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Fae Queen

Page 15

by Jen Pretty

  “Lex, thank God! We have been worried sick about you!”

  I wasn’t sure if I was awake or asleep until I looked behind me and saw that the clearing wasn’t the same as when I closed my eyes. It was like spring had just begun here. The trees had been dead the last time my cousin dream-walked to me. Now the branches were covered in buds. The grass was starting to turn green like it had survived a harsh winter. Or maybe it had survived the dark, evil magic that I had brought to it. Either way, it was healing.

  I turned and tackled my cousin who squealed like a pig, making me laugh even harder.

  “I did it!” I said, wrapping my arms around him. “I brought him back!”

  He squeezed me tighter. “That’s amazing! I was so worried about you I had to dream walk with Armond while you were gone. I felt it when you were cut off from your magic. I felt sick and then you were just gone. I tried dream walking to you every night, but there was nothing. You weren’t there.”

  “I sucked up too much bad witch mojo and lost my magic for a while. I actually have a crazy story to tell you about that, but I want to wake up and talk to Roman, so kick me out or whatever.”

  He laughed, the sweet tinkle that made my heart sing. I couldn’t wait to get back to the city and start my new life with Roman and Luke and probably Puck and Daisy. My old condo might be too small.

  “Come home soon,” he whispered, and then I was back in the clearing with Roman.

  I sat up and noticed I had drooled a bit on his chest. I wiped it off and turned my head to smile at him, but his eyes weren’t open. I watched his chest rise and fall. His face looked better. Though he was still very pale and thin, the tear in his cheek was healed, and his lips had filled out, covering his teeth.

  “Roman,” I said, expecting him to open his eyes. He didn’t sleep. Vampires didn’t sleep. I shook him a bit, but he just lay there.

  Daisy quacked, startling me and breaking the silence of the meadow, before clumsily hopping up onto Roman’s chest. It took him two tries, but he made it.

  “How did you get here?” I asked, pulling the blanket up to make him a nest.

  I set my hand back on Romans chest and felt it rise and fall again. Roman was alive.

  I just kept repeating that.

  He was alive.

  I stood up and dusted off my pants before turning to find Puck, Armond and Evan in the clearing too.

  “So, what is the news on our blood-sucking friend?” Puck asked from where he sat on a fallen log.

  I shook my head. “He’s alive.” I walked over and plunked down on the stump beside Evan. “He’s asleep or something. I mean he’s breathing, he’s just not awake,” I finished.

  “Perhaps he needs more time to recover,” Evan offered. “He has been through a terrible ordeal. As have you, child.”

  Puck laughed. “He probably needs a good meal. Go cook him up a little something. I think he prefers it at 98.6 degrees.”

  I sat back and thought about that.

  Puck’s laughter was the only sound for a while. He kept giggling to himself. So fucking witty, that unicorn.

  He had a point though.

  It made me anxious. I knew I wasn’t going to pass the job off to someone else, but I had never fed him before and my recent descent into my least favourite nightmare had me even more nervous. In theory, I wasn’t afraid of vampires anymore, but fear was always nearby. I had stopped relating the red eyes to pain, but that didn’t mean I was ready to be food even if I was only doing it to save Roman’s life.

  I chewed my fingernails for a while as the birds sang their songs. Evan was snoring softly beside me, the sun on his face.

  Armond and Puck talked about the hunters and the private security business Roman was running for my father’s corporation. If Puck was staying on earth, a job might keep him out of trouble, but their conversation seemed too normal for the situation. It kept me grounded though. I couldn’t get a good panic going with everyone acting like it was a typical day.

  I finally gathered all my courage and rose to face the demon--my biggest demon. My favourite demon.

  “Do you want me to come?” Puck asked. “I could stab him if he gets out of hand.” He flashed a grin, but it lacked the same humour he used to find at stabbing Roman. It felt empty, now. Maybe Roman’s sacrifice had put him a bit higher in Pucks esteem.

