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Forbidden Bastard

Page 10

by Felicia Lynn

  Twenty minutes later after Gatsby’s quick walk, I make sure Gatsby’s bowls are fresh and give him a treat. Spending an excess amount of time showering Gatsby with lots of good-bye squishes, the very handsome bad boy stands brooding, watching. Pretty sure we’re running late since he’s told me that no less than a half a dozen times. Clearly, he hasn’t figured out that I don’t care and I’m still ignoring him.

  I move to the entryway and fit my scarf around my neck perfectly, taking time to check the mirror.

  “Elianna, not sure what game you’re trying to play now, but not only is Luis waiting out front in the Rover, but my father is probably also at the restaurant staring at the clock. Get in the car right now on your own, princess, or I’m throwing you over my shoulder and putting you there myself,” Lucas growls. Well, this plan seems to be working just fine. I smile to myself. Walking past him standing at the open front door waiting for me to exit, I hear him snarl under his breath and have to force back the giggle threatening to escape.

  When Lucas’s do-boy, Luis, sees us approaching, he jumps out of the passenger seat and moves to open the back passenger door for me. Even though I’ve never talked to the man before, I decide now is as good of a time as any to be friendly and get to know him.

  “Luis, you’re so sweet. Thank you so much,” I say, skirting past him to slide into the back seat.

  Lucas gets in the back seat on the other side, and Luis gets back into the front. I take my time adjusting my seat belt perfectly while Lucas blatantly stares at me in disbelief. Once I secure it, and he hears the click, he orders the driver, whom I now know is Carlos, to get there, before the car lurches forward.

  I don’t even have to look at Lucas to know steam is likely shooting out of his ears in frustration, but I’ve come this far, I’m not stopping now.

  “So Luis, have you done anything exciting with your time here this week?” I ask.

  “Just working, ma’am,” he replies with no emotion attached, making it obvious he’s uninterested, but I can’t let it go.

  “That’s too bad. It’s beautiful here. I bet the fishing would be great. You should try it,” I tell him.

  I wait a few minutes before I try to engage again. Leaning forward to adjust the roll on my extended pant leg, I exaggerate taking a whiff of something. “Oh Luis, you smell delightful and so manly. What kind of cologne are you wearing?” I ask.

  Carlos flinches, and I see his eyes in the rearview mirror as he looks at Lucas and then me. Luis has his elbow rested on the center console, but I notice him clench his fist tightly before answering.

  “I don’t wear any cologne, ma’am,” he says with contempt, dismissing me. Then turns his head to speak to Lucas. “We’re almost there. Would you like to enter through the front or do you want us to go around to the rear?” he asks.

  “I’ll take Elianna in through the back. Park after we exit, but the two of you can enter through the front,” Lucas orders, practically spitting venom, just as we’re pulling in.

  Carlos drives around to the back, just as Lucas requested, and when the car stops, Lucas and Luis both move to get out, but before Luis is able to fully exit the door, Lucas stops him. “Stay in the car, Luis. I’ll handle the princess,” he spews. Shit. Maybe he’s too mad now. I immediately question if I’ve gone too far.

  Lucas opens my door and waits for me to exit, not offering me help in any way. But I didn’t really need it. Refusing to even look at me once I’m out of the car and the door is closed, he points at the back door marked staff entrance and I silently walk that direction. The Range Rover drives off to park after we cross the street and make it to the door. Lucas opens the door and waits for me to enter, stepping in behind me and pulling the door closed. Because I have no idea where to go from here in this long dark hallway, I wait, assuming I’ll need to follow him.

  He moves past me as I expect and I step in line behind him in silence, but halfway down the long chilly hallway, he stops abruptly and turns. With a speed I didn’t expect, he has me pinned against the brick wall with my hands stretched and held over my head in one of his and my body pinned by his hips. Using his free hand, he holds my chin, tipping it up so I’m looking him in the eyes. Once we make eye contact, he kisses me. Not just any kiss, though. Lucas kisses me breathless.

