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Sunrise Kisses

Page 20

by Krista Lakes

  “How could I have been so stupid?” I whispered. My eyes started to water. I had let the man of my dreams go because I hadn't believed in myself. It was the stupidest thing I had ever done. I just hoped he could forgive me.

  “Don't you dare cry,” Charlotte admonished. “It may be waterproof mascara, but I will not have you messing up all the work we just did.”

  I sniffed and looked up, forcing the tears back up. “Sorry.”

  “Sebastian Belrose loves you. I think he was smitten from the moment he saw you,” Charlotte said with a smile.

  “I don't think it was that fast. The first moment I was kind of a jerk,” I replied.

  Charlotte laughed. “This is going to work out. I promise you. Just come downstairs.” She smiled and checked the delicate silver watch on her wrist. “You ready?”

  I looked over at the movie star in the mirror. No, I wasn't ready. I closed my eyes and thought of Bastian. How he had said I was beautiful. And now I looked it. I could do this.

  I nodded, not trusting myself to use words. There was a very good possibility that if I opened my mouth I would try and back out. She took my hand and led me out the door.

  The hallway was dark and quiet. I could hear the murmur of a lot of voices and music downstairs. If this went poorly, I didn't think I would survive. I was already planning on how to walk out into the ocean as my backup plan, and I knew that didn't bode well for me.

  “Show time,” Charlotte whispered as we came to the top of the stairs.

  I nodded and let go of her hand to wipe my eyes before she could yell at me for ruining my makeup again. I went to the top of the stairs and looked down at the party.

  I saw Chad first. He was standing in a cheap suit trying his best to ingratiate himself with a woman twice his age and wearing a diamond mine around her throat. It was easy to see that he was angling for her money, and by her fluttering eyelashes she was falling for his slimy charms. At least I wasn't the only one. I wanted to back out and run. If Chad was here, I wasn't sure I could do this. Luckily, Charlotte was standing right behind me and had her hand on my shoulder.

  “No running. Bastian's right there,” she whispered, nudging me in the right direction.

  I saw him and my heart stopped. I had missed him more than I could have ever thought possible. He was by the door, standing with Leo and who I assumed must be Gabe. He hadn't seen me yet, and I let myself admire him for a moment. He was so beautiful.

  His suit was crisp and straight and made of some sort of black that seemed to absorb the light. It of course fit perfectly, highlighting the broad strength of his shoulders and his trim waist and even the perfect curve of his ass. He was stunning.

  But there was something different about him. He smiled at his guests, but the smile never touched his eyes. If anything, he looked more withdrawn and wound tighter than usual. Leo and Gabe appeared to be carrying the conversation without him.

  Charlotte gave my shoulder a gentle push. It was now or never. I took a deep breath, more to remind myself that I should breathe than for actual oxygen, and grabbed onto the bannister. I took one step and then another, my eyes not watching the floor, but instead watching Bastian.

  He looked up at the stairs when I was at the halfway point, his blue-gray eyes going directly to mine. A thrill went through me as he did a double take and then a triple take. His mouth slowly opened and hung that way for a good minute.

  He walked out of whatever conversation he had been having with Leo and Gabe, leaving them staring after him to meet me at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Ava,” he whispered, waiting for me to descend the last stair. “You came back...”

  “You can't get rid of me that easily.” I grinned, my heart pounding in my throat. “Especially when you offer me dream vacations to Paris.”

  He blushed slightly, the edge of the scar on his cheek going white. “Oh, that.”

  “Yes, that.” I took a step forward, feeling braver by the second. He seemed happy to see me. “Even without that, I couldn't stay away. You didn't have to do that.”

  “I wanted to.” The honesty in his light eyes made my stomach do happy flip-flops.

  “That's why it means so much to me,” I told him. I couldn't stop smiling. “It's everything. Thank you.”

  He raised his hand, moving it like he was going to pull me into a kiss, but then he stopped and let it fall. He looked past me and frowned, taking a step back. The light in his expression was now tempered with caution. “Why did you come back?”