  “You just keep your horn to yourself,” I replied, breaking my thoughts. The satisfied smirk on Pucks face betrayed his dirty mind and I gave him the finger before turning my back on him and focusing on Romans form.

  Daisy was still curled up on Romans chest. I tucked in beside them and pet Daisy’s feathers. If I was going to do this, I wasn’t going to go halfway. It would be easier if he stayed sleeping, but I wasn’t going to delude myself. If this worked and he woke up, he might not know what was going on. I needed to be prepared for a vampire actively drinking my blood.

  “Daisy, I need to do this on my own,” I said, stroking his head again.

  He stood up, hopped off Roman’s chest then waddled his cute butt back towards the edge of the clearing to join the guys.

  “Don’t you kill me, vampire,” I whispered as I opened his mouth, making space between his razor-sharp teeth. I took a deep breath and set my wrist between them before closing his jaw until it pinched my wrist.

  I hissed at the sharp pain and felt the hot wet liquid flow out of my wrist and fill his mouth. Some of it ran out the side and slid down his face in a trail towards the ground before I saw his Adam's apple bob in a swallow and then another. His eyes flashed open. The two bright red orbs were startling against his pale skin.

  His steely hand shot up and locked around my forearm, stealing my ability to flee and controlling his meal. He pulled his teeth out of my skin only to bite down harder at a slightly different angle. I hissed again, but I was already feeling numb. The pain was a mere flash before it was gone.

  I felt paralyzed as his lips sealed around my arm and pulled great gulps of my lifeblood from my vein. My magic wanted to flare to protect me, but I pushed it down.

  This was my sacrifice. I made this one willingly.

  “Roman,” I whispered, but he wasn’t there. His tongue played at the frayed edges of the skin on my wrist as he pulled more and more of my blood. I watched as his arms plumped up, muscle returning to cover his bones and the sharp angles of his face were softened as flesh grew beneath his skin. Lightheaded, I wanted to tell him to stop, but my words wouldn’t come out. I shifted forward, and his eyes locked on my face for a moment before his teeth flew out of my wrist, and he sat up abruptly, covering my injury with his hand. He finally spoke.

  “Foolish woman,” he smiled when he said it, removing the sting.

  I snickered. “I brought you back,” I said drunkenly while swaying like a willow in the wind.

  He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. Still holding pressure to the wrist he had chewed on, his other hand came up to cup my face as he leaned in and kissed me.

  He tasted bitter with my blood still lingering in his mouth, but I was sure my warm beer taste wasn’t much better. I melted into him and let him hold me for a while, feeling our connection flare back to life. The peace I had been missing filled me, and I felt the last of my tension release, making me liquid and boneless in his arms.

  There was one thing left to do. The one thing I had denied him when we were first thrown together in that crazy new world.

  I took out my blade and his eyes flashed brightly. I smiled at him and then flicked the edge over the tip of my finger on the hand he held by the wrist. We both watched as a drop of blood pooled there. I spoke the words I had said to Armond in this clearing months ago, the words that would bind us together for the rest of our lives, anchoring and strengthening us through shared magic.

  “I choose you, Roman, to be part of my life, now and forever,” I said in a hushed tone.

  Roman brought his finger to his mouth and sliced the tip on his razor-sharp canine before pre
ssing it to mine, mixing our blood. I wasn’t sure we even needed to mix our blood after he drank so much of mine and I probably didn’t need to slice my finger with my wrist still ragged and oozing, but I wanted to do this right. I wanted him to know that I chose him forever. No matter how much magic I had, I chose to share my life with him, not because I needed a bond to stay stable. If I had magic, I wouldn’t need a bond, but I needed Roman. He was the pillar I clung to in the storms and the mirror that showed me how strong I was when I faltered. His faith was unending.

  “I choose you, Alexandra Everest, to be a part of my life, now and forever.”

  I felt magic pulse and sway through our unique bond before it jumped to reach out past us in ever-expanding rings like a pebble dropped in a puddle.

