Between the Sheets

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Between the Sheets Page 4

by Miranda Forbes

  In the evening, they went before the same ritual only this time before a crowd of several thousand. Katie’s dance routine was spectacular. Her rendition of All That Jazz had the audience on its feet when she finished, and Ruth Wilkens the dance judge seemed impressed. After her performance, Katie showered, dressed without panties or bra, conversed with the other contestants, her parents, friends, and fans, and waited anxiously for midnight.

  She slipped away from her chaperone and drove her parents SUV to the rear of the girl’s dormitory. Arriving shortly before midnight, she parked in the shadows of the building and waited. She was excited from her performance knowing she would be able to duplicate it during the finals. Where is Ray, she thought, becoming anxious that her gamble with him would not pay off. She removed her halter top, rubbed her nipples and massaged her clit.

  A figure came around the building, stopped and looked around. Katie flicked the parking lights once. The figure moved toward the SUV, it was Ray.

  He got in and they kissed, ‘I thought you might not come,’ she said.

  ‘I wouldn’t miss this for the world,’ he said, fondling her breasts.

  Katie drove to a near-by wooded area and slipped into the back of the van. Her shorts had been removed by the time he got there.

  ‘It’s too bad, we can’t have more light. I’d like to see you better,’ he said.

  As he slipped his shirt over his head, Katie pulled his cock through his fly and into her mouth.

  He moaned when she licked the pre-cum off his cock and kissed it. She ran her tongue the length of his shaft over and over. With one hand fondling his balls she sucked him into her mouth. Like a professional she ravaged his cock with her ruby red lips. Ray with his hand guided the timing of her assault. Bending, he fondled her hanging tits. He fondled them, strummed her nipples erect, and pinched them to hardness.

  ‘That’s enough Katie, I don’t want to come in your mouth,’ he said

  She didn’t stop. She applied more pressure and scraped his cock lightly with her teeth. With a powerful with drawl she pulled off or him and pinched the head of his cock to prevent his coming.

  ‘Was that worth a vote?

  She fell back on to the sleeping bag lying on the SUV’s floor, spread her legs, arched her back, and pulled his head between her legs. His tongue wet her pubic hair, swiped up and down her slit, and entered to feast on her juices. She pulled him tighter and guided him to her hot spot. She moaned from the thrill of his rasping tongue, held his head between her legs, and in a fit of passion raked her nails over his back. Her body writhed under his relentless pressure, and she climaxed.

  He came up grasping for air and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Holding her legs apart he moved to enter her, but she held him back.

  There’s no hurry, rub your cock against my clitty.

  ‘I don’t want to wait.’

  She pulled him hard against her and grabbed his cock squeezing hard.

  ‘Suck my nipples and use that marvellous cock of yours against my clit. I like to have my tits sucked while my clitty’s massaged. It’ll increase your pleased too,’ she said, steering his cock to her clit and his mouth to her breast.

  He mouthed one nipple and then the other while as the same time rubbing the head of his cock up and down over her vaginal nub. Katie moaned and moaned as she guided her mouth from one nipple to the other.

  After what seem a long time she said, ‘Now!’

  He spread her legs with his hands and plunged into her with a grunt.

  ‘Was it worth the wait,’ she said, as he held him tight. ‘You’ll last longer now.’

  She moved her pussy in time with his strokes. They were a machine. Both of them groaned from the thrills they gave each other: back and forth, in and out. She felt him reach his peak, and she clamped her pussy walls hard around his cock as possible. He climaxed with a final stroke and a groan. His aftershocks continued for a long time before he fell to her side.

  ‘That was awesome,’ he said, but before, he knew what was happening, she was licking his cock clean.

  ‘What, what are you doing?’

  ‘Giving you your vote’s worth,’ she said, taking his cock into her mouth and massaging him to another erection.

  ‘I’m too old for this,’ he said.

  Katie impaled herself on him and moved like a cowgirl in a barrel race. ‘No you’re not, you’re the perfect age.’

