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Sex Magick

Page 1

by Tom Raimbault

  Table of Contents


  Prelude: Amber Reunites with Trista’s Biological Father

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Author Biography

  Sex Magick

  The Mapleview Series – Book 3

  Tom Raimbault

  Copyright (C) 2015 Tom Raimbault

  Layout Copyright (C) 2015 by Creativia

  Published 2015 by Creativia

  eBook design by Creativia (

  Cover art by

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author's permission.


  I'm sure in a few dusty, old books of spells that have survived centuries of persecution and burning by those who hunt witches; there might be a recipe or two that call for a broken man's heart. Imagine the power that can fuel and drive a spell into motion if such a broken heart could be won. Thanks to the power that a woman possesses, she can easily win the attraction of any male. And if knowledgeable enough, she might know just the right moment to hex her victim with a terrible love spell that causes him to fall head over heels—so madly in love with her. In many cases this victim might not have ever met the woman who casts such a spell. He only encounters her in public places such as the daily commute on the train, or the morning visit to the coffee shop. Chances are the two never exchanged even the simplest of words with one another. But somehow he falls in love her.

  From that moment on he can't eat, he can't sleep and he can't drive the irrational thoughts or feelings of this woman out of his mind and heart. And if a man who falls victim to this spell happens to be previously in love with another woman, she will soon be forgotten. For you see, there is no way to resist the power of terrible love spell.

  The answer is clear. Those uncontrollable thoughts and feelings are a calling out from the desired woman. So with heart racing, body trembling and all sorts of chemicals surging through his veins; the man finally speaks out and makes his move.

  In just one example out of a thousand, he usually falls flat on his face—figuratively speaking. He's intoxicated with being in love and can't seem to speak or act out appropriately.

  But she's so callous and cold, “Such a disappointment; he's not the sort of man I thought he was. You only have one chance to make a first impression with me.”

  Or maybe a cruel witch of a woman might play the card of being taken off guard and surprised. “I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel this way. Whatever I did or said was purely unintentional. You seem like a nice guy, but we don't share the same feelings.”

  She might not even say that much. She might only walk away, never to be seen or heard from again. There is nothing left to do or say. It's simply time for her to hide in the attic during the midnight hours with candles of various colors and a collection of strange items needed for the perfect recipe for a granted wish.

  But the most precious, the sweetest of these ingredients is the man's fragile, shattered heart. It causes him to walk the days as a disheveled mess with red, glassy eyes as he struggles in vain to overcome his emotional wreck. Perhaps a witch might even be able to reach across the void in the dark of night, and collect the tears from the pillow of a man whose heart she has broken. Such a precious thing: if the reader is a woman, wouldn't you like to have in your possession a man's tears that have been cried for you?

  Fortunately, most witches would never stoop so low—unless, of course, she feels he deserves it. But you can thank the small fraction of a percentage that does use their knowledge in harmful ways for the negative reputation that is often associated with witches. These types disregard any morals or sense for the common good. And this is why witches have been hunted through the ages and given cruel means of disposal—burning, hanging or drowning. Such a shame…

  Buried within that small fraction of a percentage of bad witches are the purely evil ones who have seemingly sold their own souls and are merely buying their times here on Earth. Such a witch may only come once every five hundred years (just a guesstimate). They're nearly non-existent, but not completely non-existent!

  But to my fellow men, I reassure you not to worry. Most of us will never fall victim to the meddling of wicked witch. It takes a special man who is predisposed, nearly destined to fall victim to a witch. Perhaps he's… well… stupid, and involves himself in things he has no business being involved in. He probably even deserves it!

  Tom Raimbault

  Hoffman Estates, Illinois

  April 12, 2013

  Prelude: Amber Reunites with Trista’s Biological Father

  Life after being banished from the Dickly castle certainly changed some things for Amber. How could Michael have remained married to a woman who savagely murdered his precious Linsey? Interesting thing; Amber's divorce was slightly different from a woman who is so disgusted of a sour marriage that she wants no association with her ex-husband. Amber had no desire to change her last name back to the maiden. Prior to marrying Michael, she signed a prenuptial agreement as she wanted nothing more than true love and a happy marriage forevermore. Despite the prenuptial agreement, and despite the fact that Michael was deeply saddened and devastated over the terrible things Amber had done, he was compassionate enough to give his ex-wife some money for purposes of establishing herself. But money runs out, of course. Everyone needs more of it; even Amber, who in younger years lived in a universe where only the intangible things were important.

