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Governess in Disguise: Historical Regency Romance

Page 18

by Lisa Campell

  “Well?” Andrews snapped.

  Emilia gritted her teeth.

  “I don’t have to answer to you about my actions, Mr. Andrews.”

  “You what?” Andrews stared. “Do you hear yourself right now? I’m your employer! You do answer to me!”

  Emilia didn’t immediately respond. He was right. That was the worst thing she could have possibly said. She did answer to him, and he was going to keep demanding to know what was going on until she gave him the truth. That was not happening.

  “What are you up to, Emilia?” He asked.

  Emilia swallowed. Andrews had moved closer, and she had only just realized that she was leaning towards him. She wanted to pull away, put some space between them, but Emilia couldn’t. This was hardly the time to be vaguely intimate, and yet neither of them appeared to notice. Then again, judging by how dark Andrews’ eyes were all of a sudden, he had very much noticed.

  Emilia’s heart was racing. She needed to move back. Now. And yet she stayed where she was.

  “Like I said, Mr. Andrews, it’s none of your business.”

  “It is when you’re meant to be at home looking after Anna.” Andrews snapped. “Not walking around in the shadows and spying on me. I presume you were spying on me.”


  “What did you hope to find, Emilia?” He went on, barely allowing her to protest. “Were you trying to get in and get something from me? Steal from Drake’s, maybe?”

  Emilia felt her face going red in her annoyance.

  “I would never steal! I can’t believe you would think that of me!”

  “I don’t know what to believe with you anymore.” Andrews narrowed his eyes. He was still too close for comfort. “Or maybe you’re a gambling woman who wanted to get in and see what it was like inside my establishment.”

  “I have no interest in gambling.”

  “You gambled with your reputation coming here alone. I’d say you’re more than a little interested in Drake’s”

  Was she? Emilia could feel her cheeks getting warm. She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t. Andrews’ eyes had her mesmerized. Was he shifting closer to her? Emilia knew she should be moving away, putting distance between them, and yet she couldn’t. The heat from his body seemed to be seeping through her cloak, and he hadn’t even touched her yet.

  “I…” Emilia licked her lips, which had Andrews’ gaze falling to her mouth. Did his eyes just darken? Had to be a trick of the light. It was dim in the carriage, after all. “I wanted to explore my surroundings. Anna was sleeping and Mrs. Gallagher said I needed some fresh air, so I took her advice.”

  “I’ll be having a word with Mrs. Gallagher about that.” Andrews’ voice was barely a growl. “And even if it’s true, I doubt she said to come this far out.”

  “I like to walk. I wasn’t spying on you.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Of course, he wouldn’t. He was far too suspicious. Emilia glared at him.

  “Believe what you want, Mr. Andrews. I didn’t even know that was Drake’s.”

  He stared at her for what felt like forever. Emilia could feel her pulse in her throat, her chest tightening. And it wasn’t because of the corset. Andrews shifted closer, pressing his hands on the seat either side of Emilia. He trapped her in, his face inches from hers. For a split second, Emilia forgot how to breathe. What was he trying to do? Scare her into submission? It wasn’t working. It seemed to be having the opposite effect.

  Was he trying to seduce her into submission? Emilia had thought he wouldn’t do that, but seeing him now, she was beginning to revise her opinion.

  “You know, you’re not a very good liar, Emilia.” Andrews’ mouth twitched in a grim smile. “I can tell by the look in your eyes. You’re lying to me. And I want to know why.”

  She couldn’t tell him. That would ruin everything. And Emilia knew that Andrews wouldn’t let her out until he got an answer. She had to distract him somehow. Get him diverted elsewhere. But how?

  Only one idea came to mind, and Emilia bit back a gasp as the thought sent a warm shiver up her spine. No, she couldn’t be brave enough to do that, could she?

  Come off it, you’ve wanted to do it since you met him. Might as well see if he tastes as good as he looks.

  Andrews didn’t move away as Emilia leaned forward, but he did stiffen as Emilia pressed her mouth to his. She didn’t touch him other than that, and she had to bite back a sigh as she savoured his mouth. It really was as soft as it looked, and so very warm.

  Emilia pulled back quickly, her heart racing. No, she would not be dragged into that. Andrews was now staring at her like he had never seen her before. She might have gotten a better reaction if she had slapped him. Then Andrews’ eyes narrowed.

  “That’s not going to stop me finding out why you were at my club tonight.”

  “Who said I was trying to distract you?” Emilia was surprised she even had a voice. She lifted her chin. “Maybe I wanted to do that.”

  Did she really want to kiss him?

  Oh, yes, she did.

  Chapter Twenty

  Andrews growled. Then he reached for her.


  Emilia didn’t fight as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her, one arm wrapped around her waist while his other hand cupped the back of her head, angling her until he got the right fit. Emilia moaned, her hands clutching at his arms. Whoa, she had not been expecting that. There was so much fire burning inside him, and Emilia could feel it licking at her.

