Sex Magick

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Sex Magick Page 34

by Tom Raimbault

  Tonight's dinner was homemade beef stew, the sort of recipe that calls for dipping the chunks of beef in breading and then frying it in a pan before mixing it in the slow cooker with vegetables and potatoes. Kimberly certainly was feeling better, and quite finished making her family Hamburger Helper for dinner.

  “Mmmmm!” exclaimed Jim. “Looks good!”

  But Kimberly wasn't open to receiving compliments from her husband. “Whatever… you'll eat anything…”

  Just as Jim reached for the ladle in the stew, Kimberly grabbed his hand. “Let me see your nails!”


  “Oh my!” exclaimed Kimberly. “Why don't you cut your nails? You look like a sissy girl! Are you trying to get in touch with your feminine side?”

  April laughed at her Mother's suggestion. Apparently she was invited to emasculate Father.

  No husband and father wishes to hear this at the dinner table from his wife and endure disrespect from the children. And really Jim's nails weren't bad. They simply looked like it was time to trim them. Kimberly was blowing their appearance out of proportion.

  Only returning a blank expression that might subtly suggest not appreciating Kimberly's comment, Jim loaded his bowl with stew. Then he sat down.

  “So how was school today, Collin?” Jim asked.

  “Fine…” Collin's face remained down and facing his food. In recent times, both Collin and April remained distant from their father during meals, or any family time for that matter. They only answered Father when he asked a question and made minimal eye contact. Something was happening in an invisible world. Jim was suddenly the enemy in the family, and it seemed that Kimberly was responsible.

  “Fine?” asked Jim. “Well that's good. Algebra not too hard for you?”

  Kimberly cut in, “They don't learn algebra in his grade, Jim! Don't you think he's a little young for that?”

  April laughed which possessed some strange and invisible ability to hurt Jim's feelings.

  But Jim knew it wasn't about April. He simply retorted to his wife, “Well I'm just making small talk. Can't I lighten things up around here?”

  Kimberly returned a wicked-cold stare and shook her head in disbelief before taking another bite of stew.

  “What…? What's the problem?” As the seconds passed Jim fell deeper and deeper into a mysterious sadness. Why the animosity? Why was his family being so critical and attacking him? Jim could feel the very life being sucked out of him at that moment.

  “So did you get the milk before coming home?” Kimberly asked.

  Uh-oh! Jim was in hot water, now! “Awe jeez! I'm sorry! I forgot! I'll run over to the store after dinner.”

  Kimberly dropped her spoon into the bowl. “I knew it! I knew you'd forget! I ask one simple favor—just one thing—and you can't even do that!”

  What could be described as cold, blue and diffused energy radiated around Jim's shoulders and head. It was that split-second before crying that is felt just before tears begin to pour. That split second had been frozen in time, indefinitely. Jim was now plunged into an eternal realm of sadness and depression. Kimberly had a remarkable power to drain the emotions and life from her husband. All Jim could do in that moment was plead for wife's mercy. “Honey, I'm sorry. It was a mistake. I said I'll go to the store after dinner.”

  “No, that's okay, Jim! Don't worry about it. I'll go to the store after dinner. It's dark outside. In your old and feeble mind, you might forget where you are along the way and get lost—sundowner syndrome.”

  Both April and Collin laughed.

  Jim was getting impatient with his kids' disrespect. “Hey, watch it!” he yelled. “I'm your father! You don't laugh at me.”

  But Kimberly came to the defense. “Don't raise your voice to our children. They did nothing wrong. It was you who forgot to get the milk.”

  This was the moment that Jim had been waiting for. It was time to discuss a recent, troubling find. “Is that all this is about, Kimberly? Are you sure? Maybe you have something else you want to say to me?”

  “No… Just eat your stew, Jim. I'll go to the store after dinner.”

  “Kimberly, I want to ask you something, and I want an honest answer.”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “Are you planning on running away to Samuel Crummings' brainwashing commune in Colorado?”

