Love in the Time of Corona
Page 15
Cherie waved before closing the car door. As Brenda followed her to the cottage, she noted that Cherie was a careful driver. She scrupulously observed the speed zone past the school. Maybe she was just on good behavior because she knew the police chief was following her, but somehow Brenda knew that wasn’t the case. Cherie was what they used to call a “good girl.” She willingly followed the rules. Then Brenda thought back to what Cherie had told her her sister being shot and realized there was a very good reason to toe the line. Getting stopped by the police for a traffic violation would absolutely trigger her.
Brenda pulled in behind Cherie and watched her head inside the house. She’d give Cherie a head start to let her negotiate the TV arrangements with her father. Meanwhile, she scanned her phone messages to see if there had been any incidents. She was relieved to see it was completely clear. At this time of year, when Hobbs was down to its smallest population, things were pretty quiet.
Cherie came to the door and waved to encourage Brenda to come in. By the time she went inside, Jean-Paul was already in his room and the door was closed.
“I hope I haven’t disturbed his routine,” Brenda whispered.
Cherie shook her head. “No, he’s usually in bed by this time of night. He falls asleep with the TV on, although I don’t know how. He always has it so loud. I think his hearing’s starting to go.” Cherie pointed to her ear. Brenda noticed that it was small and delicate. She liked the way Cherie’s curly, blond hair curved around it. She was momentarily tempted to touch it, but Cherie turned and headed to the kitchen. “I’ll get some wine. Or would you like a beer since you’ve been drinking Guinness?”
The thought of another beer appealed to Brenda, but she didn’t want to belch or fart in Cherie’s presence. It was a little early in the relationship for that. “Thanks. I’ve had enough for now,” said Brenda.
Cherie returned with a glass of red wine and gestured toward the sofa in front of the big TV. Brenda sat down and she was surprised when Cherie sat close enough for their thighs to touch. Unsure about the invitation, Brenda laid her arm across the back of the sofa instead of around Cherie’s shoulders. Cherie played with the remote, switching screens until she found Happy Valley on Amazon Prime.
Brenda nodded. She watched, fascinated. She hadn’t seen many British cop shows. One thing she noticed right away was that none of the British cops carried a gun, just a baton. She frowned until she realized that gun control was so strict in Britain, few perps would have guns, so the cops wouldn’t need them either. What an amazing thought. Perps without guns.
Brenda scrutinized Sarah Lancashire, the lead actress, to see the resemblance. Yes, they looked a little alike. The blue eyes and blond hair certainly. Also, the pink complexion and the slight cleft in the chin.
“You really think she looks like me?” asked Brenda, tilting her head from side to side as she studied the actress. “She’s kind of fat.”
Cherie laughed. “TV makes everyone look fat.” She gave Brenda a conspicuous once over. “In fact, you could stand to lose a few pounds.”
Brenda opened her mouth wide in faux shock. “Are you telling me this as a PA or as the woman I’m dating?”
Cherie raised a blond brow. “We’re dating?” she asked innocently.
“You know we are!” Brenda sounded more indignant than she’d intended. She stared at Cherie, who was holding her hand over her mouth in a desperate attempt to stop laughing. Finally, the laughter sputtered out.
“I’m sorry,” said Cherie. “You’re such an easy mark.”
Then the amusement left her eyes, and she put her hands on Brenda’s cheeks. She drew her down into a sensual kiss. Cherie’s lips were soft and velvety. Her tongue gently explored Brenda’s mouth until her head began to spin. She gave Brenda a final, soft kiss, then let her go.
“I guess we are dating,” said Brenda still dizzy from the kiss. She noted the response in her crotch.
“I guess we are.” Cherie had a misty look of affection and indulgence in her eyes, but when Brenda reached for her, she turned and leaned into her body. “Let’s watch one episode. Then maybe we can continue.” Cherie reached for the remote and ran the video back to the point where they’d stopped paying attention.
