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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

Page 4

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  “Well let’s table that for now, I want to discuss yesterday and the unauthorized trip you took outside.” Unauthorized? If she was just a little less frightened she’d be rolling her eyes. “I can’t worry about you running from me every chance you get, collar or no collar.”

  He looked directly at her. “Lesson #1 No running. He sighed, “Of course we know that you will try again - isn't that right?”

  Francine was not sure how to respond to his statement, delivered in that oddly soothing baritone. She was a prisoner, it was her job to run wasn’t it? Things did look bad outside, the snow seemed to be unending. But maybe yesterday she had just been tired? Maybe if she had just had a little more time outside she would have found a neighbor, another car.. anything. At the moment she felt it was probably prudent not to verbalize any of this with him, so she wisely kept silent, continuing to look at him over the kitchen table where they had just finished breakfast, and were taking their last swallows of coffee. Her hand tightened over her white mug, her creamy legs were tucked up protectively beneath her and she gripped the warm mug even more tightly pulling it closer for another sip to calm her nerves.

  Anyone who’d collar a human being was sneaky, electric shock or no. Where was his devious mind headed now? She snuck a glance outside the window, framed by curtains with a whimsical pattern of shucked corn repeating over and over. There was a doorway with the same curtains and slightly peeling white paint to match the rest of the kitchen leading out back to a what looked to be a short porch and an unkempt yard. All of the paint seemed to be slightly peeling as if no one had been here in a long time, the curtains slightly frayed. The cabinets sturdy and updated but showing signs of wear. He couldn’t stay vigilant forever and then, she’d have her chance.

  Again, she felt a shiver, thinking of yesterday, having to be carried back. Her body still shivered at just the memory of that terrible cold. Her hand went absently to her soft leather collar and it’s pure gold lock with it’s dull blinking light.

  It was warm inside the cabin, heated, she grimaced again at the memory of the chewing cold on the other side of the windows, a bit fogged in the corners from condensation. Outside the earth was still blanketed, the snow a downy sheet covering the ground. It didn't look much warmer from yesterday and even though she had on another pair of fresh undies she had only been given shorts and a tank to wear - again.

  Not only did she have a desire to be free, there was always the possibility of him growing bored with her. Especially since she did not intend to share his bed. At least not in the carnal sense. She had not entirely accepted his reason for buying her, keeping her. She knew he wanted to fuck her, use her and then it would be a countdown to ennui. Men like him simply did not stay interested in women like her, sadly she had accepted this a long time ago. A night or two seemed to be fine, but then they were off to their next conquest. Then he’d grow bored with her and she’d be in real trouble. What would he do with her then? She would do well to get away from him as quickly as possible. What if she just hadn't run far enough? What if she had just gone a little further? Now that she wasn’t starving...

  “Even now I can see the wheels spinning in your head Francine, I must confess, I had hoped your lack of clothing, would encourage compliance - “

  “Is that why you dress me this way?” She interrupted.

  He sipped his coffee to hide his smile. “Yes.” For that reason and submissives should not dress more than their masters. Francine was not the only one having an inner dialogue. “But I can see it will still be a challenge for you, to accept your stuck here for a while, so here’s what we’re going to do.” K took out a stack of clothes. “I’m going to let you get dressed.” Her eyes lit up and her feet hit the floor as her slender limbs untangled. “Oh yes, today is the day. Today is the day you make good your “escape”. You’ve had a good breakfast, you're gonna get dressed and hit the road, lets see how far you can make it.”

  Her hands unwittingly went to her throat. He got up to grab some more coffee before turning around. “Oh, just for this exercise, I’ll even take that off.” He says pointing to her collar. “Just to show you how “sporting” I am.” He sat down and picked up his solid white coffee mug. A playful light in his dark eyes, “So go ahead, get dressed. I’m not gonna stop you.” Francine eyed the pile of warm looking folded clothes before getting up and shaking them out.

  K silently picked up a folded newspaper unable to completely disguise the amusement lighting his eyes and began to put on a show of reading it while really watching Francine wiggle into the clothes he had bought for her. The wiggling and reverse strip tease was really doing it for him and he had to go back to the counter and make a show of topping off his coffee again just so she wouldn't see how much the little display got to him. Try not to let the poor little innocent lamb know that she’s locked in with a predator.

  The warm soft wool gray sweater felt so good against Francine’s tank as she pulled it over her head, as she decided to simply “layer up” for the elements. While K’s back was turned she quickly shimmied out of the shorts and pulled on the thick soft stone washed jeans. There were lined boots as well with thick waterproof soles, and grey faux fur. K turned back around to check her out. She looked like a warm snow bunny and he wanted to pet her.

  “Come here Francine.” He made his voice low and compelling. It was like molasses and before she could stop herself she almost moved forward - almost.

  “No.” She said instead. He saw the small movement and felt himself smile. This time he didn't bother to hide it. He was never wrong.

  She saw her hold herself back, knew the clothes were already making her feel more powerful and helping her find her voice.

  Knowing it wasn’t fair he used the last tool available to him, blackmail. “You're still wearing my collar Francine. Don’t you want it off?”

