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Strategic Seduction

Page 12

by Cheris Hodges

  “C’est une bonne idée, mademoiselle.” His fluency in French almost made Alicia’s knees go weak. She was thankful that she was sitting down.

  “Well, well, aren’t you full of surprises?” she said with a smile.

  Richmond winked at her. “I aim to please.”

  “So, where was this guy when Kandace and Solomon first moved to New York? I really thought you were the model for Oscar the Grouch.”

  Richmond laughed. “Back then I was, and I didn’t think Solomon’s wife liked me.”

  “Do you think you gave Kandace or anyone else a reason to like you?”

  He shrugged. “Aren’t you glad that you were wrong about me, though?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. I’m just glad you and your brother worked out your kinks and we all got a chance to get along. Because if Kandace hadn’t given you her seal of approval, I wouldn’t have given you the time of day,” Alicia said.

  “And that would’ve been a loss for all of us.” Richmond took her carry-on bag and placed it in the overhead compartment then returned to his seat.

  “You’re right about that,” she said. Richmond got comfortable for his nap. The plush leather felt almost as good as Alicia’s arms. He glanced at her as she prepared for the flight, pulling out her tablet, headphones, and a magazine. Yeah, she was organized as hell, but this woman needed to relax. He recognized the behavior and he knew it masked a lot of things. He wondered if Alicia would feel comfortable enough to talk to him about it.

  “What?” she asked when she caught his stare.

  “One of the best things about a long flight is the fact that you can relax.”

  “This is me relaxing,” she said. “I just like to have everything in its place.”

  Before he could respond, the captain began making flight announcements. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before fastening his seat belt. “I still say, you need to relax.”

  * * *

  “Welcome to Atlanta, Georgia. We do hope you enjoy your stay in our beautiful city. Today’s weather is seventy-five degrees with a thirty percent chance of rain.”

  Vivian gritted her teeth as the other passengers began to deplane. She hated flying commercial, but sitting in coach had to be the biggest nightmare of her life. When she found Richmond, she was definitely going to make him upgrade her ticket. The sooner she got out of the South, the better.

  Before getting to Atlanta, Vivian looked up Richmond’s new girlfriend and found out that she was a city councilwoman. She figured since she was a public figure, she’d be easier to find than Richmond. Solomon wouldn’t take her calls anymore, and Vivian was tired of being ignored. It had been nearly a month! She was going to get cash or a pound of flesh. Either way, she was leaving Atlanta with what she wanted or the Crawford crew was going to find their business spread across every rag in the nation by the time she was done.

  Finally, she was off the plane. As she slapped her oversized sunglasses on her face, she moved through the busy concourse like a woman possessed. Knowing Richmond, he was probably in this woman’s face, buying her anything she wanted to keep her interested. He was a boring man who’d be nothing without his money. So, he’d lost weight and got a makeover—he was still the same boring and needy man she’d married. At least, that was what Vivian thought. She’d failed to see the other changes in her ex, because all that mattered to her had been the money she had access to. Vivian had never loved Richmond, and after faking her pregnancy to get a ring from him, she saw that the Crawfords were about projecting an image—no matter what was happening behind the scenes. She’d watch her in-laws argue and cut each other down on a daily basis. She’d actually admired Cynthia Crawford’s ruthlessness and figured that she’d handle Richmond the same way. She had no idea that Elliot and Cynthia’s relationship had been wrapped in layers of infidelity and years of fighting. Finding out the truth had only given her more ammunition to use in order to keep her ex-husband in line. Now he wanted to act like she didn’t have the power to ruin their lives, even his new one in Atlanta. “He’s going to regret trying to play me,” she muttered as she headed to the taxi stand to get a ride to a hotel.

  Paris, France

  “Paris has always been one of my favorite cities,” Richmond said as they stepped off the plane. “Always loved the art and the food.” What he didn’t say was that he’d never had a chance to experience it with someone that he cared about. Glancing over at Alicia, he knew that this would be a different type of trip and he was going to make sure that they both had a great time.

  “This is only my second time here,” she replied. “First time I came was when Devon and Marie had their little girl. We all came to celebrate her birth. We didn’t really have time to do a lot of sightseeing, but we did eat a lot.” Alicia smiled. “I don’t understand how the French stay so thin with all the bread they eat. I would probably be four hundred pounds if I lived here.”

  Richmond smiled. “And you’d still be the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Alicia turned away from him, hiding her smile. “So where are we off to first?” she asked.

  “Well, I figured we could get checked into the hotel. I’ve reserved a couple of suites at one of Paris’s newest boutique hotels just to see what it looks like. My plan is to take the best of what they’re doing and add it to our Atlanta location. I’m sure we’ll get guests who are used to styling and things like this at our hotel, so I want to make sure that we’re ahead of the curve, not trying to keep up with the Europeans later.”

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Alicia said. “But I hope we’re going to get some rest first.”

  Alicia needed to get some sleep because while she was on the plane, she couldn’t sleep. Every time she closed her eyes all she could think about was joining the mile-high club with him. Her attraction to Richmond was growing every day, and she just wondered if she’d be able to keep herself under control in Paris, the most romantic city in the world, with the man who was doing nothing but turning her on with his butterfly touches and smiles.