Brenda was uncertain about what to do next. Should she push harder to continue what they had started or follow Cherie’s lead? She had her answer when she put her arm around Cherie, who sighed and snuggled closer. She put her hand on Brenda’s thigh and rested her cheek against her breast. That felt right, so Brenda held her close.
Chapter Twenty
Cherie finished cleaning up the kitchen and left her father happily enjoying the pork tenderloin she had prepared for his dinner. She bent to kiss him on the cheek.
“Good night, Daddy.”
“Good night, Hon. Say hi to Brenda for me.”
Cherie stood back and gave him a worried look. “You okay by yourself with your CPAP?”
“Of course,” he said in an confident voice. “I did it before I moved in with you. Now, stop waiting on me hand and foot. I can manage!”
“Okay. Call me if you need me.”
“Never happen. Now, get out of here. Have a good time.” Jean-Paul went back to his meal.
Reluctantly, Cherie headed to the door. She felt guilty leaving her father alone. He seemed frailer every day, but so far, he was healthy. Despite his compromised breathing, his heartbeat was strong. Even so, Cherie knocked on the wooden door for good luck as she went through.
She turned on her GPS because she still didn’t trust herself to find her way in the dark woods. It was so dark at night in Maine, the darkest place she had ever lived, but on a clear night, she loved to see all the stars overhead.
Once Cherie left the main road, she tried to focus on the mechanical voice barking directions, but she was distracted by the memories of her evening with Brenda. She’d patiently honored her request to watch the entire episode of Happy Valley. As soon as it had ended, she’d reached for the remote and switched it off.
“You’re pretty bossy in my house,” Cherie had teased.
“I am not. Just following your orders.” Silly Brenda had given her a crisp salute. Cherie smiled to herself at the memory. What followed made her smile even more. Brenda had taken her in her arms and kissed her. Cherie had felt every ounce of feeling in that kiss. Brenda wasn’t aggressive, but Cherie could feel her strength in the way she held her, a quiet strength magnified by the profound gentleness of her touch, as if Cherie were delicate crystal that would be crushed by anything more. It wasn’t at all what she’d expected when she’d first met the tall, blond woman and was repulsed by the police uniform and the gun.
After that smoldering kiss, Brenda had eased her down on the sofa and stroked her cheek and her hair. Her eyes were full, and Cherie realized she was nearly weeping as she touched her.
“What’s the matter?” Cherie whispered anxiously.
“You’re so beautiful it breaks my heart. I have this sweet pain right here.” Brenda pressed a spot near her solar plexus. “I’ve only felt it one other time…the first time I kissed my wife.”
That brought tears to Cherie’s eyes. She pulled Brenda’s face to her shoulder. Tears ran down Cherie’s cheeks into Brenda’s hair. What a crazy thing. In the moment when she was so excited, she’d ended up crying like a baby. It made no sense.
When Brenda kissed her again, she didn’t protest. When Brenda’s hand wandered under her top and cupped her breast, Cherie could barely breathe.
“Is this okay?” Brenda asked.
“Yes,” breathed Cherie. “Very okay.”
The adamant female voice of the GPS suddenly demanded her attention. “Turn here!” Cherie knew she was close. She recognized the entrance to the development, but that was all. The loops and circles inside were a maze. She squinted to make out the road signs i
n the dark. Her heart pounded for a few moments when she realized she’d made a wrong turn and had no idea where she was. She felt so stupid for getting lost with a GPS shouting orders. “Go North! Go North!”
She lowered the volume and sat for a minute to take a few deep breaths and calm herself before she proceeded further. Finally, she regained her confidence and headed back in the right direction.
The driveway and porch lights burned brightly when she arrived at Brenda’s driveway. She caught Brenda peeking out from behind the drapes when the headlights hit the house.
She opened the door. “Come in, stranger,” she said, standing back.
Cherie put the bottle of wine in Brenda’s hands, which seemed to befuddle her for a moment. She smiled and set the bottle down on the floor while she helped Cherie out of her coat. She carefully hung it in the closet.
