows in her cheeks filled out. His beautiful Jade glowed with happiness. She was healthy in both her body and soul — he planned on keeping her that way.

  Tomorrow her bodyguard would arrive. Garrett was looking forward to bringing Jade up to date on his efforts to track down Stephen Marsh. The chance that she would be angry with him for not consulting with her first was high. Hell, he wouldn’t appreciate such high-handed actions — no matter the motivation. He hoped, once she had all the facts, she would understand.

  Explanations could wait until after dinner. He didn’t want to spoil these magical moments by letting reality seep in.

  “Your soufflé will be out in ten minutes, Mr. Landis.”

  “Thank you. That will be perfect.” Garrett held up the half-empty bottle of wine. Since he was driving, he settled for one glass. Jade could have as much as she wanted. “May I fill your glass?”

  “No.” Jade felt slightly giddy, the zing in her veins having nothing to do with the alcohol. She didn’t want anything to override her natural high. “I would love a cup of tea with dessert.”

  “Very good.” The waiter motioned for a busboy to clear away the wine bucket. “We have several choices. White. Darjeeling. A lovely green tea from India that is new to the menu.”

  “Darjeeling will be lovely.”

  Jade waited until the waiter was out of earshot before whispering to Garrett, “The man seemed so proud of the green tea, I didn’t want to tell him it all tastes like steeped grass clippings. Weak ones to boot.”

  “A lot of people wouldn’t care about hurting a waiter’s feelings.”

  “A lot of people are self-centered nitwits.”

  Not you, Garrett thought. Jade had more reason than a lot of people to concentrate on her own problems. She could have shut herself away. Wallowed in her own self-pity. Instead, she found a way out. He saw a bright, intelligent, capable woman who won his heart without trying.

  Garrett looked down at the table. There he went again. He wanted to tell Jade he loved her. With words. He didn’t want the damn color of his eyes giving it away first. He had almost been caught once tonight. He needed to stop thinking lovey-dovey thoughts. Which was difficult. Especially when Jade’s smiles were so open and warm.

  “Is everything okay?” Jade asked, her voice concerned. “You’re giving that tablecloth quite the dirty look.”

  “Sorry.” Garrett mentally kicked himself. “I let work creep into my thoughts.”

  “Tell me about it.” Jade smiled. “You spent all of dinner listening to me go on about my day. How is the movie going? Is everything in Canada back to normal?”

  A safe topic. Garrett explained to Jade about the delays that seemed to be plaguing Exile. The latest ones concerned the script. Garrett saw the middle arc of the story as more character driven. A break for the audience after a fast, action-packed start. The ending was set to be emotional with a rousing climax that he hoped would have people cheering. Unfortunately, the screenwriter was convinced his original story was perfect as is. It stated in the writer’s contract that Garrett had the right to make changes, within reason. The problem was the two men had different ideas about what constituted reason.

  “What are you going to do?” Jade took a spoonful of the recently delivered soufflé. She sighed, smiling as the rich, airy dessert danced over her taste buds. Without a second thought, she dipped her spoon for another bite, holding out for Garrett to sample.

  Garrett let Jade feed him. That was it. Any speculation about the intimacy of their relationship was no longer in question. Holding her hand across the table. Kissing the back of that hand. Now sampling food from the same spoon? They might as well have put out an official press release. Jade Marlow. Garrett Landis. Super couple.

  “Should I not have done that?”

  “Share your dessert?” Garrett asked innocently. “It would be selfish not to.”

  “Hmm.” Jade shook her head. “I keep forgetting we are interesting to other people. From now on, I only feed you in private.”

  “It was a natural gesture, Jade.” Garrett shrugged. “We can’t be so self-conscious that we stop enjoying something as simple as a night out.”

  “Simple?” Jade looked around their luxurious surroundings.

  Garrett chuckled. “You know what I mean. Not every night will be like this. Are we supposed to refrain from sharing a French fry the next time we stop for a burger?”

  “Point taken.” Jade licked the last of the chocolate off her spoon.

  “Do that again.”

  “What?” She teased. Jade knew exactly what Garrett meant. His eyes followed the path of the spoon as she dipped into the soufflé, and then brought it back to her mouth. Slowly, Jade slid the dessert past her lips, her eyes locked with his. The smoky silver of his eyes told her everything she needed t
o know. Garrett wanted her. Since the feeling was mutual, Jade put the spoon down. At this point, licking it clean would be gilding the sexual lily. She would save the rest of the foreplay until they were home. Alone.

