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Sex Magick

Page 23

by Tom Raimbault

  When was the last time Jim enjoyed the simple pleasure of just laying in bed while imagining and fantasizing of some beautiful woman he had encountered at an install or at some point in his daily travels? With his nudey-pic addiction over, Jim laid in the dark while pleasuring himself under the covers, allowing his imagination to let go.

  And get this! Jim attempted to establish some telepathic link with Ms. Haldman in hopes that she could sense his feelings for her. Of course if alone with her, Jim wouldn't call her, Ms. Haldman. The woman's name was Jan.

  How intimate it felt in that moment to know her first name. And how easy it was to create his own loving image of Jan, a cherished portrait that revealed her need to be loved and receive affection. To see the truth of her beautiful, naked body; her full buttocks that might have been revealed upon briefly standing up from bed; or her naked breasts that lay upon Jim's chest after making love: these thoughts and mental images had brought Jim to climax.

  * * *

  In contrast to the heart-stopping moments experienced during those afternoons of picking up April from school, there was soon a heart-racing moment of dreadful anxiety. Anyone who has ever gone to grammar school is fully aware of what open house is. After the first few weeks of school, parents are invited to an evening gathering at school to finally meet the teacher and observe their child's classroom. It's an exciting time for a child and most often includes the showcasing of a special project made just for Mommy and Daddy for the night of open house.

  Jim was definitely excited—a little overexcited while entering the door of the school with his wife and two kids. Part of him was eager to finally meet Jan Haldman. But another part of him realized that he had ventured into forbidden territory. Jim should have done like any decent parent and maintained any encounter with Ms. Haldman as professionally as possible. Now they were aware of one another, burning in curiosity of what could be and shouldn't be.

  Jim's anxiety spiked upon entering Ms. Haldman's classroom. She looked as beautiful as ever; smiling and so friendly with the room full of parents. As April's parents approached, Ms. Haldman's friendly face changed to that of dread. April's father was near; a moment she had worried over the entire day!

  Kimberly extended her arm in friendly greeting. “Hi, I'm Kimberly; and this is my husband, Jim.”

  As she reached for Jim's hand, Ms. Haldman's face turned flush and her voice cracked from a sudden dryness. “Nice to meet you.” Poor Ms. Haldman; she never meant any harm. Jim was such a nice, good-looking man. Why is life so cruel?

  But she was sure to have herself covered for parent/teacher conference—a lengthier, one-on-one meeting with parents before the first quarter ended. These are held to convey performance of the child to parents. April was a bright girl who learned quickly, was neat and mostly well-mannered. There wasn't much for Ms. Haldman to discuss with Jim and Kimberly during this meeting. But in an attempt to break the ice and bring the dreaded encounter back to Earth, Ms. Haldman offered an interesting tidbit of information. She smiled and nearly blushed while speaking to Jim, “I dated a guy back in college that looked just like you.” So bold, the palm of Ms. Haldman's hand lightly patted Jim's forearm while saying this.

  Then again, maybe that wasn't such a great idea! It certainly would have provided an excuse for her behavior during the open house. But the other side of the cryptic message, intended exclusively as a desperate S.O.S to Jim, might have been heard by Kimberly as well. Let's just say that it made for some interesting conversation on the ride home.

  * * *

  There wasn't much left to fuel Jim's fantasy romance with Ms. Haldman, as there were no further significant encounters. The holidays came and went. The early spring months arrived. Occasionally, Jim would think of Jan in the darkened room while lying in bed. There might have been a moment when he pondered of how to initiate an actual romance with her. Might there be a time when Jim would go to her house to install a cable outlet? Such an install could provide an opportunity for lengthier conversation, maybe even be invited over to Jan's house for dinner later that night. But this opportunity never came. He and Jan were simply not destined to be together. Besides that, there were new fantasy romances on the horizon.

