Between the Sheets

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Between the Sheets Page 5

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘I’ll be back soon, baby. Don’t go anywhere, OK.’

  He laughed at his bad joke. I almost did too, at his absurd ploy to scare me. But, when I heard the heavy door click open and his feet moving further and further away, I knew he was serious. He was leaving me in the room alone. I yanked hard on the ties with no luck. I had no choice but to wait. Wait and wonder.

  I tensed on the bed, as I heard voices in the hall. I wished I weren’t naked; weren’t exposed in the room all alone. I tried to make out what the voices were saying, but I had no luck. But, I knew it wasn’t Owen. He was going to leave me here longer, to torture me even more. I was desperate to touch my aching cunt. I could feel the juices leaking out of me, my arousal growing out of control. I couldn’t stop the thoughts that were pouring into my head.

  I must have dozed off. The sound of his key in the door startled me back to life. I heard footsteps, and I could smell Owen’s cologne as he came closer. I didn’t hear anyone else, but he still didn’t say a word.

  ‘Owen, please. Say something.’

  ‘I didn’t tell you to speak, did I?’

  ‘No sir.’

  Again, his body bowed the bed, his hip resting against mine. I waited, my body tense, expecting more punishment. But, instead, his hands removed the blindfold from my face. I blinked in the dark, the room’s dim light suddenly seeming too bright. I saw his face, but the look in his eyes remained a mystery.

  ‘Are you ever going to make me wait for you again?’

  ‘No sir. I won’t.’

  ‘Good. It’s not fun, is it?’

  ‘No sir.’

  His hands moved over my chest, their warmth a welcome respite from the air conditioning. I pulled against the ties one more time, an almost involuntary reaction.

  ‘I promise, it will all be worth your while, baby. I’m going to give you something you’ve been wanting for a long time.’

  My mind began to spin, trying to think of what might be coming my way. My pussy had once again come to life. He hadn’t even touched me, but being close to him was enough. He stood up, started to take his clothes off as I watched. It seemed like ages since I’d seen his body. His muscled frame came into view, his thick proud cock a sight for my sore eyes. Once he was naked, he sat down again, his finger once again teasing my clit.

  In no time, I was wet and ready again. But, his tease didn’t last long. He got up, standing by the head of the bed, stroking his own stiff dick. He brought it close to my mouth, leaving it just beyond the reach of my lips.

  ‘Do you want to suck it?’

  ‘Yes. Yes, sir. I want to suck it.’

  He didn’t give it to me right away, content with sliding the head over my lips. I whimpered and tried to extend my tongue to taste him. Without warning, he pushed past my lips, his cock plunging into my mouth. His hands held my head while he fucked my face slowly. I moaned around him, finally tasting him after far too long. I didn’t know how long he would let me go on, and I didn’t care. I savoured tasting him, savoured ever-familiar flavour. I swirled my tongue exactly how he liked, hoping he’d enjoy it. Part of me wanted him to come in my mouth, but it was not to be. He released me, letting my head fall back against the cool pillow.

  ‘Don’t get greedy. What I have planned for you is much better.’

  ‘What sir? What is it?’

  He didn’t speak. He just went back to his bag, another search for the perfect item. This time it was a bottle of lube. He came back over to me, releasing my hands suddenly from their prison.

  ‘Roll over, and get onto your knees.’

  I did as I was told, rolling onto my stomach before pushing myself to my knees, my face close to the mattress. He continued with his directions.

  ‘Put your hands flat on the bed, and don’t move them. Understand?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  Moving my hands into place, I heard the lube bottle snap open. His hand was on my ass cheek spreading me open slightly, exposing me to him. Drips of cold liquid hit my puckered hole, making me gasp into the tangled white sheets. As the lube trickled down, he started working a finger into my ass, slowly and deliberately. All I could focus on was the in and out, the depth of his strokes increasing each time. Unconsciously, my hips started rocking back into him, despite his warnings not to move. He didn’t stop me, at least not at first. But, in true Owen fashion, the pleasure was over much too soon, and his finger was gone. I whimpered, missing him already.

  ‘Sorry to disappoint you, baby. Didn’t you like it?’

  ‘Yes, I liked it. Please keep going.’

  He didn’t even correct me for not saying sir. He just gave my ass a hard slap, and I knew that I had made a mistake.

  ‘Please, sir. Please keep going.’

  ‘My, my, aren’t we demanding? I make the rules here, not you. And, I’ll fuck that sweet, little ass when I am damn good and ready. But, I want to hear you beg first.’

  My breath caught in my throat, my body tense and on fire with need. It had been so long since he had taken me way; made me come with his cock buried deep in my ass. I missed it.

  ‘Please, sir. I want to feel your big cock inside me. Sir, please fuck my ass. Please.’

  ‘That was pretty good, but I think I might need a little bit more.’

  By this time, his hand was back between my cheeks, this time two fingers pressed insistently for entry. More lube was easing the way, his fingers slicing into me, moving together and stretching me out.

  ‘God, you look so hot with my fingers in your ass. Tell me again how much you want it.’