  Her body flew back and forth on his dick. Jake looked up watching her breasts bouncing like softballs in front of his face. She relentlessly pounded him.

  ‘Come on Jake, you can do it one more time.’

  He raised his pelvis and matched her movements. They were breathing hard, sweat covered their bodies and their hearts were hammering.

  ‘Oh god, oh god, let me come,’ he croaked.

  ‘You’re going to, you’re going to, ‘she said, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, and smacking his ribs with her fists.

  He arched his back, his cock hitting bottom with every thrust, and he groaned as he ejected spurt after spurt of fluid deep within her.

  She fell exhausted to his side, ‘Was that worth a vote?’

  Gasping trying to catch his breath, ‘You’re a winner in more ways than one.’

  * * *

  The next evening, during the finals, Katie displayed her casual wear of khaki shorts, light blue, short, sleeve, mock blouse as she pranced around the stage and skipped down the runway. The presentation revealed her athletic ability and enthusiastic personality. Her bathing suit was dark blue with five multicoloured strips; three curving beneath the bust line and two from her left leg crossed the others just above and to the right of her waistline. The snug fit illustrated her fiddle-back shape, her ample bust line, and three inch heel provided tone to her long tanned legs. An evening gown of black silk and satin florets with a modest scoop neckline highlighted her curves, and was breathing taking as she carried a matching shawl over her shoulders.

  For the talent portion of the pageant Katie performed a version of Bob Fosse’s chorography of All That Jazz. It was the same routine danced by Catherine Zeta-Jones in the movie Chicago. Katie’s dancing was spectacular and the audience was on its feet applauding when she finished, and Ruth Wilkens the dance judge seemed impressed.

  The questioning section of the competition was nerve racking because Katie knew she could blow the title if she didn’t perform well. Each contestant was asked three questions. Katie was next to last and she had practiced almost the exact questions asked. Her responses demonstrated her intelligence, her friendly and open personality, and her ability to dazzle with her smile.

  After a musical interlude Katie and the other four finalists were ushered to centre stage. The Master of Ceremonies was Joe Penner, was a local radio and TV personality. It was scary and exciting at the same time. Katie was confident but concerned. She scanned the faces of the three judges. She was sure she would get Ray Norris’ vote, she felt her dance routine had won over Ruth Wilkins, but she wasn’t sure about how Linda Koger would vote.

  After the usual ceremonial thank yous to the sponsors, the organizers, the volunteers, and the judges the Master of Ceremonies announced the fifth runner up, Vickie Sheehan; the fourth runner up, Tootsie Kline; the third runner up, Jackie Moore. Kathie and Elizabeth Hammond were the only two left. They stood standing hugging each other and wishing each other the best. After a long drawn out drum roll, Joe Penner said ‘The second runner up is … Elizabeth Hammond, and Ms Dixie Land for 2009 is Catherine Putman.’

  The audience went crazy with shouting and applause, but Kathie was calm and accepted the crown from last year’s winner with the poise of one who was truly in command of their emotions. The orchestra struck up the theme song I’ve Lost My Heart in Dixieland, and Katie in her black evening gown, a dozen long stemmed roses,
a sceptre, and her crown walked regally down the runway to a standing ovation.

  As she walked smiling all the way, stopping to pose for the photographers and TV cameras, she returned to the centre of the stage. All the while she was thinking about how she had used her woman’s body to attain her goals. She was an excellent dancer, had the training and poise to appear confident in a variety of situation, and she had fucked the Ray Norris to assure she would win the crown.

