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Lucas (Texas Boudreau Brotherhood Book 5)

Page 21

by Kathy Ivan

  “That’s wonderful, Juanita.”

  “Best news we’ve had for a long while. Carlos is over the moon, happy about becoming an abuelo.”

  “Where are my manners? My mama would have a fit if she found out I brought guests and didn’t introduce them. Juanita, this is Lucy and Dennis.”

  “Welcome, welcome. Lucas’ friends are welcome anytime. Now let me get back to Carlos, tell him you’re here.”

  “It’s good to see you, although I’m heartbroken you never say yes. We can elope, run away where nobody can find us.”

  She patted him on the top of his head like a schoolboy. “One of these days, I’m going to say yes. Then, we’ll see how fast your legs will carry you out the front door.” Chuckling, she headed for the kitchen.

  “Guess you come here a lot.” Lucy dug a chip into the guacamole and stuffed it into her mouth. Her eyes widened and she grabbed another. “I totally get it, if the food is anything like this. Wonder how I missed finding out about this place.”

  “I’ve been coming here forever. My folks brought us here, and I visit Juanita and Carlos every time I’m back in Shiloh Springs.”

  “It’s a nice place. Owner seems to like you.” Dennis swallowed down a large sip of his beer.

  “You guys want to eat first, or go ahead and start?”

  “Might as well get it over with,” Dennis groused. “You might want to take a look at the info I gave you, in case you have any questions, we can get them out of the way first.”

  “Good idea.”

  Lucas picked up the envelope, and pulled out page after page of meticulous notes, detailing everything Dennis had overheard and observed at Benevides’ club. He had to give the other guy credit: his information read like a police report, right down to the handwritten pages pulled from a small spiral notepad and stapled to the written summaries. Impressive.

  He’d also printed out copies of photos he’d taken. Men meeting with Benevides, coming out of his office. Leather pouches changing hands, which he could only assume were stuffed with cash. A few of the names he recognized, some he didn’t. But one photo among the rest had him straightening in his seat.

  Reining in his growing excitement, he shoved the page at Dennis. “This! When did you take this pic?”

  “Look on the back. I pulled the date and time from the metadata on my phone and documented it.

  “Do you know who this is?” Lucas couldn’t hold back his grin. He recognized the man instantly, because he’d written an article outlining every aspect of human trafficking across Texas and the surrounding states. Sex workers and slave laborers moved through the U.S. on a regular basis, the majority of them processed and delivered on the orders of this man.

  “No clue. I remember security being pretty tight the night he showed up. Dude brought his own security people, and Benevides amped his personal guards up, too. I figured he was a big shot from the way everybody acted.” Dennis studied the picture intently, as if trying to memorize the face.

  “I’ve seen him at the club twice,” Lucy added. “This night and one earlier in the year—maybe end of February?”

  “Would you guys mind if I invite my brother, Rafe, to join us? He really needs to hear about this, the sooner the better.”

  Dennis rolled his eyes before grinning at Lucas. “Which brother is Rafe? The sheriff, the fed, or the D.A.?”

  “Sheriff. Rafe Boudreau is the elected sheriff of Shiloh Springs. I’m positive I recognize the man from the picture, but I want corroboration in case I’m seeing things I want to see, know what I mean?”

  “I don’t have a problem with your brother coming. Saves me having to tell my story more than once.”

  “I agree,” Lucy added before taking a sip of her margarita. “You know, guys, I’d come here for the margaritas alone. Best one I’ve ever had.”

  “I’ll be sure to let Juanita know. Her cousin, Hector, is the bartender.”

  “So this place is pretty much a family affair.”

  “Yep.” Lucas whipped out his phone and quickly texted Rafe, who responded back almost immediately, saying he was close by and would meet them ASAP.

  “Rafe should be here soon.”

  The waiter stepped up to their table, his hands loaded with plates. The aroma of the grilled meat, cheese, and spices filled the air, and Lucas felt his stomach growl, only then realizing he hadn’t eaten for most of the day. His mouth watered and he grabbed his silverware. They dug into the food, the taste hitting his tongue in a symphony of delights. Almost half his meal disappeared in a matter of minutes, and he spotted Rafe walk through the door. He waved him over.