  They look at each other for a long moment, the collar’s blinking taking on a different significance now that she was dressed. He crossed his arms across his chest waiting for her to come to him.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” She asked trying to lighten the movement as she moved forward. Surely this was what the mouse felt as she moved toward the lion, except now, she was the one shaking and in peril. She thought about it more, losing herself in the metaphor. Plane Jane mouse in front of the powerful lion - plane Jane collared mouse. She would move closer if it meant getting the hateful little collar off.

  “You,” he said watching her come forward. She was so pretty, her hair a halo around her, her hips snug in the jeans. Her long legs, tight ass. “You’re so eager to run.” He realized the thought of chasing her excited him, made him want her more.

  Every moment he spent with her made him want her more and more. When she was close enough he grabbed her and pulled her close, his mouth descended on hers. K’s kiss was hot, his breath like lava. It took her by surprise, everything about it took her by surprise. It was demanding and for a moment she forgot to think, her mouth opening beneath his. His tongue wasted no time slipping past her defences, stroking her, coaxing her, reminding her how long it had been since... She was losing her breath and felt herself pull away. Without thinking the slender arm flew up. Quick as a scorpion he grabbed it firmly turning her around and pulling her against his hard muscled body. She was panting, and could have sworn he was short of breath too. “Ah ah ahhhh.” He said holding her close, imprisoning her arms. “You got one free swing Francine.” She whimpered against his hard body. He held her with one strong arm bringing the other up to her hair, stroking it gently and pulling it back away from her ear. His breath was heated against her ear as he said. “You will not strike me again, not unless you’re ready for some consequences.” He brought his hand against her throat over the collar. “And I do love delivering consequences.” He finished as she felt the collar slide off into his palm.

  He released her and she stood up, unsteadily on her feet. He looks back at her in amusement as she tried to find her footing. “If you
were mine I’d take you back to the bedroom give you a good orgasm, to start your day - instead of all of this runnin' and chasin'.” His palm was aching to cup her round bottom; his hands itched to slide over her shapely thighs. “A good chase always gets me worked up, almost as much as seeing you in those pink panties I bought you, you really are quite enticing.” He remembered her sweet, fresh, vanilla scent, it clung a bit to his clothes. He wanted to pull her close so he could have the smell of her forever. “All you’d have to say is please Sir, and off we’d go.” She trembled at his words. Was it fear, desire? Her feelings were becoming just too frustrating. It was him, he made her confused when things should have been clear. That kiss...It had been devastating. She’d never been kissed like that before, what would it be like...

  Oh God! She wasn’t actually tempted? She had to get away this time, make good her escape, she absolutely had too.

  "I want to run.” She said decisively. Then threw in just for good measure - “Kennedy?" She gave him a searching look, checking for a reaction but he simply sips again at his coffee, she remembered the dark, chicory taste of it on his lips, and gave her another one of his small smiles. His movement gives nothing away as he blatantly ignored her taunt in regard to his name her hazel eyes continuing to meet his darker ones.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. He always seemed to be laughing at her. Was there no end to the confidence of this man? Show him Francine, show him he’s wrong, that you can get away. If he got the collar back on her it was all over. In the mirror she had tried everything she could, but there was no manipulating the tricky little gold lock. He had released it so easily, done something with his fingers and with a slight adjustment and a snick , the evil little collar had fallen into his hand.

  He wasn’t stupid she realized, and he can kiss. Fuck me... She turned to go, not wanting to waste anymore time. “Oh, one more thing,” she turned, he reached in his pocket and pulled out the keys to the truck she’d gotten a glimpse of outside. He held them out to her, in disbelief she reached for them clutching them close, not willing to think through or examine too closely his continued benevolence. Like delivering a punchline he said, “I could tell you it has a security stop, but you wouldn't believe me,” He picked up his mug and took a sip, “ I’ll let you see for yourself. It has keyless entry, just press this” he demonstrated, “and the pedal and it’ll start right up, for a while.” He walked around her, gone back to the kitchen table, picked up that stupid newspaper and calmly returned to reading. “Hurry along now, daylight’s wastin’.”

  Without a moment’s hesitation more Francine snatched the car keys from the countertop and sprinted across the kitchen tile, through the hallway and out the door.

  Chapter 5

  The grass and trees shone beneath their prison of ice, preserved in a glossy case, treasured, nurtured until the spring. Only the robust and tenacious able to survive without aid in this harsh and unforgiving climate. The sun shone brightly over everything like crystals, their light reflecting back into Francine’s eyes. She moved on trudging toward K’s solid black pick up, fragile dead waste crunching beneath her feet. Like him it’s huge, intimidating, and she doesn’t miss the fact this time that there is no licence plate. She shivered on some level registering that this further proof of his thoroughness, but keeps moving forward, unlocking the truck with the key fob.

  The locks came up with a smooth click and the door opened readily. She jumped behind the wheel and worked the combination, the engine turned right over - just like he said it would. She felt a leap in her chest, but was still wary. Yeah dummy, you were able to leave the cabin easily enough too the first time, that didn't mean you were able to get away. Ignoring the mouthy inner critic inside of her she backed the pick up in a three point turn and eased it back over the previous set of tracks, finding it responsive and easy to navigate. She’d just found the heat and was warming up when everything powered down.

