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The Acolyte: Magicians of the Beyond

Page 30

by Victoria Murata

  Danica assured him she wouldn’t and turned to the graves as he walked away. She sank to her knees in the freshly turned earth.

  “You’re together again mother, father. I’m sorry it took seventeen years.” She looked around her. “You’re in a good place now. A place of honor. The people will look after you and make sure you come to no further harm. I have to go back. I can’t stay here, but know I love you.”

  A tear fell from her cheek onto the dirt and instantly a small green sprout grew out of the soil. Soon it was six inches tall, and a blue bud formed at the top, opening into a beautiful flower. Before her eyes, the flower multiplied into hundreds, covering the new graves. Danica recognized them as the same blue flowers that Astrid had worn in her hair. The soft blooms left a sweet scent in the air, the smell of promise and remembrance. Danica picked one and put it in her pocket. She would press it in her book when she returned to the Beyond and keep it forever.


  Semiel hugged Danica. He whispered in her ear, “Thank you. I never doubted you would come.”

  Danica smiled through tears. “I wish I could say I’ll see you again, but that’s probably not true.”

  “I’ll have you here always,” and he placed his hand on his heart.

  While Semiel said goodbye to the others, Lucas wrapped Danica in his arms. “I wish you would stay, but I understand you have important work to do. You came back. You gave us all hope and courage, and we have our city back. And we have our new High Priestess. Thank you, Danica.” He looked at the others. “Thank you all.”

  Ansa was there to see them off. Danica took her hands. “Ansa, you were so brave. Thank you for your help. I’ve no doubt there are great things in store for you.”

  Ansa smiled shyly. “Thank you for the kimono. I’ll cherish it forever. It’s proof of you.”

  Danica raised her eyebrows in question.

  “Lymonians have a new story now, Danica, one that will be told for generations. You’re our hero who came out of the mist to save us. The one who fulfilled the prophecy, and I have the proof of it!”

  Danica smiled at her, understanding the import of her words. Ansa would be a wealthy woman.

  A few guards accompanied the carriage that was taking Emma and the Coverts back to the village near where the portal had been. Nella was with them. She had had enough of the big city and she was ready to return to the Red Fox Inn and her parents.

  “Will your parents be angry with you?” Emma asked.

  “They’ll be glad to see me back. I was gone less than a week.” Nella twisted her hands in her lap.

  Danica probed her mind and saw her nervousness. She was expecting a sound thrashing from her father.

  “Give them this. That should soften their moods,” Emma said, and she put a pouch full of cretars in Nella’s hand from the sale of the silk.

  Nella flushed happily. “Thank you!”

  After they dropped Nella off, they continued for another mile before Neith told them to stop.

  “This is near the area where I arrived.”

  They climbed out of the carriage and waved farewell to the guards. As the carriage left, the Coverts walked up a slight incline. Danica took out the talisman.

  “As long as we’re walking in the right direction, it will light our way.”

  They hadn’t walked far when the talisman pulsed in Danica’s hand.

  “We’re here.”

  They were in a thicket of trees and they all looked around.

  “There!” Emma exclaimed.

  A short distance away was a bright patch in the foliage and a shimmering rough-hewn door. They walked to it and Jimmu opened it. The musty smell of mildew greeted them.

  “Stay together and go in quickly.”

  Emma walked through first and Neith and Danica followed. Jimmu closed the portal behind him. They were back in the dank cellar of the Mystic Hotel. There was no way to know what time of day it was, and the cellar was quiet as a tomb. Neith led the way up the stone steps to the door that opened to the hall above. She paused with her hand on the knob.

  “I know you’re all tired, but the others are going to want to hear everything.”

  “It’s okay, Neith. I’m so excited I don’t think I could sleep right now,” Danica said. She looked at Emma and Jimmu and they both nodded.

  When they stepped through the door, they were greeted by Nell, the receptionist behind the desk.

  “You’re back! All of you!” she cried.

  Others close by who had heard Nell soon surrounded them, hugging the Coverts, and asking questions.

  “It’s about time!” they heard from above. Wilder was descending the stairs dressed in what could only be described as a Robin Hood get-up. Khaki pants, green tunic, and tall brown boots. “Liam and I were about to come looking for you.”

  “Dressed in that?” Neith asked incredulously.

  As if in answer, Wilder took the moss green cap she had been holding and placed it on her head. It had an upturned brim and sported a feather. There were a few chuckles.

  “Phil and Liam are in the library,” Wilder said, and they all followed her.

  Phil looked relieved to see them when they walked through the library doors. Liam smiled broadly.