  ‘Sir, please. God, please fuck me. I need your cock in my ass. Please, sir.’

  The last two words out of my mouth were mere whispers, my desperation getting out of hand.

  ‘You beg like such a good little slut. How can I refuse?’

  He moved behind me, his fingers slipping easily out of me. Grabbing my hip with his still lubed hand, he rubbed the head of his cock against my tight bud. I don’t know how I would manage to stay still, but I wanted to please Owen.

  Slowly, he started to move himself into me. I felt the head of his cock surge inside my tight ring, the sensation overloading my mind. He froze, letting me adjust to the feeling. My body screamed at me to thrust back, to drive my hips into him, but I remained still. While he teased himself, he teased me too. Inch by inch, he lowered, his cock sinking inside a little at a time. My face contorted, the sensations causing my body to shudder. His fingers dug into me, the pain shooting straight to my clit and making my pussy even hotter. He started to move faster, his cock sliding in and out of me, out of my control. It took every ounce of my will to stop my hips from moving. I grasped the sheets into tight fists, but the rest of me remained still. The sweat was pouring off my forehead, despite the cool air in the room. My ass clenched his cock, making me moan with every slide of his body. I started shaking; my ability to stay still was fading fast. I decided to chance it, and started moving my body back into his invading cock. If he noticed, he didn’t say a word so I let my instincts take over. My hips were moving without any conscious thought, pounding into him repeatedly.

  ‘You wanna come, don’t you baby?’

  ‘Yes, God, please, I need to come, sir.’

  His fingers found my clit, and there gently pressure he applied to my nub was all it too to send me screaming over the edge. Slamming back into him, my ass and pussy tightened together, my orgasm seemed to be ripping me in two. I couldn’t stop moving, my body rode against him, seeking out every drop of pleasure. Owen leaned over me, his teeth sinking into my back as his cock emptied into my contracting ass.

  We lay on the bed in a sweaty heap, unable to move any further. Finally, he rolled off me, pulling the sheets and blankets over us. He clutched me tightly, his lips nuzzling against my neck.

  ‘So, was t
hat good for you, baby?’

  I laughed at him, my gentle boy back after our latest game. I was exhausted, the whole night rendering me useless. I kissed him one last time before letting sleep carry me away. Right before I drifted off, his voice brought me back.

  ‘At least next time, you won’t be late.’

  Small Difference

  by Roxanne Sinclair

  It was the freckle that gave him away, the one right there on the end of his swollen cock that twitched inches from her face,

  Andi had been with Mark for over a year and she’d had his cock in her mouth a hundred times. She would know Mark’s cock anywhere.

  This was not Mark’s cock.

  She’d thought it was odd when that Mark had turned up at her flat in the afternoon. Shouldn’t he have been at work?

  ‘I took the afternoon off,’ he’d told her. ‘I couldn’t stop thinking about you.’

  That wasn’t like Mark at all.

  There had been something in his tone of voice that had aroused a suspicion that the man in front of her might not be Mark but she’d dismissed it. But when he’d started to strip off her clothes right there in the living room she was almost sure it wasn’t Mark because Mark had always been an in the bedroom between the sheets kind of guy. He was good at what he did; it was just that what he did wasn’t very exciting.

  That was when she’d realised that it could only mean one of two things. Either Mark had taken her up on the suggestion that they might try something different to liven up their sex life, or … The or turned her on much more than the either.

  She was, without any shadow of doubt in her mind about to go down on Phil, her fiancé’s twin brother; the one that was identical to Mark in every way apart from, it would appear a freckle on the end of his cock.

  A loyal and faithful fiancée would have screamed her revulsion at such a vile plot by the evil twin to bed his brother’s woman, but that’s not what Andi did because that’s not the person she was. Instead she thought, Come on then, as she took his balls in her mouth and started moving them around with her tongue. When she gently scraped her teeth over them he laced his fingers through her hair and held her head in place, not wanting her to stop what she was doing. It would appear that he felt the same way that his brother did about that particular trick of Andi’s. When he let out a deep moan he even sounded like his brother and Andi marvelled at how alike they actually were.

  Apart from that freckle.

  Everyone except their mother had trouble telling them apart. Even their father had been known to get them mixed up. If it ever became known that she had shagged Phil everyone would understand that it had been an honest mistake.

  Honest mistake my arse Andi thought as she sucked harder and Phil groaned louder. She knew that she was about to fuck her fiancé’s twin brother and she was more turned on than she had ever been before.

  She’d been turned on by them being naked in her living room in broad daylight with the curtains open, but now that she realised that it was Phil and not Mark that she was with her heart pounded and she could barely breathe. If his rod was anything to go by he was ready for action and she knew by the feeling between her legs that so was she.

  So she gave up on any pretence that she was seeing Mark in a new light and decided to just enjoy the ride.

  The idea of fucking Phil had been a guilty secret that she had kept since she first saw them together. Mark was her man and she loved him dearly but she’d always been curious about Phil, about what it would be like to have sex with someone who looked like the person that you were supposed to be with but wasn’t.

  She would never get the chance to do this again; this was going to be a one off, a curiosity explored. That being the case she planned on making the most of her opportunity.