  “Is there anything else I can get you this evening, Mr. Landis?”

  “The check?” Jade suggested, her eyes sparkling with desire.


  It turned out there wasn’t a bill. Garrett took care of it when he made the reservation. They waited while Garrett’s Lamborghini was brought around. Jade felt Garrett’s mounting impatience. It fed her own. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the waiter informed them that their car was waiting. Garrett helped Jade from her seat.

  After a wonderful meal, excellent company, and the anticipation of sex with Garrett, Jade forgot what was ahead of them. Fortunately, Garrett was on top of things. They didn’t leave the way they arrived. To Jade’s surprise, Garrett led her to the kitchen.

  “Since we got here, the number of paparazzi has tripled.”

  “We’re going out the back?”

  “It won’t be press free,” Garrett said. They paused at the exit near a row of sinks and automatic dishwashers. “Keep your head up. When you look down, you look like you have something to hide. Smile if you want. Or don’t. I won’t let go.”

  A burst of light blinded Jade. Garrett hurried her along the short distance to the waiting car. Questions were shouted. Most were the usual. Generic. How long have you been dating? Where did you meet? Jade did as Garrett had instructed. She kept her chin up. It wasn’t bad. She could do this. It was the question someone shouted just as they reached the car that made Jade stumble.

  Jade! Jade! Was your affair with Garrett Landis the reason your husband attacked you?

  If Garrett hadn’t been there, Jade would have landed flat on her face. He held her upright, almost carrying her the final few steps. When she was in the car, door firmly shut, he ran around to the driver’s side. Before she knew what was happening, they were away from the restaurant, on the way home.

  “Goddamn vultures.” Garrett reached for Jade’s hand. It was like ice. “Are you okay?”

  “My father.”

  “What about him?”

  “That question about Stephen.” Jade shuddered. “My father was behind it.”

  “Probably.” No point in sugarcoating it. “The only weapon he has left is the press. I’m sorry, Jade. That wasn’t how I wanted the evening to end.”

  Garrett took the side streets back to the loft even though it added time to the trip. He didn’t think they were being followed. Still, there was no point in taking any chances.

  “Is the evening over?”

  Garrett glanced at Jade. Still a little pale, her expression was determined.

  “I’m not going anywhere, honey.”

  “Good,” Jade said firmly. “Tonight was perfect, Garrett. I’m not letting anything spoil it. Especially not my father.”

  A few minutes later, Garrett pulled into the underground parking lot. Unbuckling his seat belt, he started to exit the car.


  “Is something wrong?”

  Putting a hand on his chest, Jade pushed Garrett back into his seat. The interior of a Lamborghini wasn’t designed for easy maneuverability or extraneous activity. Luckily, Jade’s plans didn’t call for either of them to move around very much.

  “I’ve never given a man a blowjob in the front seat of a hundred-thousand-dollar sports car.”

  Garrett’s reaction ranged from surprise to humor to desire. He decided to ride all three.

  “It’s closer to three hundred.”

  “Three hundred thousand dollars?” In the process of unbuttoning Garrett’s pants, Jade hesitated. When she looked up at him, her eyes brimmed with laughter. “I’m not that good.”

  Garrett moved his seat back a few inches, then hit the recline button. When he was in the perfect position, he pulled Jade down for a long, passionate kiss.

  “Honey,” he breathed against her lips. “You are perfect.”

  “Keep that in mind.” Jade slowly lowered his zipper. “This is my first time.”

  “But I thought…”

  Jade licked her lips in anticipation. “It doesn’t count when someone forces you.”

  Garrett lifted Jade’s chin. “You really want this?” He had to be sure.

  “I’ll bet you taste like a big, salty lollypop.”

  “I couldn’t say,” Garrett laughed.

  Measuring his length, Jade slowly ran her hand up and down his erection.

  After teasing the damp tip, she licked the moisture from her thumb. Her eyes widened in surprise.

  “Salty and …” Wanting to be sure, Jade took another taste. This time going straight to the source. Her tongue ran over him. She hummed with pleasure. Garrett moaned.

  “Sweet.” She beamed at him. “My favorite combination.”

  Not wanting to push, Garrett laced his fingers into Jade’s long, silky hair. The red looked like fire dancing over his skin. His other hand gripped the edge of his seat with increasing pressure. If Jade was in the mood to tease, it was going to take all his will not to come too soon. Her hand, her mouth. Her hair streaming over him. He was close to sensory overload — and loving every second.