  “You sounded excited, bro. What’s up?” Rafe nodded to Dennis Lucy.

  “Sit down and I’ll fill you in. You want anything before we start?”

  “No, thanks, I’m meeting Tessa after we finish up here.”

  “Take a look at this and tell me what you see.” Lucas passed the photo across the table, and watched Rafe’s eyes widen the minute he spotted the two men in the photo.

  “When was this taken?” Rafe’s voice hardened with command, and Dennis began chuckling.

  “Oh, yeah, he sounds like your brother.”

  “Rafe, sorry, forgot to introduce you. This is Dennis and she’s Lucy.”

  “Pleased to meet you. Now answer the question, Lucas. When was that picture taken?” Rafe’s frown was pronounced, gaze glued to the photo.

  Lucas grabbed the picture and turned it over, watched Rafe’s eyes widen at the date. “I didn’t know he’d come across the border. He’s got nerve, I’ll give him that. Williamson is gonna have a hissy fit when he hears about this.”

  “Will somebody please tell me who the dude in the picture is? The suspense is killing me.” Lucy’s balled-up fists landed on the table and she glared at Lucas. “The way you both reacted to the picture, I’m guessing Mr. Slick’s bad news.”

  “This,” Rafe flicked the edge of the photo, “is Javier Escondido. Runs the Escondido cartel, south of the Texas/Mexico border. Everyone, and I mean everyone, wants a piece of this guy. FBI, DEA, local and state cops all want to take him down.”

  “The bigger question is what’s he doing with Emmanuel Benevides? Of course, Benevides might be funneling his money through Escondido’s cartel.”

  “Probably true, bro. But this,” Rafe tapped the edge of the paper, “seeing them together gets me one step closer to nailing his hide and tossing him behind bars. Anybody know where this was taken?”

  Lucy grinned, raising her hand. “I know!”

  “Gonna share with the rest of us?” Lucas watched Dennis bump Lucy’s shoulder with his in a kind of go-ahead-and-tell-them motion.

  “That’s the back alley, behind the club. Emmanuel tends to do business there with the men he doesn’t want to be seen with. Of course, he’s not exactly subtle, and pretty much all the club’s employees know what happens out back.” Lucy pointed to Escondido’s pic. “I got some really icky vibes from him. Man has dead eyes, if you know what I mean. Acted like he owned the world, and we’d better fall in line or he’d make us disappear.”

  Lucas and Rafe exchanged a glance, and Rafe nodded once. They’d talk once they were in private, because this case had turned on its head with the introduction of Javier Escondido.

  “Anything else either of you know about how Benevides runs the two gaming clubs, something we might be able to connect him? Anything at all can help.”

  “Sheriff,” Dennis met his eyes straight on, “I’ve been keeping tabs on Benevides for months, ever since my brother’s death. I can’t prove anything, but I think—no, I know—he was behind Jimmy’s suicide. I gave Lucas copies of everything I have.”

  Lucas held up the manila envelope. “Dennis’ father was a cop, and these notes are documented concisely. From what little I’ve looked at, it’ll go a long way toward building a case against Benevides, and if we’re really lucky, Javier Escondido, too.”

  “You said these are copies?”

es, sir. I have the originals locked up tight.” Dennis sat up straighter, adding, “There is a safe deposit box in Austin. Only ones authorized to open it are me and Lucy.”

  “Good. I’ll take these and—”

  “No. I’ll scan and e-mail you copies, but I’m keeping those.” Lucas slid the picture of Escondido and Benevides into the envelope. “Soon as I’m done here, I’m heading over to Jill’s. Benevides has an unhealthy attraction to my girl, and I’m planning on watching her like a hawk until he’s out of the picture.”

  Rafe chuckled. “Sheesh, bro, you’re starting to sound like the rest of our brothers, going into overprotective mode. When are you going to admit you’re head-over-heels in love with her?”

  “Like you were any better with Tessa? The family was taking bets on how long it would take you to propose.”