  Now it isn't necessary to bore you of how these pointless games began with other women. There was Kelly (Not Mary's cousin!), who started at Mapleview Cable as an office administrator. This was around the time that Jim received his grand promotion of lineman technician. During this time, both he and Kelly learned through rumor of their mutual attraction. Needless to say, the games of locking eyes and occasionally encountering one another in the hallway only to barely provide a greeting had commenced. There was definitely an infatuation between the two of them. And while spending 3 weeks out of state to train for his new position at Mapleview Cable, Jim had the most intense fantasy romance.

  Kelly dined with Jim in the evening. They sat out by the hotel pool and drank wine. Afterwards, he and Kelly would retire for the evening to make love until exhaustion; then to lie cuddled, sleeping. By morning, Jim would wake up with his arms wrapped tightly around the pillow. He couldn't wait for his hours of job training to end for the day so that he and Kelly could enjoy more time together. It's amazing how dangerous the imagination can be!

  But there was no harm done. Kelly was soon replaced by an IT associate at the bank. Having trouble with his online account, Jim briefly met with Tina, who… well, let's just say another senseless game had been started! This time, through all the crazy fantasies, Jim desperately found any reason to contact her. Any petty thing noticed with his online account, Jim would email Tina; even make unrelated, small talk that sadly appeared to be diffused by Tina.

  Somewhere in the middle of these pointless, fantasy romances of Jim; his son, Collin, turned 5 years old and had started kindergarten. Sadly, he didn't have that nice Ms. Haldman who Kimberly really liked. Collin had another kindergarten teacher. But while bringing her boy to school one morning, Kimberly had an opportunity to see and briefly greet Ms. Haldman. How nice it was to see an old friend.

  But later that night, Kimberly had some interesting gossip for her husband, Jim. “I think there's something wrong with Ms. Haldman.”

  “Really? Why do you say that?”

  “She looks sick. I think she has some kind of disease. She's gained a little weight; she's looking stressed; her hair is a mess and turning gray in some places.”

  Oh no! That was bad news for Jim! Surely he would be on a lookout for Jan on the night of open house.

  On that night while on the way to Collins' classroom, the family passed Ms. Haldman's room. Sure enough, Jim took sight of April's kindergarten teacher. But she wasn't sick as Kimberly suggested. Instead, Jim could see that poor Ms. Haldman had been struck by a sudden, bad case of menopause.

  At that very moment of taking sight of Jan Haldman, Jim was at such an angle that his view of her was through a large, plate-glass window at the side of the entry door. As the two faces recognized one another, Jim provided a friendly smile.

  But Jan's face revealed such desperation, leaving Jim to feel that she was a split second from diving through the plate glass to attack him. He could almost hear her crying out, “Please don't leave me! Don't abandon me! There's still time!”

  * * *

  Some years later, just before April started high school, Jim made a quick trip to the Mapleview grocery store with both kids. And there in the produce aisle stood Ms. Haldman. Both Jim and April greeted the kindergarten teacher, who had remarkably aged with cracked face and hair mostly turned gray. It was quite a shocking contrast for Jim, recalling the first time he had laid eyes on Jan Haldman. Did Jim do this to her? It was a nagging thought that secretly haunted him for many weeks. If his fears were correct, then surely he deserved punishment.

  Chapter 36

  Jim and Ekaterina sat in silence for some time. Then Jim shrugged his shoulders, “I mean you can't tell me that I caused her to go into menopause. It happens to every woman. She pr
obably didn't take care of herself when it started. And hey; it takes two to tango, right?”

  “You did it to her.” reassured Ekaterina. “You made her suddenly age. She was so much in love with you…”

  Jim interrupted with a laugh, “In love with me?” It was the stupidest thing he ever heard.

  Ekaterina exploded, “Damn you! You fool! Damn you! Why are you so stupid? What the hell do you think all those looks and all that interest told this woman? She was older. She was lonely. And suddenly a young man showed interest. You made her feel like you had something for her. She truly believed this. And through all her hopes and dreams, she fell in love with you. And you left her all alone. The heartbreak drained the very life out of her and caused her to turn old.”

  Jim stared at the table in silence. With everything he had experienced in recent months, Ekaterina's interpretation did have some validity. What if he really did cause some acceleration factor in Jan's aging process? And what about bad karma?