  “When was the last time you did this?”

  Before Garrett could answer, Jade took him into her mouth. After that, words were impossible.

  “Well?” Jade had pulled back, her red, wet lips inches from his straining cock.

  “Did you ask a question? Oh, right.” He smoothed the hair back from her face. “Never. This is a first for me. I’ve made out in a car. That’s it. We always moved the action someplace else before things got out of hand. So to speak.”

  That pleased Jade beyond measure.

  “I get to take your front seat virginity?”

  “I’d say be gentle—” Garrett gasped her name when Jade scraped her teeth along his length. “Ah, honey. The hell with that. Keep going exactly the way you are.”

  Jade discovered something new about herself. When it was right, pleasuring a man with her mouth was a beautifully intimate experience. Power surged through her with Garrett’s every moan. She was in charge. How fast. How hard. When to pull back so he didn’t come too soon. He didn’t ram himself down her throat. He coaxed. Encouraged. The thrust of his hips. The way he massaged her scalp with his fingers. All of it told her how much he enjoyed what she did. When he reached his peak, it was because of Jade. He didn’t take his orgasm. He let Jade give it to him. Of her own free will.

  Jade slowly eased away. She licked her lips, savoring his taste. Instead of sitting up, she lay her head on his thigh, kissing the warm, firm skin. If Garrett continued to stroke her hair, she felt like she could stay like this forever.

  “Thank you.”

  “Hmm.” Jade finally raised her head, a contented smile on her mouth. “I would say my pleasure except that doesn’t begin to cover how I’m feeling.”


  “Yes,” she sighed.


  The headlights of another car hit Garrett in the eyes making him blink. Startled, he realized he had almost told Jade he loved her in a parking garage with his pants down around his hips. Christ. What was wrong with him?

  “Let’s get out of here before someone catches on to what we’ve been doing.” Garrett rearranged his clothing. Jade didn’t wait for him to help her out, meeting him on his side of the car. Garrett wrapped her in his arms, giving her a sweet, lingering kiss.

  “I don’t know where that came from,” Jade said as they waited for the elevator. “The idea suddenly came to me. Normally, I would never act on it. You bring out something in me I didn’t know I possessed.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  Jade stepped into the elevator, watching as the doors closed behind them. Garrett pushed the number for their floor. At that moment, he looked like a man who was completely content.
His hair was a little messy. There was a slight smudge of her lipstick on the corner of his smiling mouth. He hadn’t bothered to tuck his dress shirt back into his pants and his tie was loose. Garrett Landis was the most beautiful man she had ever known. Inside and out.

  “It’s good that being with you brings out a bit of my bad girl.”

  Garrett took Jade’s hand. If he didn’t say it now, she was bound to see it in his eyes. He took a deep breath.

  “I love you, Jade.”

  He waited for her reaction. The tears in her eyes he could deal with. If they were tears of happiness. Her words. They pissed him off.

  “I wish you didn’t.”

  “Fuck that.”

  The doors slid open. Jade quickly exited. She searched her purse, cursing when she couldn’t find the key to the door.

  “You can’t run away, Jade. I’m right behind you.” Garrett took her purse. With little effort, he removed the key, fitting it in the lock. “After you.”

  Without a word, Garrett watched as Jade hopped on one foot then the other, removing her shoes as she went. She kept on going, disappearing into the bedroom. He decided to give her five minutes. Then they were having this out. In less than one, Jade came storming back.

  “I lied.”

  “About?” He could be calm when he saw her emotions were in turmoil. For some screwed up reason, he found it comforting.

  “I have wished for months that you would love me.” She stopped by the floor to ceiling windows, her arms wrapped around herself. “I have dreamed of looking into your eyes, hoping they would be that special shade of purple I’ve seen your mother’s turn when she is thinking about the man she loves.”

  Garrett moved behind her. He moved her hair to one side so his lips could whisper in her ear. “Turn around, Jade. See the truth.”

  “I want you to love me, Garrett.” Unable to help herself, she leaned back against him, sighing when his arms circled her waist. “You shouldn’t. That’s what I meant to say. Loving me would be a big mistake.”

  “Too late.” Garrett picked her up, carrying her to the sofa. He sat, settling Jade on his lap. “Not only can’t I change the way I feel. I don’t want to. You can’t make me stop.” He kissed her cheek. “Any more than I can make you start loving me.”


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