  “I’ve had Dusty and Jeb doing drive-by checks of her apartment and the bakery. We’ll keep a close watch on her, at least until we determine our next step.”


  “Get me those copies tonight, bro. Dennis, Lucy, it was nice meeting you. I need to head in and make a few calls. Austin FBI office needs to hear about Escondido showing up in Shiloh Springs. Twice. It’s time to rattle a few cages, because Border Patrol was supposed to take him into custody the second he stepped onto U.S. soil.”

  “You’ll get ’em as soon as I leave here. I’ll call if we come up with anything else.”

  Rafe nodded and headed for the door, giving Juanita a brief hug on the way out.

  “You guys ready to get started?” At their nods, Lucas placed his cell phone on the tabletop and hit record, and wondered how many other surprises Dennis and Lucy might uncover as they talked.

  Lucas wanted this ended, once and for all, because any hint of danger toward Jill needed to disappear—and it would. He’d make sure of it.


  Jill dragged her tired body across the threshold of her apartment, pausing long enough to turn the deadbolt, and click the lock in the door’s handle. Exhaustion beat at her like a steady drumbeat. She hadn’t realized how much work still remained to finish before opening day. Thinking about it made her brain hurt.

  After the fiasco with the smashed window, and Lucas showing up worried about her, she’d finally convinced him to go to his meeting. Harper stuck around for a while after he left, and in between deliveries of equipment, she’d unloaded a ton of boxes filled with baking supplies, sorting and stacking all the ingredients for making incredible pastries. Harper turned out to be a huge help, bouncing around with energy to spare. Who knew her friend raced around like the bunny in that commercial who never stops?

  Several people dropped by, mostly Boudreaus, and Jill knew they were keeping a protective eye on her. To be honest, it made her feel special, knowing she had so many people who cared about her. Even Dante called enough times she’d finally told him she’d quit answering the phone if he didn’t stop. It was kinda nice to have her overprotective brother watching over her, even if she didn’t need it. She was a big girl, more than able to take care of herself.

  Tossing her purse on the hall table, she eased her tired, swollen feet out of her shoes and slid them under the table, too. With a sigh, she slumped onto the couch, and leaned back against the comfy cushions. She needed a hot bath and a cold drink, not necessarily in that order, but couldn’t rouse the energy to get off the sofa.

  When her phone rang, she groaned. Like a dolt, she’d left the stupid thing in her purse. Climbing to her feet, she snatched her purse up and dug until she found her phone. The ringing stopped right as she swiped to answer, switching over to voicemail.

  “Well, if it’s important, they’ll leave a message or call back.”

  Headed toward the kitchen, she wasn’t surprised when it rang again, showing Dante’s name on the caller ID.

  “Hey, Dante. Yes, I’m home. No, I’m not planning on going out tonight. You can take the night off babysitting and go have some fun.”

  “Good evening, Ms. Monroe. I’m afraid I’m not your brother. He was kind enough to loan me his phone, since I assumed you wouldn’t answer if I called.”

  A shiver of unease crept up Jill’s spine at the sound of Emmanuel Benevides’ voice. Where was Dante? She doubted he’d simply handed his phone over to Benevides without a qualm.

  “What do you want, Mr. Benevides?”

  “I think we should talk, Jillian.”

  The way he said her name made her skin crawl. Why hadn’t this guy gotten the message she didn’t want to see him?

  “I guess I’m going to have to be blunt. I’m not interested in talking to you or seeing you. There is no scenario where I want to spend time with you.”

  “I’m aware you don’t have a high opinion of me, querida, but that’s because you don’t know me. I tend to intimidate most people—except you. I’m not asking much, just a few hours of your time, getting to know one another.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m already seeing someone.” Okay, maybe that’s a little half-truth, but I kinda, sorta been seeing Lucas.

  “Perhaps I can dissuade you, show you I’m not the person you think me to be. I believe we have a strong connection…”

  “Where’s my brother?” She’d had enough of Benevides’ innuendos and serious lack of comprehension. There wasn’t a chance in Hades’ handbasket she’d get involved with him. He was a criminal, to say nothing of what he’d already done to her brother. The chances were higher she’d jump into a live volcano before she’d date him.