  Her teeth were now on that tell-tale freckle, the one that Mark didn’t have. She nibbled in gently just to make sure it was real. It was real alright. There was no getting away from the fact that this wasn’t Mark and Andi realised that she now knew what the cat felt like when it got the cream. She would be getting some cream of her own in a few minutes she was sure of that and she could hardly wait.

  But it would have to wait because she wanted to give him the full treatment. She wanted him to experience what his brother got any time he wanted it. She didn’t know why he’d wanted to do this but she was damned sure that he’d not forget it in a hurry.

  ‘Tease me to please me’ Mark had told her when she’s asked him what he liked her to do and she guessed that Phil wasn’t much different.

  She moved her tongue along the bulging vein that ran the length of his shaft. The vein throbbed in time with his heartbeat.

  As he groaned under her touch Phil was jealous of his brother for the first time in his life. What he wouldn’t give to have this on tap like mark did. But maybe he could have it on tap too he decided as she chewed on the end of his knob again. Well she clearly didn’t know that she wasn’t gobbling her fiancé. He’d managed to deceive her once he could do it again. He’d feel bad about it because Mark was his brother when all said and done but oh my God that felt wonderful. It took him less than a second to convince himself that what Mark didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him and give in to the pleasure that he was experiencing.

  He twisted his fingers around her hair another time and pushed his hips forward as a sign that he was ready for more.

  She knew what his movements meant but she was in charge of this and she would do it at her pace. ‘Tease me to please me,’ she reminded herself.

  Slowly she popped his cock into her mouth taking it in as far as she could without gagging. She sucked hard and moved her head backwards and forwards along his length and as she sucked harder he groaned louder. She knew how she was making him feel, and she knew what would follow. He wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. Within a minute she could taste the hint of his salty juices. With a shudder he squirted them into her mouth and she swallowed eagerly.

  When she had emptied him his grip on her hair loosened and she looked up at him from her position on the floor.

  ‘Did you enjoy that? She asked.

  ‘What do you think?’

  ‘I think,’ she said, pushing herself onto the armchair behind her, ‘that it’s time that I had some action.’

  She sat almost in the edge of the chair and lay back. They looked at each other like they were challenging each other. Phil wondered if she was always this demanding. But what the fuck, if it was action she wanted he was more than happy to give it to her.

  Now it was his turn to kneel before her.

  When he smiled she thought for a split second that it really was Mark after all that she was looking at but a glance at his cock to make sure that the freckle was still there assured her that it was in fact Phil that was about to go to work on her pussy and she couldn’t wait.

  He put his hands on her knees and made circular movements on them with his thumbs. She felt the excitement of anticipation shoot through her and prepared herself for pleasure. She put her hands behind her head and grabbed onto the back of the chair. She had a feeling that it was going to be one hell of a ride.

  She closed her eyes and submitted to whatever he wanted to do to her.

  He rubbed her knees with his thumbs for a few more seconds before his hands moved to her calves, caressing them with his fingertips. Then his hands moved to her ankles and locked onto them like shackles.

  He met no resistance as he forced her knees towards her chest and then outwards, hooking them over the arms of the chair.

  She kept her eyes closed, not wanting to spoil the surprise of what he was going to do to her but knowing that she was going to enjoy it.

  When he did nothing she allowed her eyes to open just a tiny little bit and saw that he was looking at that place between her legs. The look on his face told her that he
liked what he saw. She closed her eyes again and waited.

  She didn’t have to wait long.

  His hands were on her inner thighs, stroking them. When they moved lower his thumbs rubbed her arse then with a swift movement his hands were around the back of her thighs and he pulled her towards him. His face was buried deep between her legs.

  At first he just allowed his face to be there, as if he were smelling her, getting a sense of her. Then she felt his tongue tracing the edge of her hole. Then it was in her hole, in and out, in and out. After a few probing movements he left his tongue inside her as his teeth ran over her swollen clitoris.

  She knew that she made a sound but it wasn’t one that she recognised. It certainly wasn’t one that Mark had ever made her make. She squirmed in her seat as his teeth raked at her, harder this time.

  He licked her one last time before moving upwards and gently kissing he stomach, he kissed it here, then there and then somewhere else as he made his way up her body.

  It wasn’t long before his head was buried deep within the valley between her breasts. He grabbed one in each hand and pushed them together, burying his head deeper. Then he kissed them, first one then the other, squeezing them and massaging them as he did. Her nipples were rock hard with excitement and he took each one between a thumb and finger and twisted them, then he pulled them.

  ‘Oh Ph …’ She had just managed to stop herself from saying his name but it was enough to stop him in his tracks. He lifted his head and his face was just inches from hers.

  ‘What did you say?’ he asked.

  ‘I was going to say,’ she was thinking on her back rather than her feet, ‘Oh fuck me for Pete’s sake.’

  ‘If you insist,’ he said and for the first time he kissed her, his tongue searching out hers and finding it there in response, tasting themselves on the lips of the other.

  He pulled her hips towards him and shoved his throbbing cock into her with one practised movement.


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