  It was as-if Ekaterina read Jim's mind. “All the strange things that are happening to you and about to happen is the punishment you deserve. It's the Law of Return. You affected someone in a negative way, and there is punishment for this.”

  Jim was definitely spell-bounded and believed every word. “But I didn't mean to hurt her.” he rebutted. “What can I do?”

  “Ah!” exclaimed Ekaterina. “Now you understand why you've come to see me. You are aware that I can help you with something. Finally, we've gotten to the bottom of it. Yes, I can help you. I can help you pay this debt much sooner.”

  “What do I have to do?” asked Jim.

  Ekaterina remained silent, smiling from ear-to-ear and gazing, deeply, into Jim's eyes.

  “What…? What do you want from me, Ekaterina?”

  Ekaterina's voice rang and echoed through the small cottage with one, simple word. “Sex!”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me! I want you to give me sex. For forty-nine consecutive days, you must come here to have sex with me. You will be all mine each day for a little while.”

  Sex with Ekaterina; sex with a crazy old, Russian immigrant-woman with patchy hair—nearly bald—mostly gray. And it appeared to be never washed. Her hair was only the tip of the iceberg. Ekaterina's eyes were dull and unattractive from the discoloration around the whites. And when was the last time that she brushed her teeth? Gangly and discolored; surely she suffered from old lady gum disease. And who knows what that breath might have smelled like? Of all the fantasies that Jim had of the woman, he was now face-to-face with her and being demanded of sex. Suddenly she didn't look so appealing. She looked exactly like an ugly, old woman.

  Jim had to think of something fast. “Ekaterina, I'm married.”

  “And what about your girlfriend? Do you think of your wife when with your girlfriend and lying in bed? Did you think of your wife while destroying the other lady, Jan, with all your flirty looks and interest? Your time is up. There is a price for everything, and I will help you pay this debt. Besides, I'm not so bad. You will see. You just need to get an acquired taste for me; that's all.”

  With that, Ekaterina swigged the remains of vodka in her glass and stood up from her seat. “We'll start today.”

  “Huh…?” Only minutes ago, Jim was drunk and numb from the vodka. But now he was one hundred percent sober and terrified for his life. All the bad things that Jim ever did had finally caught up with him. There was a karma deficit, and it was time to pay the piper before his life was ruined. The only way to satisfy this debt was to have sex with an unattractive, old woman.

  “Now!” ordered Ekaterina. “I want sex, now! This will make for one day out of forty-nine.” She walked towards her bedroom and then turned around to signal Jim to follow. Ekaterina made the most disturbing “come here” signal by slowly motioning her index finger. It resembled the wiggle of a worm and had the power to bring Jim to his feet and walk in the direction of Ekaterina's bedroom. Even more baffling was Jim's willingness to remove his suspenders and Fruit-of-the-Loom undershirt while making his way into Ekaterina's bedroom. It was as-if he were under some mental control.

  Inside the bedroom, Ekaterina was already undressing. She slowly unbuttoned her old lady dress in a seductive manner, apparently under the impression that Jim enjoyed the sight. He wanted her—as far as Ekaterina knew; wanted to see her naked and finally take her down. The delusion was so disgusting and far from reality. But this is one of the many powers of a witch. She begins her spell by firmly believing in the web of perception that she creates.

  Ekaterina wore no bra! Russian torpedo tits hung down towards the navel as her dress widely opened and the strands of long, gray hair were brushed behind her shoulders. It was all followed with a look of desire that said, “Come get me!”

  Having no choice, Jim did as ordered. He figured the safest way to start would be to cup his hand over one of Ekaterina's large, old breasts. But it was cold and stiff, just as you would expect a witch's tit to feel.

  A look of delight stretched across the old woman's face as she seized Jim's free hand and placed it on her other breast. “Squeeze…” Ekaterina whispered with demand. “Squeeze them both. I want you to squeeze the hell out them like there's no tomorrow!”

  Jim squashed those cold and stiff tits that were feeling more and more like they belonged to something lying in the coffin. And as-if a corpse being risen from the dead, Ekaterina briefly returned to younger years and cocked her back while making disgusting moans of sickening ecstasy. She loved every minute of Jim's reluctant foreplay!

