Sex Magick

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Sex Magick Page 35

by Tom Raimbault

  You don't believe me? Consider young and beautiful Trista who despised Daren from the moment Mother began to receive harassing Facebook messages from him. She insisted that Daren was a creepy loser. She was disgusted to see Mother lying against his thick, muscular, naked body in bed. And when Daren surprise-greeted her in the afternoon, Trista was sure to remind him that he had no business being there. But then she was forcefully handfed that sweet and sugary cookie by the very man Trista hated. The cookie was so sweet, in fact, that it caused a numbing rush at the top of her head. The unpleasant incident was finished with an unwanted, lengthy, sensual backrub that felt oh-so-good. It felt so good, in fact, that tears silently rolled down her cheeks as confused emotions struggled to process why she disliked such a good-looking, muscular man touching her.

  Rumor now has it at Mapleview Community High School that Trista receives a ride home from school by her totally-hot dad. Well… at least that's what onlookers initially believed Daren to be—Trista's father. But what teenage girl kisses her dad in front of classmates? And it wasn't just a simple daddy/daughter peck on the lips. This was several seconds of lip-locking, tongue-tangling, spit-swapping kisses. It didn't take long for some of the kids to conclude that beautiful Trista was going out with an older guy.

  Surely these rumors were nothing more than rumors. Amber wouldn't allow such a thing. Daren did mention to Amber of making positive progress with Trista, and then suggested giving her rides home from school.

  Amber's reaction: “Oh, that would be great! She'd like that!”

  * * *

  It was Thursday afternoon as Daren pulled out of the parking lot of Mapleview Community High school with his adopted teenage daughter, Trista. Not more than two blocks down Mapleview Road, he pulled into the parking lot of Starbucks.

  “Are you in the mood for a little afterschool treat?” asked Daren.

  “Starbucks!” Trista exclaimed.

  “Of course! Only the best for you, baby!”

  There used to be a nice coffee house in Mapleview owned by one of the locals called Mapleview Coffee. But thanks to Daren, it went out of business in the autumn of 2008.

  Coffee beverages and pastries wouldn't be the only gifts that Daren offered to buy Trista's love. He was aware of how Trista was beginning to enjoy bathing in her high school reputation of dating a much older man. Receiving an expensive bling bling gift would not only fuel this reputation, but also bring Daren one step closer down Trista panties. “Hey!” Daren called out as Trista's grabbed the door handle. “Before we get our coffee, I've got something for you.” He pulled out from his inner jacket pocked a small, gift-wrapped box.

  Trista's face and eyes lit up! It was the sort of look that every man wishes to see on a young woman as she is falling in love. “What did you get me?”

  “A little gift… go ahead, open it.”

  Trista carefully unwrapped the box and opened it. Inside was a diamond tennis bracelet. Her mouth opened as she quietly gasped. “Wow! How much was this! What would my mom…”

  Daren quickly interrupted her, “Don't worry! I got you and your mom matching tennis bracelets—mother and daughter gift. She'll get hers later tonight.” Then he winked at Trista. “Go ahead! Put it on.”

  Trista hesitated not another second and wrapped it around her wrist. Her hands trembled from the excitement which made fastening the bracelet impossible. “Could you help me clasp it on?”

  “Of course!” Daren did so with pleasure and enjoyed touching her young, delicate wrist. He wanted to touch Trista in so many ways, but for now simply held her hand while walking through the parking lot and into Starbucks.

  Chapter 59

  It was such a contrast for Jim to spend wonderful time with Ekaterina in the afternoon, then to come home to his bitter wife after five o'clock. He was certainly living a double life. During the day and away from Kimberly, Jim was young, strong, full of life and deeply involved in a magickal love affair with his beautiful, sexy Ekaterina who lived in the forest. By night, however, he was a weakened, depressed, middle-aged man who was trapped in a marriage with a wife who seemed to hate him.

  “Hey…” greeted Jim as he came home on Friday as Kimberly made dinner. He assumed the evening and weekend would bring more bitterness and animosity from the wife and kids.