  I turned to see what he was looking at. Chad. The woman with the diamonds was now flirting with one of his cheaply-dressed friends and he was sipping on champagne that he couldn't afford. I could only imagine what he had told Bastian.

  “There's something I need to tell you,” I said quietly, biting my bottom lip. I knew I was probably smudging my lipstick, but if my nervous biting hadn't worn it off by now, nothing would. “Something important.”

  Bastian's eyes darkened with seriousness, but flooded with concern at the same time. He took a step forward, ready to protect me, even from my own words. “Anything.”

  I glanced back over at Chad. “Somewhere private?”

  He nodded and took my hand to led me from the staircase. I could see Charlotte making her way down. Leo's eyes fixated on her and I wondered for a moment what was going on between the two of them. I didn't get to see what happened next because Bastian was pulling me into the next room. We hurried out to the back porch.

  Outside the murmur of the music filtered through an open window somewhere, but it was soft and muted. The ocean hummed against the shore, dark water against white sand. I was suddenly incredibly nervous about being alone with Bastian.

  He hadn't lost the guarded expression. In fact, as soon as the door swung shut, he dropped my hand and went to the railing to look out at the beach without me. The loss of his touch hurt like a physical wound. The waning moon shone on his dark suit and caught the dark edge of the scar along his cheek.

  “Why are you here, Ava?” Bastian's voice was low, but I could hear the quiet anguish in his voice. His hands tightened on the railing making his knuckles turn white.

  “I'm here for you.” My voice shook. My whole body was shaking. I felt naked even with the beautiful dress and perfect makeup.

  He forcibly relaxed his hands from the railing and turned sharply, his eyes catching the moonlight. “Why?”

  I swallowed down the fear and turmoil roiling up in my throat. This wasn't exactly the greeting I had been promised by Charlotte.

  “I had to see you,” I whispered, taking a step forward. He retreated slightly.

  “You said that when you left, you were gone.” His beautiful eyes were like stars in the night sky: distant and cold. “I was told you were seeing someone. That you had been seeing someone when you came here.”

  “What?” I shook my head confused. “I wasn't with anyone but you. I don't want anyone but you.”

  His hard expression flashed with hope for the briefest second before his brows came together again like storm clouds. “Please explain, then.”

  The breeze off the ocean tugged the loose strand of hair across my face and I carefully tucked it back where it belonged before starting. I was surprised I could talk at all my stomach was so tangled up in knots, yet the words came smoothly.

  “When I left, I was sure I didn't deserve you,” I started. I looked at his hands, remembering how they felt against my skin. So strong and safe. “I still don't think that I do, but I can't be without you.”

  I glanced up from his hands. His face was still hard, his expression unreadable. I smoothed the fabric of my dress.

  “I'm not worthy of a billionaire. I'm still a little broken and I'm not used to any of this,” I motioned to the party behind me, but I looked up and into his eyes. “But, I was wrong to leave. I was wrong to push you away because I was afraid. I guess if anything, it just shows how much I don't deserve you.”

  My voice failed me at the
end and I had to look away.

  “And you didn't go home to be with someone else?” he asked. He sounded far more calm than I was. Almost business like. I looked up and into his beautiful, sad eyes and realized that he was using his business voice and face to keep from crumbling.

  “No,” I replied emphatically. “Who ever told you that was a liar.”

  “Chad. One of the auctioneers,” he said quietly. “He said that the two of you were engaged.”

  If Chad had been on the balcony I would have thrown him off it and fed him to the sharks.

  “Bastard,” I hissed. “Dirty, rotten, lying bastard!”

  Bastian's eyebrows raised and the hint of a hopeful smile crossed his lips. “So, it's not true?”

  “No,” I nearly shouted. I wanted to scream and cry. “Not even remotely close.”

  “That's good to hear.” Bastian's shoulders relaxed slightly and he lost a little of the guarded look in his eyes. “I was afraid I really had lost you forever if that was the case.”