  He certainly knew how to kiss. And Emilia wanted more.

  Andrews shifted back onto his seat, taking Emilia with him. She gasped as his hands shoved her skirts up and dragged her legs towards him, ending up with Emilia straddling his lap and her skirts up about her hips. This was the most scandalous position she had ever been in. The carriage could stop and then they would be caught. Emilia knew her reputation would be tarnished if they were found. But the more Andrews kissed her, his hands resting on her hips, the more she lost the ability to care. She just wanted more.

  Then Andrews pressed her down, and Emilia broke the kiss with a gasp as his hardness pressed against her core. Whoa, he was big. Much bigger than the last man. And it had Emilia shivering. She rolled her hips, wanting more, and Andrews’ hands tightened on her hips.

  “God, Emilia.” He started kissing her neck. “You’re just…”

  He didn’t finish, growling as he leaned Emilia back, kissing her way down her chest. He unsnapped the cloak and it fell to the floor, and then his mouth was on her breast. Emilia gasped as he sucked at her breast through the cloth of her dress, his other hand cupping her other breast. Dear God, that was too much. They had to stop.

  But she didn’t want to stop. She wanted more.


  He froze, then lifted his head. Emilia shivered as his breath tickled her skin.

  “Say my name again.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “I want to hear you.”

  Emilia was panting, her head pounding. She reached up and cupped his jaw.


  His eyes darkened even more, and then he tugged her bodice down, releasing her breasts. Emilia started to protest, but that turned into a moan as he sucked her breast into his mouth, devouring her as his fingers pinched and rolled her nipple. The sensations shot through Emilia’s body, and she ground herself on his lap. Was he bigger than he had been earlier? Emilia wasn’t sure, but she was certain that if it turned into rutting in the carriage, she was certainly not going to turn it down.

  She wanted him. In any way she could get.

  Her pleasure was building, teetering on the edge. If he kept this up, Emilia was going to explode. She was almost bent in half backwards, her hand clutching onto the seat with her other hand holding onto his shoulder. Her head kept knocking against the seat, but she didn’t care. Emilia just wanted to feel this. Feel his mouth on her, his hands teasing her pleasure out of her. It felt far too good. />
  Suddenly, Emilia felt the world moving to the point her head was spinning. She was hauled upright and shifted off his lap. Hands moved to adjust her dress, so she looked modest again, and then Emilia was deposited gently on her seat. Andrews’ voice was shaking as he sat back. His face was tight with discomfort, breathing heavily with obvious desire in his eyes. God, he looked beautiful like that.

  But why did he stop?

  “We’re back.”

  That was all he said. Then Emilia realized that they were coming up the drive to the house. She hadn’t even noticed they had got back so quickly. Her hands trembling, she reached for her cloak, checking that her dress was on correctly. It didn’t look too bad, albeit a little loose around her cleavage, but with her cloak on nobody would notice.

  “I... that…”

  “Don’t.” Andrews held up a hand. “Trust me when I say this isn’t over. I’m not done with you yet.”

  He wasn’t done with her yet. Oh, lord. He really wanted to finish this? Emilia felt like the world had been spinning and had been stopped very abruptly. This wasn’t over. Thomas Andrews was keeping himself distanced, but she could see the desire in his eyes, the tension in his body. He wanted her.

  Oh, God, what had she started?

  How he managed to let Emilia out of the carriage without touching her again, Thomas had no idea. As soon as the carriage had stopped, she was out of there and into the house before Thomas had alighted. She didn’t even look back, and that made Thomas feel a little put out. Was she ashamed of what happened?

  The desire in her eyes was not an illusion. The attraction was there, and those moments tasting her body had felt like all his dreams had come at once. Thomas could feel the arousal knotted in his gut long after she had gone. He had sent Jenkins on his way, not wanting his valet to undress him in his current state.

  Crawling into bed, Thomas stared at the ceiling and tried to find some kind of release. But the mere thought of Emilia had him wanting to go to her room and take her on the bed, against the wall, in front of the window, any way he could think of. His lust for someone had not been this out of control for a long time. It was like the clock had been turned back and he was an eighteen-year-old young man again. At his age now, Thomas had expected that he would have more control over himself.

  Evidently not, if Emilia Perry was able to change that around with just a simple kiss.

  She had started out as distracting him. Thomas knew that much. She was trying to divert attention away from the real reason she was following him. Thomas should have put the kiss aside and focused on the questions, but the kiss had broken him. Emilia had tasted so sweet, delicious. Thomas had wanted more, a whole lot more. If they had been on a longer journey, they might have ended up naked with Emilia riding his cock, or Emilia on her back with Thomas thrusting into her. All the positions they could have done in that confined space floated through his mind.

  The last person to set him on fire like this was his wife. Thomas had thought the fire had gone along with Olivia when she died. Apparently, it had merely been dormant, and Emilia had brought it back to life.