  “Good job Neith! I was hoping you’d find them and bring them back before we had to leave.”

  There were hugs all around.

  “Come into the theater where we can hear all about your mission. Is that alright? Or do you need to rest first?” Phil asked.

  They all assured her they were fine and followed her into the theater. Before they entered, Phil told them they would be recorded. As they walked through the doorway, she pressed a button on the wall so their conversation would be video recorded and everyone in the Beyond could listen and watch. They sat in a conversation area and someone brought them glasses of water.

  “We’ve been concerned about you and we haven’t heard any news since you left on your mission. That’s why Neith went to find you.”

  “Believe me, we’ve been busy,” Jimmu said.

  “We want to hear all about it,” Liam said. “Start at the beginning.”

  And so, they did. Taking turns, they told the story of their mission in Lymonia, and the return to order in Crown City. They left out parts of their experience. When Emma talked about being the prisoner of Dumone, she didn’t tell the more grisly details, but she still got visibly shaken. Neith described the state Emma was in when she found them.

  “She had multiple fractures, a ruptured spleen, her nose was broken, and she couldn’t hear out of one ear.”

  “It was a good idea to send you, Neith,” Liam said. “Your healing powers were invaluable.”

  Danica’s story about overcoming Dumone and influencing his cat was much appreciated. When she talked about the firebird trying to burn her up and how the belt protected her, Wilder smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. She left out the details of her mother’s appearance.

  Jimmu’s story about the underwater rescue and finding Lucina playing with the fish made them all chuckle. He didn’t mention the beating he had received from Rone.

  “Lucina’s young, but she’s so wise. I think Lymonia is in good hands,” he said.

  Phil had been silent throughout the testimonies. Now she spoke.

  “You’ve all been through a lot. This was a tough mission for your first, Danica. Believe me, I’ve second guessed myself so many times over the past week. But you accomplished all you set out to do and you’ve come back to us unscathed. You are now officially a Covert. Thank you for your dedication and your fortitude.

  “Jimmu, you’re the steady one. I have no doubt you were the practical presence throughout this mission. Thank you for always being willing to go where you’re needed.

  “And dear Emma. You have sacrificed much. This mission couldn’t have happened without your help. I’m going to make it my personal responsibility to get you all the care you need to bring you back fully to us.”

sp; Emma nodded tearfully.

  “He can’t hurt you here, and here you will stay.” Neith put her arm around Emma’s shoulder and hugged her.

  “Now you all need to get some rest. Go to your rooms relax for a few hours. We’ll catch up more at dinner.”

  They all got up to leave.

  On their way out of the theater, Phil pressed the button by the door which stopped the recording. She drew Danica aside.

  Phil’s eyes were misty. She took one of Danica’s hands in hers. “I’m glad you had a chance to meet your mother.”

  Danica gasped. She hadn’t told anyone about her mother coming to life in the forest. Everyone had assumed the map had led her to the hidden temple, not her mother.

  “I . . . how did you know?”

  “I couldn’t be with you physically, but there are other ways I looked after you. And remember I knew your mother. I know the love she had for you before you were born. A connection like that cannot be broken. I knew she would find a way to communicate with you. Death may appear to be final, but you and I know that it is not.”

  Danica’s eyes were bright. She nodded. “Yes, you’re right. Sometimes my mind wants to be logical and say it didn’t happen the way it did, but my heart knows what’s true. She did communicate with me.” She squeezed Phil’s hand. “Thanks for believing in me, Phil. I’ll never forget my time in Lymonia.” They embraced warmly and Danica left for her room.

  A small welcoming fire glowed in the hearth. It feels so good to be home! She had a warm feeling when she realized she thought of the Beyond as her home and Phil and the other Coverts as her family. And Emma. She’s like a sister to me. She was incredibly brave.

  Before removing her beautiful court clothing, she reached into the pocket of her gown where she found the blue flower from Astrid’s grave. It was wilted but it still released its faint delicate scent. She lifted it to her nose and inhaled softly. Promise and remembrance. She reached into her nightstand drawer and pulled out her book of Bartlett’s Quotations. Opening to the middle, she placed the flower on the page. On the opposite page was a quote attributed to Buddha:

  "If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change."

  She smiled, closed the book, and returned it to her nightstand.

  An image of Jimmu came to her mind. She remembered his look of wonder after they had kissed in the stable at the abbey. Astonishment, really. Like he didn’t believe what had just happened. Her heart hurt thinking about him. And what did she mean to Jimmu? Now that they were back in the Beyond, would they go back to their former relationship as tutor/student? She was a Covert now, an equal. Had everything changed between them? That kiss! She couldn’t pretend that it didn’t mean anything, and she hoped it had meant something to Jimmu. He could be inscrutable when he wanted to be.