  After getting into the black car that was waiting for them, Alicia found herself transfixed by the man sitting beside her. There was something about Richmond that just kept a smile on her face. Maybe it was his laid-back nature and the fact that he was different from all of the blind dates that her friends had tried to set her up on. He was someone she could see herself growing with. Someone who wanted more out of life than just arm candy, and at the same time made her feel like both—the brains and the beauty.

  “You’re not sleeping already, are you?” Richmond asked when he noticed Alicia’s silence.

  “Almost,” she said. “But I’m definitely going to have to eat something before I go to sleep.”

  “I thought we could try the hotel’s restaurant. One thing I always do is judge the place I’m staying at by the food they serve me.”

  “Well, I’ve come to believe that if you have a bad meal in Paris, it’s your own fault.”

  “We’re just going to have to see about that, now, aren’t we?”

  She sucked her teeth. “Mr. Picky.”

  For the rest of the ride, a comfortable silence enveloped them. Richmond drew Alicia into his arms as they rode. She nestled against him and suddenly, Alicia started to believe that her happily-ever-after might happen.

  * * *

  Vivian sat in Dionne’s office waiting for the woman to show up. Patience was never Vivian’s strong suit, and this Dionne woman was testing the hell out of her patience. The door finally opened and Dionne walked in. “About time,” Vivian muttered.

  “Hello,” Dionne said as she extended her hand to Vivian. “How can I help you today, miss?”

  “Crawford. Vivian Crawford. I saw you on CNN with my husband a few weeks back.”

  “Your husband?”

  “Richmond Crawford. Look, I’m not here to cause a scene or fight over him. If that’s what you want, have at it. I just want to make sure that I’m getting what’s due me. I spent
too many years playing the dutiful wife to get locked out because he wants to start a new life in Atlanta.”

  “First of all, Mrs. Crawford, your husband and I don’t have anything more than business going on.”

  “Is that so?”

  “And if you’re still married to him, then I’m not the woman you need to be worried about. From what I’ve seen, it’s Alicia Michaels who’s riding his jock like a pony.”

  Vivian leaned back in her chair. “What do you mean?”

  Dionne smiled, then pressed the button for her assistant.

  “Yes, Ms. Ashe?” he asked.

  “Hold all my calls for an hour or so. Thanks.” Turning to Vivian, Dionne began to unload about Alicia and her friends from college.

  Chapter 13

  Paris, France

  Richmond sipped the best champagne he’d tasted in his life. It was almost good enough to wash down the burnt taste of the sole meunière out of his mouth. Two things he’d been sure of, before today, had been that chefs couldn’t mess up chicken and fish. He’d sent the dish back twice and when it came out burnt again, he figured he would try it. Big. Mistake.

  Alicia shook her head as she looked down at her meal. “I guess I was wrong,” she said.


  “Never getting a bad meal in Paris.” She pushed her plate away.

  He poured her another glass of champagne. “This helps, a lot.”

  She accepted the glass and took a big swig. “They have a great marketing ploy. The food is so bad, you don’t even think about the cost of the liquor.”

  “That’s a technique we won’t be taking home with us.” He downed another glass. “I want people to have fond memories of our restaurant, like they have of the Busy Bee Café.”

  “Good idea,” she replied through her yawn. “Do you think they got our room situation straightened out yet?”

  Richmond shrugged, though secretly he hoped that the room situation wasn’t taken care of. Somehow, the reservation for the second suite had been canceled. Richmond did the gentlemanly thing and told Alicia she could take the suite and he’d wait for another room. She’d said that she wasn’t going to take his room, since he’d booked the trip. The front-desk clerk had done Richmond’s job by suggesting that they could share the suite, since it was big enough for at least four people.

  “We could always share. I’m sure they’re going to get us a second room in the morning.”

  “As tired as I am, I think we should. I need a nap before we call Devon and Marie.”

  Richmond waved for the waiter so that he could pay the bill. If Alicia wanted to rest, then he’d make that happen. Besides, he needed to call Solomon and let him know what was going on. Though he’d said this was a business trip, he was paying for this trip himself. This was a part of his plan to win Alicia, and he couldn’t charge the company for it. Even though Solomon had used a whole hotel to win his wife.

  “You take your nap and I’ll make some phone calls while we wait for the other room.”

  She leaned over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re awesome. I’m sitting here fighting sleep like a toddler.”

  Richmond paid the bill and then helped Alicia to her feet. “Let’s go, my dear,” he said. Once they got on the elevator, Richmond took Alicia into his arms and brushed his lips against hers. “Remember when I told you that I planned to kiss you a lot when we got to Paris?”

  “I think I heard you say something like that.”

  He captured her lips in a slow, sweet kiss. “That’s because you’re tired,” he said once the elevator stopped and they broke the kiss.

  “You need to stop.”

  “I’m just getting started. But I’m going to let you rest first.” He winked at her, then stepped off the elevator. Once they entered the suite, Richmond was finally impressed. The suite looked like a studio apartment in midtown Manhattan.