  I took another step toward him and this time he didn't shy away. “No, you haven't lost me. I just took a wrong turn for a little bit. You've always had me.”

  “Why are you here, Ava?” he asked again, but this time his voice thrummed with hope. I was now close enough to touch him.

  I touched his cheek, shaking as I traced the scar from his cheek bone to the tip of his lips. The words came simply and more easily than I ever could have expected. They flowed because they were true.

  “I'm here, because I had to tell you I love you.” I smiled, my heart pounding like a drum. “I love you, Bastian.”

  His body stiffened and then melted as he reached for me, delicately placing his big hand on the back of my neck, and being careful not to mess up my hair. His blue-gray eyes met mine and sparkled, making me lose my mind with love.

  He smiled. It was the smile he reserved for the dawn, and now it was my smile. He pulled me to him and kissed me like he hadn't seen me in months rather than just days. He kissed me like he needed the kiss to survive.

  My heart soared on golden wings. Songs would be written about this moment and scholars would look back and say that this kiss was one for the books. It was heaven. Pure and absolute heaven.

  He kept his forehead pressed against mine as he pulled away, both of us breathless and shaking.

  “I love you too, Ava,” he whispered, barely separating his lips from mine. I beamed at him as his face split into a grin that illuminated my world to brilliance. I couldn't stop giggling. I was drunk on my own happiness and love.

  “I can't tell you how glad I am that you're here.” He was grinning like a schoolboy on the first day of Christmas break. His gray eyes flashed with excitement and joy. When I looked into them, I knew I was where I belonged.

  He picked me up, his hands wrapping around my waist and spinning me through the air as if we were dancing on clouds. He set me down, laughing at my shrieks of delight before kissing me again.

  This time, he wasn't careful of my hair and I didn't care. The pretty hair was for him anyway. His fingers tangled in it as his mouth searched mine. He tasted so damn good I couldn't stop.

  “Don't ever do that to me again,” he whispered. “I wanted to come after you so badly, but you had asked me not to... and then he said you were engaged...”

  I kissed him, silencing the hurt. “I love you, Bastian. More than anything.”

  His eyes searched mine, the moonlight catching his tears of joy. I kissed him, closing my eyes and just focusing on how good he felt. How this was the best moment of my life.

  “I'm sorry to interrupt,” Charlotte announced, peeking her head out of the back door and not looking sorry at all. She was grinning and her mascara was smudged. “But it's time for your speech, Bastian.”

  “Come with me,” he commanded, grabbing my hand and pulling me back into the house. I giggled and happily followed him, walking on glee rather than the floor. Charlotte high-fived us both as we passed.

  Once inside, he guided me quickly to the grand foyer entrance. Bastian waited for a moment at the base of the stairs before snagging two glasses of champagne from a passing server. He handed one to me.

  “Now you get to see what all your hard work is going toward.” He grinned and pulled me to the center landing between the stairs in the grand foyer. “Come celebrate with me.”

  I stepped up, willing to follow him anywhere. Upon his ascension to the staircase, the background music died. He grinned once at me and then turned to face the crowd and tap his glass.

  The room of celebrities and upper crust society quieted, with every eye turning to look at the staircase. I immediately felt awkward standing on what was now the stage, but it was too late to escape. Moving off the landing or going up the stairs would bring even more attention than just standing there and doing my best to look pretty.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming tonight,” Bastian called out. The room hummed for a moment as the last of the onlookers settled and turned to watch. “As you all know, I bought this house a very long time ago, but it has never really been mine.”

  Bastian paused, waiting for the crowd.

  “You are all here to bid on the exquisite artwork and furniture, as well as the house itself. I am pleased to announced that Fairchild Auctions and Appraisals has valued the estate and it's furnishings at just over one hundred and seventy million American dollars.”

  An awed whisper rippled through the crowd and it made me smile. This was certainly the biggest appraisal I had ever done, and most likely would ever do. One-hundred and seventy million dollars was a lot of money. Even for a billionaire.

