Sex Magick

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Sex Magick Page 36

by Tom Raimbault

  * * *

  The Ides of March fell on Monday morning and was brought in with a surprise staff meeting at Mapleview Cable. Recall that weekly staff meetings are traditionally held on Fridays. Immediately, everyone noticed the presence of a young newcomer who appeared to be in his early twenties. The plant manager, Ryan, stood at the center of the circle and immediately motioned the new hire to stand next to him. “Everyone, this is our new employee, Cody. Be sure to welcome him and help with anything he needs. Cody is going to be assisting us with utility functions. He'll eventually be going out of state for some training and then come back enlightened to do his job.”

  Cody smiled and nervously giggled through his nose in response. Initially, the staff of installers assumed that they would be training him. But hearing Cody would be assisting in utility functions suggested greater plans.

  It didn't take long for everyone at Mapleview Cable to consider how odd it was to have a new-hire. With the company takeover in July, there should have been a hiring freeze. People were worried of losing their jobs. Why a new-hire?

  Ryan motioned Cody to return to his seat and then resumed the meeting. “Alright, one important thing I need to bring to everyone's attention: If you don't know what you are doing, don't do it! If you have questions, ask. If unsure, ask for guidance. We had a little incident a couple weeks ago…” Ryan looked over to the company's lineman technician, “Jim… I happened to see him parked on the road with the utility box open and messing things up. I guess he was looking for something to do? Well, Jim caused a serious outage.” Again, Ryan looked over to the lineman technician. “I guess Jim learned a valuable lesson that morning. Right Jim?”

  Jim couldn't believe what he was hearing. The plant manager was making up lies about him. Even still, there was the humiliation of now being at the mercy of this liar. Jim had been with Mapleview Cable since back when Ryan would have been in, say, 5th grade. By the time Jim trained for and held down the job as lineman technician, Ryan would have been some little shit in high school, or recently graduated at most. Jim was thoroughly trained to perform diagnostic tests and had been following a regular schedule for years. The entire network of Mapleview and Sillmac belonged to Jim, and he cared for it well. Now some pompous, little prick who knew nothing of cable infrastructure—much less how to operate a cable company—was declaring Jim's method of daily business to be wrong? Aside from that, it was Ryan who caused the outage from a couple weeks ago, not Jim!

  Ryan continued to use Jim as the clown for his examples. “And another important thing you all should be following: If I tell you to do something, do it. Apparently some people in this room didn't get beat enough when they were growing up. It's like they need discipline or something. Not more than a half hour after meeting with Jim that Friday and asking him to do a little project for me, I discovered him playing around in the utility box. Had he done what I told him, that outage would have never happened. Right Jim? Jim has no idea how close he came to being written up for insubordination.” Ryan turned to Jim, “As a side note, see me after the meeting.”

  Outside of officially introducing Cody to the staff at Mapleview Cable, bearing false witnesses against Jim and then humiliating him was the only purpose of the surprise Monday morning staff meeting. And with Ryan's order to join Jim in the office, afterwards, Jim assumed that a write-up was to follow. But there was no write-up. It was something worse.

  Cody stood in the office with Ryan as Jim entered.

  Ryan announced, “Jim, I'm going to have Cody share some of the responsibilities of lineman technician. In the future he'll be going out of state to get the same training you did. For now, I'll have him ride with you for a couple weeks so you can bring him up to speed. We'll probably turn the bucket truck over to him and let you have one of the installer vans out in the yard. That way you can concentrate all your efforts on that telephone pole project. Afterwards, you'll do miscellaneous projects for me; maybe help out the installers on a day with heavy loads. Think of it as being my right-hand man.”

  It all came clear to Jim at that moment. The company was being taken over by younger new-hires, and Cody was to be Jim's replacement. Many companies do this today in an attempt to scale back salaries. It was probably ordered by Fernsehen Comm to begin this phasing out early in the year. Surely, Jim would be among the employees to be terminated in July. The guy who handles small, miscellaneous projects is always pooled with others whose positions have been eliminated. In contrast to the overwhelming rage and anger from moments ago, Jim felt a wave of numbness. Life was soon to change!