  “Please, Jillian, before you decide, I’m outside with your brother. Won’t you allow us to come up?”

  Something about the way he enunciated the words, devoid of any emotion, told her she didn’t have much of a choice. She couldn’t risk harm to Dante because she refused to see Benevides.


  She ended the call and wiped her sweaty palms, feeling icy tendrils of fear spreading through her. In less than two minutes, the knock sounded on her door. The camera showed Benevides standing beside her brother. Taking a deep breath, she undead the locks and opened it.

  “Dante, are you alright?”

  He shot a glare at Benevides, and then pulled her into his arms. “I’m fine, Sis. Let’s talk.”

  Dante steered her toward the living room, leaving Benevides to close the door. She heard the soft snick, followed by footsteps. Standing with her arms crossed, she didn’t offer Benevides a seat. She wanted him gone, because her ingrained Southern hospitality wasn’t up to the challenge of being nice to an uninvited guest. If he didn’t like it, he could show himself out.

  “Okay, you’re here. Now what?” Try as she might, she couldn’t quite keep the hostility out of her tone.

  The corners of his mouth twitched. With Dante at her back, she felt a modicum of safety, though she couldn’t help wondering if Benevides had his ever-present goons close by. Probably. He didn’t strike her as the type to go anywhere unprotected. Dante’s hand squeezes her shoulder, a not-so-subtle signal to ease back on the antagonism.


  “I know. I apologize, Mr. Benevides. I’ve had a long day, and I’m tired. What is it you want from me?”

  “I thought we might have a civilized conversation. Get to know each other a little better. I’m sorry you had a tough day. I hope there weren’t any…difficulties.”

  She knew it! She’d speculated all day long about whether Benevides was behind the damage to the bakery. The gloating tone in his voice convinced her he was behind the vandalism.

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle with the help of my friends.”

  “Ah, I presume you mean the Boudreaus. Such fine upstanding citizens.” Derision peppered his words, almost mocking, and she wouldn’t stand for it.

  “The Boudreaus are the finest, most generous, kindest people I know. They’re didn’t hesitate to step in and offer assistance when something happens to one of their own.”

  “And are you considered ‘one of the
ir own’?”

  “Yeah, she is,” Dante answered before Jill even opened her mouth.

  “Dante, I think it’s time you left. Jillian and I have much to discuss, and your presence is no longer required.”

  Dante’s glare should have peeled the paint off the walls, yet Benevides appeared unmoved by the other man’s ire. Jill’s glance bounced back and forth between the them.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”


  “Don’t argue with me, Sis. I’m not budging from your side. I wish I’d never dragged you into this mess, that you’d never met Benevides.”

  “Leave. Now.” The steely edge in Benevides’ voice brooked no argument, and Jill felt her brother waver, indecision warring with fear. She felt the tight grip of terror squeezing deep in her chest. She couldn’t let anything happen to Dante.

  “It’s okay. I think Mr. Benevides and I need to clear the air.” Shooting daggers at the older man, she squeezes Dante’s forearm. “He won’t be staying long.”


  “I promise I’ll call you in thirty minutes. If you don’t hear from me by then, call 911 and Rafe.”

  “Really, Jillian? Surely you don’t see me as a threat.”

  “Since you apparently won’t take no for an answer, Mr. Benevides, I clearly need to take precautions. Dante, go. I’ll be fine.”

  Dante hesitated for several seconds, before his shoulders slumped. She knew a bitter inner battle raged within him, but he acquiesced.

  “Thirty minutes. Not a second more.”

  “I promise.”

  With a hate-filled glare at Benevides, he left. Jill felt in her gut that he’d be sticking around outside, but at least she got him out of the immediate line of fire, though she doubted Benevides would have taken things to that extreme. Not here, where any number of witnesses might pop out of their apartments at the sign of a struggle, or heaven forbid, the sound of a gunshot.

  “Jillian, I don’t intend to harm you. Far from it. The last thing I want is for you to fear me. I simply want to get to know you better. We met under unfortunate circumstances, which I truly regret. Perhaps we could start over.”


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