  It sent tingles down my back and raised the hairs on my arms. Roman must have felt it too because he shivered and pulled me closer. It was a perfect moment I would remember for the rest of my life as a tear of joy slid down my cheek towards the smile that pulled my face to near splitting.

  “Are you two having some kinky magic sex over there?” Puck, the asshole, called. I wanted to be angry, but I couldn’t help the laughter that overtook me. When Roman winked and clicked his teeth at me, I only laughed harder.

  Roman pulled the blanket up over our heads and settled me down beside him. Cocooned, we lay in each other’s arms, pretending the world outside didn’t exist. He told me stories from centuries ago and I told him about the witch and Daisy. He wiped the sneaky tears that pushed out of my eyes as I went through what he had missed and then he wrapped me up tightly and promised I would never be alone again.

  Eventually, we had to get moving. People were waiting for me, and I wanted to go home. I missed my condo and my coffee shop. Oh God, coffee.

  We stood and walked back toward the cottage. Evan and the guys had left so we walked alone, hand in hand.

  Back at the cottage, Marick raced out to meet us, Daisy waddling along behind her like an old nanny trying to keep up with a young charge.

  “Hi, Marick. How are you?” Roman laughed as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “I’m glad you are all better,” she said, smiling up at him with the kind of joy only a child can possess. “We are a family now.” Then she quickly hugged me, shifted into her fox form and ran off after Daisy who abruptly changed direction and hustled away from the approaching fox. He flapped his wings as he ran and honked a merry string of quacks until the fox trounced him. Then he tumbled, stood up and turned to chase the fox. It was my vision, come to life.

  Margot stood at the cottage door with Victor as we walked up.

  “Come on in, I made your favourite for dinner,” Margot said, hustling us in.

  “Thanks, Margot,” I replied.

  Inside all the hunters plus Puck and Evan were sitting on the couches chatting animatedly. Roman and I huddled together on an oversized chair, eating some of Margot’s famous stew and listening to the old warriors share stories. Puck had some wild tales of magic and battles from before the time of the witch when my ancestors rode him in battle.

  An elf came in bowing with his eyes on the floor to let us know that the elders would like to see Roman and me when we had a moment, then he backed out the door having never raised his eyes.

  I laughed when he was gone, and Roman wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap and kissed me until the hunters started groaning and Puck threw a couch cushion at us. At least some people weren’t going to treat us differently.

  “Hey, I’m the Fae King now that Lex and I are officially bonded. You better be careful, unicorn. Your head might look nice on the wall of my study,” Roman teased.

  “Is that true?” I asked, a bit shocked. The fae now had a half-elf queen and a vampire king. If that didn’t unite the worlds, nothing would.

  “He’s right. A very long time ago, all the supernatural world was a lot closer. Though we usually had a fae king, no one will turn down a vampire king now that we have peace again between our people.

  It was late afternoon now and I was getting tired, but if we went back through my portal, I could sleep in the SUV while someone else drove us back to the elder’s mansion in Italy.

  I grabbed a quick shower and changed into some of Margot’s clothes, so I looked a bit presentable. Margot loved pretty clothes so I was almost dressed for my new role as I stepped out of the cottage to the waiting crowd of Fae. They all bowed and muttered words like highness and queen and king while we walked past them to the portal.

  I held Roman’s hand and we walked back through to Italy. More fae waited there and the same reverence greeted us. However, there were now beer kegs and a band setting up. It was the perfect place for a party.

  Behind us, a cursing Puck came flying through the portal just before Daisy, flapping madly. Then a grinning Evan stepped through followed closely by Marick.

  Marick ran up and pushed between Roman and me, holding one of each of our hands like a tiny bridge. I felt her magic make a connection that ran from Roman through her to me. She smiled up at me and then pulled us both towards the Humvee.

  The trip down the mountain was a bit rough but much better than walking.

  When our ride finally got us back to the closest road, we all climbed out and into the waiting SUVs in the much-expanded parking lot. There were dozens of vehicles in the new gravel parking lot.

