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Lucas (Texas Boudreau Brotherhood Book 5)

Page 13

by Kathy Ivan

  “That’s what friends are for. Especially around here. Throw in the Boudreaus, and you’ll find you’re never alone or without an extra set or two of hands when you need them.”

  “I’m starting to realize that. I’ve lived here all my life, and all of a sudden it’s like I’ve been swept away into this world I never knew existed.”

  Serena’s smile grew brighter. “Welcome to the club. Although I should warn you. Once you’re in, they’re never turning you loose, kiddo. It’s kind of like the mafia, but in a good way.”

  Jill’s sudden burst of laughter had heads turning toward her and Serena, and she put both hands in front of her mouth to stifle her mirth. When she had regained a bit of control, she turned back to Serena. “You did not compare the Boudreau family to the mob!”

  “Sheesh, not in a horse head in your bed way. I mean, being part of their inner circle is hard to explain. They don’t care about things like blood ties or your past. They care about the person you are and your character. But heaven help you if you ever hurt one of their own. Not something you’d ever do.”

  Jill turned over Serena’s words in her mind. She’d never intentionally do anything to hurt one of the Boudreaus, although she might find herself a little heartbroken when Lucas went back to Dallas-Fort Worth. Even though she’d seen him several times since he’d been back, and they’d spoken on the phone, she’d done her best to keep from letting her heart get involved. It would be far too easy to tip over the edge, head over heels, all the way in love with Lucas. She couldn’t let that happen. Not again.

  “Thanks again, Serena. I know you’d rather have spent your weekend with Antonio, but I appreciate everything you’ve done to help me.”

  “He had to stay in Austin over the weekend. The FBI has them working overtime on some big case, so I haven’t gotten to see him nearly as much as I’d like. I’m going to drive to Austin on Tuesday, so I’ll see him then. Helping you out here kept my mind off how much I miss him.”

  Ms. Patti walked over and studied both women, before grinning. “Let me guess. Serena’s bending your ear about how much she’s missing Antonio.”

  “Sometimes I really do believe you’re psychic or something.” Serena pointed her finger at Ms. Patti. “You keep your woo-woo to yourself. I’m going home and call your son, then soak in the tub until the water turns to icicles.”

  Ms. Patti hugged Serena. “Thanks for your help the last couple of days. Tell my son to give me a call.”

  “Will do. I’ll see you at the office tomorrow morning. I’ve got back-to-back appointments, so it’s going to be a busy day.”

  “Need a lift?” Nica flung her arm around Serena’s shoulders. “I can drop you off on the way.”

  “No thanks, I’ve got my car outside. How long are you in town for?”

  “I have to head back tonight. I need to get back for classes Monday.”

  Something about the way she spoke tickled at the back of Jill’s mind, but she couldn’t figure out what seemed off. Before she could think about it further, Nica rounded on her. “How about you? Dad said he gave you a ride after church. Want me to take you home?”

  “Thanks, but I’m waiting to hear back from my brother. He’s fixing my tires. He’ll probably be bringing the car around any time, so I’m good.”

  “Alright, then I’m heading out. Unless you need me for anything else?”

  “I don’t think so, but I appreciate all your help.”

  “No problem. I’ll expect my weight in free cookies next time I’m home.”

  “You got it.”

  “See you at home, Momma.” Nica placed a quick kiss on Ms. Patti’s cheek and hustled out the door, avoiding Chance’s playful grab for her arm. Rafe and Tessa gathered the tarps off the floor, while Chance started pulling the plastic covering off the windows. The gleaning sunlight through the cleaned windows glistened, and the newly-painted walls gleamed, giving the whole space a feeling of peace and calm.

  All the painting supplies and empty cans were neatly stacked against one wall, and Jill shook her head, amazed once again at how much the whole team had accomplished in a matter of hours.

  “Can you be here early tomorrow, Jill? One of the equipment suppliers from San Antonio is supposed to deliver the tables and racks in the morning. Sometime between nine and noon.”