  Life hadn't corrupted Amber too badly through the years. But she had gotten wiser and realized that plenty of people would be crawling out of the woodwork after Michael's death. As far as Amber knew, outside of paralyzed Paulette, there were no close relatives to claim Mich
ael's fortune. Shouldn't an ex-wife have claim to some of this? She would be a fool not to at least try upon his death.

  Michael was an old man. His life on Earth was running out. Amber wasn't sure of the laws; but given the right attorney who would charge a percentage of her possible fortune, anything was possible. Would you change your name back to your maiden if you were once married to the highly successful and extremely wealthy Michael Dickly?

  Amber went through some radical changes in her physical appearance. She no longer possessed her long, beautiful head of naturally flowing brown hair. It was cut short so that it hovered shoulder-length and then dyed light-blond—nearly white. Amber had been light complexioned throughout her whole life and maintained strict avoidance of harmful sunrays. But her nearly-white hair accentuated this complexion so that she appeared radiant, almost like a ghost! Already thin and on the petite side, Amber lost a considerable amount of weight from unnecessary, strict dieting and exercise. If you've ever seen a woman in her thirties lose more than her fair share of weight, you might have noticed that the healthy collagen that once maintained that youthful appearance is soon gone. Although still pretty, alluring and sexy; the new ghostly Amber possessed an element of frightfulness. It might have been easy to have an unexplained fear of the woman.

  Throughout the years, Amber maintained a sense of regret for what she had done; feeling that she truly deserved the punishment along with appreciating the lesson well learned. Being that Michael had adopted Trista, Amber imagined it was possible to have him provide child support or even alimony. But she was so disgusted with herself, while at the same time having a sense of pride in the fact that she established herself and supported her daughter throughout the years after divorce.

  As for Trista's biological father; Amber probably could have made a claim for child support, even retroactive child support. Any woman in her right mind would have attempted this! But shortly after the divorce, Amber's heart suddenly softened towards Trista's biological father. Imagine that; how unreal! Still dreamy, ethereal and full of wishes; Amber recalled the days when she loved him more than anything. Really all she wished for was to somehow have Trista's biological father in her life—perhaps as a close friend and definitely involved in Trista's life. Just having him live down the street and visiting throughout the week would have made Amber happy. And surely he must have changed through the years as well. If reconnected with a renewed bond, wouldn't he be willing to help out a beloved friend; provide a little money when times were difficult for Amber?

  If you've come to know Amber, then you know that all of her wishes come true. Only a few details to iron out and not completely surrendered to Amber, Trista's biological father had, in fact, returned to Amber! In fact, he often lay beside her in bed!

  But Trista's biological father didn't live in the house with Amber and Trista just yet. Mother was working on these small details. Aside from that, now 2009 and Trista being a sixteen-year-old girl, Trista had yet to be informed of this new man's identity who was increasingly becoming a part of Mother's life. Oh, she had her suspicions. But unsure and bit uncomfortable with this man's sudden existence, Trista waited for the official announcement from Mother.

  It should also be mentioned that there was the small detail of Trista's biological father being married to another woman with children of his own. But don't be so quick to shake your head in disbelief while pointing the finger of shame at Amber. Amber certainly had her work cut out for her in luring this man home. After initially discovering his whereabouts, she purchased a home right down the street from him. Then for many months she would slowly drive past his house with a hungry look and desperate eyes. Any man would become intrigued by this!

  Then one Saturday afternoon, Trista's father stopped at Walmart to purchase some new tools for work. That's when Amber sort of “bumped into him”.

  He immediately recognized and greeted her. “Oh, hi!”

  Amber's wasted not a moment. “I forgive you Matt.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You don't have to pretend, Matt. It's me, Amber. I dyed my hair. I searched for you a while back and know you spent some time out in California. But you're back in Mapleview, now. I saw you a few years ago and followed you back to your house. As luck had it, there was a house down the street for sale. I'm not here for back child support or anything. Just need a…”

  He immediately interrupted. “Whoa, whoa, whoa; first of all, my name is not Matt! And I do not have any children outside of marriage!”

  A look of outrage and disbelief fell across Amber's face.

  He pulled out his wallet and removed his state driver's license. “See, my name is Jim. Apparently you had me confused with someone else.”

  Amber put her hand to forehead, partially covering her eyes. “I'm sorry! This is so embarrassing.” Then she turned and walked away.

  Jim only trailed behind her. “Wait! Wait!” Now aware that he reminded Amber of someone she was once in love with, Jim speculated that he could pretend to be that person. It might have provided a chance to have a piece of the sexy, intriguing blond who lived down the street and often drove slowly past his house.