  Ryan continued, “Anyway, why don't you take Cody with you today. Show him around a bit; introduce him to our network and maybe have him assist you with the telephone pole project. And don't do any of your load-emulation tests!” Then Ryan advised Cody, “Keep an eye on this guy. Don't let him teach you any bad habits.”

  But before leaving, Jim informed Ryan, “Oh, I'll have to return Cody some time after lunch. I've got a doctor's appointment at one o'clock. I hope that's okay.”

  “Sure Jimmy. That shouldn't be a problem.”

  * * *

  Realizing his inevitable destiny of being laid off in July was only half of the shocking news that morning. Jim would learn so much more while riding with Cody in the bucket truck.

  For starters, the kid was a little, too excited with the arrangement. Clearly, he didn't understand what was about to happen to Jim. Or maybe he did and just lacked the empathy to trigger a guilty conscience. Whatever the reason, his motor mouth told quite a behind-the-scenes story.

  “This is a sweet deal for me!” boasted Cody. “Ryan is my cousin and he told me about the job opening last week. I guess my dad and my uncle—his dad—were talking about my job situation (as in lack of having one). Thanks to Ryan, I've got a decent job. Connections; it's not what you know, it's who you know!”

  Sudden anger that now pulled Jim out of numbness encouraged him to reply, “Oh yeah? Well there you go!” Either Daddy, his uncle or older brother must have educated Cody on the 90s catchphrase, “It's not what you know, it's who you know.” Once upon a time these were words of wisdom that any career savvy or business professional used when seeking job opportunities. And they probably still do follow these words of wisdom. People lean towards hiring family, friends and past coworkers. I say, “Once on a time” because the majority of this country understands the overall consequences from religiously following this catchphrase. Certainly understandable that it's human nature to hire family, friends and past coworkers; this wisdom was soon abused so that career savvy people positioned themselves to simply ride the coattails to the top. They became chummy with bosses and those in high places. No longer necessary to develop skills and knowledge base, socializing proved to be the shortest route to promotion after promotion.

  And what happened? Would you say that in America there are countless companies being driven—nearly kamikazeed—into the grave by those who don't know what they are doing?

  Jim was curious as to how qualified Cody was. “So do you have a technical degree or some kind of engineering background?”

  “Nope! It's all connections! I've only completed one semester over at Sillmac Community College. But you know I was surprised with the salary. I mean I would think someone your age would be at about 150, 200K. How do you even support your family on this salary? It's decent money for me, though.”

  Maybe Jim could take Cody to the edge of town and show him a utility box. When Cody isn't looking, Jim could slam the metal door shut on his head.

  “Oops! Sorry about that, Cody!”

  Unfortunately, Jim couldn't stoop that low.

  Chapter 61

  It was Monday afternoon and time for Jim's urgent visit to the doctor's office. He sat in the waiting room with three other people and hoped it wouldn't be too long. Then again, why the rush back to work? The earlier he returned to work, the more it would be necessary to spend quality time with his replacement, Cody.

back office door opened, and the attractive Nurse Corrine appeared. “Jim!” she called out. “Right this way.”

  Jim stood up from his seat and followed the nurse into the hallway.

  “Okay, let's first get your weight.”

  Jim stood on the scale as ordered.

  “258 pounds… very good! It looks like you've lost some weight since your last visit. You went from 281 to 258.”

  Jim was surprised. “Wow!” He hadn't made an effort to lose the weight. Maybe it was the daily, wintery hikes in the woods to Ekaterina's cottage.

  Jim followed Nurse Corrine into a vacant office where she ordered, “Okay, let's get your blood pressure checked.”

  Before sitting down; Jim removed his black, Ivan Trovskov, double-breasted, wool coat. Underneath, as you know, was simply his white, Fruit-of-the-Loom t-shirt with suspenders strapped across. Spring was on the way. Maybe he could change his wardrobe to something more appropriate for the season. What do people in Russia wear in the spring and summer months? Perhaps Jim could take Ekaterina with him shopping so that she could pick out some clothes for him.