  Kimberly didn't return the greeting. Instead she immediately informed Jim, “You have an important message from Doctor Millheimer on the answering machine. You better check it out!”

  Jim carefully walked over to the landline phone in the family room and pressed the message button on the answering machine.

  “Hello, this is Doctor Millheimer calling for Jim. I would like to schedule an urgent visit from Jim for this coming Monday, March 15 at one o'clock in the afternoon. It's nothing serious. I just need to go over a few items and check some things. Also, I'm going to order that you no longer take the ErexBoost medication that was prescribed during your last visit. If you have been taking this medication and getting refills, you are hereby ordered from this moment on to no longer take it. There was a recent finding with this medication that can cause some potential health concerns.

  Again, it's nothing serious—nothing to be alarmed about. I'm going to set this appointment as tentative; so unless you call to reschedule I will expect to see you on Monday.

  Thank you and have a nice weekend."

  As Jim listened to the final warning of potential health concerns, Kimberly walked in the family room and stood nearby. Then she added her input at the end of the message. “You're not going to take that stuff anymore, are you?”

  “Well, no. The doctor said to stop taking it.”

  “That's probably what's been making you act so strange, lately. I mean ever since you bought those goofy clothes and shaved your head, you've been really acting weird.” Yes, Jim was still wearing his wintery Ivan Trovskov wardrobe.

  “Kimberly, what are you talking about? I bought my winter clothes before seeing the doctor, remember?”

  Kimberly shook her head in disbelief. “See, Jim, this is what I'm talking about. Lately you've been argumentative, easily agitated and delusional. I looked up ErexBoost online and found out that it can cause psychological and behavioral disorders. I'm glad Doctor Millheimer called and ordered you to no longer take it. I really think that this medication made for 90% of the problems in our marriage. I mean I was actually thinking of serving you with divorce papers because you've been so intolerable.”

  Jim couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Kimberly, I was just saying that I bought the clothes before Doctor Millheimer prescribed the medication. I was just making a point, that's all! I wasn't here to fight and be argumentative. And you know, maybe it's the other way around. Maybe since you've been reading those books from Samuel Crummings, you're mind is becoming warped.”

  Kimberly threw her hands in the air in a motion of throwing a fit. “Here we go, again!”

  “Kimberly, it's like you actually look for things that could be wrong so you can fight with me. Now I hear that you actually think of divorcing me?”

  “We're done, here, Jim! I'm not going to fight anymore. Doctor Millheimer can take care of the rest. He'll be able to see the warning signs and get treatment for you. I'm just glad you're off that medicine.” And with that, Kimberly walked away from her husband and resumed making dinner.

  * * *

  At least Jim had Ekaterina to see him through this difficult time. Jim entered the forest the following Saturday morning and embarked on his hike towards Ekaterina's cottage. Finding his way was certainly no challenge. He had been doing this every day for several weeks. Aside from that, both his and Ekaterina's hikes to and from the cottage formed a permanent, narrow path through the forest.

  As Jim was halfway to the cottage, Ekaterina suddenly jumped out from behind a tree and made a loud noise to obviously scare him. “Blah!”

  Of course it startled Jim which was immediately replaced by laughter. “You! I'll get you!” Then he playfully c
hased Ekaterina through the forest until catching her. She was grabbed and forced to the snowy ground to be attacked by kisses. In between a series of kisses Jim asked, “What are you doing out here, huh? Are you scaring people?”

  Ekaterina giggled and laughed as more kisses were given.

  After some moments the play died down. The two remained on the ground which soon called to mind a noteworthy observation that was quickly stated by Ekaterina. “Spring's obviously on the way.” she said. “We wouldn't be laying here if it were December.”

  “Yeah, it's warming up.” agreed Jim. “I think you're right. The smell of spring is in the air.”

  “Why don't we go for a little walk?” suggested Ekaterina. “I want to take you to a special place where I like to go sometimes.”