  Later after the excitement had calmed down and everyone had left, Katie sat on the edge of the bed rubbing her clitty. She was unaware of the blaring TV, the sounds in the hall, or the crown resting on her dresser. Rather, she was thinking if she wanted to be invited to the Camden Cup or to the Masters Golf Tournament or to go on a cruise. At an early age, she had learned a woman’s body was her greatest asset. She had used it to become the Homecoming Queen and to win the Dixie Land Beauty Contest. Now, she was thinking about what lucky man, who was in a position to give her what she wanted, would have the privilege of sharing her body. Increasing the speed of her finger to hurry her orgasm, she wondered who it would be. She felt the warmth building in her. Her body stiffened. She shuddered. She sighed loudly, climaxing

  Room 555

  by Heidi Champa

  ‘I knew you’d be back. You never could stay away.’

  The heavy door clicked closed behind me. The hotel room smelled the same as all the others. Industrial heat made the air warm and dry. He sat in the dark, near the windows. The floor to ceiling drapes were a thick material, blocking out the last of the dying sunlight outside. He sipped his usual scotch, the ice clinking against the glass. He picked up the bottle while he stared at me, refilling with his usual brand. I stood frozen, unable to move until he told me what to do. Even though I knew the routine, knew what he wanted me to do, I also knew he was testing me. I wasn’t about to fail.

  ‘Why do you look so scared?’

  I swallowed hard, trying to calm my roughly beating heart. He stood up, setting his glass down with one hand while he loosened his tie with the other. In four large steps, he was standing in front of me. Instead of looking up at him, I forced myself to keep my eyes down. His shoes had a mirror shine; his pinstriped pants were perfectly pressed. I felt his finger touch my chin, moving my head up to look into his blue eyes. His lids looked heavy, like he was tired. I could smell the scotch on his breath; see the five o’clock shadow forming on his strong jaw. The tip of his finger dug into my skin a little, causing me to wince.

  ‘You’re late.’

  ‘You told me to be here at six.’

  Roughly, he grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face to the right. I stared at the unmade bed, the hotel furniture different from the other rooms we frequented. I finally realized what he wanted me to look at. The clock on the bedside table said six fifteen. He was right, I was late. I couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t like that one bit. Grabbing a handful of my hair, he pulled me back to look at him.

  ‘Is that a smile on your face?’


  ‘Why are you smiling? Don’t tell me you did this on purpose?’

  ‘Maybe I did.’

  His hand tightened a little more, almost causing a yelp to slip out of my mouth. But, I knew better then to do that. His face was inches from mine, his breathing hard and fast. My fingers tightened into fists, trying to ride out the pain. Finally, he released me, pushing me back a few steps. He finished loosening his tie, the grey silk held tightly in his fists.

  ‘Well, what are you waiting for? Take off your clothes.’

  My fingers trembled as I eased each button through its hole. He walked over to the table and took two gulps from his glass. My pussy moistened as my skirt fell to the floor. He was back in front of me just in time for my damp panties to join the pile. I left my hands at my sides as he put his hands on my shoulders.

  ‘Did you miss me, Beth?’

  My eyes fell closed when his hands slid down my breasts. His gentle stroking touch soon changed, as he pinched my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. My eyes flew open as I cried out, unable to stop myself any more. He smirked at me, finally easing my pain as he let go.

  ‘Yes, baby. I missed you.’

  I reached for him, but he pulled away at the last moment, taking off his jacket as he stepped aside. I didn’t move to follow him. I knew better. His voice cut through the dark, rumbling through my stomach.

  ‘Get on the bed.’

  I did as I was told, just like always. Sliding across the stiff white sheets, the cold air was finally useful, drying the sweat that had spread over my back. Lying back, all I could do was stare at the ceiling, and wait. The carpet dampened his footfalls, but I still heard every deliberate step. He looked down at me, taking in my naked body on the bed.

  ‘Put your hands over your head.’

  I hesitated; my arms heavy. I don’t know why I did it, knowing what would come next. Like clockwork, his face changed, my inaction making him angry all over again. He took a step closer to the bed.

  ‘I said, put your hands over your head. Don’t make me say it again.’

  This time, I lifted my hands up, my fingertips right next to the metal bed frame. I finally understood why he had chosen this hotel, why the furniture was different from the others. His hands moved quickly, looping silk rope around my wrists, securing me fast to the cold metal.