  The bedroom was spacious, the seating area had a desk, sofa, and a fireplace that he wanted to light and make love to Alicia in front of. The sofa and love seat looked as if they were ready to seat guests. This was a home away from home. When Alicia walked into the bedroom, all Richmond could think about was Alicia stripping down to her underwear and crawling into bed. He wanted nothing more than to join her, make love to her, and feel the bite of her nails against his skin. But right now, she needed rest, and he’d give that to her. Because when they made love, he wanted Alicia to be at full strength.

  “Richmond,” she called out. “You probably need some rest too. You can join me in bed.”

  He walked into the bedroom and crossed over to the bed, where Alicia was already covered up. “I thought you wanted rest.”

  “Oh, I do. And you need some as well. We were on the same flight. I’m not that selfish where I’m going to take this comfortable bed just for myself.”

  Richmond leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “You know, you’re sweet and I could use a nap. But I’ve got to make a few calls, and I might snore.”


  “It’s good to know that you share, though.” He winked at her. “Sweet dreams.”

  Richmond sat on the sofa with every intention of calling Solomon, but within seconds, he was knocked out.

  Atlanta, Georgia

  Alicia Michaels was Richmond’s mystery woman. The thought of it all made Vivian laugh. Seemed as if he hadn’t been Mr. Loyalty, as he wanted everyone to believe. Since Alicia was one of Solomon’s wife’s friends, she and Richmond could’ve been carrying on for years. He’d played her, and she was going to get her revenge. Not only the money, but every ounce of his happiness. She had to thank Dionne Ashe for being petty enough to hold on to a college grudge against Alicia and her crew. In another world, Dionne and Vivian would be besties, but right now all Vivian wanted was her pound of flesh from her ex. She Googled Alicia and found the website for her business and the phone number. She’d hoped there would be an address as well, but this was a start.

  Vivian dialed her number, hoping the trick would answer the phone so that she could tell her to leave her husband alone. Voicemail.

  “She can’t be that busy,” Vivian muttered as she looked at her watch, then decided to call Richmond. He needed to know that she was in town and they should talk. She got his voicemail too and realized that the two were probably together. How she wished this was happening on her turf back in New York. Richmond was so predictable that she’d know exactly where he’d take Alicia. Some little café on the Upper East Side near the Whitney Museum so that the little country bumpkin could be impressed by the bright lights of the big city.

  Then they’d go walk in Central Park. Boring. But at least she’d know where to look. Atlanta was big, busy and had too many damned one-way streets. She had been lucky to find her way to a hotel after leaving Dionne’s office. Vivian hated to do this, but she was going to give them a day before she pounced and got what she wanted.

  Paris, France

  Soft lips brushed across hers as fingers danced across her thighs. Alicia moaned as she felt his tongue touch hers. His hands pushed her thighs apart and stroked her wetness until she cried out in delight.“Alicia.”



  “Oh, please don’t stop.”

  “Wake up, sweetheart.”

  Alicia’s eyes fluttered open and embarrassment flooded her body when she looked into Richmond’s eyes. Had she been dreaming out loud? Did he hear her? “What’s going on?”

  He stroked her cheek and grinned. “I thought you were having a nightmare, at first. Then I heard my name.”

  Alicia turned away from him and sat up in the bed. She was happy she hadn’t stripped down to her underwear as the blanket fell off her shoulder. “It still could’ve been a nightmare,” she quipped. “What time is it?”

  “It’s either eight o’clock East Coast time or two a.m.,” Richmond said with a shrug. “When I woke up, I realized that I was starving and needed something to eat.”

>   Alicia nodded. “I could definitely eat something. But it’s so late and we’ve already seen what the hotel’s kitchen can do.”

  “That’s why we’re going to Chez Denise. It comes highly recommended on the Internet. Want to get dressed and go?”

  She nodded because what she really wanted was to watch him take off all his clothes and make her sexy dreams come true. “Give me about five minutes.”

  Richmond left the room and Alicia hopped out of the bed to get dressed. A few minutes later, the duo headed downstairs to the car that was waiting for them.

  Richmond watched Alicia’s backside as she climbed into the town car. Delicious, he thought as he got in behind her.

  “What’s so great about this place?” Alicia asked as they rode.

  “Google says good food and lots of fun,” he said as he wrapped his arm around Alicia’s shoulders. “I’m going to try the steak tartare.”

  “That’s raw steak, isn’t it?”

  He nodded. “A classic meal that I’ve never had the guts to taste.”

  “You won’t have to worry about me taking food off your plate today.” Alicia grinned as she snuggled against his chest. “I guess we start working tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, because we’re not getting started at this time of night. Woman, do you ever take a break?”

  “That’s what I did when I took my nap,” she said.

  “A nap is not a break, it’s a recharge. And, your sleep didn’t sound too restful.”

  She rolled her eyes and pinched him on the forearm. “You don’t know what you heard.”

  “You saying my name over and over again. It was a really sweet sound. Tell me, were we going over spreadsheets or marketing plans?”

  “Funny. I guess that’s for me to know and for you to try and figure out,” she said as the car came to a stop.


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