  And with that, both nearly leapt from the ground and embarked on a journey in the forest that was led by Ekaterina.

  Now Ekaterina was continuing to possess younger and younger features. But there was a cut-off point in this reverse aging phenomenon. Jim assumed it was due to the fact that Ekaterina was an adult. Ekaterina wasn't Benjamin Button's sister, of course! She wasn't regressing and shrinking in size through reverse adolescence, childhood and ultimately taken to the state of a helpless infant. Rather, looking at the fully-transformed Ekaterina was as-if looking at a young woman in her mid-twenties who exhibited the maturity of a woman in her thirties, along with something in the eyes that suggested being older. That's the best way to describe what had become of the young woman who had been old several weeks ago.

  Ekaterina even talked and sounded like a young woman in her twenties. Have you ever paid attention to the voice of a woman at this age? You might agree that it's best described as though she partially holds her breath while speaking. You've noticed this, yes? Women that age also speak words and sentences quickly, and have a sort of musical tone to the voice. Sentences are jumbled together with a seeming intention to communicate multiple points at once. Along with this, there's an air of excitement and nervousness surrounding a woman this age with an indescribable scent of being at prime fertileness.

  Ekaterina possessed all of these features. She was definitely a young woman in her twenties. She would remain like this until the sex magick wore off, and the slow process of aging would turn towards the undesirable direction.

  After some time of hiking through the forest, both Jim and Ekaterina slowly climbed up a forested incline. Jim gasped some, “Are we almost there?”

  Ekaterina laughed. “What, are you an old man all of the sudden? It's just up there. The view is amazing!”

  About a minute later both Jim and Ekaterina reached the destination and stood some two hundred feet over a roaring stream. They had reached a massive ravine in the forest with a depression too treacherous to scale down towards the bottom. But what fun would climbing down have been? The whole point of making this journey was to stand above and admire the amazing scenery.

  “Wow!” Jim exclaimed. “This is beautiful!”

  “I come here sometimes. Feel that?”

  “What? The wind?”

  “Yes… Don't you find something wrong with it?” The wind was actually blowing against Jim and Ekaterina as they faced the bottom of the ravine. On the other side of the ravine was more forest. In a closed, forested environment; where could the wind have possibly been coming from?

  Up until recently, Jim hadn't spent much quiet time in the deep forest, and hadn't a clue of what was considered normal. “I don't know… It's wind. It's a strong breeze… Wind, that's all.”

  “No…” answered Ekaterina. “Pay attention to the surroundings. There are miles of trees around us. A strong wind couldn't possibly be coming off the stream. It's not a wide-open lake. The wind is magickal. This is a magick place.”

  Jim still didn't understand the phenomenon, but certainly agreed in the presence of magick in that spot with the dramatic, surrounding beauty.

  Ekaterina stood before Jim and took both of his hands while looking deeply into his eyes. “I have something to tell you.”

  “What? What is it?”

  “We're having a baby. I'm pregnant.”

  “Pregnant? Wow! I had no idea…” He was about to say that he had no idea that an old lady could become pregnant. But Jim knew sex magick had made possible many things for the two of them in recent weeks—mainly the fact that Ekaterina was transformed into a young woman.

  The wind continued to blow from across the ravine and seemed to originate from the unseen and infinite. There was a vast, invisible world before them. Ekaterina offered more insight of this mysterious wind and its origination from the unseen and infinite. “Come with me, Jim. At this very moment, the infinite is open to us and we can build our own world together; a place where we can live happily-ever-after.”

  Jim smiled and halfheartedly giggled through his nose. It was a nice thought. “You don't know how close I am to doing just that, Ekaterina. If only you knew.” He was speaking of the recent condition of his family life at home. What Ekaterina suggested was far better; a fresh, new start with a young woman who loved Jim in a way he remembered from younger years. With a baby now on the way, Jim and Ekaterina had a family of their own—a life of their own.

  Ah, but what about Kimberly, April and Colin? Despite how bitter things were at home with the constant animosity and rejection from the wife and kids, Jim believed that it would all soon pass, and that his promised obligation of husband and father would have to continue.