  “With that, I am incredibly excited to inform everyone that every penny of that money will be going to the Foundling Foundation.” Bastian glanced around the room. Most of them didn't know his back story. Most of the people in this room were used to luxury. But Bastian had seen the other side of life. He had seen the children in the system. He had been one of the children in the system.

  “They are the people that helped me when I needed it most, and now I'm proud to be able to give something back that will help other lost children like me. In addition to the funds raised by your purchases, I will be donating a matching contribution.”

  A small gasp went through the room. There would be some foster-children finding their lives getting better because of this. That much money was unfathomable to most, but not to Bastian. I had a feeling that there would be many such benefit galas like this in my future.

  “So, please, tomorrow, dig deep and help me give this non-profit organization the funding it so justly deserves,” Bastian concluded. He held up his glass and toasted the crowd.

  I nearly forgot to raise my own glass and toast. I was blown away. Everything, all of the art, the house, the furniture- all of it- was going to charity. To a charity that Bastian believed in. A charity that would help future Bastians. My heart was already full of love for the man and this act made it ready to explode. I didn't know if he could get more wonderful.

  Bastian turned and kissed me, claiming me as his own in front of everyone present. I thrilled, not caring that flashes were going off all over the place. He was mine as much as I was his.

  He slowly released me to the sound of applause. I turned to see Leo and Gabe clapping enthusiastically. Bastian flushed slightly, but not near as much as I did. I turned bright red all the way down to my toes. Bastian on the other hand, seemed to swell with pride.

  “You are wonderful, you know that right?” I said quietly as we stepped from the landing. He smiled wide. “Why didn't you tell me what this was all for?”

  “And risk not seeing the expression on your face right now?” he asked, raising his eyebrows and grinning.

  “You're wonderful,” I repeated, meaning it completely.

  “Save me a dance?” he asked, as someone came up to his elbow, anxious to speak with him about his donation. I nodded and his eyes sparkled. I couldn't wait for my dance. He kissed my cheek
one last time before turning to talk with his guests.

  A camera phone light flashed in my face as the crowd dispersed. Standing at the base and taking a selfie with me and Bastian in the background was Chad and his friends. I nearly threw my champagne glass at him, but that would have been a waste of good champagne.

  “I'll send this little gem of a picture to Ava,” I heard Chad inform his friends. Diamond-necklace woman was gone. “Show her just what that billionaire thinks of her. Minute she's off the island, he's got some hussy model hanging all over him. Ava will come crawling back to me with her father's business tucked between her legs.”

  The two men with him in matching cheap suits laughed. Bastian turned from the man he had been talking with to see my face crumple. I finally understood what Chad had seen in me. He had seen my father's business. That's why he had kept trying to win me back. He hadn't loved me at all.

  Bastian's eyes darkened and lightning flashed through them. Chad had told him we were engaged. Chad was a dead man.

  Bastian caught Chad's shoulder and spun him around, pinning him to the staircase railing with Bastian's fist wrapped around Chad's bargain-bin tie. With the two of them together, Bastian dominated Chad physically. I had never thought of Chad as small, but he had nothing compared to Bastian.

  “Mr. B... B... Belrose,” Chad stammered, his face draining of color. He had definitely not been expecting Bastian to have overheard his comment. Several guests were turning to look at what the commotion was and I could see Elijah coming out of the shadows. “I didn't mean any insult to you sir... I...”

  “But you did mean offense to her?” Bastian growled, tightening his grip. The scar on his cheek had gone white with rage. I hope he had control of his temper, but part of me hoped that he would just deck Chad. Maybe even break his nose. “You lied to me.”

  Chad's eyes were getting bigger by the second and flashing around the room to search for help. His two friends had instantly abandoned him. Diamond-necklace was long gone. Chad's eyes met mine, first asking for assistance and then slowly filling with recognition.

  “Ava?” Chad squeaked, looking me up and down in shock. I guessed he couldn't believe that I could look like this.


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