  While considering all of this, Nurse Corrine strapped the blood pressure cuff around Jim's arm. She pumped, released and waited for a reading. “122/70; perfect! You've definitely made some positive changes since your last visit. The doctor will be in momentarily to see you.”

  Jim waited alone for about five minutes. These positive health changes certainly were out-of-the-ordinary. He hadn't made an effort to lose weight or eat differently. Maybe the effects of sex magick transferred onto Jim so that he had gotten somewhat younger. The original purpose was to pay his debt of bad karma. But with all the extra work he had done with Ekaterina, maybe Jim received extra credit.

  There was a soft knock at the door. “Hello?” In walked Doctor Millheimer. He seemed delighted to see Jim. “There you are! How are you feeling?”

  “Never felt better, Doctor.”

  “Good! I see that you've taken my advice offered at the last visit and lost some weight. 258 pounds; that's a little over twenty pounds shed. And on the paperwork, I see that your blood pressure is excellent. So how did you do it? Exercise? Diet?”

  Jim was unsure of what to say. “Well, a little of both. I've taken up hiking in the woods, and I guess I stayed away from sweets and junk food.”

  “Very good! Jim, could you lift up your shirt? I just want to do a quick exam.”

  Jim did as asked.

  Doctor Millheimer appeared satisfied. “It looks like the swelling has gone down around your breasts.” He felt Jim's chest and softly squeezed the surrounding tissue and nipples as if fondling a woman's breast. “There is no longer the presence of excessive subcutaneous fat. Yes, it's safe to conclude that you've done your homework. If I didn't know any better, those man boobs from your last visit have been replaced with the emergence of pectoral muscle.” Doctor Millheimer looked down towards Jim's abdomen. “And you've lost your love handles. You're like the model patient! I wish all of my patients followed my orders as well as you do. Go ahead; you can put your shirt back on.”

  As Jim stood up to put his shirt back on and tuck it in, Doctor Millheimer discussed the more pressing matter that yielded the scheduled visit.

  “So Jim, I called on Friday of last week to order that you no longer take the ErexBoost medication. You did as I ordered, yes?”

  “Yes, of course!”

  “Very good! But just a few questions to ensure that no damage had been done: If at any time while taking the medication, did you notice any episodes of depression or anxiety?”


  “Any compulsive thoughts such as a need to gamble, or maybe excessive sexual urges?”

  “No, I don't gamble. As for sexual urges; not any more than I usually have.”

  “Good! And I trust you never contemplated suicide while taking the ErexBoost?”


  “How about false beliefs or strange delusions that suddenly appeared shortly after taking the medication? Delusions are most often characterized with fantastic ideas such as the notion that a stranger is in love with you, or that you have some great power above everyone else, or that you believe your wife is having an extra marital affair, or that you believe someone is out to hurt you, or even that you believe yourself to have some disease.”

  Jim shook his head in negation while listening to Doctor Millheimer. The only stranger who had fallen in love with Jim was Ekaterina. But she was certainly no longer a stranger.

  As for a great power above everyone else; Jim was the lineman technician of Mapleview Cable, and definitively knew more about the business than the plant manager. And this was fact, not a false belief!

  Jim seriously doubted that Kimberly was having an extramarital affair with anyone. Maybe she was a little preoccupied in those books by Samuel Crummings. But Samuel Crummings lived a considerable distance away. What, if any, contact would the two have?

  Was someone out to hurt Jim? Well, his head was being positioned on the chopping block for possible layoffs at Mapleview Cable. But again, this notion was probably true and gained through years of wisdom and street-smarts. What else would someone conclude with the announcement of Jim being “promoted” to fulltime telephone pole addresser while a young kid took his current job?

  Imagined illness? Jim hadn't felt this good in years. He certainly wasn't dreaming up any imaginary illnesses.