  Kimberly took the defense, “No! Oh my gosh! What are you talking about? You are nuts, you know that?”

  “Kimberly, I saw on the computer that you downloaded an application form to check in to the commune in Colorado. You even used the cost calculator to see how much money you would need, and how long it would take to save it up.”

  Not appreciating being put on the spot, Kimberly nearly exploded. “What business do you have stalking me on line? Now you're looking at the cookies and web browsing history?”

  “Kimberly, no one does that anymore. No one looks at cookies and web history. That's a thing of the past. Most people use Google Chrome and open an incognito window to cover their traces. You left the screen open on the computer. I saw it—saw everything. There was no need to look for it.”

  At a loss of words, Kimberly merely shook her head in disbelief and resumed eating.

  “So are you going? What are your intentions? What about the kids?”

  Kimberly dropped her spoon in the bowl. “Jim, I was just curious, that's all! And what if I did want to spend some time at the Positive Life Transformation center? I think I need it. You need it, also, but you are too narrow-minded and could never qualify.”

  Jim interrupted, “That's great, Kimberly, but what about the kids? Are you leaving them to go find yourself? It would be nice to know these things.”

  “Jim, the Positive Life Transformation center is a highly-respected campus. People who visit are cured of depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol addictions, personality disorders—the list goes on. Doctors really want to know more about the patented Positive Life Transformation so that they can send their patients to Samuel Crummings. As for kids, they do have programs for them which usually results in young graduates who become high achievers in school and in their communities.”

  Jim sighed. Kimberly had become nothing more than a brainwashed walking advertisement for Samuel Crummings' church of Positive Life Transformation. “So it's safe to conclude that you are taking the kids with?”

  Both Jim and April looked up.

  Kimberly snapped back, “Alright, you know, this conversation has been blown way out of proportion! I was just curious about the Positive Life Center, that's all. Nobody is moving there! My gosh, you act like it's this bad place, like a brainwashing cult or something. And you know, ever since I started studying Samuel Crummings' writings, my life has turned around 180 degrees…”

  Jim interrupted, “And what was wrong with your life?”

  “I'm not sick anymore!” answered Kimberly. “I'm healed of whatever illness I had! And if you haven't noticed, I'm no longer under your control. You no longer bring me down. I can finally believe in myself. Our family finally has some sort of direction and structure. I'll never turn away from Samuel Crummings and his teachings!”

  Jim was floored. “What? Kimberly, are you out of your mind? There was nothing wrong with our family! And just how have you gotten control of your life; by insulting and alienating me during dinner and throughout the day? What next? Divorce me?”

  “No one's insulting and alienating you, Jim. And no one is serving you with divorce papers… yet. Once again, you like to see things the way you want to see them. You're delusional, Jim, and that can be very damaging to loved ones.”

  Jim finally exploded, “Oh, come-one! From the moment I sat down, you ripped into me because of my finger nails and because I forgot to pick up milk. All I ever get from you lately are dirty, cold looks. You've got the kids turning against me—won't even look at me when I talk to them. And now I hear that you finally have your life in control by doing these things! What the hell?”
r />   Kimberly sighed. “Okay, okay… relax. I hear what you are saying. I believe you. I believe that these things are happening to you. But I believe that they are happening in your mind, and not necessarily in reality. There's a difference.”

  Jim couldn't believe what he was hearing. “What the hell is that cult leader teaching you?”

  Just then, the sound of Jim's double-breasted, wool, black Ivan Trovskov coat could be heard falling on the floor. Rather than hanging it up in the coat closet upon coming home, he simply hung it on the doorknob after leaving his black work boots on the floor nearby.

  “Your coat fell, Jim” informed Kimberly. “Why don't you go over there and put it away like a big boy instead of leaving it on the floor. It'll get dirty. Gosh, the kids know to hang up their coats and put their book bags away when coming home. Why are you any different? I feel like you're their little brother.”