  By the time he was done, my pussy was soaking wet, but he just stood next to the bed, impassive as ever. I couldn’t stop myself from panicking a little, my heart pounding as much from fear as from arousal. He sat down on the bed next to me, the mattress shifting under his weight. I opened my mouth to speak, knowing that I shouldn’t.

  ‘Owen, please.’

  He put his hand on my chest, right over my heart and I closed my eyes again. He didn’t move, but I still felt a calm wash over me. When I opened my eyes again, I expected to see his eyes on mine. Instead, he was looking down my body, his hand sliding down my stomach towards my cunt.

  ‘Open your legs, Beth.’

  As I slid my legs apart, I felt a single fingertip, right at the top of my moist slit. He slid it lower, my clit hardening at his tease. It had been too long since he touched me, the time between our visits growing longer and longer. But, it was always worth it, when we finally got together. As his finger moved slowly up and down, I relaxed against my silken bonds. Trying to stay still was nearly impossible, my head digging into the bed as he rubbed me off. My hips were also growing unruly, pushing up towards Owen, trying to make him move faster. It had the opposite effect.

  ‘Stay still. Or I’ll stop altogether.’

  I managed to lie still for a little while, but after a few moments, my body began to rebel. This time, my back arched as his finger entered me, my pussy clutching at him, trying to keep him inside me. I was fighting a losing battle, and we both knew it. My toes and my fingers curled, as I tried to hold onto my control for dear life.

  ‘You’re still moving, Beth. I can’t believe you want me to punish you already.’

  His hands stopped moving, his body off the bed before I could protest at all. He moved across the room and began digging in his suitcase. I knew better than to say anything, to beg him to come back. Finally, he found was he was looking for and stalked back to the bed. I noticed too late that there was a blindfold in his hands. I started shaking my head before my mouth could get the words out.

  ‘Owen, no. Please. I promise I’ll be good. I won’t move again. You don’t have to do that.’

  ‘Too late, baby. You leave me no choice.’

  His fast hands blacked out the rest of the light in the room. The smooth blindfold was tight around my eyes, another new wrinkle in our game. Again, my anxiety rose, my hands pulling hard against the headboard, trying in vain to find slack. My whole body felt restless, and the desire to be free
started to overwhelm me. I felt the bed move once more, this time Owen’s hand resting on my forehead. His breath was hot on my face, his mouth closer to mine than it had been all night.

  ‘Beth, listen to me. You trust me, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes. Yes, Owen I trust you.’

  ‘It’s going to be okay, I promise. Do you believe me?’

  I nodded, unable to find any words. He had never let me down, never gave me a reason to doubt him. My body slowly eased, the tension that flowed through me starting to dissipate.

  ‘Tell me this is what you want. Tell me, or we can stop right now.’

  I knew the word I could say to end it all, to put a stop to this game once and for all. But, I didn’t want to stop. I never did before, and I didn’t now. My momentary panic didn’t take my desire away, didn’t stop my need for what I was getting.

  ‘This is what I want, Owen. I need it. I need you.’

  His hand swept through my hair, a moment of tenderness that I cherished. As his hand travelled lower, it stopped to tighten around my neck.

  ‘That’s better. Now, are you going to behave?’


  ‘Yes, what?’

  ‘Yes, sir. Yes, sir.’

  He surprised me with a soft kiss, his lips gently grazing over mine. But, as the softness covered my mouth, the hand around my neck tightened again.

  ‘That’s what I wanted to hear. You’re going to be a good girl from now on?’

  ‘Yes, sir. I promise.’

  His hand left my neck, my skin branded with the heat of his palm. I waited in the dark for something to happen, but he didn’t touch me. Instead, I felt the bed move as he left my side, his absence surprising me. I listened to his footsteps, but I couldn’t figure out what he was doing. I strained my ears for a clue, but none came. Suddenly, his face was back above mine.


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