She gave Cherie a quick kiss, snatched up the wine bottle and headed to the kitchen. Baffled at first, Cherie finally realized after the previous night’s emotional kiss, Brenda was shy. The police chief is shy. Imagine that!
Cherie followed her into the kitchen. “What are you cooking that smells so good?” she asked, trying for a light, casual tone to put Brenda more at ease.
Cherie couldn’t stop the apprehension from showing on her face. This was the night they might make love and Brenda was making chili?
Brenda stared at her. “What’s the matter?” Then she realized the implications and laughed. “Don’t worry. I don’t put beans in my chili. I spent some time doing sensitivity training with the Cincinnati PD. They make chili differently there. And I serve it with mac and cheese, not rice.”
She lifted the lid of the pot so Cherie could look in. To Cherie’s relief, there were no beans. “Smells delicious.”
“Hot. I mean, spicy hot.”
“I have Cajun blood. I don’t mind hot. The spicier the better.”
Brenda gave her a positively seductive look. “I’m glad to hear that.” Brenda dipped a spoon into the pot and offered it to Cherie. “Taste?”
After a quick, puzzled glance, Cherie took the spoon and tasted the steaming chili. “Hot!” she mumbled with food in her mouth. “Physically and chemically. Wow!”
“Too hot?”
Cherie tasted it again. “No, it’s spiced just right.” She realized Brenda was studying her mouth. She wiped it in case there was some stray chili.
“You have the most beautiful mouth,” said Brenda. “Your lips are so full and soft.”
Cherie put down the spoon because she knew what was coming next.
Brenda took a step forward. “I want to kiss you.”
Cherie nodded. Brenda put her arms around her. The kiss was deep and so intense that Cherie felt faint. She allowed herself to be supported by Brenda’s arms. When it finally ended, Brenda held her against her shoulder.
Cherie could smell the laundry soap Brenda used to wash her shirt, straightforward and clean. That was part of Brenda’s appeal. What you saw was what you got. No games. No agenda. Cherie felt the press of Brenda’s soft breasts against her. She never wanted to leave those strong arms, but Brenda let her go. Once the warm breasts went away, Cherie felt chilled. Come back. Please come back, she begged in her mind.
“We should eat,” Brenda said, taking two bowls down from the cabinet. She spooned some macaroni and cheese into each. Then she ladled in some chili. “Do you want to eat in the kitchen or out by the wood stove?”
After swooning from the kiss, Cherie could hardly make sense of the question. Fortunately, Brenda answered it for her.
“Let’s eat by the stove.” She took out two trays and added silverware and napkins. She put the bowls on them. “If you take them out and put them on the coffee table, I’ll open the wine.”
Cherie had been raised to be helpful in the kitchen, so she followed orders without question. Brenda followed with the wine and two glasses.
“Here’s to no-gas chili,” Brenda said, tapping glasses.
“You’ll have to give me your recipe.”
“Remind me.” Brenda dug into her chili. It was obvious she enjoyed her own cooking and had a good appetite. Cherie looked at her with a clinician’s eye. Apart from the few extra pounds around the middle, which many women acquired at her age, she was fit. Her eyes were clear, and she had a healthy glow. Brenda became aware that she was being watched. She frowned. “Go on. Eat up if you want to watch your show.”
Cherie put her spoon into the bowl. The chili, combined with the macaroni and cheese, had lost some of its punch. It now had just the right balance of savory richness and spice. As she ate, Cherie realized she was hungry.
“How was your day?” asked Brenda between spoonsful.
“Busy. And I forgot to test myself again. I only realized when I was coming home from the office.”
“You better do it, or you’ll catch hell from Liz.” Brenda suddenly jumped up. “I almost forgot! I made jalapeno corn bread to go with it.”
“Sit down, Brenda. We can have it later…for a snack.”
“Are you sure?”
“This is so rich I’m getting full already.”
They finished the chili. Brenda offered more, but Cherie didn’t have room for another bite.
“Let me put the food away, then we can watch your show.” Brenda put the pot of chili out on her screen porch to cool while Cherie rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.