  April and Collin laughed.

  Jim's wife needed a good smack to the floor. And so did his kids. But instead of doing this, Jim held the rage in, stood up from the table and walked over to the coat on the floor. With every step, the anger and outrage felt as-if it exploded from the top of Jim's head. And while this happened, he could see Kimberly, April and Collin in the reflection of the window, silently laughing and whispering to one another with gestures.

  But then again, maybe this only happened in Jim's mind.

  Chapter 57

  Sexually speaking, the thirties could quite possibly be the perfect age for a woman. Some people refer to it as the “dirty thirties” and believe that a woman reaches her sexual peak at this time. Oh, she's cute in her teens; beautiful at the nubile age and through her twenties. But a woman doesn't truly qualify as “sexy” until she reaches her thirties. It's somewhere smack-dab in the middle of youth and old age, where life has bestowed a certain wisdom and character to a woman. And yet she is still young. Her sex hormones remain in high gear, and her body is in phenomenal shape.

  How lucky a man is to experience great sex with such a woman. Jim was definitely thankful for Ekaterina. She came into his life just in time. Although still baffled as to how the old woman was suddenly younger than him, Jim wasn't going to ask any questions. In recent times, Ekaterina was doing a fine job in filling in as a lover while Kimberly went through her strange and dark moment. Who knows; maybe Jim's wife was going through the early stages of menopause. Do women really go crazy at the initial change of life? At least for now Jim had a young, beautiful and sexy woman to make love to.

  It was the following afternoon as Jim and Ekaterina lay under the covers of Ekaterina's bed. Unlike previous weeks, Ekaterina was no longer craving rough and aggressive sex. She was no longer metamorphorosizing into animals and expressing her desires through strange, erotic dances. She no longer called out pseudo poetry while asking for her desires to finally manifest into reality. Instead, she lay in bed with Jim and enjoyed simple, beautiful sex.

  “I love having sex with you…” she whispered at some point in the middle of her climactic buildup. This just feels so good… I wish this could last forever…"

  For Jim it had been several years since hearing words like these spoken. Now coming from Ekaterina, the words infused Jim's heart into hers so that he and Ekaterina became one spirit. In such a moment of heated, loving passion; Jim's sexual confidence and character had been strengthened. Whatever damage Kimberly had done the previous evening it was now repaired by Ekaterina's love. No drug in the world can ever replace an emotionally altered state of consciousness like this. In fact, the effect of great sex with a beautiful woman who truly loves and craves you lasts for many days thereafter. Any man who has experienced this can attest that he no longer looks at other women, for he is deeply satisfied. You see, women at their age of sexual peak know how to truly win and keep a man. She does it by loving him, and she does it by exchanging sexual energy in beautiful, private moments together.

  Ekaterina's toes curled at that last moment before finally releasing. Then she laid there while allowing the orgasm to drift away.

  Some moments later, Ekaterina broke the silence while rolling over to lie against Jim's naked body. “I've got some sad news for you.”

  “What? What is it? What's wrong?”

  Ekaterina sighed, “Well… it's March 11th, and your obligation with me has been over since last Friday. There's no reason to keep coming here. You're done with me. Your debt is paid in full.”

  Jim looked over to his young, beautiful and sexy Ekaterina. He knew she was only joking. True, the forty-nine days had come and gone, but the two remained together. At some point it was mutually and silently understood that they had fallen in love. There was no way for them to separate. But Jim played Ekaterina's mischievous, little game. “Really? Are you serious? You mean we can't do this anymore?”

  Ekaterina kissed Jim. “Sure you can. Everything after last Friday is extra credit. And you're definitely earning plenty!” Ekaterina kissed Jim a second time. It seems there was no quenching her sensual desires. “You've changed so much since I first saw you. Those forty-nine days not only paid your deficit of bad karma; but it's made you stronger, more confident and youthful. Jim, I can see that your spirit is stronger and that you are more in tune with the truth. Before you met me you were getting old with a cob-webbed mind and no moral conscience.”