  She tried the combination again, but this time there was no response. The key in the ignition is a no - go as well. She was behind the wheel of a huge door stop. I could tell you it has a security stop... he’d said. She turned the key again in frustration. Security stop - the words came back again to haunt her with their taunting litany. In response she slammed her palm on the dash, earning herself a palm full of pain. “Ow - shit!”

  Well sitting here was surely not going to do her any good. She looked outside at the endless white expanse. Already the cold was seeping into the cabin of the truck and again she heard his arrogant voice. Daylight’s wastin’.

  Getting down from the cabin and slamming the door in anger she looked around her. Barren, frozen wasteland. Time to start walking Francine. Sucking in the freezing air she began to walk briskly along the drive as quickly as she could. She walked all day. To throw off K and to just try something different, she left the road and entered the thick forest. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but she quickly lost her sense of direction and got horribly turned around.

  Eventually she began to get hungry, but still she pushed on. In the summer she was able to identify all sorts of edible plants, and fruits, but in the dead of winter it would be so much more time consuming and uncertain and she didn't want to make a mistake and end up in an even worse situation than the one she was in.

  The walk went on and on and was rife with disappointment, not another neighbor or cabin for miles. Just more wasteland. Who knew places like this still existed in this part of Maryland. She had grown up near D.C in a suburbia. She couldn’t have been more than a couple hours from where she was being held and that couldn't have been too far from where she was on Route 70. Everything about her abduction had been a complete surprise. An unpleasant one.

  Recognizing some plants from her studies she was finally unable to resist digging them up and chewed on the roots, just to keep herself occupied. Eventually that grew tiresome as well and she settled on a log in defeat.

  She had been walking all day. From the angle of the sun she could tell it was about 3 pm? Somewhere around there. Okay, so seeing as how she left after breakfast it hadn’t exactly been all day, but it felt like it, and even though it wasn't that late, the forest, and the season made it seem later.

  The towering trees had started producing shadows and it was harder and harder to see in the encroaching darkness. All of a sudden her spine stiffened at the thought of the coming darkness. Who knew what wild things lived in these woods? Francine had been a Biology major in school specializing in Herbalism, but animals? That was definitely not her shtick. If it was on four legs she definitely didn't want to mess with it if it wasn't on a plate. Certainly not out here, in its natural element, in the dark.

  What was worse? The woods with the animals, or the cabin with K? Clearly this is the point he’d been trying to make - asshole. Thinking of K made her think of that breakfast and that kiss. He was so different from the men she’d dated in the past. He was rugged and raw, untamed, like this damned forest. She thought about dinner the night before and breakfast this morning. How the food had been presented on the plate. She’d never met anyone that could cook like that. She thought about the bathroom and the soap, just for her. He was thoughtful and at the same time scary. Very scary. She thought about the collar and her fear of it. He’d said it was a tracking device.

  She looked around her for the first time thinking what if something did happen to her out here, and it got dark? What if she passed out from hunger? As a scientist she knew that realistically the thirst would get her first, and even that would take several days. Boy, these were upbeat thoughts.

  He had said she could go home, maybe. What if she promised not to run? Then he wouldn’t need the collar. Uh yeah, because you’ve been so good about not running so far Francine. She sighed heavily at the now familiar feeling of frustration. She had just been so sure she would have found help by now.

  Instead she found herself tired and hungry and wanting a shower. Even she knew she could only survive so long on roots a
nd tenacity. Her spine wilted and she hung her head over her knees in defeat, her hair forming a protective tent around her face. What was she going to do?

  Snap! What was that?! Was that sound - natural? She looked around her. The wind whistled through the bare tree branches. That crack sounded new, unlike anything she’d heard the forest make before. A spike of adrenaline went through her body causing her to sit straight up in alert.

  There it was again! Had he found her? She stood up and darted around looking for cover. There was an old abandoned structure about 10 feet in front of her. Only 2 sides were left. It looked like something someone might have built for a well or water pump. Francine darted behind it trying to catch a breath. After a moment she peeked around trying to peer through the ever increasing haze but saw nothing. She leaned back trying to catch a breath. “Looking for me?” K said right next to her.

  Panic screamed like acid through Francine’s system making her try to leap forward but K caught her easily. “Oh no, I do think that’s enough running through the forest like a wild gazelle for one day.” But still she twisted and squirmed in his arms. Of course after a full day of walking and missing lunch, if felt like her struggles were exhausted all too soon. “The last two hours you’ve walked in circles Francine.” He added. She wilted in his arms the rest of the way, leaning heavily. So she wasn't imagining it, she had gone in a circle. Shit, shit, shit! She felt tears prick her eyes at the injustice.

  He saw the tears and again felt compassion for her. He could have let her go on, but she had looked so defeated on that log, and circumference she’d taken on his property the last hour, he’d decided he’d proven his point. Finding a dry spot he lowered them both to the ground.

  Again, before she knew what he was about the collar was back around her neck with a click. “No, no.” She said again weakly.


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