“We make a good team,” said Brenda, obviously pleased to see everything scrubbed and put in its place.
“We do,” Cherie agreed.
They went into the living room. Brenda fiddled with the remote until she found the right app and navigated to Happy Valley.
“I hope you’re enjoying this show,” said Cherie.
Brenda shrugged. “It’s entertaining.”
Cherie took the remote from her. “You don’t really like it.”
“I didn’t say that.”
Oh no! We’re going to have our first fight. Cherie felt her chest constrict at the thought. She hated unnecessary quarrels. Then Brenda gave her a long, earnest look.
“I’d rather be doing something else,” she said. “If you know what I mean.”
Cherie sat up and studied her face. “Are you sure we’re ready for that?”
“I don’t know,” said Brenda with an earnest look. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.” Brenda’s face turned in the direction of the stairs.
Cherie laughed. “How romantic. You make it sound like a science experiment. You should see your face!”
Brenda reached for her and gave her a soft kiss. “Better?”
“Do it again, and I’ll let you know.”
“Hmmm. You don’t need to ask twice. I love your lips and how you kiss.”
Something about Brenda reminded Cherie of herself as a young woman. Her kisses were curious rather than aggressive. Meanwhile, Cherie had been keeping track of where Brenda’s hands were to avoid getting too far too fast. Despite each being a half century in age, they sat on the sofa, making out like two adolescents. The thought made Cherie giggle.
Brenda drew back to look at her. “Am I doing something wrong?” she asked with charming innocence.
Cherie caressed Brenda’s flushed face with her fingertips. “No, Brenda, you’re doing everything right.”
Brenda glanced at her hand in Cherie’s blouse. She gave her breast a quick caress and withdrew it. “I don’t know about you, but I’m too old to make love on the carpet.”
“Brenda Harrison, are you inviting me to your bedroom?” asked Cherie, batting her eyelashes.
“Yes, I think I am.”
“We might be more comfortable there.”
“I think so.” Brenda looked momentarily anxious. “Are you sure about this?”
Cherie placed a
soft kiss on her lips. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”
Brenda took her hand and led her up the carpeted steps to a large airy room with a king size bed. “I made the bed in your honor,” said Brenda with a quick grin. “I put on clean sheets.”
“You expected we’d end up here?”
“No, but I hoped we would.”
Brenda unbuckled her belt and let her jeans fall off. She tossed them on a nearby chair and began to work the buttons of her shirt. She picked up a scrunchie from the night stand and tied back her hair. With a little smile, Cherie watched the perfunctory way her would-be lover undressed. Realizing she was being watched, Brenda looked up.
“I’m sorry. Not very romantic, I guess. I should have waited for you.”
Cherie shook her head. “I’m getting an interesting preview.”
Brenda grinned. “I looked through my drawer to find my nicest panties. Marcia used to throw out the ones with holes.” Then she realized what she’d said and glanced away. “I don’t know why I said that.”
“It’s okay,” said Cherie, coming closer. “You’re nervous. So am I.” She took Brenda’s hands and placed them on her blouse. “Since you’re so good with buttons, try mine.” Cherie smiled at the instant, frank desire in Brenda’s eyes. She held her gaze while Brenda unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. She let Brenda unzip her pants, but she wiggled out of them. She sat down on the bed and extended her hand. Obediently, Brenda came to her side.
The kissing resumed. While Cherie was distracted by what Brenda was doing to her mouth, she felt her bra being unhooked. She enjoyed the feel of soft fingers kneading her breast, gently pinching the nipple. Warm lips replaced the fingers. Cherie let a soft moan escape. She loved having her breasts sucked. Wordlessly, Brenda urged her to lie down. Before she did, Cherie made sure to relieve Brenda of her bra.
They lay side by side, gazing into one another’s eyes. “How long has it been for you?” Cherie asked in a whisper. She caressed Brenda’s cheek with the back of her hand.
“Three years. I just couldn’t be with someone else after she died.”