  He wanted her. Badly. But Thomas was aware that what he had done could have been considered professional suicide. Emilia was the governess. A servant. He never treated the servants like that, and he should be treating Emilia in the same way. And yet he couldn’t. Thomas had crossed a line, and he didn’t know how to get out of it.

  He was going to have to keep his distance from Emilia from now on. And have Jenkins keep a close eye on her. Emilia was certainly up to something, and Thomas wanted to know what she was up to. She might not have planned to become a seductress, but there was no denying how she reacted in his arms. She wanted him as well. Yet she wouldn’t tell him what was going on.

  Thomas would have it out of her. If it affected how he treated her in the future, he needed to know what was going on. It had to be big if Emilia was refusing to reveal her big secret. Thomas wanted no secrets between them. His daughter’s governess needed to be open with him.

  You really do have it bad for her if you’re thinking no secrets between you.

  He was stuck. Thomas didn’t think he could fall for anyone else; nothing was in comparison with his wife. But Emilia...she could make any man fall without any effort.

  Her husband had to be mad to think she was worth nothing. To Thomas, Emilia Perry was worth much more than she gave herself credit for.

  Somehow, Thomas managed to get some sleep. He had no idea how or when he fell asleep, but the next thing Thomas was aware of was someone shaking him awake, a hand pressing on his shoulder.

  “Mr. Andrews?”

  Thomas gasped and awoke with a start, half-coming up off the bed. Then he saw Jenkins standing by the bed, leaning over his master with a frown. Heart racing, Thomas settled down on the pillows again.

  “God, Jenkins! You startled me.”

  “Forgive me, Mr. Andrews. It is after nine, and you’re normally up earlier than this.”

  “Nine?” Thomas strained his eyes to look at the clock on the mantelpiece. It really was after nine. He had never slept in that late before. “I didn’t realize. I guess I really didn’t sleep well.”

  “I guessed that.” Jenkins straightened up with a frown. “Are you all right? You were talking.”

  “In my sleep?”

  “I could hear you from outside the door.” Jenkins arched an eyebrow. “You were calling a name in your sleep. Emilia.”

  Thomas groaned, covering his face with his hands. His cheeks had to be going red. He had been saying her name in his sleep.

  “Oh, God. Everyone heard that?”

  “Only me, as far as I’m aware. I’m sure that’ll change later on.” Jenkins shook his head and turned away. “I’m not going to ask why you were saying her name; I’m sure I don’t want to know.”

  “And even if you ask, I’m not going to tell you.”

  “Good.” Jenkins gestured at the chair by the fireplace. “I’ve got everything for your wash and shave this morning. Do you still want me to do it?”

  His shave. Thomas rubbed his hand over his jaw. Jenkins shaved him every other day, telling him that it was better for a man to be clean-shaven. Thomas didn’t mind if he had a beard - Olivia had certainly liked him with one - but Jenkins said it was preferable to be clean-shaven. It made him look far too young, however, even if it was making him clean.

  “I think I’ll just have a wash this morning, Jenkins. No shaving today.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” Thomas slid out of bed. “You lay out my clothes while I get myself ready.”

  Jenkins nodded once and moved to the closet. Thomas washed himself down, the cold water a shock to his sleeping countenance. But it was what he needed. Washing quickly, he dried himself down and Jenkins helped him to dress. His valet didn’t say anything, which was unusual in itself. He was someone who could start a conversation no matter what the situation. Thomas wasn’t a morning person, but it did help to have someone talking to him. However, this time Jenkins was silent.

  “Are you all right this morning, Jenkins?”

  “Perfectly fine.” His valet didn’t look up as he picked up Thomas’ waistcoat. “Why do you ask?”

  “You don’t seem your usual self.”

  “Things are well enough, Mr. Andrews.”

  Now Thomas didn’t believe that at all. Jenkins had something on his mind, and he wasn’t happy about it. He wasn’t about to tell Thomas anything, he could see that. Whatever was going on, Jenkins would let him know in his own time. Thomas had learned not to push with his servants, especially Jenkins. He preferred to go to his own dance step, and Thomas had to follow his lead.

  Thomas put his arms into his waistcoat and shrugged it on.

  “Jenkins,” He said as he began to do up the buttons, “what would you say if I told you I would like Emilia Perry in our lives on a more permanent basis?”

  “I beg your pardon, Mr. Andrews?”

/>   Thomas turned. Jenkins was staring at him like he had never seen his master before. The look on his face was almost comical.

  “Jenkins, you’re not deaf. I know you heard me.”

  “I did hear you.” Jenkins shook himself. “To clarify, when you say a more permanent basis, are you suggesting marriage?”

  Was he? Thomas hadn’t thought of it like that when he asked, but now Jenkins had mentioned marriage, the idea of getting married again didn’t scare him. If anything, it made him feel...good. Really good.

  “I believe I am.” Thomas adjusted his cuffs, straightening out the creases. “I’m not going to jump into it right now, but it’s something I want to consider in the near future.”


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