  Then Ekaterina smiled, “And look what it's done for me.”

  “Oh, yeah!” Jim agreed. “You're so young and gorgeous. I even forgot what you used to look like. Where is that old lady that used to live here?”

  Ekaterina laughed. “You're looking at her.”

  “So is this like witchcraft or something?”

  Ekaterina paused for a few seconds. “Something like that.”

  “So can people do this forever?—turn back the hands of time by just having sex with each other?”

  “Umm… well, there are those who would like to believe that this can be done forever. But forever is a long time, don't you think? I've heard of cases of people who lived and remained young for several centuries with this practice. But I don't think it's easy. For starters, what if something tragic were to happen to one of the partners? Would the other person be able to just find a new mate and continue? Even more, what's to guarantee that two people will always feel the same way about each other? What you and I experienced is nothing short of extraordinary. The intense love and sexual energy was made possible by those initial moments of getting to know one another. Will we ever be able to duplicate this moment, again? Think about it: you loved your wife so much when you first met her. Aren't things just a little different between the two of you?”

  Jim sighed. “Don't remind me!”

  This comment seemed to perk Ekaterina's interest. “Excuse me?”

  “Yeah, she's definitely changed. I don't know if she's going through something right now, but there's a dark patch in our marriage.”

  “Sorry to hear that. It's not because of me, is it?”

  “No, she's picked up some books from Samuel Crummings. You've heard of him, haven't you?”


  “Well, I think she's getting brainwashed. It's like she's being turned against me—like she wants to leave me and move to the commune in Colorado.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah… and lately she's been turning the kids against me. I think she plans on taking them with.”

  Ekaterina was at a loss of words. “I'm so sorry.” Then she set free those feelings which had been buried in her heart for so long. “Come live with me, Jim. I want you to be with me. Jim, I don't want to live for hundreds of years through the practice of elevating sexual energy. But I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We can run away, together. We're young and strong enough to start a new life in some faraway land.”

  It was time for Jim to bring both him and Ekaterina down to Earth. “I'm married, Ekaterina. Unfortunately, I have to stick it out and see through this dark moment with my wife.”
  “But it's not going to last.” warned Ekaterina. “…not like you remember it. She's changing. She's getting old and turning against you. Just think about it. Don't make a decision today. Just think about what's happening. Imagine a life of you and me living happily-ever-after.”

  Chapter 58

  Trista and her mother, Amber, share a certain personality trait when it comes to aggressive men like Daren. They both fight tooth and nail and want no part of such a man. No means no!

  Their rejecting body language and facial expressions should make this clear. But why won't a man like Daren understand this? It's because he knows that women like Amber and Trista really want something from him. Although they deny it, they secretly enjoy the aggressive seduction from a stalker while shamefully hiding this pleasure under a self-perceived reputation of wholesomeness and prestige.

  This type of woman actually needs an aggressive, forceful man. You see, she prides herself in being complicated; takes her lonely heart and locks it up in a bulletproof, fire resistant cast-iron safe. She chooses a lengthy combination and never writes it down for purposes of forgetting it. Then she buries it hundreds of feet below the base of a mountain, and is sure to fill the hole with concrete before covering the rest with soil. All her days and nights, thereafter, she lives with the knowledge of desperately needing love, and longs for the day that her knight in shining armor comes along to rescue her heart. But you see; any man who attempts this is immediately rejected! No man is good enough for her.

  So sickening to see a woman deny what she needs for the sake of appearing mysterious, complicated and much-too special for an ordinary man. But after finally being cornered by a man like Daren and forced to accept what she truly wants in her heart, women like Amber and Trista realize that a man like Daren isn't so bad. They come to understand this and crave him even more. He changes them. In their encounter, they finally come to terms with the truth and are emotionally healed from the experience.


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