  “Of course, Ms. Patti. I’d planned on getting here early. There’s some stuff I wanted to bring over from my apartment. I’ve also got some calls to make about setting up a time to meet with the distributors. I’m thinking of putting a couple of gluten-free options on the menu, too. I’ve made appointments to deal with wholesale suppliers for all our ingredient needs with a company out of Austin who’ll deliver.”

  “That’s good, dear.” She grinned. “It’s getting closer to opening day. Is it starting to feel real yet?”

  “It’s still a bit surreal, although it’s finally sinking in. Now that I’m actually doing something tangible, ordering supplies, getting the physical space ready, I’m starting to believe this is really happening.”

  “How Sweet It Is will be the best bakery in Shiloh Springs. Mark my words.”

  Jill felt a thrill of excitement sweep through her at Ms. Patti’s words. Knowing the Buchanan matriarch believed in her, trusted her to make the bakery a success, gave her a sense of accomplishment she’d never experienced before. And a sense of acceptance, and for somebody who’d never felt like she fit in, it was a heady feeling.

  “If we’re done here, Tessa and I are going to head out.” Rafe wrapped his arm around Tessa’s waist and pulled her against his side.

  “Go ahead, I think y’all pretty much finished up everything I could ask for.” Jill flashed him a grin.

  “Got your car back from Frank’s? We can…”

  “Everybody, stop worrying about me. Dante should call any minute and let me know that he’s put tires on my old junker. I’ll have him drop it by here. You don’t have to wait.”

  “We don’t mind staying,” Tessa objected.

  “I know, but the weekend’s almost over, and you need to spend time with your fiancé.” Jill made a shooing motion. Her cell phone rang, and she checked the caller ID, noting it was her brother. “See, it’s Dante.”

  “Okay, but it you need anything—”

  “You’ll be the first person I call, I promise.” Turning away with a smile, she answered her phone.

  “Hi, bro. What’s the damage?”

  “You’re all good. Frank said he’ll let me take the cost out of my paychecks, and he’s giving me a pretty good employee discount, so it’s not all that much. I owe you big time, so I’m taking care of the tires.”

  “Dante, no, you don’t have to do that. I can—”

  “You can let me do this. It’s the least I can do, after all you’ve done for me. No argument.”


  “I said no argument. That’s final.” Dante’s tone brooked no further discussion, and she decided for once to give in.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m leaving Frank’s garage now. Want me to swing by the bakery or drop the car off at your apartment?”

  Jill glanced up as Tessa and Rafe walked out the door, waving at them. “If you don’t mind, bring it by the bakery. I’m almost done here, and I can run a couple of errands before I head home. Thanks.”

  “No problem. See you soon.”

  Hanging up, she noted Chance and Douglas talking quietly by the large front window, and whatever Douglas said had Chance frowning. Ms. Patti watched them, and from the look on her face, she didn’t have any more of a clue to what they were talking about than Jill. She had a sneaking suspicion Ms. Patti would have the information from Douglas before they were halfway home.

  “Everybody can go home now. Dante’s on his way over with my car. It’s all fixed. Thanks again for all your help.”

  “We can wait with you, if you’d like.”

  “Ms. Patti, I appreciate the offer, but I’ll be fine. It’ll onl
y take him a few minutes to drive here from the garage.”

  “Alright, hon. I’ll have one of the boys pick up all these painting supplies tomorrow. Give me a call if you need anything.”

  “I will. You have been an absolute godsend, Ms. Patti.”

  “Nonsense. You deserve this. Besides, I’m going to be watching, keeping an eye on my investment, so I know you’re going to do fine.”

  Jill looked up with the front door opened, and Dante strode through, her keys dangling from his fingertip. “She’s all ready to rock and roll, Sis.”

  Grabbing the keys from his hand, she gave him a swift hug. “Thanks for getting it done so fast. Any idea what happened?”

  He shook his head. “We couldn’t see any reason for the tires to go flat. Maybe it was a slow leak. Anyway, you’ve got four new tires on your old jalopy, so you’re good to go for years.”

  “Four? Dante, that’s way too much.”

  “I told you, Frank’s cutting me a sweet deal, and taking the cost out of my check. Trust me, it’s the best price you’re gonna find around here.”