  When he’s finished with his attack on my mouth, I’m positive my lips are red and bruised. He looks deep into my eyes and sighs. “Play games with me all you want, Elianna. But don’t ever bring my men into it again unless you’re ready to seal their fate. Those men are willing to protect you with their lives. Don’t fucking thank them by getting them killed because you have a bug up your ass and want to play games.” He pauses, leaning his head down so that we’re forehead to forehead. “If you’re trying to see how far you can push me before I let you go, I can promise you have a long way to go, Elianna. But you’re not playing with chess pawns here, princess. You’re playing with real lives. Keep that in mind,” he says with bridled anger in his tone.

  His words gnaw away at my confidence, and I move my eyes to look away even though my chin is held still. He lets me retreat this time, which isn’t typical for him, and that scares me even more. He slowly releases me and captures my hand. He laces his fingers through mine, and I don’t fight it anymore as we begin walking again.

  I’m not sure why I suddenly care so much that Lucas is finally getting a taste of his own medicine. It was what I wanted. Now that I’ve accomplished pissing him off, it doesn’t really feel that great. I just feel like a giant bitch. What the fuck is wrong with me?


  - Thunderstorms -


  When we walk into the dining room from the kitchen, I immediately locate my two men sitting at a table with my father’s two men in the crowded dining room. Luis makes eye contact with me and tips his head to the closed red curtain, indicating my father’s whereabouts.

  When we enter the private room with a large round table in the center, my father sits right where I expect in one of the chairs facing the curtain. With a crystal highball of scotch in one hand and his other relaxed the table, he eyes us with a vague hint of disproval. It’s not often people arrive late to a scheduled meeting with him but especially not thirty-five minutes late.

  I release Elianna’s hand and greet my father. “I’m sorry to have left you waiting, Father. Elianna wasn’t comfortable having someone else take care of her dog, so we were delayed while she took care of his needs herself,” I explain, careful not to imply it was completely intentional.

  Eli walks to my father and leans down to kiss his cheek. “My apologies, Mr. Ruffinelli. Gatsby and I are just a little out of sorts, being away from home and all. Forgive me, please.” She smiles at him innocently. I actually want to laugh but hold back. The last thing we need is to involve my father in our issues as well.

  “Cara mia, please . . . call me Tony. Family doesn’t need these formalities. Sit down, please,” he tells her. If he only knew how many times I’ve thought of really making her part of the family in the past few months, but in this case, it’s not what he means.

  “Lucas, Elianna will make a good mother. If she cares for a dog this way, imagine her concern over her flesh and blood. It’s a wonderful quality. Don’t you think?” I try not to roll my eyes, but he catches the annoyance radiating through me regardless. My father chuckles, finding cause to be amused.

  “To be young again. You know, sometimes the best relationships begin unexpectedly during times of struggles. That’s when you learn a person’s strength and loyalty. It’s a blessing the two of you have found each other. We should celebrate.”

  He locates the two small buttons discreetly hidden in the center of the table next to a flower arrangement, which prompt the indicator lights outside the private dining space. The red button alerts the staff not to interrupt, and the green tells them we’d like service. If no lights are on, the staff knows they can come and go as needed to serve, refresh, or whatever may be necessary.r />
  “Cara mia, I decided to come tonight because I received a call from your uncle. It seems he and your Aunt Luciana were concerned they’d not been able to reach you. I can only imagine their panic,” my father says with a mildly critical tone I’ve rarely heard him use with others. “You’re far too beautiful to be out in the world on your own at your age and not keep in close contact with your loved ones. I relieved some of their immediate concerns, letting them know that you and my son had decided to take a spur-of-the-moment trip. I’m sure you don’t mind. However, I do hope you’ll take some time to call your Aunt Luci tomorrow. I know she’s anxious to hear from you.” Eli doesn’t try to shield the resentment when she looks directly at me, glaring. She then turns back and addresses my father.