  Wild, psychotic eyes returned their stare onto Jim's and begged for more; something with more passion and feeling; something like a kiss that would reveal Jim's true feelings.

  There was no escape! As Jim massaged the life back into those old, Russian torpedo tits; Ekaterina's lips met Jim's. Gangly, discolored teeth and diseased gums were now a part of Jim's mouth. The only thing that disguised Ekaterina's foul breath was the purification of vodka. Perhaps this even killed the strong and likely presence of fungal bacteria as old lady slime found its way into Jim's mouth with the deep unification of tongues.

  And while French kissing the victim, Ekaterina inched her hand down her old granny panties to feel her dried-up pussy. So maniacally she frigged her clit while enjoying the assault to her breasts. The young man kissed her and surely wished to further invade and assault Ekaterina by sticking his hands down those panties. To reassure that this was okay, Ekaterina seized one of Jim's hands and quickly tucked it down her panties.

  Immediately Jim fondled and explored the old, battered treasure.

  And wouldn't you know it? This still wasn't enough for the old witch. Ekaterina unbuttoned and unzipped Jim's jeans and then pulled his underwear down to expose his penis. But what was this? Jim was not erect! Maybe it was his age and he simply needed help.

  Ekaterina fondled, squeezed and slowly stroked Jim's cock to life. There seemed to be a lot of raising the dead in that bedroom. And after a moment or two, it began to grow in size and stiffness so that, finally, Ekaterina held a nice, hard cock in her hand.

  When was the last time that Ekaterina felt such a thing against herself? She pulled Jim's stiffness towards her crotch and assisted the invasion under her granny panties by pushing the swollen head of Jim's cock against herself.

  Finally, Ekaterina led the foreplay to her dirty bed, and lay down on her back with legs spread to be taken in missionary position. Jim had no choice but to pull down those granny panties and pile drive his manliness home. But Ekaterina wanted more! She wanted dirty, kinky sex. With Jim between her thighs, Ekaterina toed her panties back on from the floor, briefly raised her legs and let the panties slide back to her thighs. Jim was now locked in with old lady thighs and smelly, granny panties.

  And so was Jim's initial exposure to sex magick; his first installment to the bad karma deficit which was thoroughly enjoyed by a dirty, horny, old woman.

  Chapter 37

hat, exactly, defines cheating?—in particular, cheating on a spouse? It's a question I'm afraid we'll never be able to accurately answer—at least for men. Here in America, some men keep a secret girlfriend or two and often observe the famous philosophy of former president Bill Clinton. For them, cheating is a matter of sex. And according to their hero, Bill Clinton, sex isn't sex unless a penis penetrates a vagina. In this mindset, it's perfectly okay to make out with another woman and even receive oral sex.

  A husband rationalizing with himself over an attraction to a new secretary might say, “Bah! Receiving oral sex from my secretary isn't cheating! There's nothing intimate.”

  But ask this man how he would feel about another man giving oral sex to his own wife and it would provoke outrage. How dare you suggest such a thing? He won't admit, however, that the act would be considered cheating in his eyes. No one should be able to look upon or touch his naked wife.

  In some parts of South America, men of high status are expected to have a mistress along with a wife. But this presents a problem if the man happens to be Catholic—which is usually the case. To defeat this obstacle, such men find it acceptable to merely engage in oral and even anal sex with a mistress. Vaginal penetration is to be reserved for marriage. What's more, this practice protects the virgin status of a mistress who is yet to be married.

  But then there are those at the other extreme who would declare that Jim had been cheating ever since he found a sexual outlet in masturbating before naked images of women. He cheated on his wife while driving around in the cable van and lustfully looking upon other women. He was definitely unfaithful while playing the hurtful game between him and Jan Haldman. And even though Jim had yet to engage in sexual intercourse with Amber, he did kiss her, cuddle and often lay in bed—activities that are certainly considered intimate. And lying to his own wife, Kimberly, to escape the house and be with another woman is certainly another element of cheating.


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