  Jill studied her brother’s face, wondering if he was telling her the truth. She wouldn’t put it past him to overextend himself, trying to make up for her bailing him out of his debt. After a few seconds, she simply shook her head, and tossed her keys in the air, catching them one-handed.

  “You heard my brother, I’m all set to go with brand new wheels. Y’all can head home with my heartfelt thanks.”

  After another minute or two of goodbyes, Jill was alone in the bakery with her brother. “You really didn’t find anything wrong with those two flats?”

  It took a few seconds before Dante met her gaze, and she instinctively knew he was about to tell her a whopper. She’d grown up her whole life with him, and he had a habit of not looking you in the eye right before he was about to lie, and he was doing it right now.

  “Hand over my heart, Sis, there was nothing. No nails. No punctures. No glass. I even had Frank take a look at one of them, to see if I missed anything. Why two of them went flat at the same time? Your guess is as good as mine.”

  “It seems strange they were fine when I drove to and from church, and then went I came out again, both were flat. Guess it’s simply bad luck.”

  “Who knows? The place looks great, by the way. I like the accent wall. Have you picked a name yet?”

  “How Sweet It Is.”

  Dante chuckled and chucked Jill under the chin. “I love it. Remember all those old black and white reruns Dad used to watch of the Jackie Gleason show? I remember him using that line all the time.”

  “I’d forgotten all about that. I was thinking more about the Marvin Gaye song. You know, How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You.” She couldn’t resist teasing him. “You should have seen Ms. Patti and Douglas dancing to it, right here in the kitchen. Said it was their song.”

  “Cool. Which makes the name work on multiple levels, because your sweets are gonna be legendary. Bet you sell out every day.”

  Jill leaned her head against her brother’s shoulder, and he slid his arm around her waist. Standing here with Dante, she realized how truly blessed she’d been in the last few months. Things had started looking up when Tessa moved to Shiloh Springs, and now look—she was starting her own business. Such a dichotomy from the day-to-day drudgery of her nine-to-five at the insurance company.

  “I almost want to pinch myself, to make sure this is all real and not some fantastical dream. One I’m going to wake up from, and everything will go back to the way it was before.”

  “I promise, Jilly, it’s not a dream. Well, maybe, but only because it’s the dream you’ve always wanted. You deserve every single minute of happiness, Sis.”

  “You do too, Dante. I want everything for you. I want you to be happy.”

  “Things are looking up every day. I’ve got a new job. I’m staying away from Junior and his gang. I’m even helping Lucas with—”

  “Lucas? What are you helping him with?”

  “Nothing! I…it’s not anything big. He had some questions, research stuff from a story.”

  Jill’s narrowed her eyes, and took a step back, until she could stare into Dante’s eyes. Oh, yeah, he had guilt written all over his face.

  “What kind of questions?”

  “Sheesh, Sis, give me a break, will ya? He asked me a couple of questions for a story he’s thinking about writing, that’s all.”

  “You wouldn’t know anything that Lucas might be interested in writing about. You’ve never even left Shiloh Springs. What in the world kind of questions could you possibly…did you tell him about your gambling?”

  Please, please don’t have told Lucas. Especially about me using my savings to pay off your debt. I’ll never be able to look him in the face again.

  Dante’s shoulders slumped before he turned to face away from her, which told her everything she needed to know. She almost wished a hole would open and swallow her, because there was no way she’d be able to face Lucas again. Not if he knew she’d lost everything on a lousy poker game.

  “Yeah, I told him. Every stinking, cowardly thing I’ve done because I couldn’t stop sinking further and further into a hole I dug, and couldn’t pull myself out of. I had to have my sister pull me out, because I’m such a fool. The thing is, Jilly, he got it. Didn’t judge, didn’t tell me what a loser I am, he listened. Course, I didn’t need him to tell me I’d sunk lower than a snake’s belly, I already knew that.”


  “Don’t try and make excuses for me. I’ve heard every one of them. Spouted them myself. Easy platitudes to cover up the fact that I’m an addict. A gambling addict who craves the thrill, the excitement, the adrenaline rush I get when I win. Even the disappointment of a bad hand can have its own kind of thrill, because the tension and anticipation have a unique sensation that adds to the whole mystique. But I’m not going back.”