  “I would’ve never intentionally avoided communications from Aunt Luci. However, your son took it upon himself to remove my cell phone from my belongings and leave it back at the nightclub without consulting me. With the Wi-Fi connections being down at the estate and no access to a phone, I’ve been unable to reach out to anyone and let them know I’m okay. Mr. Ruffinelli . . . I’m sorry, Tony, I really appreciate all your family has done to keep me safe, but I’d really like to go home and start my life in Boston. I hope you understand. Do you happen to know when that might be possible?” she asks my father.

  She clearly intends to get answers one way or another, even if she has to climb over my dead body to get them. Unbelievable. This woman is relentless.

  The waiter chooses the absolute perfect time to enter, and I couldn’t be happier with the interruption.

  “Good evening, I see everyone has made it. Can I take drink orders and possibly interest you in an appetizer? The tuna is especially good tonight,” the chatty waiter offers.

  If I were in a better mood, I’d be able to at least pretend I give a shit about what he’s saying, but I’m not in a better mood. Today has gone to hell faster than I thought possible. It’s not a fucking coincidence that everything on my mind or going wrong right now has something to do with Elianna.

  She’s the biggest pain in the ass to exist and has no regard for her own well-being. Maybe I shouldn’t be fighting so hard to protect her when she’s made it clear she doesn’t want me. How the fuck am I supposed to handle the woman who’s so fucking guarded that she’s scared to let anyone close? The problem is, I can’t walk away.

  I’ve seen parts of her heart that I’m not sure many others have, and I know how fragile she is, no matter how hard she tries to play tough. I’m not saying she’s not tough in some ways because she is; anyone who’s met her can see that. Only I know that front is there just to protect the parts of her that matter.

  It’s hard to know where I stand anymore. One second, I’m ready to put it all on the line for her, and the next, I’m wondering if I need to sleep with one eye open. Elianna can be cold as ice, but it’s hard to forget how incredible the feisty princess is when she melts in my hands. That’s the part I can’t let go of. Trust has never come easy for me, either, so I understand her caution, but I thought we were on the same page, and maybe this thing between us could be what we both needed. But just when I think I’ve made a mark she can’t erase, she proves me wrong and drop-kicks me back.

  “Lucas, you eat here often. Would you like to order for the table?” my father asks, interrupting my thoughts. Snapping back to the present, I nod my head in agreement, glancing over the menu.

  “We’ll have the seared tuna loin, the Wagyu carpaccio crisps and the foie gras on toast, please,” I tell the waiter then look at my father. “Are you sticking with bourbon or would you like me to order a bottle of wine for dinner?” I ask. He looks at me questioningly.

  “Son, why don’t you ask the lady what she’d like? I’ll just go with the majority on that,” he says decidedly.

  “Princess, would you like a bottle of wine or do you need something a little stronger to kill the bug up your ass tonight?” I ask, looking directly into Eli’s beautiful blue eyes.

  Watching her eyes transform from the color resembling the bright sky on a sunny day to the darker shade that reflects her anger and thunderstorms on the horizon doesn’t carry the same weight it once did. I’m not going to give up on her, but I’m also not going to back down. If she wants to create these thunderstorms when we could just as easily be enjoying the sunshine, then she can’t get pissed when she gets caught in the rain.

  I hear the ice in my father’s glass clink. I should feel bad for the guy getting caught in my and Elianna’s crossfire, but I don’t. It’ll do him some good to know the challenges the family is dealing with in keeping the mafia princess safe in our territory. I’m doing my dad a favor by letting him see how hard we’ll have to work for this one.

  Elianna gives me a hostile glare as she seethes. “Bestia, so kind of you to consider my health. I think I’ll take a Four Roses with ginger ale, please. Might be a good idea to go ahead and make it a double too. I’m suddenly parched and feeling like I could breathe fire at any second.”

  I look at the waiter. “You heard the lady. I’ll have Bulleit with three cubes . . . actually, let’s make that a double as well,” I suggest.