  But Amber kept walking, pushing her hand behind her in a motion for Jim to stay away.

  And that should have been the end of whatever game Jim and Amber were involved in. But hopes and dreams die hard. For so long Amber had a sense of relief that a possible fatherly role—Trista's actual father—lived down the street. To make matters worse, Amber's daughter was slowly being made to understand that this man was, in fact, her father. Amber didn't come right out and say it. She was more subtle in her approach. “That man standing out in his driveway; he looks very much like your father.” With the continued interest that Mother had in this man, it wouldn't take long for Trista to realize the closeness that she should be sharing with him.

  Anything is possible in Amber's world. By merely renewing her overwhelming sense of belief while amplifying desires through fantasy, Jim truly could be Trista's biological father who happened to live down the street and even be part of mother and daughter's life! Can you finally see that Amber was not being so unreasonable with Trista's biological father? The odds were stacked up against Amber, yet somehow she was managing to work everything out in her favor.

  * * *

  Now what married man in his right mind would allow a strange woman to consecrate him as the biological father of her child, and even aim towards making him her new husband? I'm sure you'll figure a few things out about Jim as this story unfolds. But let me just introduce you to one of the many bizarre facets of Jim's personality.

  On any given day of the week a cable company utility bucket truck can be seen driving the roads and highways of Mapleview. A bucket truck, in case you are unaware, is a utility vehicle with bucket ladder that typically rises to utility lines or the top of buildings for accessing equipment. In that utility bucket truck drives a man named Ivan Trovskov. With a name like Ivan Trovskov, one might immediately assume the Mapleview Cable technician to be an immigrant. But he isn't. In fact, his name isn't Ivan Trovskov! His name is Jim—the same Jim who is married and being consecrated as Trista's biological father. He was born and raised in Mapleview; lived there his entire life. Ivan Trovskov is merely a secret persona that Jim created to help accept the fact that he was going bald.

  It all happened so suddenly one night while watching TV with his wife, Kimberly. Suddenly, a hair re-growth product commercial appeared with an announcer who wore a grave expression. The camera slowly zoomed in on the announcer's face as he continued to speak, “You might think that the solution to going bald is to simply accept it. Many men lose their hair as they get older, and they seem fine. Why should you be so concerned? Well before you convince yourself that it's nothing to worry about, turn to your wife or girlfriend and ask, 'Honey, will you still find me attractive when I'm bald?' You'd be surprised of the answer! Then call us.”

  In recent years, Jim certainly lost a lot of hair. There was on
ce a time in his life when he had a full head of brown hair; usually worn wind-tousled and free-spirited. Now in an attempt to have something on his head, Jim had the exact, same hair style as Bert from Sesame Street! In fact, Jim's hair was worse than Bert's. Bert had way more hair on his head. Jim had only a thumbprint's diameter of surviving strands remaining on top. Really it should have been simply trimmed off. But Jim held onto the notion that something adding color on top was better than nothing.

  A split second after the commercial, Jim turned to his wife, “Well, will you still find me attractive when I'm bald?”

  And how should a supportive wife respond to such a question? Kimberly smirked and then released an uncontrollable giggle. “I'm sorry, but I won't find you the least bit attractive when you go bald!”


  “Well don't take it personal! I just don't like bald men!” Then Kimberly softened her voice to ensure her husband, “I'll still love you, though. Isn't that all that matters?” Kimberly wasn't concerned with the possibility of Jim calling the number on the screen. It wasn't in the household budget to fund hair re-growth products. And quite frankly, she didn't want Jim to grow more hair. With the couple now in their late 30s, Kimberly needed something to break down Jim's confidence. Although quite beautiful herself, Kimberly struggled with the notion of nearly turning 40. It was comforting for her to know that Jim worried about his appearance in age. Baldness was apparently a sore spot for him. No man wants to hear that he will soon be unattractive. If Jim believed himself to be ugly, then Kimberly had no need to worry of her husband going astray.

  Really Kimberly should have simply reassured her husband that he would look fine. For the following morning Jim carefully studied himself in the mirror with a desperate need to reinvent himself. It wasn't Jim's fault that he was losing his hair. Now older and later in life, Jim realized that he had the northern European thing going on. Why, he looked like… like… (A sudden name popped into Jim's head)… Ivan Trovskov! It was best to play the part.

  This revelation happened on a Saturday morning. He soon visited the barber and requested that his head be nearly shaved. Afterwards, only a thumbprint receding patch of stubbles sat on his head, outlined by just enough microscopic fur on the sides and the back of his head to give color.


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