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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

Page 13

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  She just couldn’t be any one's victim anymore. Than he did the worst he could do. “Slave pose Francine.” No! Her mind screamed. But he caught her, positioned her limbs, adjusting her body in the hateful pose, on her knees on the hard wooden floor, hands at the small of her back, knees slightly parted. She lowered her head, he waited until she was in the position before he walked to the kitchen.

  The tears came now with only quiet sniffling, he casually visited the refrigerator and walked back. The detestable tears, more evidence of her terrible weakness began to stream down her cheeks as he walked back and stood over her.

  He waited a bit for her tears to subside, her sucking sobs turned into hiccups, as he squatted down in front of her. Then, he gathered her up, picked her up and carried her to the couch as she burrowed his face in his chest. He sat with her, cradled her close giving her comfort and drying her tears. He opened a bottled water and gave it to her to sip. It was cold from the ‘fridge. She took a few grateful sips. “Do you know why I made you kneel over there?”

  Her voice was disinterested. “Because I attacked you after you told me to stop?”

  He smiled at her tone and her answer. “You've struck me before Angel. You may again, it’s probably something I shouldn't encourage, but no, that’s not why.” He was stroked her hair, held her close. “There's a fury in you Francine, I've seen it. It wants an outlet, maybe it was there before this happened, I don't know, but what they did made it worse. If you are ever in a real fight and you loose your head, it won't help you. Do you understand?”

  "Yes sir". She said, she heard him now, his voice smooth and soothing like molasses.

  “Good. Maybe we should do more of the yoga.” Francine tried to hide her expression against his neck. She hadn't asked him to show her yoga. Yoga was so boring. There was a silence, then one more thing she had to know.

  “You aren't going to punish me Sir?” Was that fear or anticipation she was feeling? No, this time she just felt tired. She felt so heavy, and he was so strong.

  “No Angel.” He answered. Okay, then she wouldn't say anything about the yoga.

  * * *

  The sun was so far off, shielded in an over-bright sky. Francine looked down again at her booted feet. No samples today. It's too cold, even for her outside. Her boots have left perfect tracks in the snow.

  She looked back at the cabin through the bright haze, but couldn't see through the bright light. Was he looking out the window at her or not - it really didn’t matter anymore. She’d become used to his scrutiny, if not always comfortable with it. She looked around her again hand up pointlessly to shield her face. This winter seemed endless, she couldn't remember anything like it. Everything was a silent blanket of white. She trudged back to the cabin and the embrace of the heat inside.

  * * *

  Now that she had worked more with the laptop Francine never asked to use the "office" either. It sat vacant. Even when in the cabin alone she left that space to K and his secrets, occupied with her work and thoughts of where her life might take her when was finally able to leave. The longer she was at the cabin the less she wanted to go in that room - ever. To her the room begin to fill with bad mojo. She started to realize that if she ever went in there, that will probably be the last room she’d enter before she had to leave forever.

  * * *

  He was ready to leave - again. She was drowsy, already having come once. He prompted her, “Your my good girl say it.” She was on her back, him between her open knees. Her wrists were close together - cuffed to the bed. He kissed her wetly, erotically biting her lip in an enticing way, The more they were together the harder it was for him to be away from her.

  She didn’t want to say it. The more he was absent the more worried she became. Even the recent shaking of her body was not enough to make her stop wondering where exactly he went when he was away from her. He was warm, tender and attentive, but also full of secrets and silence. His fingers tweaked her nipple. It didn’t hurt, but did get her attention, which she’s learning more and more he seems to enjoy above all things. Maybe she wasn’t the only one frustrated with their separations... He had said he missed her... "I'm your good girl," she finally answered. He continued to cup both round breast, tugging a bit on her nipples.

  “It took you a long time to answer. Forgetting your manners? Do I need to pull you from this bed and get you on your knees in slave pose for another lesson?” He was still squeezing her nipples, fondling her breast until she gasped.

  She wiggled, helpless beneath him in her bonds, feeling the heat slowly rise within her again, “No sir." she said against his wet kissing mouth.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because I'm your good girl Sir, she answered sweetly.” Correcting herself. His hand was back between her legs now, it moved against her clit, feeling her wet heat.

  "Yes, yes, you are.” He said, still kissing her. “And look at how the thought of being on your knees is making that little pussy of yours swell up Francine. You are a good girl and you make me come so hard. You give your master so much pleasure.” Still trembling and a bit and damp from her orgasm and his erotic words, he turned her over and pulled her onto her knees before he drove into her with one firm thrust.

  The thought of having to leave her again along with the terrible though of having almost lost her and her sweet little pussy to the evil he was about to face caused him to become a little unbalanced and he worked her hard, holding her immobile with one hand on her hip, pressing her down with the other, “Don't move Francine.” he said stamping her over and over.

  "Master?" She asks hesitantly, riding a wave of almost scary pleasure.