  She was tired but too wound up to nap, so she rummaged in the wardrobe and found jeans and a t-shirt. She would walk to the stables. She looked forward to seeing her friends and she wanted to see Star. It had only been a week since she had left for Lymonia, but it felt much longer. Then she thought about Marc. He would always be a good friend, but she understood now that he could never mean to her what Jimmu meant.

  As she was closing her door behind her, Jimmu’s door opened. They both stopped and looked at each other without speaking. Slowly they smiled, and Danica thought she had never seen Jimmu look so beautiful. She had to remind herself to breathe.

  “Jimmu …”

  “Danica …”

  Then they laughed.

  “What were you going to say?” Danica asked.

  “No, you go ahead.”

  “I was going to invite you to walk with me to the stables.” She smiled coyly at him, suddenly feeling shy. “What were you going to say?”

  “I was going to invite you into my room.” His face was serious.

  “Your room?” She felt the heat rising to her cheeks.

  He stepped to her and took her hands. On his face was the most tender look she had ever seen. “I can’t get our kiss out of my mind. It was . . . unreal, Danica, and I want to know if you feel the same way.”

  “I do,” she said softly.

  “I have to know if it was just the heat of the moment. We were high on adrenaline from our take-over of the castle and your defeat of Dumone. Emma had nearly died. You were leaving to find your mother’s grave. All of that had to affect that kiss, don’t you think?” His eyes implored her to agree with him. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around his neck and covered his mouth with hers. After his initial surprise, he returned the kiss, his arms around her, pressing her body to his. Their lips moved over each other’s igniting their passion. She felt her body stirring and she didn’t want the kiss to end.

  They finally broke away, both breathing hard. She rested her head on his chest for a few moments and felt his heart beating beneath her ear. Then she tilted her head back and looked at him.

  “Jimmu, you’re over thinking. I don’t think anything affects our kiss except our feelings for each other.”

  A slow smile spread over his face and he asked quietly, “So is it a walk to the stables, or will you come in my room?”

  She pulled back then and gently pushed him through his open door. As she followed him into his room she thought, the stables can wait; I can’t wait to see where the next kiss will go. And she closed the door behind her.

  When Jimmu and Danica didn’t show up for dinner, the others assumed their exhaustion had gotten the best of them. They all agreed the rest was sorely needed and they would have to wait until breakfast to catch up and have more of their questions answered.

  “It was a difficult mission for a first,” Phil said. “I’m glad I sent the two of them to support each other.” She spread butter onto a piece of bread. “It was a good pairing, and they’ll have a special bond now. They’ll be able to rely on each other in future missions. And in other ways . . .” Her thought dwindled away. The others couldn’t quite understand the twinkle in her eye, and they all felt that she knew something that she wasn’t sharing with them. Neith looked across the table at Liam, one eyebrow raised. Liam looked at Wilder who shrugged slightly, and they all dug into their dinner.

  Upstairs the two young lovers had lost track of time. Wrapped in each other’s arms, the only thing that mattered was the intimacy they were sharing and the knowledge that there was more, so much more, for them to discover together.


  I can’t give enough thanks to my writing group. Judy Pratt, Mary Deaguero, and Michele Morton, your encouragement, positive comments, and constructive criticism have been invaluable. Through the years we have supported each other in our writing endeavors. Each of us has gone in our own direction in writing and in life, but we’ve continued to come together to share what we love to do. I feel so fortunate to have your friendship. Many thanks to Rose Marie Kern for your expertise in all things relating to formatting and publishing. You’ve been a tremendous help.

  Much love to my daughter who has read my novels and always encouraged me. And to my friends, family, readers, fans, and followers, thanks so much for your support. If you’ve read my other books, I appreciate you for switching genres with me. I hope you’ll stay for more to come.

  About the Author

  Victoria Murata lives and writes in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the shadow of the Sandia Mountains. She has been an educator, a horse trainer, a sailboat skipper, a restaurant owner, and always an avid reader and writer. Fantasy has been a favorite genre, as well as Historical Fiction. In fact, she’s written two Historical Fiction novels that you can find on Amazon:

  Journey of Hope


  When the Mockingbird Won’t Sing

  In The Acolyte, Danica’s journey is just beginning. Stay tuned for the next adventure when she and the other Coverts travel to another distant world to seek and destroy the Others.

  te: Magicians of the Beyond




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