  Armond drove us out and some of the hunters would follow along behind, but Evan had decided to stay on the mountain for the party. He loved a good party. Who knew?

  Cocooned in Roman’s arms and the sound of Marick's soft snores filling the warm vehicle, I felt a weight lift off me as I drifted to sleep in the back of the SUV.

  When I woke, it was dark out, but I could see the large gathering outside thanks to the lights of the mansion.

  “You ready for this, your highness?” Armond asked from the front seat. It was the first time he had used my title, having called me princess since he first met me.

  I smiled and nodded. He opened his door and got out before opening mine, like a chauffeur and holding his hand out to me. The crowd began cheering. Fae and elves and vampires of all descriptions had gathered here.

  Surrounded by joyful well-wishers, we edged through the crowd together, Roman carrying Marick up on his shoulder. Daisy led the way, quacking loudly.

  “Welcome young queen and king,” Theo, the dream walking elder intoned as we climbed the steps to the palace.

  “Thank you for having us in your home,” I said, giving him a broad smile.

  Theo led us all to the large dining room. My giant throne was once again at the center of the head table, but beside it was an equally ornate and plush chair. I smirked at Roman.

  “I guess I’m not the center of attention anymore.”

  “You will always be the center of my attention,” he whispered, but of course the other vampires who had followed us in heard it. So, did Puck.

  “Ugh, you guys. I’m not living with you if you are going to be all mushy all the time.”

  “Who said you were living with us?” I asked, looking at him over my shoulder as we walked to our seats.

  “Of course, I’m living with you. It would be weird to sleep outside the door of your condo every night. Besides, who would protect you?” he replied.

  “I’m, like, really powerful, Puck,” I teased. “Remember when I tossed you across the room.”

  He grumbled and took his seat to my left. Roman took his place to my right, with little Marick beside him. Daisy took his seat in my lap until the food arrived, and then he made his way up and down the table, stealing dinner rolls from anyone who wasn’t paying attention. I would need to watch his weight since he was staying on earth. Baked goods were easy to come by here.

  Theo pushed back his chair and stood. The room hushed until it was silent.

  “Thank you all for coming today. We are here to celebrate not just our new queen, but also, our new king.” He looked over at us and smiled. “We
have waited for a very long time for our new royal family and hopefully it won’t be long before we have tiny princes and princesses running about.” He looked back at me as my smile fell. Holy shit. He laughed and continued. “We look forward to a future of peace and prosperity.” The gathered crowd cheered and clapped, filling the giant dining hall with thunder.

  I glanced at Roman, still in shock from the talk of children to find the vampire was laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he leaned in and kissed me, making me forget that he was laughing at me and making the crowd go crazy again.

  When he finally broke the kiss, he didn’t pull away; he brought his lips to my ear.

  “I love you,” he whispered, and that was all I needed.

  The elders hosted us for a few days, and we were fed and clothed like the new royals we were, but I wanted to start our life together in our new home. I was done with travelling for a while, if not forever, but my new entourage wasn’t going to fit in my old condo and Marick needed space to run. I still wanted to be near enough to the city that I could check in on my father’s corporation but decided it would be better to live outside of the city, so there was only one solution.

  That solution promised the best damn cookies in all the worlds I had ever travelled.


  “Daisy!” I called out the back door of the hunter’s mansion. They had quite happily let me move in with them, even with my entourage of half-wild animals.

  I heard a quack and turned to look at the forest to the west as a silly duck came careening out of the woods as fast as his little legs could carry his plump body. He made it about fifty feet before a tiny red fox flew out of the forest like a bolt of lightning and trounced the pudgy bird.

  Daisy squawked and spun around aiming to bite the fox, but he was too slow and the fox was gone again in a heartbeat, racing towards me now. Daisy took flight, flapping his wings and catching up to the fox in time to land on it before it made it to the back door. The pair rolled through the grass with the momentum they had built in their silly game of tag and the small fox turned into a tiny girl not much bigger than the duck. Her hair was a tangle of red curls and her giggles filled the yard with so much joy it was hard not to join her.


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