  He was caught in a bubble, thinking of how she could've almost slipped through his fingers. To ease her nervousness with the new position, his manner, he reached between their bodies pinching her thick little clit between his fingers. In response, she let out a yelp arching her back, pushing against him. He increased his pace even more, her eyes glazed over as pleasure spread through her body like lava pouring from a mountain. He'd never taken her this hard before and she dripped now with her own heated lust.

  K was completely overcome by her total submission, her response to him and his own vulnerability, more than glad she couldn’t see his face. When he came it was like everything was forcibly pulled from him and a sound of surrender sprang from his throat before he could stop it. Her pussy clamped down and milked him dry, her body shivered as she collapsed beneath him. He tried to regain his breath and slow his speeding heart while he released her from the bed frame, gathered her close, still sweet and sticky from their sex.

  Keeping his condom wrapped cock inside of her for the moment, he stroked her hair, telling her again how much she pleased him, how pretty she was, his good girl. She always melted when he called her that. She took slow breaths as she waited for her heart to slow. Somewhere his monitor would be giving him a signal, he thought ironically; letting him know her heart rate was elevated and in possible jeopardy. But what about his heart? He wondered, as he felt her drift off to sleep, who would be there to monitor him?

  Chapter 19

  Francine didn’t hear the door open over the jaunty alternative music as it played from the iPad and speakers, but she did hear his heavy footfalls as he crossed the foyer in search of her.

  That wasn't like him, she thought. He knew she tried to keep that area clean and took his boots off at the door so he didn't track mud across the foyer and the hall. He was not usually back this early either. Her flip flops made a happy snip snip sound as she rounded the corner, eager to greet him and help relieve him of the anticipated groceries and new movies he always carried back with him when she saw... No... it was him.

  The man that whispered all the foul, mean things that would happen to her back when she had been captured and kneeling with that horrid, metal collar around her neck. Turning she flung off the stupid flip flops and ran, but he was on her in a flash.

  Before she had felt so helpless, but not
anymore. She immediately began the slippery maneuvers K had taught her, contorting her body, letting it go slack when he grabbed her. As his grip tightened she flipped him, he landed with a heavy thud in front of her. She followed the flip up with a few well placed jabs and kicks, getting in some real shots with her strong slender balled up fists to his eyes and other vulnerable areas. Her well placed blows were full of anger and pent up menace before she was able to get briefly away.

  She darted into the living room and on the way her hand went to her collar, twisting it inside out and around, hiding the duly blinking light underneath and under her thick blond hair before trying to make it into the kitchen for a knife. She almost made it to the bright, familiar area speckled with greenery before he caught her again in his detestable arms, this time he twisted her arms cruelly behind her back making her wince before dragging her up to a standing position.

  His voice scraped her raw, “Did he teach you that little slave?” The word made her cringe. K never called her... “You certainly didn't know that before did you?” He dragged her back toward the door, her bare feet schlepping along behind, looking for something to hold onto. Vainly she found a short table where they kept a lamp and the TV remote, but that didn't make much of an anchor before it came crashing to the floor as he continued to pull her behind him.

  “I don’t remember you having this much fight in you slut.” Before his words had paralyzed her, but now she simply grunted as she continued to struggle against his hateful hold, although with every movement it felt like her arm would be wrenched from its socket. Remember K’s words about her anger she tried to struggle less and look for an opportunity. A dislocated shoulder would not help her cause. He continued to drag her over to what should have been the coat closet next to the door, opening it she knew what he’d find, of course... it was locked. The only locked closet in the cabin. “Where is your coat?”

  This maggot was going to pretend like he wanted to protect her? Really? She bravely found her voice at his absurdity. Somehow knowing it would piss him off even more she said, “I can’t go anywhere without my Master’s permission.”She spat the words at him before she added for good measure. “ stupid goat.” Where had that come from? Without hesitation he hauled back and slapped her open handed. She saw stars - but did not regret saying it.

  “I see your Master hasn’t taught you any manners has he?” He was breathing hard as well she realized with satisfaction. She was not making it easy for him. He was also moving funny from the way he’d landed on his back when she’d flipped him. Crazily, she wanted to smile, even though the side of her face hurt. “Now, where are your coat? Shoes?” He looked like he wanted to shake her if he could only negotiate it with the aches she had produced in his own body.

  “A submissive does not wear more than her master.” She sneered at him as if she was stating the very obvious. She followed it up with the look she realized now grated on the Harvard/Yale graduate's nerves. She slowed her speech, adding salt to the wound, “Didn't I already tell you I couldn't leave without my Master’s permission?” This next was said with all the acid she could muster, “And he’d never allow me to leave with a son of a whore like you.” His palm looked like it itched, he wanted to slap her again, but then changed his mind.

  “OK, never mind you mouthy bitch you want to go out in the cold like that, fine.” He was dressed in a business suit the same way she’d seen him the last time, all conservative and tailored, hiding a very sick soul. He took off his very expensive looking silk tie and keeping her hands behind her back tied them in a knot, surely tighter than was necessary before picking her up and putting her over his shoulder carrying her out into the brisk, bright day.