  The waiter thanks us in haste, not taking his time to get the hell out of this little room. Poor bastard. It’s not his fault, but I suppose the good news for him is that I tip well. If that’s not good enough, he can cry about it later, but my hands are pretty full at the moment, so I give no fucks.

  “So now I see why Elianna is so anxious to get back home. I’d hoped things were going well for the two of you. Looks like that may not be the case. I guess it’s a good thing I’ve come with an update,” my father advises.

  With our full attention, Elianna and I watch as he reaches to the center of the table, pressing the red button to give us a few minutes of privacy. “For now, the threat against Elianna is inactive. I saw ‘for now’ because there’s still a lot we don’t know, but I feel it’s safe to say there’s no immediate threat,” he announces, pleasing me greatly with the hope Lorenzo Bertoni is no longer breathing, but I wouldn’t ask my father to confirm that with Elianna here.

  “So does that mean I can go home tonight?” Eli asks a little too eagerly, and my father laughs.

  “Cara mia, your uncle took the liberty of having your cell phone tracked after not hearing from you and learned before even I was aware that it had unfortunately been left behind. Thankfully, he made me aware. Therefore, I’ve brought your phone to return to you. After a good night’s rest, should you wish to return to Boston tomorrow, Lucas will certainly make sure that happens. Tonight, we’ll eat and enjoy the company.” He reaches across the table once again and presses the green light, and Elianna doesn’t even attempt to question my father’s direction. Moments later, the waiter enters with a tray full of drinks followed by another waiter with the appetizers.

  I know in cases like this with the family business I’m supposed to trust my father’s judgment, and I do, but right now, with everything I don’t know, being expected to trust blindly isn’t sitting well with me. I’m going to need a lot more information from him before I’ll willingly let this this feisty princess out of my sight to carry on her life. Also, I’d like to know where I fit into this life she’s so ready to start in Boston. We may not be a known couple, but we’re sure as fuck not nothing at all.

  When she accepts her drink from the waiter, she finally makes eye contact with me, even if it was probably accidental. She thinks her pride is concealing her inner turmoil, but I see it clear as day. “Liability,” she mouths, nonverbally.

  I smirk. “Not happening, sunshine,” I return keeping my voice level low and smooth.


  - Memories -


  I woke up before the sun came up not really sure what to do with myself. It was my first night sleeping in Lucas’s bed alone. After checking emails and sending one to Isabel in California, I took Gatsby for a long stroll around the property as dawn was rising over the sound. The soun
ds of the birds waking up somehow quieted the thoughts in my head. I know I’m overthinking this, but what else am I supposed to do when the person with the answers shuts me out?

  I’m sure when Isabel wakes up on her side of the country and finds my email, she’s going to flip her shit. I fully expect an immediate phone call, but I have no intentions of having that girls chat until I’m home and able to speak freely . . . or as freely as I’m capable of. Let’s be honest; I’ve never given anyone all of me. Matteo got a big part, and I was an open book to him, but he made it easy because he never criticized or judged. But Lucas, he got the most.

  When I emailed Isabel, I told her I woke up feeling a strong urge to do yoga this morning, among other things. Stupid yoga. Isabel dragged me out of bed more times than I can even count to go to yoga with her during our years together at NYU. I hated everything about it, but especially the early morning sessions. It wasn’t until after Matteo was gone that I figured out that I still needed it even if I hated it. It was the only time I consciously remembered to breathe. So here I am, on this gorgeous two-tiered deck having spent the past forty-five minutes breathing, stretching, and trying to clear my head. I’m not really sure it’s done much for the last part, but as I say, there’s good and bad in everything.

  This property is a truly remarkable place. It’s so peaceful here, and until yesterday, it’s probably been the most relaxing and rigorously intense week of my life. Not that I’ll admit it, but I’m a little sad the week has ended this way. It is what it is. I just need to keep reminding myself that this situation is exactly what I’ve never wanted, but forcing myself to accept fate and let go of the impossible is easier said than done.


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