  As Doctor Millheimer described delusional disorders, Jim continued to shake his head in negation.

  “There is another delusion that seems to be a growing trend in society. Some people are under the impression that they are influenced by paranormal forces. For example they might feel that… oh I know this might sound silly; but some people believe that aliens from outer space are watching them and plan to abduct them.”

  Jim returned a queer expression at this suggestion.

  Doctor Millheimer continued. “Some people experience what is called delusions of witchcraft. It's a peculiar belief that a witch can remotely view a victim from the distance and inflict harm through some magick power or a spell. Sometimes people who suffer from this delusion actually identify the suspected witch, and blame recent misfortunes by the meddling of this person in question. Other people believe that they, themselves, are a witch and can cause desired outcomes—whether good or bad—from a distance with the use of a certain magick power. Then again, this later example would qualify as delusions of grandeur.

  How about you, Jim? Has a witch wronged you? Maybe you know of a witch who lives in the town of Mapleview? Or perhaps even you are a witch?"

  Suddenly, the conversation was turning uncomfortable for Jim. Ekaterina was a witch, but this certainly was no delusion. Jim watched her transform from an old lady to a young and beautiful woman in a matter of weeks. She even healed Jim with the use of guided scrying and transferring the positive effects of sex magick onto him for purposes of correcting bad karma.

  The more Jim thought of it, the more he realized that the two of them had procreated a child—probably a witch daughter, or maybe a son who would one day follow the path of magick and become a witch himself.

  Just as a side note: If you really want to sound like you know what you are talking about; never, never refer to a male witch as a warlock! Warlocks were bad people. The word warlock is Scottish for “oath breaker”. Historically, these people were nothing more than cheats, go-betweens or con-artists that negotiated money from the church for disclosing the whereabouts of witches to be tracked down and burned. No decent, male witch refers to himself as a warlock, or prefers to be called this.

  Surprisingly, Jim knew of this. And he also knew to protect Ekaterina, even if it meant putting his own life before hers. Ekaterina was his “witch mother” who brought him up in only a matter of weeks in the ways and customs of magick. He would be forever indebted and in love with the woman. They made a child together. Jim, Ekaterina and the baby were now a family of witches; and Doctor Millheimer was su
ddenly a witch hunter who apparently caught wind of a witch in Mapleview.

  All Jim could do was shake his head. “No, I can't say I've experienced anything like that.”

  “No? Are you sure, Jim? Sometimes when a sufferer of a delusion is challenged of the belief, he or she becomes defensive—sometimes even violent.”

  “Hmm… was I getting defensive, Doctor?”

  “It appeared to be something. Maybe you are only tired and I misread your reaction. How about hallucinations? Have you noticed any instances of hallucinating? Hallucinations are different from delusions in that rather than simply believing in some fantastic notion, the sufferer actually sees or hears things that are not present in reality. Do you experience this?”


  “You don't hear unexplained voices calling you, or witness questionable occurrences that other people, nearby, might insist they didn't see?”

  There were all those nights of Ekaterina flying into Jim's bedroom window and disrobing herself to rape Jim as he lay defenseless in sleep paralysis. But again, this really happened. Ekaterina was a witch and capable of doing these things. Jim simply answered, “No.”

  “Very good! After my examination I will safely conclude that the ErexBoost caused no health issues or negative impact to your mental condition. For the time being, however, I'm not going to introduce any new medications such as Viagra or Cialis to improve the quality of your erections. Just take a break from sex for a while. Maybe some months down the road we will look at the more traditional medications if you are still experiencing erectile dysfunction.”

  Chapter 62

  Jim had an important obligation; a seemingly new purpose in life. Why hadn't he seen this before? It took the probing of Doctor Millheimer for Jim to finally realize these things.

  Jim had been called and inducted into magick by an old witch. Together they fell in love and created a witch child. The three were now a family, and Jim was their protector with an obligation to care for Ekaterina and the baby. And it should have been no problem doing this as Jim had fallen deeply in love with Ekaterina.


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