  Speaking of which, Jim needed to get back home. It was Saturday and he lied about another outage to escape home and into the forest. But such an awkward moment to announce that it was time to leave. “That would be really nice, Ekaterina. And your news of being pregnant is very exciting!” Jim embraced his young lover, but could feel what she sensed. She sensed that he wasn't “there with her” at that moment. He didn't see it. He didn't understand. Instead, Jim filled in the awkwardness with a loving hug while reminding her, “I need to get back. It's getting late.”

  Ekaterina looked so sad. “Okay… You can go ahead. I just want to stay here for a while.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just not ready to leave, yet.”

  Jim kissed Ekaterina on the forehead. “Okay… sure… whatever you need…” Then he offered some words of hope; something for Ekaterina to look forward to in the near future that would reassure her of Jim's intended commitment. “We need to start working on a nursery for the cottage. We'll get everything we need.”

  Ekaterina halfheartedly smiled and giggled through her nose. It was a nice thought of Jim's.

  Chapter 60

  Sunday came and went without Jim visiting Ekaterina. Oh, rest assured he missed her and felt guilty for leaving his lover alone that Sunday. These were delicate times, and Ekaterina would surely need more and more of Jim as the months went by. But it was the nagging feeling of his obligated husband/father duty that caused an equal amount of guilt. Jim had been following the practice of lying to his wife for several weeks of a fabricated cable outage just to see Ekaterina. For that Sunday, Jim decided to stay with his family. Perhaps it was the previous day's realization that time continues to change everything, and that Kimberly's dark moment would pass. I suppose Jim was in the middle of a moral dilemma.

  And what a difficult moral dilemma it was. Although Jim did what most of us would believe to be the right thing—stay with wife and kids on Sunday afternoon—the time spent with Kimberly was anything but pleasant. She mostly sat in the family room, engrossed in another book by Samuel Crummings.

  At some point, Jim turned off the TV and went into the kitchen for a can of soda. He returned to the family room and looked out the window. “Spring is almost here.” he announced.

  “Yup…” Kimberly's eyes remained glued to the book.

  “We'll have to think of some fun things to do this summer with the kids.”

  Kimberly sighed, “Yup…” It was almost as-if
she were agitated with being interrupted.

  Every now and then a spouse needs to be approached on a matter of concern. Lately it seemed to Jim that his wife valued the writings of Samuel Crummings over their marriage. “Kimberly?” Jim called out.

  “Hmm…” She briefly looked up while turning the page.

  “Kimberly, is there anything in those books that talk about the importance of maintaining healthy relationships and communication with a spouse? I mean do we even talk like a husband and wife anymore?”

  Jim finally had his wife's attention, for Kimberly looked up with eyes of fire and growled, “Go to Hell! Don't you have an outage or something to take care of? Is this how our Sunday is going to be? I can't even sit here and read a book without you trying to start a fight with me?”

  Jim interrupted, “Kimberly, we're not fighting! I'm trying to have a conversation with you. Ever since you started reading those books, you've been distant from me.”

  Kimberly sighed, “It's okay, Jim. You need to keep reminding yourself that this is something happening in your own mind, and not necessarily in reality. Tomorrow when you see the doctor, he'll make everything better for you. Okay?”

  Frustrated, Jim had no choice but to walk away. He wasn't that out of touch with reality. He knew that Kimberly was playing a little mind game with him.

  Walking down the hall, he came to April's bedroom where she sat on her floor, texting. “Hey there!” Jim greeted.


  “So when's the next concert?”

  “In a few weeks.”

  “Oh yeah? How's your orchestra teacher been?”


  April was too busy texting her friend to have a conversation with Father at that moment. But the mention of April's orchestra teacher reminded Jim that Ekaterina might need to take time off work in the middle of the following school year. April would probably have a substitute orchestra teacher. Even more, little would April know that Ms. Lutrova's baby was actually her sister!


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