  “Things have changed, Jilly. I’ve changed. It took me a while, but I’m finally growing up. One day I’ll be able to give you back everything.”

  “Stop it. I don’t ever want to hear you talking about giving me the money back. It’s gone. You’re okay. As long as I never have to see you like that again, we’re even.” She hugged her arms across her middle, remembering his bruised and broken body hanging between the two men, enforcers or whatever they were called, blood streaked across his lip and down his chin, eyes nearly swollen closed.

  “I promise. I’ve been going to Gamblers Anonymous.” He held up his hand when she started to interrupt. “I’m still learning, in the beginning phase, but it’s a start. I’ve learned that I’m an addict, and I have to own it. Admit I have a problem that’s never going to go away, and that I’ll need to fight the temptation every single day. But giving in to the temptation will not only hurt me, but it’ll hurt those around me who love me. I won’t do that to you ever again, Sis. I’d rather you shoot me than let me hurt you again.”

  Jill raced forward into her brother’s arms, and he pulled her close, his chin resting on her head. She could feel him trembling, and squeezed him tighter. It seemed like forever since he’d opened up to her like this, spilling forth his secrets and his emotions, flooding from him like he couldn’t keep them bottled up a second longer.

  “I’m glad you’re getting help. I’m here for you, no matter what. You know that, right?”

  He sniffled and she hoped he wasn’t crying, because if he was, she’d start bawling right along with him. “Yeah.” He straightened and gave her a shaky grin. “Anyway, your car’s done. Want to give me a ride back to the garage? I need to pick up my ride.”

  “Sure. Let me grab my stuff.”

  Locking the bakery doors took seconds. She dropped Dante back at Frank’s and headed to her apartment, her mind whirling with everything he’d said. Something seemed fishy about his reaction to her flat tires, but she’d give it a couple of days and press the matter later, when he wasn’t expecting it. Ca
tch him off guard, and maybe she’d get the truth out of him.

  In the meantime, she needed to get home and go over the list of things she needed to do in the morning. One day closer to opening. She crossed her fingers, and wished for smooth sailing going forward. No more surprises.


  “Hey, Lucas. What’s up?”

  “Good to hear your voice, Shiloh. Things have been a little crazy. I wanted to ask you for a favor.”

  “Depends. What kind of favor? Small, medium, or you’re-gonna-owe-me-big-time sized?”

  Lucas chuckled. This was their standing joke, because when they’d been growing up, favors came with varying degrees of payback.

  “It’ll probably end up being the latter. This favor involves you heading out of town. I wanted to check and see if you had a couple of days free.”

  “Actually, baby brother, your timing couldn’t be better. I gave the client the results from my latest case, and I’d planned to take a week off, and go lie on the beach and drink a few beers.”

  “Feel up to a trip to Portland, Oregon?”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s in Portland?”

  Lucas held his breath for a few seconds before answering. Every time he’d gotten this close to finding Renee, his leads fell apart, and he didn’t want to get his hopes up. As much as he’d rather go himself, he didn’t want to leave Shiloh Springs. Not yet. Especially if there was the possibility Jill might be in danger.

  “My sister,” he answered.

  “Son of a—seriously? Renee’s in Portland? Why aren’t you already on a plane?” He could understand Shiloh’s shock. Maybe he was making a mistake in not jumping at the chance to follow up Heath’s lead himself, but his gut told him he couldn’t leave. Not yet.

  “Long story, and I’ll fill you in on the details later. I can’t leave now, which is why I called you. Heath got in touch with me, told me he’d got a lead on my sister. Dad’s info turned out to be a bust, because the woman going by the name of Elizabeth Reynolds in Cincinnati had been gone a year. No forwarding address, nothing to tie her to the city. But, get this. Heath gets a newbie to train. Guy’s from Portland. Heath said he was on a stakeout with this kid when he started talking about this girl he knew. Pretty little redhead named Lizzie Reynolds. Even showed Heath a picture.”


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