  He approached his Jaguar sedan, it was such a deep violet in color it almost looked black. Francine thought it was a car for sissies and was tempted to tell him so, but already the cold was taking her breath away. Not to mention the fact that the car’s windows were tinted completely black and she was betting in his line of work did not open from the inside unless the driver allowed it, something he confirmed as soon as she was “settled in”. She trembled for a moment and realized if it wasn't for her collar and it’s tracking device she’d be sinking into her own fear. The asshole in front of her expected to see a collared slave... and that’s exactly what she looked like she was.

  After a mini seminar on “the rules” and how if they weren’t followed she would be thrown in the trunk, she wrangled herself into her “quiet place”. Thanks to K she had to admit again. His lessons and yes, the mental discipline from the damn yoga.

  She stayed calm, slowed her breathing and didn't panic, she heard his voice in her head. “I’m also going to teach you how to get out of some basic ties today Angel.” She had looked at him, her hazel eyes filled with surprise, but he had smiled. “What we do, the lifestyle, it’s mostly for fun, play. That’s why you have a safe word.” His look had turned a little sheepish, such a misplaced look on what was so often a stern face. “You’ll even be able to get to get out of some of mine from now on if you you like, but that’s OK.

  She wanted to tear up at the thought of what he’d done for her, the old Francine would have been on the verge of collapse from the gut tearing fear running through her body. But now, thanks to the “K bootcamp” her mind was still active and working. Now the only question was, how to keep this asshole distracted while she worked on his weak ass ties? She waited until they had started down the drive before using her acid tongue, “I’m not afraid of a monkey’s ass like you, I’ve experienced true Dominance and it could never be from that worm that’s between your legs.”

  “Shut up slave.” Francine’s little chin raised a bit. Now that she had gotten started, what began as a way to distract him turned into it’s own monster. She just couldn't seem to help the tide of defiance rising inside of her and springing from her lips. This man had been so cruel to her when they had encountered each other for the first time. He had used words to terrify her and how many others? Now she had her chance and she was riding high, her little collar and the lessons from her Master giving her new found strength she could not seem to stop herself.

  “My Master is a hunter you know? He loves to hunt and track things, he’ll hunt you, punish you and beat you like a three year old for taking what belongs to him.”

  He was yelling now, starting to lose it... “Your Master is a fucking accountant! That’s it!”

  She paused for effect, “Then why is there fear behind your beady little rat eyes?” Francine’s eyes were steely and sure from the back seat, but Armin was beyond frustrated now. When had he ever had a woman talk to him in such a way? Especially one half naked and tied? Fear was his candy, what he lived for and savored in others, especially in women, and to not be getting it from Francine was bad enough. But to feel it in himself, eating away like a dark poison seeping through his own bloodstream, it was intolerable, especially since it seemed to have no foundation. He was the clever one, he was the one in control. In spite of everything he felt fear’s familiar bite rise up inside him and now, he was really trying hard now not to let it consume him and cause him to foam at the mouth. Francine saw him take a swipe across his lips with the back of his hand; yuck.

  Quieter now, he was trying to collect himself and concentrate while navigating the ridiculous car on the snow covered dirt road through the mountainous terrain. What was he worried about? He mused again. Finally he had the upper hand, he ought to be celebrating. Not letting this fuckhole distract him. All this time K had been so fucking careful, but he’d always remember it was he, Armin! he was the one who tracked and found him and his slave bitch, and now he would be rewarded! I’ll be the favorite, not some fucking accountant! And the next couple group of girls that came in, Armin would request the strongest to play his games with as a reward. It would be like enjoying a moist piece of fruit cake.

  He would take his turn with bitch in the back seat too, training her himself since K had obviously made such a mess of it. After
he broke her and she was trembling with fear at his very presence, she could serve him at his palace before he sold her overseas to live out the rest of her days. Nothing would be traced back to him.

  Careless of K to leave her just lying around. Picking her up had been just too easy. Too bad he already hadn’t had a chance to break her in a little more before she’d been sold, but he’d soon remedy that. So far, even for him she was proving to be a hand full. The fight she had given him! And the way she was looking at him now, like she’d kill him if she could.

  Not to mention her absolute confidence in that damn K. What had he done to inspire such loyalty? Armin had gone to “after sale” visits before and had never seen anything like this level of bonding. “And you, he’s already ruined you!” He said searching for Francine's eyes in the back of the car. “He told me about you, you know, that you couldn't stop crying”. He paused seeing her cold-blooded stare, “I don’t remember you being like this.”

  When she responded her voice matched the glint in her eyes, “Well I don't remember you being so pathetic and useless, like a used maxi pad, so I guess we're even."

  Armin’s head looked like it wanted to spin around on his neck twice at her acidic response. His eyes were bruising up where she’d jabbed him with her furious fist and was his nose broken? He was still rambling on. “I’ll get to see what’s so great about your pussy too fucking slave before I hand you over. He’s been using you for weeks and It’s my turn now.”

  She continued in her cold brittle voice, “Your pencil dick could never satisfy me like his does.” Getting into it now... “His dick is so full and satisfying, after him I’d barely know you were there. It would be like an elephant and a tic tac.” She let her voice rise a bit at the end with this last statement.


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